
Warriors appeared one after another.

Song Longhua, Wanyan Qinghong, Wang Kongze, many strong men from the Nineteen Sects area, and the warriors from the Qingxian Secret Land also came here.

"Lord Li Qiuyu, what happened?"

"It's also Mr. Li Qiuyu. What's wrong with you? What's the matter?"

All the strong men within the Shixian Sect arrived, and they were quite polite to Li Qiuyu. After all, after Chen Xuan left, Li Qiuyu's cultivation level was almost the strongest, without exception.

"Dugu Lun was injured, and now they seem to be provoking me.\

,""What are you? You can't."

In an instant, the entire Shixian Sect was discussing.

Soon, the most powerful ones, Li Qiuyu and Elder Qing, immediately led all the powerful people from Shixian Sect to leave.

At this moment, Dugu Lun was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and the other two were looking at her with smiles on their faces.

"Damn bastard, do you think that brother of yours will come to help you? It's so funny, haha."

"That's right. Strong cultivation will naturally have more say. And the most important thing is that if they find that there is a strong person here, they will definitely not dare to fight with our brothers."

Dugu Lun didn't say a word. He knew very well how strong the Shixian Sect was.

Just like this, among the five queens, the fastest one came was the powerful Shixian Sect led by Li Qiuyu.

In an instant, a terrifying aura instantly filled his surroundings.

Li Qiuyu stood in the air, staring coldly

Boom! !

In just a short while, Li Qiuyu arrived at Dugu Lun.

"Brother Dugu Lun, are you injured?" Li Qiuyu asked worriedly.

"Qiu Yu, please excuse me, I'm fine now." Dugu Lun showed a smile when he saw this scene.

"It turns out to be a woman, haha, is this your supporter?" The warrior sneered, exuding the aura of the seventh-level early stage of the divine realm, and wanted to force Li Qiuyu to leave.

"We don't kill women." The short-haired mysterious warrior's voice contained strong murderous intent.

When Li Qiuyu saw this scene, his expression changed, and then he sneered: "You don't know who you provoked now? It's really funny, haha."

"It's so funny, isn't it just trash? What? Do you want to do something?" the short-haired mysterious warrior said in a cold voice.

Hearing this, Li Qiuyu looked at the two mysterious warriors as if they were stupid trash.

"It seems that you two are looking for death." Li Qiuyu had a faint smile on his face. At the current second level, there were basically not many people who could pose a threat to him.

Hearing Li Qiuyu's words, the two mysterious warriors became even more disdainful. He thought that the woman in front of him was just a bluff and had no strength to compete with them.

"It's just good at pretending."

"It won't take long for you to regret this decision." Li Qiuyu said solemnly: "I tell you that for the time being, you should let go of Dugu Lun as soon as possible, otherwise, you will definitely die here."

His words were not a threat, but the short-haired mysterious warrior directly attacked Dugu Lun, and then said with disdain: "He is in my hands, and I can kill him casually now, if I have the guts Just come to save him, he’s pretty good at pretending, do you really think you can deal with us?”

"what happened?"

Before Li Qiuyu could finish his words, Song Longhua, Wanyan Qinghong, Wang Kongze and other powerful people arrived one after another.

After so many years, they have become the strongest in Shixian Sect.

"Let go of Dugu Lun."

Several strong men said in cold voices.

Next to him, Song Longhua directly deployed a powerful formation, shrouding the two mysterious warriors inside.

"Hehehehe, even though you guys are here together, it won't make any difference." The monk in red said coldly.

He looked at the many warriors and felt extremely angry.

"I advise you to think clearly, you really want to provoke so many of us strong men." Wang Kongze came to the front of the short-haired mysterious warrior and said in a cold voice.

The next moment, Wanyan Qinghong also arrived.

Among the many warriors at the second level, everyone knows that Chen Xuan has entered the second level. What level of cultivation has he reached now? I'm afraid no one knows.

And Chen Xuan is their biggest backer.

The fierce aura around Wanyan Qingshu vibrated, and he was ready to attack at any time.

"It's so funny. You guys can only go up together. If we fight alone, you can't be our opponent." The blue-robed warrior used his sword hard, and Dugu Lun screamed. .

"You are simply asking for your own death, and you actually have the guts to provoke us."

When Wang Kongze and Wanyan Qinghong saw this scene, they were instantly very angry. The second level had been quiet for a long time, and even the Demon Sect would hardly appear. After all, Chen Xuan had already wiped them out.

As a result, two mysterious guys actually appeared. Not only did they suppress Dugu Lun, but they didn't seem to take them seriously.

The two of them performed their skills, and a terrifying aura suddenly emitted.

When the red monk saw this scene, his expression became a little gloomy, as if he felt their power, so he took action as quickly as possible to stop Wanyan Qingshu.

"Prepare for action."

Seeing this scene, several strong men from Gong Zong, led by Dugu Lun, launched an attack on the two mysterious warriors.

Song Longhua controlled a powerful formation. In an instant, strange auras flashed through, and Master Yuehai also entered the battle circle.

The battle is about to begin.

At first, the red monk was able to defend, but soon, the short-haired mysterious warrior also realized that the opponent was very powerful and joined the melee.

Bang! !

Although the two mysterious warriors were strong, they could not withstand the joint attack of many strong men.

"Damn it, how could this happen?"

"Defeat this guy."

The two mysterious warriors who were constantly retreating, suddenly the short-haired warrior knocked Dugu Lun away with lightning speed, and then grabbed her body.

He knew that if he continued to fight, he might not be his opponent.

"Damn it! Stop for me."

The short-haired warrior shouted: "Do you believe I will kill him?"

After hearing this, many warriors stopped fighting instantly.

"If Brother Dugu is in danger, you will die." Wang Kongze said.

"Let Brother Dugu go, you will not be killed by us for the time being." Wanyan Qinghong said.

Many strong men suppressed the two mysterious warriors, and at this moment, the two mysterious warriors also had a trace of retreat in their hearts.

Then, the two said coldly: "If you let us go, I won't kill him."

"I'll only give you a quarter of an hour, get out of here."

The several strong men of Gong Zong and others were completely helpless.

Wanyan Qinghong and Wang Kongze curled their lips and looked at Dugu Lun and said: "Don't worry, Brother Dugu, we will never let you be in danger..."

In a blink of an eye, the two mysterious warriors seized the opportunity and prepared to escape.

Suddenly, a fierce aura rolled up on the plain.

Seeing this scene, many warriors put down the stones in their hearts.

One after another, the divine fire carried terrifying power and killed the two mysterious warriors.

Although the two mysterious warriors tried their best to defend, they were still hit by the divine immortal energy.

The power of these divine immortal energy was very strong. In an instant, miserable screams came from the mouths of the two mysterious warriors.

"Who is it?" The short-haired warrior roared angrily.

"Let go of Brother Dugu." Li Qiuyu said with a murderous look on his face.


A trace of blood appeared at the corner of the short-haired warrior's mouth, and he roared angrily.

"Do you two want to die?" Elder Qing whispered in a powerful voice.

At this moment, the bodies of the two mysterious warriors were unable to move.

They were shocked.

"Die for me."

Elder Long Yi stomped his feet on the ground, and the long sword in his hand suddenly drew a mark, and then attacked the two and killed them directly.

And Dugu Lun's body suddenly fell on Lin.

After that, the eyes of many warriors suddenly fell on Dugu Lun.

"Brother Dugu." Soon, Wanyan Qinghong and Wang Kongze rushed over.

The two powerful warriors in the early stage of the seventh level of the God Realm were directly killed by Elder Long Yi.

"Brother Dugu, are you okay?" Li Qiuyu said with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Dugu Lun's heart was very complicated. Originally, his cultivation was pretty good, but in recent years, his cultivation has been slowly improving.

The people who had lower cultivation than him at the beginning have now improved a lot.

After chatting with Dugu Lun for a few words, Li Qiuyu looked at Wanyan Qinghong and Wang Kongze.

"You two, Brother Dugu is injured. He is inside the Shixian Sect. I hope you can take good care of him." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

Wanyan Qinghong and Wang Kongze nodded, but then said nothing.

"Hehe, everyone, since Dugu Lun is fine, I will leave."

Chen Xuan naturally didn't know what happened in the second level.

But the sixth-grade fairy formation master of the Xuelian Fairy Palace he was facing at this time was indeed very unusual.

At this time, Wang Xuan's voice could be faintly heard.

"Zi, if you have the courage, you can break the Xuanling formation." He shouted loudly, as if he thought Chen Xuan would definitely not be able to break his formation.

"Wang Xuan, don't worry. Even if he is a sixth-grade immortal formation master, there is no way to break my formation in a short time. It can buy time for Li Yun." The sixth-grade immortal formation master said: "As long as Li Yun can get rid of this mysterious cultivator, the golden elixir of the immortal soul strongman is 100% our Xuelian Immortal Palace." Chen Xuan could also hear their words in the formation. However, at this moment, his heart was slightly shocked. Could it be that in addition to him, there was another mysterious cultivator who entered the Xianyun Secret Land? Who is this person? According to the principle, he is probably the only one who knows this place. I didn't expect that there would be other people who also discovered this place, and it seems that this Rao's cultivation is also very powerful, which must have caused them a lot of trouble. Chen Xuan shook his head and slowly stood up from the ground, looking at Wang Xuan. "Damn brat, kneel down and kowtow, I can spare you..." Wang Xuan laughed grimly, with a sarcastic look on his face. "Really?" Huh... Chen Xuan waved his long sword, and the strong formation aura instantly filled his surroundings. Boom! The sixth-grade immortal peak formation was constantly torn apart. "How is this possible! How is this possible?"

The formation master of the Blood Link Immortal Palace showed a puzzled expression, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"Damn it, you actually..."

Chen Xuan laughed disdainfully, his spirit moved slightly, and he set up a peak formation of the sixth grade of the immortal level.

The terrifying aura of the formation spread instantly, instantly trapping Wang Xuan and him inside.

"No way, actually..."

The sudden change made Wang Xuan look surprised.

His expression instantly turned gloomy, and then he began to attack the formation desperately.

"Hurry up...we have to break the formation as soon as possible." Wang Xuan said loudly and anxiously.

"Wang Xuan, don't worry, I can deal with him." The warrior then closed his eyes and began to break the Xuanling Formation.

However, the next moment, Chen Xuan suddenly appeared in front of Wang Xuan.

"You...Chen Xuan, what are you going to do?"

Wang Xuan looked in Chen Xuan's direction with some horror.

"Wang Xuan, the famous outer disciple of Bloodlink Immortal Palace, is afraid of me?" Chen Xuan said with disdain.

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