Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5321 The great power of the laws of time and space

"It's really terrifying. This attack is probably equivalent to Lu Qingyun's Divine Immortal Qi attack. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. It seems that I underestimated him before. He is indeed the number one talent back then." Chen Xuan sighed.


At this moment, many sword lights full of murderous intent erupted from the long sword, instantly attacking every ray of divine and powerful immortal energy.

A lot of endless divine energy was finally hit by the murderous space-time sword light, and then Chen Xuan was completely shocked.

Song Yulong is indeed a top talent, and his control of Tao has reached a very high level, and it seems that the skills he practices like Chen Xuan contain the rules of time and space.

These warriors who have understood the rules of time and space are very difficult to deal with.

Because this is the most advanced law among the Tao rules, many warriors will never be able to understand it in their entire lives, and this also requires talent.

"What? What do you mean?"

Lu Qingyun, who controlled the divine spirit in the air, let out an exclamation, and then laughed cruelly: "Song Yulong, I really did not misjudge you. Your talent was indeed very strong at the time. Even now, I have to Admit it, you are indeed the most powerful person I have ever seen in this realm.”

After the words fell, Lu Qingyun's body flashed and came to the front of Song Yulong.

He knew that the other party had mastered the rules of time and space, and if he was entangled with him from a distance, he might not be able to benefit at all.

The best way now is to kill directly.

Only a roar was heard.

The crackling sound resounded throughout the air.

The deadly battle between the seventh-level masters in the realm of gods and the fluctuations of spiritual energy caused all the disciples of the Fairy Bird Peak to panic.

Chen Xuan had left Fairy Bird Peak a long time ago. Now he was standing on a mountain in the distance, looking into the distance. He couldn't stand the terrifying aura. If he was in their battle area , I am afraid that Chen Xuan will also be affected.


For a moment, as the battle between the two intensified, the scenery of Fairy Bird Peak was originally very beautiful. However, after the two of them fought, it had long lost its previous beauty, and even the top of the mountain was almost cut off in half.

In an instant,

Chen Xuan looked at the scene happening in front of him with an expression of surprise in front of Fairy Bird Peak.

This scene is really shocking.

"Keep going. We can't stay here any longer. The battle between the two of them is likely to affect this place."

Because neither of them were formation mages, they did not set a seal here during the battle, so that the sensation of the battle was noticed by many people.

At that time, the sword immortal magic was in motion, and he was flying in the air. Chen Xuan quickly flew to a distant place.

Fengyun Villa Zheng in front of Fairy Bird Peak

Many powerful people who have reached the fifth level of the Divine Realm, even the sixth level of the Divine Realm, and the second-level experts in the entire Fengyun Villa are aware of the situation at Fairy Bird Peak.

Their faces looked very surprised.

Although they felt the aura, they didn't know who was fighting there.

And based on the power that bursts out from this breath. They knew that this was an existence that they could not mess with. If they went to join in the fun and waited for their fate, I am afraid that only one of them would die.

In an instant, a terrifying aura filled the surroundings.

Suddenly, someone in Fengyun Villa yelled loudly.

In an instant, the eyes of many warriors suddenly fell on the Fairy Bird Peak not far away.

They saw a shocking scene. There were two completely different auras above Fairy Bird Peak.

In a crazy handover.

This made them panic.

"What is going on? I originally thought it was two invincible men at the fifth level of the divine realm fighting, but now it seems that this is not a strong man at the seventh level."

A warrior yelled, and all the warriors in Fengyun Villa suddenly showed shocked expressions.

The pressure caused by this battle was so great that many people felt their bodies shaking uncontrollably, including those who were in the late sixth level of the Divine Realm.


The strong men on the second floor of Fengyun Villa fled in panic.

They had no idea that there were two powerful men at the seventh level of the Divine Realm fighting in Fairy Bird Peak.


The whole earth was shaking, and Fengyun Villa instantly disappeared in the land where space was turbulent.

There are many strong men on the second level who did not have time to escape and left their lives here.

That's how scary it is.

Just a part of the power escaping during the battle was already so terrifying.

If it were in their home battle ground, the power would probably be even more terrifying.

"What's going on? Why did such a terrifying force erupt? How far has the battle progressed?"

In the distance, Chen Xuan was observing the turbulent flow of space.

He found that the place was filled with a thick layer of smoke.

He couldn't see clearly what was going on inside. Even Chen Xuan himself didn't know who was winning and who was losing in this battle. He was now very worried about Song Yulong.

Although he knew that he was very strong, the opponent he faced was also very strong in cultivation. Therefore, Chen Xuan would inevitably be worried.

If he couldn't stop him, Chen Xuan would definitely be in trouble this time.


At this moment, a sword light rushed out from the space turbulence. Black spiritual light burst out instantly. Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan finally relaxed.

Song Yulong is still the pinnacle talent of the entire second level back then.

In the turbulent space of Fairy Bird Peak, a burst of shaking sound suddenly erupted.

Immediately afterwards, a warrior wearing black robes rushed out from inside. In the confrontation between Lu Qingyun and Song Yulong, they did not win.

In the air, Lu Qingyun's pupils were filled with coldness as he watched Song Yulong closely.

Then he stood on the opposite side like a sharp sword.

"Lu Qingyun, no, you are really very strong."

Song Yulong said with a smile on his face.

Lu Qingyun's expression changed, and he observed Chen Xuan in the distance ferociously: "Song Yulong, do you think that this time I didn't get any benefits from you, so this guy won't be killed by me? I see you That’s a bit serious, I don’t believe you don’t know how to practice, hehehe.”

"I, although that's what I said, I want to tell you that as long as you have me, it is impossible for you to kill him." Song Yulong said in a deep voice: "A strong man at the sixth level of the divine realm attacks him. It is in line with common sense, after all, it is not much different from his cultivation, but if it is really you who takes action, I, Song Yulong, will not even care about it. "

"You have to know that for a strong man of your level to attack him, it is simply bullying."

Song Yulong's meaning was obvious, he didn't want to protect Chen Xuan.

If he wanted to ensure that the program was not dangerous, he would naturally leave it alone.

The strong men at the seventh level of the divine realm are superior. In their eyes, the strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm are nothing more than rubbish. However, a strong man of this level attacks Chen Xuan.

If nothing else, even he felt very embarrassed.

If a strong person at the seventh level of the divine realm wants to kill a strong person at the sixth level of the divine realm, it is really very simple. Chen Xuan also saw it in the battle just now.

It is no exaggeration. I am afraid that even if Chen Xuan is given one hand, a strong man of this level can easily kill it.

In the entire Dragon Pattern Sect, almost half of the powerful men in the late sixth level of the Divine Realm were directly killed by Chen Xuan, and even the sect leader was killed. If this matter spreads, how will others think of him?

How could Lu Qingyun give up killing Chen Xuan?

Even if he is a powerful person at the seventh level of the divine realm, he still has to attack Chen Xuan instantly and then kill him.

But for now, Lu Qingyun's heart was shaken by the appearance of Song Yulong and the battle just now.

Song Yulong is still the strong man he was back then.

At the early stage of the seventh level of the Divine Realm, he could still block his attack. He did use his full strength just now, but he did not take any advantage, so this also shocked Lu Qingyun.

"What has this me practiced all these years? Why is he still as powerful as before?" He began to think in his heart.

But then, his expression became fierce again.

"He has a grudge against our Dragon Pattern Sect. I won't let him go. I will definitely kill him." Lu Qingyun said coldly.

Song Yulong sneered and didn't even look at Lu Qingyun. In fact, he didn't take his words to heart.

Lu Qingyun glanced at Chen Xuan, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and finally disappeared into the land of turbulent space. He knew that he had no way to kill Chen Xuan now. Instead of staying here, he might as well go back and make a good plan. After a while, you might be able to find a good way to kill Chen Xuan.

"Today's revenge will be avenged in a while, but just wait for me. Since you two have the guts to provoke me, no one can live safely."

There was such a big movement here, and some powerful people at the seventh level of the divine realm were also shocked by the noise caused by the battle.

Song Yulong could clearly feel that within a thousand miles radius, there were only a few strong men in the early stages of the seventh level of the divine realm. There is even a powerful person who is at the seventh level of the divine realm.

They were the only ones who could rush to the scene of the battle so quickly, but they were just watching nearby and did not enter the battle.

Because they are all curious about who is fighting here. There are only a few at the seventh level of the divine realm.

They also knew each other.

At their level, they would never fight casually. After all, in their eyes, any casual sparring might cause the destruction of a mountain range or even a large area.

However, the top leaders of the top ten peak sects naturally don't know about this. The areas they are in are all in the core area, which is very far away from here.

However, secretly, the leaders of several major demon-blood dragon sects, as well as this powerful seventh-level god, all lamented that another peak had just appeared.

The Immortal Dragon Master back then successfully brought the Dragon Immortal Palace to the top ten with his terrifying strength, and now there is another Song Yulong.

"The origin of this person is very extraordinary. I have never seen him before. I think he must be a new face."

"Yes, the two of them can actually be tied. It seems that I have to practice hard. After so many years, his cultivation is still as strong as before."

These powerful men at the seventh level of the divine realm did not stay here. After seeing that the battle was over, they naturally left.

Boom! !

Song Yulong came to Chen Xuan and asked with a smile: "Chen Xuan, did the battle just now affect you? You are fine, right?"

Seeing the smile on his face, Chen Xuan's face was also filled with gratitude.

"Okay, thank you senior for saving me. If senior hadn't saved me, I would have been in a much worse situation this time." Chen Xuan said helplessly.

Song Yulong chuckled and said: "You actually made such a big fuss. You even dare to provoke that old man. Do you know who he is? He was already a strong man hundreds of thousands of years ago. He was His cultivation level is higher than mine, but I'm not afraid of him now, so you don't need to worry too much."

Chen Xuan smiled after hearing what he said. It was nothing.

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