He slowly inhaled the Star Stone Diagram into his body, and Chen Xuan suddenly felt flames gathering in his body.

This is exactly Thunder Fire.

To be precise, this is also a kind of first fire, but it is obviously more powerful.

When Chen Xuan was using the Star Stone Chart to practice, Shangguan Punishment also ran into a lot of trouble.

He is not as lucky as Chen Xuan, but fortunately he has the Red Meteor Ring, so that he has not lost his life yet.

All in all, he has not suffered any major damage so far.

However, until now, Xingshi has not been seen for a while, which also filled his heart with anger.

"Damn it, where is the Star Stone? Why is there only endless thunder and fire here, but I don't see anything."

Shangguan Xing clenched his hand, held the sword, and cursed.

He has been searching for so long, but now he can't find anyone, and he feels a little angry inside.

But at this moment a bright light flashed.

Shangguan Xun turned around and looked over, and suddenly found a round spiritual stone on the ground not far away.

"What? No way,"

Shangguan Xun walked to this place, then squatted down and observed carefully.

The round spirit stone in front of him exuded bursts of terrifying light. After thinking for a while, he picked up the round spirit stone.

In an instant, a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"Hehehe, Xingshi, I didn't expect it to be you. I finally got my official punishment."

But this time on Chen Xuan's side.

After a while, Chen Xuan realized a kind of thunder attribute law, which made him very excited.

"As expected of the Star Stone Map, it's really powerful. It really took a lot of time."

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan continued to immerse himself in the practice of Zheng Shitu

However, just when Chen Xuan was about to continue practicing, time passed quickly. Although Chen Xuan was a little helpless, he had no choice. After all, the rule was to practice here for a period of time.

If it exceeds this time, it will be considered a failure.

Although Chen Xuan still wanted to continue practicing, he knew that time was running out now.

There is not much time left for him to practice.

"Master Chen Xuan, how are you? Have you fully understood the rules of thunder attributes?" Firebird asked.

"I understand, but now I still want to raise his level." Chen Xuan said slowly.

In more than two months, he upgraded the second-level thunder attribute law to more than ten levels.

"Lord Chen Xuan, anyway, there are many star stone diagrams in the Immortal Shadow Demon Space Ring. It won't take long for you to understand the higher-level rules." Firebird said with a smile.

"Haha, you do have some truth. We have been waiting here for a long time. It's better to get out now." Chen Xuan said in a low voice.

Fairy Bird Peak, main hall.

All the sect disciples are paying attention to the actions on Yun Canyon. They are curious whether Chen Xuan and the others have come out.

A week ago, Shangguan Punishment of Longwen Sect successfully came out of Yun Canyon.

And the most important thing is that he got the Star Stone. It is precisely because of this that it caused a sensation.

Many people originally thought that it was impossible to get the Star Stone inside, but he found it before Chen Xuan. Some people even thought that Chen Xuan must have died inside.

So many people are cynicizing.

As for the other people, they all shook their heads.

"This Chen Xuan is really unlucky."

"I originally thought he would be the winner in the end, but I didn't expect that he is actually inside now and is dying."

"This is the one who dares to rob Shangguan. He is simply looking for death."

"This is great. Before Shangguan could take action, this guy had already gone to the West. I really sympathize with him."

"There is no way. Not just any other warrior can enter the Cloud Canyon. Even though this guy went in before, he didn't come out alive."

"It's so funny. The time has come and this guy is definitely dead." Shangguan said coldly.

Looking at the people in front of him, Shangguan Punishment had an additional thought in his mind.

He had better luck. After getting the first star stone, he got several more.

It has to be said that his luck is indeed quite good.

If Chen Xuan knew about it, I'm afraid he would have to say a few more words

Huang Yang of the Huang family, Song Zi of the Blood Sect, and Wang Zedong, these people have no way to enter the Cloud Canyon, so naturally they have no way to get the Star Stone.

In this case, several of them will definitely be wiped out, and it is almost 100%.

"I'm not afraid even if they pass, but these guys should really want to pass, hehehe."

Shangguan Punishment was very confident in him, and it also made him feel that he could take this opportunity to show off.

"There's no way to absorb the Star Stone anyway, so why not take this perfect opportunity to blackmail them." Shangguan said with a smile.

In the eyes of many warriors, Shangguan Xun walked up to Ji Rao, with a faint smile on his face.

"In Cloud Canyon, I was lucky and got a lot of star stones. However, if you want to pass the next level, I'm afraid you have to pass my level first."

As soon as Shangguan Pun finished speaking, many warriors showed surprised expressions.

"What is he? No, he actually got several star stones?"

Hearing this, changes appeared on their faces.

"I can give you a few star stones, but the premise is that you have to pay a big price, otherwise, I won't give this to you casually." He smiled.

Shangguan's words of punishment made them somewhat depressed.

Because they lacked magic weapons, they had no way to go in and look for them.

As a result, the guy in front of me was still showing off like this.

If it weren't for the star stone in his hand, they might have punished Shangguan and taught him a lesson.

"Shangguan punishment, I wonder if I can give one?" Chief Huang said directly.

"Haha, Clan Chief Huang is like this. I will definitely punish you, but I also have conditions. After all, you should be very aware of how precious this thing is, and for some people who practice the rules of thunder attribute, this thing is still It can improve their power. If we go further, it contains a trace of the power of the stars. If we absorb the chat, there will be many benefits to you," Shangguan punished directly.

Patriarch Huang smiled softly in his heart, and then said: "I don't know what you want from Shangguan Penalty? Just tell me what you want."

Just as he was speaking, a senior member of the Dragon Pattern Sect directly called Shangguan Xing over.

Then she whispered something into his ear.

"Clan Chief Huang, do you remember what happened with you before my Dragon Pattern Sect?" Suddenly, a senior member of the Dragon Pattern Sect said.

After hearing this, Patriarch Huang's expression changed slightly.

"It's okay if you want a star stone, as long as you agree to it." The elder of the Dragon Pattern Sect said.

Chief Huang said: "Sir, it's just a star stone. Is the price proposed by your Dragon Pattern Sect too high?"

"Haha, you have to know that if you have a star stone, you can participate in the next round of trials. In the end, you will be able to obtain the Chuan Chang by Huang Yang," the elder of the Dragon Pattern Sect said with a smile.

There was even a hint of sarcasm in their tone.

For a moment, Patriarch Huang fell into deep thought.

Many warriors could see that the Dragon Pattern Sect wanted to seize this perfect opportunity to blackmail them.

"Huang Yang, do you feel confident in yourself?"

Chief Huang began to communicate with Huang Yang.

Huang Yang said after hearing his words.

"Sir, when I was in the secret realm, my cultivation level had already broken through. Now I am very close to the sixth level of the divine realm. I am still very confident this time."

While they were talking, Shangguan Punishment's eyes suddenly fell on Song Zi from the Blood Sect.

"Song Zi, do you want to get him?" There was a smile on his face.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, what do you want?" Song Zi asked calmly.

After all, he is also a talent of the Blood Sect and is very confident in himself.

"Give us the area close to our Dragon Pattern Sect area. When the time comes, people from your sect will no longer be able to come here." He smiled.

However, after hearing his words, the expression of the elder of the Blood Sect darkened instantly.

"It's so funny. The Dragon Pattern Sect's ambitions are too great. You actually want to get such a large area. You simply don't take us seriously."

However, after hearing what he said, Shangguanquan smiled faintly, although he acted very calmly and pretended that he was not angry.

But this is also based on the fact that he has the Star Stone, ah, only with him can he pass the first consumption test.

Since these warriors have been able to reach this point, they are definitely more confident in their own strength. If they end up at this point, I am afraid they will not be reconciled in the future.

In the air, Yu Wenhuang and Zhang Huo stood together.

"This Dragon Pattern Sect is really too much." Zhang Huo said slowly.

However, after hearing what he said, Yu Wenhuang didn't say a word. His expression was always very cold, and he just looked at it quietly.

It's like everything has nothing to do with him.

And what he thought was indeed very simple.

Just choose the one with the strongest talent, and other things have nothing to do with him.

"Why haven't you come out yet? There is still a stick of incense left. Yun Canyon will be completely closed. The moment it closes, the entrance will be completely sealed. I don't know how this guy is doing. Is it possible that he really died inside? Yet."

Zhang Huo was also very impatient.

"Wait a minute, brother Xuanyuan Ke, I agree to your Dragon Pattern Sect's request." Huang Yang said.

After hearing this, the people from the Blood Sect wanted to get the inheritance and inheritance rights, so they didn't want to give up.

"The same goes for our Blood Sect." The elder of the Blood Sect said.

"Haha, wasn't it too much to give back to my Dragon Pattern Sect just now? I will let you know now what the conditions are too high." Shangguan Xun sneered.

After the words fell, Shangguan Punished and ignored the expressions of the elders of the Blood Sect, walked directly to Huang Yang and Wang Zedong and said with a smile: "How?"

Just when Shangguan Punishment was about to be exchanged, suddenly two warriors appeared in the air.

"Yu Wenhuang and Zhang Huo." A warrior said.

Yu Wenhuang's long sword waved lightly, and there was a cracking sound on the Yun Canyon.

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