And judging from the aura emanating from his body, it was roughly equivalent to Yu Wenhuang.

Chen Xuan couldn't understand why a strong man who had the chance to become the sixth level peak of the divine realm was here.

"Senior, one of my masters was suppressed by Yaoying's warrior phantom." Chen Xuan said hurriedly.

When Song Yulong heard this, a sword light suddenly shot out from in front of him and killed Chen Xuan.

"Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent."

Chen Xuan used the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent without any hesitation, and the terrifying black sword light instantly collided with Song Yulong's sword light.

The crackling sound resounded throughout the air.

Song Yulong let out an exclamation, and then said in a deep voice: "You can do it too?"

"Yes." Before Chen Xuan could finish his words, he was interrupted by Song Yulong.

"Your talent is indeed quite strong." Song Yulong said coldly.

"Senior, what is your name and why are you here?"

Chen Xuandao: "According to my observation, if my inference is correct, the senior is related to the soulless stone on the body?"

In an instant, the aura around Song Yulong vibrated, preparing to launch an attack.

"Senior, can I ask you something?" Chen Xuan said hurriedly.

Suddenly, the breath near Song Yulong disappeared, and he began to observe Chen Xuan.

"It's so funny. How dare you say such arrogant words in such a short period of time? If I could solve it casually, I wouldn't be bound to the Demon Pattern Sect anymore." Song Yulong sneered.

Chen Xuan smiled softly in his heart, Song Yulong finally came out of his situation.

"Senior, you are too. My talent is very strong. The soulless stone placed above your head seems to be related to the Demon Blood Dragon Sect." Chen Xuan continued.

After hearing this, Song Yulong's aura finally dissipated completely, and he whispered: "Are you one of your seniors being suppressed here?"

"Haha, that's right. I am actually a warrior who entered the second level for the second time. One of my seniors was suppressed here, and his soul fled to the second level next to him."

Chen Xuan told the story about the leader of Luo Jian Sect.

Hearing this, Song Yulong actually nodded, and then said: "Haha, that's right, this phantom of the divine soul is suppressing a strong man at the sixth level of the divine realm. However..."

"What?" Chen Xuan asked.

"This phantom of the soul is the real reason why I stay here." Song Yulong said.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly fell on the phantom of the soul.

He didn't find out what the relationship between the soul phantom and Song Yulong was.

"The breath of the two swords seems to give me a very strange feeling. Do they have the same effect?" Chen Xuan showed slight surprise.

His consciousness was shrouded in the phantom of the soul, and when he observed it carefully, it made him feel very strange.

Why did this power make him feel familiar?

But there is also a feeling of not coming up.

After a long time, Chen Xuan sighed. He still didn't understand where this feeling came from.

"I hope senior can tell me what happened here." Chen Xuandao.

"You can actually come here, and you can understand your abilities, but I'm curious. Are you really desperate to save your senior?" Song Yulong asked.

Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and then said: "That's right, I completely obtained one of his inheritance before, so I must do it. A gentleman's words are hard to follow."

"Although it was not easy for me to come here at the beginning, I also know very well that he helped me a lot." Chen Xuan had explained a lot to Song Yulong in order to understand his thoughts.

As expected, when Song Yulong heard this, he sighed and then said: "Isn't it necessary? Your talent is super strong. If nothing happens, you will definitely grow into a strong person at the second level in the future. Although he helped you , but do you know where this place is?"

"Senior, I don't know exactly where this place is. But I can feel that this place is very unusual." At this point, Chen Xuan also showed curious eyes.

Obviously he also wanted to ask why this place existed.

Song Yulong waved his hand, then interrupted Chen Xuan's inquiry and said, "Have you ever heard of Song Yulong?"

"Song Yulong?" After hearing this name

Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression, and his face showed surprise.

In fact, he was not unfamiliar with this name. Chen Xuan had heard it before.

Of course this is just a passing name.

"Senior, of course you have heard of this name. I am afraid that the entire second level knows this name." Chen Xuan said slowly.

At that time, Song Yulong was known to the outside world as the warrior with the strongest second-level talent, and was recognized as the top powerhouse most likely to become the seventh-level peak powerhouse in the divine realm.

Chen Xuan naturally knew the name of this strong man.

But this has always been a rumor, and it happened tens of thousands of years ago.

Many warriors have even forgotten this person. What he did before has already become a legend.

It can be said that among the new generation of the second level, Song Yulong had the first talent, and few people could surpass him.

After hearing this, Song Yulong smiled ferociously. It was obvious that he felt very relieved that so many people still knew his name.

He was a super strong man back then, but many people still remember him today. Anyone else would probably be very excited.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, there are still rumors about Song Yulong on the second level. Hahaha, I thought that after so long, he had been forgotten." Song Yulong said.

After Chen Xuan heard what he said, his heart was full of doubts. Why did Song Yulong suddenly think of Song Yulong? Is it exactly what he thought?

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan made a bold inference in his heart. He felt that the other party suddenly mentioned this name, probably just to test him deliberately.

He looked at Song Yulong fiercely, and then asked anxiously: "Senior, could you be the Song Yulong who disappeared? If this is true, this will surprise me."

"Hahaha, do you think I am really him?" Song Yulong asked Chen Xuan why he thought so.

Chen Xuan then said: "Although Song Yulong was only a strong person in the early stage of the sixth level of the divine realm, he was the most powerful at the second level. Although his cultivation was not very strong at the beginning, he finally The most important thing is the talent, which makes even the powerful people at the seventh level of the divine realm sigh."

"Just when many warriors thought that Song Yulong would definitely grow into a strong man in the future, they were surprised to find that he suddenly disappeared. From then on, no warriors saw Song Yulong again. In the end, some warriors even doubted, Some powerful people at the seventh level of the divine realm were afraid of Song Yulong's breakthrough, so they secretly killed him," Chen Xuan said softly.

"Senior should be very strong. Except for Song Yulong, I can't think of any other warrior who has this kind of power, and I have a feeling that you should be him, senior. You can't go wrong."

Song Yulong turned his head and then looked at Chen Xuan.

"Haha, that's right, I am Song Yulong back then." Song Yulong said calmly.

Although he was very calm at the time, Chen Xuan was shocked in his heart, and then a look of shock appeared on his face.

Song Yulong.

After hearing this name, Chen Xuan felt a little uneasy. It turned out to be Song Yulong. Why had he disappeared without any movement over the years, and why did he come to the Demon Pattern Sect?

This made Chen Xuan feel very strange.

"Senior, I don't know what happened back then."

"I was targeted by the Demon Blood Dragon Sect back then. The Demon Blood Dragon Sect trapped me inside the Demon Blood Sect for my sake. During the battle, the Demon Blood Dragon Sect dispatched three powerful men at the late sixth level of the God Realm to deal with it. Me. In the end, I killed one of them and was seriously injured by the remaining two." Song Yulong said slowly.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan was very surprised.

In order to deal with Song Yulong, the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect actually dispatched three powerful warriors at the sixth level of the divine realm at once, and one of them was killed by Song Yulong in the end. He could imagine how powerful his talent was back then.

So much so that they actually sent three top experts to kill him.

However, here, the program is still very curious.

"But then again, why haven't you left this place all these years? I think you should be able to leave here with your strength," Chen Xuan asked.

Song Yulong shook his head and smiled bitterly, pointed to the soulless stone placed above his head and said: "Because my talent is so terrifying that the Demon Blood Dragon Sect implanted the breath of fire into my body to force me to join the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. Blood Dragon Sect."

"The soulless stone above my head and the phantom of the divine soul placed on the ground are actually Yuanjianyi. They are also worried that I will appear on the second level again and use this soulless stone to suppress me. This kind of stone has a very powerful As long as I leave, my body will explode and die, and they will also suppress my soul. "

Chen Xuan's face was extremely surprised when she heard this. She didn't expect that such a thing had happened before.

"I am actually Song Yulong. Over the years, I have been fighting against the aura of fire. At the same time, I have been thinking about how to escape from this place. I want revenge. This is absolutely impossible. I don't believe that I will die here. I want all the warriors of the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect to die, but I still have no way to leave with my current strength. If I believe that one day I will leave," Song Yulong said coldly.

Chen Xuan also clearly heard the chill in his words, obviously because he had been trapped here for too long.

Chen Xuan looked at Song Yulong quietly. He could feel that the hatred accumulated in the other party's heart for hundreds of thousands of years was directly released.

At this moment, it seemed that no one had spoken to him for a long time, so that after he came up with his plan, Song Yulong's expression became much better.

He looked at Chen Xuan and said slowly: "This senior of yours was discovered by the Demon Blood Dragon Sect when he suppressed me, but was suppressed by the demon shadow because of this. These demon sect people are very powerful and have many strange powers. Fa, it’s not that easy to deal with them.”

Chen Xuan understood in his heart that this was the case.

Back then, the leader of Luo Jian Sect fought a decisive battle with a strong man and was suppressed by the warriors in this place. This was nothing at first, but just when he was about to leave, he happened to bump into the Demon Blood Dragon Sect.

Chen Xuan sighed and made a sound of disdain. The Demon Blood Dragon Sect is really hateful. This person is worthy of being a member of the Demon Sect.

Their figures were not on the second level. Chen Xuan knew that it would not be easy to deal with them.

So many powerful men have fallen due to their calculations. It would be very difficult to deal with them just by relying on Chen Xuan.

"Senior, how can I help you leave here? Don't you have a way to leave?" Chen Xuan said slowly.

Song Yulong is actually a top talent among warriors, and he also has a high status among famous and decent sects. With his help, it should be much easier to deal with those demon sects.

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