"Ah, since you can do this, thank you very much. I really have nothing to do these days, so I will just practice here for the time being." Chen Xuan nodded slightly.

"Okay, Brother Chen, if you need anything, you can come to me at any time."

After Wang Xianwen left, Chen Xuan asked Yu Wenqiu about the ancestor of the Fire Bird.

Chen Xuan is also curious about this ancestor.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Wenqiu told Chen Xuan about the competition at the sixth level of the Divine Realm three months later.

"I want to participate in this competition." Chen Xuan showed a curious expression.

"That's right. Ancestor wants me to participate in this competition to help them." Yu Wenqiu said patiently.

Chen Xuan was not surprised by this. Since they lived here, they would definitely have to help them.

The next morning, a piece of news that shocked the entire Fire Immortal Bird spread instantly, even shocking many people.

A few days later, the Liaohuo Fairy Bird will immediately select the main strong men of the sixth level of the divine realm to participate in the sixth level competition of the divine realm. At that time, these people will participate in the competition.

After many monks understood this, they submitted their identity information one after another. They all wanted to go to the competition at the sixth level of the divine realm.

Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu were naturally treated as guests by the Fire Immortal Bird, because their strength had already been demonstrated.

Even the clan leader respects them very much.

Especially some of the disciples who are in charge here have a very good attitude when they see Chen Xuan.

The reason is also very simple. They provoked Chen Xuan at the beginning, but when they saw Chen Xuan's true strength, they felt very shocked, so now no one dares to trouble him.

Wang Xianwen took Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu around the Burning Fire Fairy Bird area. Because they had not been here long, Chen Xuan and the others felt very unfamiliar with this place.

"We, the Burning Fire Fairy Bird, originally occupied the entire Ten Thousand Fires Mountain Range, but our power has become weaker and weaker over the years. Now we have no way to control such a vast area."

Wang Xianwen's words were full of helplessness.

I think they were the number one demon clan here, and the sect behind them was also very powerful, but now they have declined to this level.

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly and said softly with a smile: "The background of the Fire Immortal Bird is not comparable to that of the two tribes. If the Dragon Immortal Wolf Tribe and the Blood Giant Tiger Tribe want to defeat you, they will have to pay a price that is not worth it at all. no need to worry."

Wang Xianwen sighed, and then said: "You don't know that under the powerful people around the seventh level of the divine realm, we, the Fire Immortal Bird, have no way to compare with the Blood Giant Tiger and the Dragon Immortal Wolf Tribe. Now our power is really They are too weak and it is very difficult to fight against them.”

"Is it true or not, there is a strong person at the sixth level of the divine realm among the two major clans?" Chen Xuan asked somewhat.

"The new generation of top powerhouses among the Immortal Leopard Clan is actually the rumored Hong Demon Wolf. His soul is shockingly strong. He is known to the outside world as the strongest sixth-level divine realm expert in the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan. Even if It is very rare for him to be placed on the second level, even for the strong men of your human race. According to him, he can safely escape from the pursuit in the hands of the strong men in the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm. "Wang Xianwen arrived at Longxian. When he was the top powerhouse of the wolf clan, his voice was very heavy.

"If the Hong Demon Wolf were to fly in the air, even a strong man at the mid-seventh level of the Divine Realm would not be able to catch up. In the past, many of our Liaohuo Fairy Bird clans died at the hands of this guy. All in all, he is A powerful enemy, ah, brother Chen Xuan, if you encounter him, be careful." Wang Xianwen continued.

Chen Xuan thought secretly, which one is stronger, the Flood Demonic Wolf or his Time Sword Immortal Technique?

"By the way, do you know who the top expert of the Blood Giant Tiger is?" Chen Xuan asked.

"The Blood Giant Tiger's superficial strength is not as good as that of the Flood Demon Wolf of the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan. But his overall strength is so terrifying, and this guy's cultivation is also very powerful." Wang Xianwen said: "The battle back then directly shocked the entire world. The Volcano Mountain Range is indeed extremely frightening. If it weren't for the several elders we dispatched here, we might not be able to stop him at all. He is very good at strength. If we bumped into him, we might be dead in a matter of minutes. Killed by him."

Chen Xuan nodded slightly to himself while listening to Wang Xianwen's explanation of the strong men of the two monster beast groups.

Now he has a preliminary understanding. Most monsters are much stronger than humans.

Three months later, in the competition at the sixth level of the Divine Realm, the biggest difficulty will be the top powerhouse of the Blood Giant Tiger and the Flood Demon Wolf.

If Yu Wenqiu faced the two of them and attacked, the chance of winning might not be particularly high.

"It would be great if I could participate in the competition at the sixth level of the Divine Realm. I will definitely be able to help Yu Wenqiu then."

Chen Xuan was still very confident in his own cultivation. At the same time, Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly fell on Wang Xianwen.

Some time ago, Chen Xuan had already proved his cultivation. Even if he met a strong person in the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm, he still had the power to fight.

Although these monsters are also talented, Chen Xuan is very confident in his own cultivation. He believed he could win.

"Wang Xianwen, is there any way for me to participate in the competition at the sixth level of the Divine Realm? If I can participate in the competition, I may be able to help you." Chen Xuan asked.

In fact, he is already a little eager to try it now.

"You are not a warrior of my Fire Immortal Bird. It seems a little troublesome to participate in the competition at the sixth level of the Divine Realm."

Wang Xianwen frowned.

But soon, he continued: "Chen Xuan, I do have a way, but I don't know if you can do it."

"What?" Wang Xianwen asked.

"As long as you become the guard of our Fire Immortal Bird, you will naturally be able to join the battle on behalf of the Fire Immortal Bird. I don't think other demon clans can do anything."

"How can I become your bodyguard?" Chen Xuan asked.

Chen Xuan was really curious about this guard.

"Although our Burning Fire Fairy Bird has declined, it is still very difficult to become a guard. For this purpose, our Burning Fire Fairy Bird has set up a relic space. As long as you pass it, you will naturally become a guard." Wang Xianwen laughed. road.

"What ruin space?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Chen Xuan, do you really want to participate in this game? You should know that there will be many dangers in this game." Wang Xianwen asked.

Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and then Wang Xianwen thought for a moment and then said: "Okay, come with me. Since you want to participate, I won't say anything more."

Guard Hall.

The place where these guards of the Fire Bird live.

Their guards, to put it more specifically, are actually just some diners.

Among them there are humans and demons.

Generally speaking, these guards will help them face the enemy only when they are in danger.

Outside the guard hall, there is a large main hall.

Wang Xianwen brought Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu into the main hall.

"Wang Xianwen, what are you doing here?" asked the elder in charge of guarding the palace.

"Chang Luo, Chen Xuan wants to become the bodyguard of our Fire Immortal Bird, and he also asked Mr. Luo to test it for him." Wang Xianwen said.

"real or fake."

Luo Chang's eyes suddenly fell on Chen Xuan, and he also showed some doubts.

Of course he also knew that Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu were here not just to help them.

There should be other reasons, but he was very confused as to why Chen Xuan wanted to become their guard.

"Are you sure you will challenge the ruins space? This space is very dangerous," Luo Zhang asked in a deep voice.

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly, and then said to him: "Of course, otherwise what do you think I am doing here."

"The guard trial is very dangerous, and there is a high chance of being killed. If you have thought about entering it, it is still too late for you to regret it. After all, the physical strength of the human race is not that strong, and it is difficult for me to guarantee that you will be there." It won't die inside." Chief Luo continued to ask.

"Hehehe, I have already thought about it before. It doesn't have to be so much. I can go in at any time." Chen Xuan said slowly.

"No problem, there are three levels in the guard trial. Basically, they are all related to strength. If you are not strong enough, you will definitely not be able to pass." At this time, Chief Luo laughed wildly, and several puppet spirits suddenly appeared. In the main hall.

"As long as you can defeat several of them in a row, you can become the guard of our Fire Bird. As our guard, you will have many privileges and resources here, and when you practice, we will also Help you." Luo Chang said.

Seeing the puppet spirit, Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression.

He couldn't believe that there were puppet spirits of the Thunder Sect on the second level.

"Could it be that the Divine Thunder Sect back then was so powerful that it left some seeds on the second level?" Chen Xuan thought to himself.

For him, Shen Lei Sect is also a familiar name.

"What? The power of these Quilings is very powerful. Are you scared now? If you are scared, you can withdraw. If you are strong enough, you can naturally become the guard of our clan." Seeing this scene, Luo Zhang said, asked.

Chen Xuan's face was full of smiles, and then he said: "I, Chen Xuan, will be afraid? You can let these go together."

After hearing this, Zhang Luo was a little shocked.

The puppet spirits of the Divine Thunder Sect are not comparable to ordinary puppet spirits. They have very powerful auras in their bodies.

Several puppet spirits are all at the late sixth level of the divine realm, but their strength is much stronger than ordinary ones.

The combination of several puppet spirits can make it difficult for a strong person at the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm to deal with them.

Of course, this is only in comparison. If they are in the realm of gods and talented warriors in the early seventh level, it should be easier for them to come.

But what surprised him was that he actually wanted to deal with several of them together?

Luo Changdao: "The strength of this first puppet spirit is equivalent to the late sixth level of the ordinary god realm. The second one is equivalent to the late sixth level of the peak god realm. As for the fifth one, it is equivalent to the seventh level of the first level god realm. Early days.”

"Ah, brother, you must not hold on when you fight, otherwise, there will only be one consequence, and that is your death. If you want me to save you, just make it clear that you are ready to quit." Luo Chang said.

Although this guy's talent is indeed very good, there is a high possibility that he would not be able to deal with these puppet spirits at that time. After all, even he would have a hard time dealing with so many at once.

Luo Zhang suddenly remembered and said: "Our Fire Immortal Bird's guards have several levels in total. They are first-grade, second-grade, and third-grade guards. If you want to become our guard, whether you are a human or a monster, you can do them all." To join, of course strength is the most important thing. Once you get our approval, a large number of talents and treasures will be tilted towards you. Our only condition is that you can come to our rescue when our group is in danger. That’s it.”

"If you defeat one puppet spirit, you are a third-level guard. If you can defeat two puppet spirits together, you will be considered a second-level guard." Luo Zhang said slowly.

"And we defeated several puppet spirits together. Are they the great guards?" Chen Xuan asked.

Chen Xuan had heard about this great guard before.

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