The Fire Bird displayed the phantom beast spirit of the Dragon Fire God Bird, while the Shadow Demon directly released the Mysterious Demon Fire.

Boom! !

The gray-clothed warrior's body was directly knocked away by several of them.

Stabilizing his body, the gray-clothed warrior's expression became completely gloomy.

"Let's take action together and kill these brats." The gray-clothed warrior said loudly.

"Come together and kill!"

The few of them even formed a strong combined attack formation. Although several strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm took action, they were unable to kill them in a short time.

Chen Xuan, who was standing aside, nodded slightly. Firebird and the others had indeed increased their strength a lot.

After all, several years have passed, and they usually don't slack off.

But he keeps practicing.

"Although Firebird and the others are no match for these old guys on their own, it is really not easy for them to do this together now." Chen Xuandao: "However, although they can defend for the time being, after a while, this If a few old guys join together, I'm afraid they will be difficult to deal with. "

But as soon as Chen Xuan finished speaking, the strong men at the late sixth level of the Divine Realm from Fairy Bird Peak broke out.

The combined attack formation of Firebird and the others was instantly broken. With the addition of several other strong men, Firebird and the others were gradually no longer their opponents.

"There's no way any of you are getting out of here alive."

The warrior in gray clothes said in a cold voice.

He watched helplessly as the gray-clothed warrior's attack was about to fall on the Fire Bird.

Suddenly, a terrifying black sword light appeared, catching the gray-clothed warrior's long sword in an instant.

The gray-clothed warrior let out a miserable cry, and his body fell onto Lin.

"Old man Yuwen."

Chen Xuan's overall strength is really terrifying. Ordinary strong men in the late sixth level of the divine realm have no way to defend against his Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent, let alone others.

"I want to see when you, Yu Wenhuang, will come?"

Chen Xuan's pupils glowed with a blush, and he came to the home court Zheng

Every time the prairie fire sword is swung, an elder will be wiped out again.

Firebird and the others took this opportunity to kill the elder of Immortal Bird Peak.

In just a few moments, many disciples in the main hall of Immortal Bird Peak were directly killed by Chen Xuan. Even the elders at the late sixth level of the Divine Realm were unable to defend themselves against his attack.

The entire Fairy Bird Peak was shocked.

They really couldn't imagine that Chen Xuan, who couldn't even defeat someone at the sixth level of the Divine Realm, was now so powerful.

For Chen Xuanlai now, if Yu Wenhuang doesn't show up, he will force him to show up.

Immortal Bird Peak is where Yu Wenhuang is hiding, and Chen Xuan doesn't believe that he won't come out.

But what is the other party doing? Chen Xuan didn't know either.

Chen Xuan only had one thought, which was to let all these disciples die. They actually had the guts to touch the people around him. Chen Xuan would definitely take revenge.

Boom! !

Every time the prairie fire sword is swung, a warrior will be killed by him, and Zheng Zheng will be left hanging in a pool of blood.

In the center of Fairy Bird Peak is the main hall.

An elder at the late stage of the sixth level of the divine realm escaped from Chen Xuan's hands and rushed here quickly.

"Old Yuwen, it's not good."

Under normal circumstances, he would not have the guts to be in front of the main hall, but now he doesn't care so much. If he didn't come here, I'm afraid everyone in the door would be killed by Chen Xuan.

He used all his strength to open the main hall door, and then rushed into the main hall.

"Old man Yuwen."

There is a strong aura surrounding Yu Wenhuang. He has reached the late stage of the sixth level of the divine realm for a long time. Now he wants to attack the seventh level of the divine realm, but he fails every time.

Those who are at the peak of the seventh level of the divine realm are those who stand on top of the second level. Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, countless strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm have been bound to the sixth level.

Yu Wenhuang also tried his best, but could not reach the threshold of the seventh level of the divine realm.

Yu Wenhuang was suddenly startled by a voice. He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and his face became extremely gloomy.

"Old man Yuwen, Yuwenqiu is back."

"Yu Wenqiu? This girl seems to have finally figured it out, but why did you come to me in such a hurry? Didn't you see that I was in retreat?"

Yu Wenhuang was obviously unhappy.

"Master Yuwen and Chen Xuan are also back."

"It's so funny. This kid showed up? Since he dared to come to Fairy Bird Peak, why don't you kill him?" The murderous intent began to be released near Yu Wenhuang.

At first, he tried his best to kill this guy, but he couldn't find where Chen Xuan went. But now he is here.

"Kill him quickly." Yu Wenhuan.

The elder said: "Old man Yuwen, Chen Xuan's strength is really terrifying, and we have no way to defend ourselves. Many disciples died tragically at his hands, and even several elders at the late sixth level of the divine realm were killed by him."

"From the current point of view, this guy's cultivation has probably made a big breakthrough. Now, there is no elder in our sect who can stop him. The only one who can stop this guy is you, old man Yuwen."


After hearing these words, his breath instantly released violent energy, and then Yu Wenhuang suddenly stood up slowly from the ground.

A chilling light burst out from his eyes.

"What are you doing? His cultivation is actually so strong. You must be mistaken, right? It's only been a few years. No matter how talented he is, he can't break through in such a short period of time. "Okay." Yu Wenhuang said.

"Old don't know something. When we first came back, we thought we could kill it easily, but things went beyond our expectations. Now we have several elders who have been killed by him. After killing him, his cultivation level has probably reached the late sixth level, and is very close to the peak level."

The elder told Yu Wenhuang what had just happened.

After hearing what the elder said, he clenched his sword in his hand, feeling extremely angry in his heart.

"This bastard actually dared to kill so many of us. I didn't kill him back then and let him run away. Now he has the guts to go to Fairy Bird Peak and kill him. I will make him pay the price."

After the words fell, Yu Wenhuang's body flashed quickly and he left the main hall in an instant.

He could no longer contain his anger.


Within a few breaths, Yu Wenhuang arrived in the main hall.

When he saw the disciples and elders lying in a pool of blood, his expression was extremely ferocious.

"Chen Xuan, you are simply asking for your own death. You actually dare to kill so many people in our sect."

Yu Wenhuang said loudly.

Boom! !

Chen Xuan killed a disciple in front of him with one sword, then stopped his body, raised his pupils, looked at Yu Wenhuang, and smiled lightly.

"Yu Wenhuang, I haven't seen you for a long time. Ah, it seems you are still the same as before."

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Yu Wenhuang's face was very silent. He felt that Chen Xuan was clearly provoking him.

"Damn bastard, I didn't kill you back then. You actually had the guts to kill my Immortal Bird Peak disciples and elders. Do you know what you are doing? Do you want to completely fall out with me? Do you know that it is yours? The strength has improved, but it is impossible to deal with a sect." Yu Wenhuang asked coldly.

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly and said, "Really? Why do you think it's impossible? Are you not confident in my strength?"

"Damn it, you actually..."

Yu Wenhuang's anger has reached a critical point. He has never seen someone as arrogant as Chen Xuan who dared not to take him seriously.

"I want you to die." Yu Wenhuang said.

"I'm just afraid that if you don't have the ability, not only will you not be able to kill me, but you will eventually be defeated by me." Chen Xuan let out a disdainful smile.

"Do you think that by becoming a strong man at the sixth level of the divine realm, you can fight against me, Yu Wenhuang?" Yu Wenhuang sneered: "In this Xuan Mountain Range, there are many strong men at the late sixth level of the divine realm. Why are they afraid of me? Alas. , Don’t you know? The person who provoked me is already dead.”

Yu Wenhuang's body gently landed in the main hall.

He is not wrong, even in the same realm, his cultivation can be regarded as invincible.

Although he has not yet reached the peak of the sixth level, his true strength is already close to the seventh level of the divine realm.

Facing such a powerful person, Chen Xuan cannot be completely sure. Of course, this is just a one-on-one fight. If he uses the formation and the help of Firebird and the others, Chen Xuan is still confident that he can defeat him.

"Old man Yuwen, other warriors are afraid of you, but we are not afraid of you. Today we are going to fly away from your Fairy Bird Peak to let you know how powerful we are." Fire Bird said in a deep voice.

"Just because you want to deal with me, hahaha?"

Yu Wenhuang sneered, and then his body turned into streaks of red light, quickly attacking Chen Xuan.

"It seems that you haven't realized what you did wrong. Although Yu Wenqiu is your daughter, you still control too much. Moreover, you have attacked the people around me. It seems that I don't need to be merciful."

Chen Xuan laughed lightly, then mobilized all his strength, and suddenly struck Yu Wenhuang with a sword.

Only a bang was heard! !

Chen Xuan's long sword burst out with mysterious power, directly blocking Yu Wenhuang's attack.

Yu Wenhuang felt a terrifying force coming, and his body quickly retreated.

His face was very shocked.

After stabilizing his body, he frowned and observed Chen Xuan closely.

He never thought that Chen Xuan would be promoted to this level.

Chen Xuan, who was at the mercy of others at the beginning, actually only took more than ten years to become so powerful.

"Although your strength has improved, I am indeed very surprised, but is this your confidence? Do you really think that you can deal with me with this kind of power?" Yu Wenhuang asked.

"Hahaha, of course I know that your cultivation is strong, but with this kind of power, there is naturally no way to deal with you, but this is just the beginning." Chen Xuan smiled lightly.

"You're pretty good at pretending, but I don't believe how strong you can be?"

After the words fell, Yu Wenhuang waved his long sword, and a terrifying aura suddenly appeared.

As Yu Wenhuang shouted loudly, a powerful thunder suddenly shot towards Chen Xuan at an extremely cunning speed under his control.

At this time, the Fairy Bird Peak was instantly enveloped by thunder, and the sounds of lightning and thunder continued to sound.

Man's powerful thunder was so fast that it enveloped Chen Xuan's body in just a short time.

Chen Xuan was directly bound to the powerful Thunder Zheng.

When Yu Wenhuang saw this scene, he sneered and said: "It's so funny. This is the difference in strength. Although your talent is strong, in front of me, Yu Wenhuang, no matter how strong your cultivation is, you will not be able to do it." Maybe against me."

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