Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5345 Heavenly Bird Immortal Grass

Yu Wenqiu, who was looking for Bird Fairy Grass, suddenly said. "Ah, Chen Xuan, look at this place."

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed a bird fairy grass.

"It's really the Bird Fairy Grass." After hearing Yu Wenqiu's voice, Chen Xuan also turned around, and then showed a surprised expression.

There was a surprise on Yu Wenqiu's face. The bird fairy grass was of great benefit to him at this stage, and after eating it, his cultivation level could be improved.

If he could continue to practice with Bird Fairy Grass, his current strength would improve very quickly.

However, he also knew very well that the Bird Immortal Grass was very precious. Even the Fire Immortal Bird did not have much reserve of this level of Immortal Grass.

Under normal circumstances, even the clan of the Fire Immortal Bird has no way of discovering the Bird Immortal Grass. Only those with extremely strong power of the Fire Immortal Bird can discover this precious fairy grass.

This kind of fairy grass can only be found near their clan area.

Looking at the entire Liaohuo Immortal Bird, except for the ancestor of the Liaohuo Immortal Bird, there is probably still no warrior who is as powerful as Yuwen Qiu Liaohuo Immortal Bird of the Immortal Fire Secret Technique.

Although Yu Wenqiu is not a demon clan, the power of the soul in his body is very pure.

Even the Immortal Bird Ancestor didn't know why, and it was even more impossible for Chen Xuan to know.

"Yu Wenqiu, since one can be found here, it means there must be a second one nearby. You should take a closer look to see if there is any fairy grass here. If you can find a few more fairy grasses, you can The cultivation can definitely be improved faster," Chen Xuandao.

Yu Wenqiu nodded, and then continued to check if there was any similar fairy grass nearby.

The competition is about to begin, and Yu Wenqiu will not miss any opportunity to improve his cultivation.

But everything they did had already caught the eye of the mysterious strong man Zheng.

"Two strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm, one of them is the top strong man of the Fire Immortal Bird. Alas, these two are simply desperate."

"You actually have the guts to come to my place, and my fellow brothers were killed by you. You just threw yourself into a trap."

After the words fell, the gray-haired strong man moved slightly, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, terrifying power poured into the long sword in his hand, and the long sword suddenly burst out with extremely fierce power.

In an instant, a sword was swung, and waves of strange aura seemed to fill the air.


However, at this moment, the long sword suddenly appeared in front of Yu Wenqiu, and Chen Xuan felt a terrifying aura.

As a person who has practiced the laws of time and space, Chen Xuan can now very clearly feel the fluctuations in the nearby space.

"Oh no."

The next moment, Chen Xuan said loudly, waving the prairie fire sword directly, and then blocked the terrifying breath.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xuan pulled Yu Wenqiu away, and a more fierce sword energy came to kill him again.

Boom! !

Near Yu Wenqiu, the space suddenly tore apart, and the surrounding air seemed to have been penetrated by a long sword.

The gray-haired warrior had no idea that they could dodge his attacks. He had completely concealed his aura just now.

However, he was discovered by Chen Xuan. At the same time, he had to take a high look at the young man in front of him. His cultivation was very powerful.

However, he continued to shout low, took out his long sword in an instant, and was still ready to attack Chen Xuan.

"who are you?"

Chen Xuan took out the prairie fire sword and engaged in a melee with the gray-haired warrior.

"Why are you asking so much? Your son will never survive tonight."

Every time the gray-haired warrior swung the long sword in his hand, a terrifying aura would continue to surge nearby. Even Chen Xuan, who practiced the Space Law, felt that this power made him feel very depressed.

And this terrifying force will cause space to fluctuate.

"Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent."

Chen Xuan gave a low shout, and then displayed the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent.

He knew that the gray-haired warrior in front of him was very strong, so Chen Xuan had no choice but to use the Suzaku sword technique at the same time.

Three rays of sword light were slashed out instantly.

When the gray-haired warrior saw this scene, his expression darkened instantly, and then he let out a roar.

The gray-haired warrior swung the long sword in his hand, but when faced with the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent displayed by Chen Xuan, the gray-haired warrior felt that the man in front of him must have a very unusual background.

Because the swordsmanship displayed by Chen Xuan made him feel extremely familiar.

"Although the aura is different, it is definitely the guy from before. Who created this reverse and powerful swordsmanship, so that these damn humans actually have so many terrifying talents, and this guy's talent is also very good , but it’s a pity, I will definitely kill him now.”

The gray-haired warrior thought to himself, and his heart was extremely angry.

"I bumped into you, don't try to escape from me now, I will definitely kill you."

At this time, Chen Xuan could clearly feel the aura near the gray-haired warrior, which suddenly became fierce.

The long sword in his hand is actually a ninth-level immortal, and it is very powerful.

A powerful light burst out from the long sword, killing Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan felt that this guy's attack contained the immortal power of space. When the long sword was swung, it would not be that simple for other warriors to dodge.

But Chen Xuan was so proficient in the rules of time and space that when he felt the long sword attack, he cast the time magic without thinking.

Boom! !

The long sword struck Chen Xuan with a terrifying attack.

"Just die."

The gray-haired warrior laughed ferociously, increased his strength, and slightly shook the sword in his hand, hoping to completely defeat Chen Xuan.

But at this moment, Chen Xuan, who was hit by the long sword, gradually disappeared into the sky.

Seeing this scene, the gray-haired warrior's face darkened instantly, and he said in shock: "This is definitely not true."

The swordsmanship he practiced contains the rules of space, and he has studied it for hundreds of thousands of years, so that he is extremely afraid of the rules of space.

With this sword he wielded, even a strong person at the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm couldn't even think of escaping.

But now, Chen Xuan's body disappeared under his eyes.

He had never seen anything like this before.

"What's going on? Where did this guy come from? Why does he have such incredible swordsmanship and the power of space?" His expression was very dark, as if he couldn't figure out why Chen Xuan could get it from him. Escape from the swordsmanship.

Immediately afterwards, his true soul spread, instantly covering the entire land where Chen Xuan disappeared before, and then he began to carefully search nearby to find where he had gone.

However, after searching for a while, there was still no breath of Chen Xuan.

In an instant, he felt even more horrified.

"What's going on? Why does this kid have such weird power."

Because he found that there was no way to find Chen Xuan, he stopped now and continued to attack, but instead started thinking in his heart.

In such a situation, Ming Chen Xuan had an extremely terrifying way to break the restraints and escape long ago.

However, this kind of technique will definitely consume the warrior's essence. It can be a secret escape technique. Most warriors will not use it easily.

However, he thought about it carefully and felt that Chen Xuan would not leave casually because there were people he knew nearby.

The gray-haired warrior shook his head slightly, with shock in his eyes.

He was holding a long sword, and on his long sword, there were layers of aura, and at this moment, he was standing in the air, exuding a terrifying aura.

The aura emanating from him made Yu Wenqiu a little surprised.

"Could this guy really be able to break through space control?"

He would rather believe that this guy can break through the space control than believe that he disappeared nearby. If so, wouldn't it mean that he is far inferior to Chen Xuan.

His attainments in space are already very high, but now he can't feel Chen Xuan's aura at all.

"That's so funny. Do you think I can't defeat you if you run away? What a simple idea you have."

Despite this, he still believed in his heart that Chen Xuan should not have left here too far.

The gray-haired warrior looked at Yu Wenqiu with a serious look, and at this moment, a killing intent burst out from his pupils.


He shouted low, waved the sword in his hand slightly, and swung the sword again, trying to suppress Yu Wenqiu.

He knew that Chen Xuan could no longer be found, so he could only use Yu Wenqiu to force Chen Xuan to appear.

Boom! !

Suddenly, a terrifying force appeared in the air, and then Chen Xuan's body appeared, and then Qingyun Immortal Sword Intention was displayed again.


The Suzaku sword technique was used at the same time, and the gray-haired warrior's long sword attack was immediately blocked and defended.


Caught off guard, the body of the gray-haired warrior continued to retreat. After a while, it landed gently on Lin's face.

Stabilizing his body, the gray-haired warrior's expression was extremely gloomy, and his deep eyes were observing Chen Xuan closely.

"It really surprised me. Your talent in the Secret of Time and Space is quite good. I have studied the Secret of Time and Space for such a long time. I can tell that your level should be quite high."

After a long time, the gray-haired warrior spoke.

He also had to admire that the concealment technique of the warrior in front of him was indeed extremely powerful.

"Who are you?" Chen Xuan asked: "I seem to have never seen you before, why do you want to attack me."

After the gray-haired warrior heard this, his expression suddenly darkened, and then he showed a gloomy smile and said: "Son, why are you asking so many questions? Hahaha, no matter why you came here, today I will Destined to kill you."

"What do you mean by this? We have never met, how can we be enemies?"

"Hahaha, it's really good, so you are curious, where does the hatred between the two of us come from?" the mysterious warrior said again.

"I'm very curious. I really haven't met you before, so I have no grievances with you? So can you tell me something?"

Chen Xuan asked.

"It's so funny. If it weren't for you, how could I have been suppressed for several years and even almost died completely." The gray-haired warrior sneered: "I swore an oath back then. If I didn't avenge this kind of hatred, I am a beast, a dog.”

"Me?" Chen Xuan. He felt very curious. This person seemed to have a lot of hatred for him, but Chen Xuan had no impression at all.

Moreover, it was his first time coming to this place, so how could he have any deep hatred against him.

"You are no different from this guy back then. Hahaha, if I guessed correctly, you should be his disciple." The gray-haired warrior continued, his words were full of chill, and he observed Chen Xuan with sharp eyes. .

Since there is no way to seek revenge from the previous person, the only thing he wants to do now is to kill Chen Xuan.

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