The leader of the Dragon Pattern Sect was puzzled as to why Chen Xuan could become so powerful. His hatred for Chen Xuan had obviously reached its peak.

He now only hoped that Elder Lu Qingyun could come as soon as possible, so that he could suppress this guy and let him know the price of provoking him.

Chen Xuan looked at the leader of the Dragon Pattern Sect and asked coldly, "I will not forget what happened before. Of course, I also know that you hate me very much, but today I will tell you that you can't kill me at all."

In ten years, Chen Xuan's overall strength has undergone tremendous changes.

Back then, he was just a fifth-level perfection in the Godly Realm, but now he has killed many late sixth-level masters in the Godly Realm. Chen Xuan has shown his cultivation.

He can be called invincible in the late sixth-level Godly Realm.

"Damn you, I have to admit that my plan of the Dragon Pattern Sect failed." The leader of the Dragon Pattern Sect said with murderous intent: "If I knew you had such a talent, I would kill you even if I had to devote all my efforts to it. I would never let you leave. I didn't expect that I really let the tiger go back to the mountain."

The words of the leader of the Dragon Pattern Sect were also full of helplessness.

He did want to hunt down Chen Xuan before, but he didn't do it himself because he felt that killing Chen Xuan was just a matter of time.

It was enough to let these elders hunt him down.

It took so long but no trace of Chen Xuan was found. Now Chen Xuan is like a king returning. Even he feels that he is not his opponent.

"But do you think you can escape today?" The leader of the Dragon Pattern Sect changed the subject and sneered: "If it is a life-and-death battle, I have to admit that your talent is indeed the strongest I have ever seen. If we really fight, I may not be able to defeat you with my cultivation. But the reason why our Dragon Pattern Sect has stood in the Xuan Mountains for more than 100,000 years is that the real foundation of our Dragon Pattern Sect is not something you, a rubbish, can imagine." "If we try our best to kill you, this may not be so difficult for us." His expression became very ferocious. Chen Xuan spread his hands and said: "If that's the case, I want to see if your Dragon Pattern Sect can stop me. Before your Dragon Pattern Sect's strong men arrive, can I kill you? Aren't you afraid that I will kill you now?" After the voice fell, Chen Xuan used the Time Sword Immortal Technique and his body disappeared into the air. Seeing this scene, the leader of the Dragon Pattern Sect's face darkened instantly, and a coldness appeared on his face. He was always cautiously guarding against Chen Xuan. But how could he imagine the power of the time fairy method?

After performing this sword method, Chen Xuan's speed reached the extreme, and he could even let his body merge into the space when Zheng

At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly appeared behind the leader of the Dragon Pattern Sect, the Lioyuan Sword shook, and the fairy energy was released, directly hitting his body.

"Damn it! Stop for me, you are really bold."

A roar came from the distant sky.

After a while, Chen Xuan also showed some surprise.

Immediately afterwards, a force of space filled the air.

A raging spiritual storm, a series of strong winds began to sweep up.

The breath that frightened the true essence and soul flew quickly from the distant sky, and in the process, it directly killed Chen Xuan.

"A peak powerhouse of the seventh level of the God Realm?"

Chen Xuan's expression changed, and then he laughed.

"Although I have no way to defend against the power of a seventh-level peak powerhouse in the Godly Realm, I can at least kill him."

So now the Lioyuan Sword in Chen Xuan's hand has increased its strength, and the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique has been fully exerted, and the sword light hits the body of the leader of the Dragon Pattern Sect.

With a bang! !

A trace of blood appeared at the corner of the Dragon Pattern Sect's mouth, and her expression was extremely nervous.


Chen Xuan shouted in a low voice and attacked her again.

The body of the leader of the Dragon Pattern Sect was knocked away.

With a bang!

At this time, he began to use the Soul Destroying Body, and the True Essence Soul directly escaped.

Chen Xuan came to the leader of the Dragon Pattern Sect, and then the Lioyuan Sword decisively killed him.


The roar sounded again.

The shocking sword light instantly killed and attacked Chen Xuan directly.

After Chen Xuan saw the sword light killing him, his face became very shocked, but Chen Xuan must not stop now.

Even if he was injured, he had to swing a sword to kill the opponent.

With a bang! !

This sword directly knocked out the true essence of the master of the Dragon Pattern Sect.

In an instant, the sword light directly defeated Chen Xuan, and with a bang, Chen Xuan's body smashed directly on Lin's face.

However, at this moment, a warrior rushed over quickly from the distant sky.

Cough damn it!

Chen Xuan's body was covered with scars, but he was not hurt, at least he was not seriously injured.

Now Chen Xuan's body refining power has reached a very strong level, even if the opponent is a strong man at the peak of the seventh level of the God Realm.

It is not so easy to kill the program.

What's more, this strong man should not have exerted his full strength.


In a few breaths, Elder Lu Qingyun of the Dragon Pattern Sect came.

Although he is an elder, he is stronger in the sect, and even the sect master's cultivation is not as good as him.

There is an extremely terrifying aura around him, and his eyes are fixed on Chen Xuan.

"Son, are you looking for death?" Elder Lu Qingyun of Longwen Sect said angrily.

"The famous seventh-level master of the divine realm attacked my generation. Are all people in your sect like this? It's so funny. Now I have seen it." Chen Xuan sneered, and now the look on his face Still no fear.

"Haha, you can only laugh for so long."

Elder Lu Qingyun of the Dragon Pattern Sect had a serious smile on his face. He had not left the mountain for many years, but now he was ridiculed by Chen Xuan.

"Over the years, many warriors seem to have forgotten me. I'm afraid you don't remember my power."

Elder Lu Qingyun of the Dragon Pattern Sect suddenly released a breath to restrain Chen Xuan.

After feeling this breath, Chen Xuan looked slightly surprised. This breath made his body feel very heavy.

"We, the warriors of the Dragon Pattern Sect, are extremely noble. Who do you think you are? You can kill my people?" Elder Lu Qingyun of the Dragon Pattern Sect stared at Chen Xuan with a condescending look.

A powerful person at the seventh level of the divine realm, the space is constantly being torn apart.

A strong man at the sixth level of the divine realm had no way to defend himself. Chen Xuan, under the aura of a strong man at the seventh level of the divine realm, was still able to calm down his defense and attack.

It can already be seen how powerful Chen Xuan's cultivation is.

Facing a powerful person of this level, many warriors at the seventh level of the divine realm have no way to defend themselves.

However, Chen Xuan was able to do it, which indeed exceeded many people's expectations.

"Come together and kill!"

The sword light of Elder Lu Qingyun of the Dragon Pattern Sect emerged, and terrifying power spread out instantly.

When Chen Xuan saw this scene, he was slightly shocked and hurriedly used the Immortal Sword Technique.

The other party was actually a powerful man at the seventh level of the divine realm, and he did not dare to confront him head-on.

Chen Xuan deduced that the Dragon Pattern Sect should have some foundation, but he did not expect that the Dragon Pattern Sect would be a seventh-level peak powerhouse in the divine realm. A strong man in this realm was so powerful that Chen Xuan could not compete with him with his current strength. This was simply It's like hitting an egg against a stone.

"Hahaha, you are so serious. You think that if you are hiding in the air, there is no way to kill you. Do you really think that I can't do anything to you?"

Elder Lu Qingyun of the Dragon Pattern Sect had a cold expression on his face, and suddenly struck Kong with a sword.

It has to be said that Chen Xuan's movement skills can perfectly avoid the tracking of many warriors who are stronger than him.

However, the seventh-level peak of the divine realm is too powerful. Even if he performs this level of skills, there is no way to avoid it.

In an instant, Chen Xuan's position was restricted and Chen Xuan was forced out.

Chen Xuan knew that he could not be his opponent now. Since he had already taken revenge, he directly deployed the peak formation of the sixth level of Immortal Rank to buy time for him.

Only in this way can Chen Xuan leave.

But he also knew that it was too difficult to buy some time to escape.

Under the suppression of a master at the seventh level of the divine realm, it was very difficult for Chen Xuan to resist.

He originally thought that he would have a chance to leave if he set up a formation, but he saw the attack of a powerful person at the seventh level of the divine realm.

Elder Lu Qingyun of the Dragon Pattern Sect broke through the peak formation of the sixth level of the Immortal Order with one sword stroke, which shocked Chen Xuan.

Ruci is strong.

He has never felt such a depressing atmosphere. With Chen Xuan's current strength, if he continues to fight here, the final outcome will be death.

At this time, Zheng is in the air

Song Yulong nodded with satisfaction, and a smile appeared on his face.

Then he secretly said in his heart: "Haozi, when I saw him before, his cultivation was not so strong. It seems that his strength has increased a lot.

Now he is very satisfied with Chen Xuan's performance. "

"Chen Xuan's talent is really terrifying. He can kill a strong person who is at the peak of the sixth level of the divine realm at the early stage of the sixth level of the divine realm. And in the hands of a strong person who has reached the seventh level of the divine realm and persisted for such a long time, if this child is in the future When he grows up, I don't know who can stop him. I'm afraid even he will never give in compared to me." Song Yulong nodded slightly secretly.

Although he felt very grateful to Chen Xuan for rescuing him.

But now he has a little more sympathy and appreciation for Chen Xuan.

He felt that Chen Xuan was so talented that he would definitely grow into a strong man on the same level as him in the future.

At this time, he also realized that Chen Xuan could no longer hold on, and soon, he stamped on the ground with the soles of his feet.

"Lu Qingyun, it's really embarrassing to deal with a disciple of the sixth level of the divine realm."

Suddenly, a voice came from the air, followed by a terrifying aura, and he instantly killed him and defended himself from the attack of Elder Lu Qingyun of the Dragon Pattern Sect.

At this moment, Song Yulong appeared in front of Chen Xuan and looked at Elder Lu Qingyun of the Dragon Pattern Sect.

"I didn't expect it to be you? Song, are you still alive?"

Elder Lu Qingyun of the Dragon Pattern Sect showed a puzzled expression, as if he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

Song Yulong not only survived, but also became a powerful person at the seventh level of the divine realm.

However, he was slightly surprised, and then Elder Lu Qingyun of the Dragon Pattern Sect said with a cold face: "What will happen even if you become a powerful person at the seventh level of the divine realm? The gap between the seventh peak of the divine realm and the seventh perfect perfection of the divine realm, You should know better, you want to stop me? Haha, on your own?"

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