Even a sixth-grade Immortal Formation Mage cannot break through the Phoenix Shadow.

The power emitted by the Phoenix Shadow made many disciples around them start to tremble with fear. If this kind of power were used against them, they would all die here within three minutes.

So much so that when he cast the Phoenix Shadow, Yu Wenhuang's eyes revealed a mocking smile.

Because he felt that Chen Xuan would definitely die here, and there would be no chance to resist.

"Suppressed by my power, even if you fall over, you won't be able to withstand my attack."

Yu Wenhuang held the purple long sword, controlled the shadow of the phoenix, and quickly moved towards Chen Xuan. He believed that this power could completely control Chen Xuan, and then sealed it here.

"It seems that I must use all my abilities, otherwise it will be really difficult to deal with it."

Although the power of Phoenix Shadow is extremely powerful, Chen Xuan's expression is very calm now.

He gently burst out with a terrifying breath, and the fiery red sword light floating in the air suddenly shot towards the shadow of the Phoenix.

At this moment, the fiery red sword light instantly hit the shadow of the phoenix.

Yu Wenhuang suddenly laughed, thinking that Chen Xuan had no way to resist him. Instead, he felt that Chen Xuan was struggling to his death.

But facing Yu Wenhuang's sneer, Chen Xuan sighed slowly.

Yes, his strength is indeed very strong, and it indeed exceeds Chen Xuan's accident.

But Chen Xuan was only slightly surprised. Of course he knew how strong Yu Wenhuang was.

The opponent's strength is basically close to the seventh level of the divine realm, and even warriors at the early stage of the seventh level are not necessarily his opponents.

And how could Chen Xuan not calculate the gap between ourselves and the enemy?

In his body, the Suzaku soul surged rapidly, and then a huge phantom formed above Chen Xuan's head.

He closed his eyes, the aura nearby shook, and then Chen Xuan prepared to control the Suzaku sword technique.

Now Suzaku Swordsmanship has also completed a new round of breakthroughs, and its strength has naturally been improved.

After awakening the memory, the power of Suzaku swordsmanship naturally increased.


Suddenly, red light burst out from the five sword lights.

The power of the immortal essence was raised to the extreme, and it instantly broke through the shadow of the phoenix.

After the Phoenix Shadow was broken, it was torn apart by the blows in an instant.

In an instant, a terrifying aura instantly filled his surroundings.

The terrifying power of the explosion spread throughout the Fairy Bird Peak.


All the red light areas on Fairy Bird Peak, at this time, became a place of turbulent space.

Miserable screams came from the force of the explosion. The weak Immortal Bird Peak disciples had no time to escape from this terrifying power and died instantly.

Even those who are strong in the late sixth level of the Divine Realm find it very difficult to defend against this kind of power. Naturally, they are very aware of how powerful a power that can even tear apart space is.

Even if strong men of this level were able to escape, some of them would be seriously injured, leaving them with lingering fears even after escaping.

"What a terrifying power. This guy actually did it."

"What has he experienced in these years? Why did his skills improve so quickly?"

"How is this possible? Could it be that the aura just now was exerted by him?"

However, at this time, Yu Wenhuang's body was hit hard in the main hall, and a red light burst out from his body, seemingly trying to block Chen Xuan's power.

Unfortunately, he thought too simply.

Boom! !

A terrifying breath hit him directly, causing his body to fly out.

After a long time passed, Yu Wenhuang spit out a mouthful of blood and got up from the ground with a gloomy expression.

Now his view of Chen Xuan has changed. When he looked at Chen Xuan, his eyes were full of complexity.

"This is definitely not true, how is it possible? What on earth did this damn kid go through."

Even now Yu Wenhuan doesn't believe that Chen Xuan can break his Phoenix Shadow.

This Phoenix Flame can be said to be his most powerful technique, but now it will be broken by Chen Xuan.

The most important thing is that he has not caused much threat to Chen Xuan. You must know that this move of his will make even seventh-level warriors in the realm of gods afraid.

However, not only was Chen Xuan not afraid, but he was also able to defend against his attacks.

You must know that that is his unique skill. Even a strong person in the late sixth level of the Divine Realm cannot break through this skill of his with an attack.

"How is this possible! This is absolutely false."

Yu Wenhuang struggled to get up from the ground and quickly regained his strength.

Chen Xuan stood quietly in the main hall, observing Yu Wenhuang, and walked over slowly.

"Yu Wenhuang, don't you know where you went wrong? As a father, you really think that Yu Wenqiu should stay by your side, but in reality? Yu Wenqiu really wants to stay here What you want is freedom, why are you doing this?" Chen Xuan asked softly.

"Impossible, even if I die, I will not let Yu Wenqiu leave me. Chen Xuanzi, do you know what you are doing? No one has ever dared to stop me. Your son dares to stand in front of me. You must be prepared to die." Prepare."

Yu Wenhuang suddenly became crazy. He used all his strength to attack Chen Xuan, as if he did not believe that he would lose.

Facing Yu Wenhuang's attack, Chen Xuan also waved the magic weapon in his hand to catch his attack.

It has to be said that Yu Wenhuang did bring huge trouble to Chen Xuan. He was very powerful and Chen Xuan also suffered some minor injuries when he dealt with her.

However, these injuries are not very serious and can be recovered by taking a few pills at most.

In the end, Chen Xuan was not prepared to continue fighting with him here, and would knock Yu Wenhuang away with one sword.

A trace of blood appeared at the corner of his mouth, and even the strongest Phoenix Shadow was broken. He had no strength at all to compete with Chen Xuan.

Seeing that the familiar warrior in front of him could actually suppress himself, Yu Wenhuang began to recall the previous events in his mind.

Being defeated by a junior made him feel quite complicated. Back then, this guy who was not even a strong man at the sixth level of the divine realm was now able to seriously injure him.

This was simply impossible and even gave him an illusion.

He was extremely confident, but now he lost to Chen Xuan. No matter what, he didn't want to believe it.

"It's absolutely impossible, I don't believe it."

Yu Wenhuang roared in his heart.

In fact, he was very unhappy with Chen Xuan from the beginning, and he knew very well that Chen Xuan definitely had no ill intentions towards Yu Wenqiu.

The two people had known each other before, but he was still very unhappy.

He feels that everyone who affects him should be killed.

Having Chen Xuan here will affect Yu Wenqiu.

In the end, his worries came true, and Yu Wenqiu followed Chen Xuan and left here, which made him even more uneasy.

His eyes turned scarlet.

Thinking of the time when his wife left him, and the incident that led to life and death, he felt a surge of hatred in his heart, which made him put all this on Chen Xuan now.

"You think I lost?"

Suddenly, a ferocious smile appeared on Yu Wenhuang's face.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan looked surprised and looked at Yu Wenqiu hurriedly.

At this time, Yu Wenqiu seemed to be in more pain and could not say a word. He naturally sat upright on Lin and used the power in his body to resist.

"What did you do to Yu Wenqiu? Old man, you are his father, you can even do such a thing." Chen Xuan looked extremely ferocious. He didn't even realize that Yu Wenhuang was already extremely supervising. to this point.

It's no wonder that Yu Wenqiu's mother left him.

"Hehehe, Yu Wenqiu, she is my daughter. How could your son be so virtuous and capable that you actually want to take her away? Hehehe, you think too simply."

Yu Wenhuang laughed wildly.

In an instant, the corners of Yu Wenqiu's mouth began to twitch, and then his body continued to tremble. ,

He saw this scene and couldn't bear it anymore.

"Damn it! Stop it, old man Yuwen, you are such a beast, you can even do such a thing. Isn't Yuwenqiu your daughter? But you actually used it to threaten me, which really made me look at you differently. "

Chen Xuan arrived in front of Yu Wenhuang with a quick step, placed the long sword in front of him, and said loudly.

Now he has no strength to resist Chen Xuan, so I can only make this move

Yu Wenhuang looked in the direction of Chen Xuan and said with murderous intent: "If you want Yu Wenqiu to die, you can just kill me, hahaha."

Anger appeared on Chen Xuan's face, and he finally took the sword back.

He has never shown such killing intent.

Such people are simply beasts.

For his own sake, he would not even let his daughter go.

However, Chen Xuan is indeed threatened by him now, because he really cannot kill him, otherwise, Yu Wenqiu would be in danger now.

"What on earth did you do to Yu Wenqiu? I am very curious. You have been saying that he is your daughter and you want to help him. But now the person who does it is actually a woman. I am really curious. What are you thinking in your head? What?" Chen Xuan asked.

Yu Wenhuang then said: "Hahaha, what am I thinking about? I don't know. It doesn't matter if you can't beat him. It's just a secret method of controlling the body."

"Damn it, you actually used such a dirty method."

Chen Xuan's face suddenly became shocked. The most important thing was that after hearing the secret technique of body control, he knew that this technique would probably leave him with some sequelae.

Once upon a time, there was a powerful person on the second level who was at the seventh level of the divine realm. He was famous because of his secret method of body control that made monks frightened.

"One of several secret techniques on the second level?"

Chen Xuan observed Yu Wenhuang with an extremely ferocious expression and said in a cold voice.

"Haha, that's right. You have some knowledge. You actually know a few secrets on the second level." Yu Wenhuang sneered. He had already taken the initiative: "Chen Xuan, I have to admit that your talent is very strong. If you let it go, If you break through in cultivation, it won’t take long for you to defeat all the powerful men in the late sixth level of the Divine Realm.”

As Yu Wenhuang spoke, he took out a magic weapon from Najie.

This magic weapon is like an ordinary magic weapon, but Chen Xuan knows that it is the breath of fire.

If his inference was correct, this magic weapon should be the body-control secret method, one of the rumored second-level secret methods.

"You don't really want to save Qiu'er." Yu Wenhuang said with a sinister smile.

"This fire aura is the secret method of controlling the body. If you want to save Qiu'er, you must be controlled by me. Otherwise, Yuwen Qiu will explode and die immediately." Yuwen Huan: "I tell you, Yuwen Qiu will die the moment you make a move, so you'd better listen to me now. If you dare to make a move on me, she will also die." As the saying goes, even a tiger will not eat its own cubs.

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