"Yu Wenqiu, it seems that after absorbing so much, your cultivation level has indeed been improved, which is gratifying." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

Yu Wenqiu said with a smile on his face. "Chen Xuan, you are still being polite to me here. If you hadn't helped me cultivate the fairy grass here, I definitely wouldn't have been able to absorb so much, and my cultivation level wouldn't have been able to improve."

Chen Xuan said with a smile. "But if your cultivation level can be improved, this is the best thing."

"Chen Xuan, I have absorbed a large amount of fairy grass. The secret method of fairy fire seems to have been strengthened. There is no way to absorb any more fairy grass for the time being. Now it is better to let your power increase first." Yu Wenqiu said in a low voice.

Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and then said: "Seeing that you have absorbed so much, the Immortal Pattern Grass is good for you anyway, and it will definitely continue to improve your cultivation. Anyway, I have nothing to do during this period, otherwise Let’s cultivate some more and put them in the space fairy ring. What do you think?”

After Yu Wenqiu heard this, he was slightly surprised. "Chen Xuan. Wouldn't this waste a lot of your time? If so, I would feel a little embarrassed."

Hearing Yu Wenqiu being polite to him, Chen Xuan laughed: "Okay, we have known each other for such a long time, you don't need to be polite to me anymore, just take it out when you need it in the future, I believe as long as you use it With these immortal herbs, your cultivation level can continue to improve."

After hearing this, Yu Wenqiu nodded slightly.

Chen Xuan was right, but then Chen Xuan was no longer the only one to cultivate the fairy grass. With the help of Yu Wenqiu, the cultivation speed was obviously much faster.

Actually, yes, this fairy grass has been cultivated by Chen Xuan.

"Lord Chen Xuan, it's almost done." Firebird asked.

Later, Chen Xuan calculated that during this period, they cultivated a total of more than 900 fairy grasses and placed them in the space fairy ring.

However, there are relatively few fairy grasses, only sixty in total. After all, this kind of fairy grass is more precious, and it is normal for the small number to be small.

"We have been here for a long time. Counting the time, it has been almost three months since we came out. I am afraid that the competition is about to begin during this time. We can't delay here any longer. It's time to go back." Chen Xuan said softly nod.

The Fairy Grass Garden is very large. Although it is not known who cultivated the fairy grass here, Chen Xuan basically accepted the legacy he left behind.

These fairy grasses are rooted in the soil. It is impossible to take them away, and Chen Xuan and the others cannot waste their time here.

So much so that they simply didn't continue cultivating it and left directly. Anyway, now they have obtained a large amount of fairy grass.

After returning to the area of ​​the Fire Immortal Bird, I happened to bump into Wang Xianwen.

After seeing Chen Xuan, his face showed some surprise. He also wondered why Chen Xuan suddenly disappeared during this period.

He was curious about where he went, and now he saw Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuan, Yu Wenqiu, where have you been? You are finally back." Wang Xianwen saw Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu and said with a smile: "You will soon be unable to catch up with the competition at the sixth level of the divine realm."

"Really or not, the time for the competition at the sixth level of the Divine Realm should not have come yet, it should be some time away." Chen Xuan asked.

"The time for the competition for the sixth level of the Divine Realm has not come yet, but it is time for us, the Fire Bird, to screen the strong ones for the sixth level of the Divine Realm. Now we must select some strong ones and let them participate. You two This happened a long time ago." Wang Xianwen glanced at Chen Xuan and said.

"This is terrible, what can we do now?" Chen Xuan asked hurriedly.

Seeing Chen Xuan's anxiety, Wang Xianwen immediately said: "You can participate in the competition of the sixth level of the divine realm. This time, we, the Fire Fairy Bird, attach great importance to the sixth level of the divine realm, so we have to select the strongest among the clan. Yu Wenqiu is a strong man at the sixth level of the Divine Realm. Taishang Ancestor asked him to participate, and Chen Xuan is a great guard, so you are naturally qualified to enter. "

After hearing this, Chen Xuan put down the stone in his heart.

"However..." Wang Xianwen continued: "Although Chen Xuan, you are the great guard, there are several strong men in the clan who are at the sixth level of the divine realm and think that you occupy his position. They have been challenging you during this time, but They haven't found where you are yet. These people are pretty good at cultivation, and they have been serving as our clan's guards for a long time, and they have a deep relationship with us."

"How many people do you want to fight with me?" Chen Xuan said calmly.

"But Chen Xuan, don't worry. You are actually a great guard. You are qualified to enter by virtue of your strength. Although their cultivation is good, it is still far behind you. This time they come to challenge you. You can just refuse." Okay, there is no need to fight them, and our clan leader doesn’t want you to kill each other here. Our top priority now is their two demon clans,” Wang Xianwen said.

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly. He also knew that this matter might not be as simple as Wang Xianwen imagined.

Since these people want to deal with it, if he doesn't show some strong strength, I'm afraid these people won't know how terrifying Chen Xuan's cultivation is, and after his inference, there will be warriors in the next time Thinking that he was a coward and did not dare to challenge, Chen Xuan's preparation was to defeat them.

At the same time, I heard all the warriors talking.

Chen Xuan raised his eyes and looked over, and suddenly found more than twenty strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm walking towards him quickly.

After seeing these people, a faint smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face.

Their cultivation is indeed very good, and among them are demons and humans.

They are all the guards here.

"Are you Guard Chen Xuan?" One of the mysterious warriors asked in a deep voice.

After seeing him, Chen Xuan slowly shook his head. Although his cultivation was considered good, it was nothing compared to himself.

If Chen Xuan wants to defeat it, it probably won't take long.

"Haha, that's right, I am Chen Huowei." Chen Xuan nodded.

"I originally thought you had three heads and six arms. I didn't expect you to be so young. However, since you are the Great Guard at such a young age, I feel very strange about your strength. Now I extremely doubt that your cultivation level is not that strong. Originally The spot in the competition that should belong to me at the sixth level of the Divine Realm was taken by you. This time, I must show my strength."

Hearing his verbose nonsense, Chen Xuan smiled helplessly.

He didn't know what Ran Di wanted to do, but he could guess it.

"What are you doing with all this nonsense? There's no need to talk nonsense here." Chen Xuan said to him with a smile.

"Since you said that, I will be honest. I want to duel with you. If you can't win, please hand over your quota immediately and get out of the Fire Bird area. You are not qualified to be here. Guard." Song Guard said.

"Song Guard, you shouldn't be like this. I know you are doing this for the good of our entire clan, but you have gone too far. Chen Xuan saved me before." Wang Xianwen curled his lips and said unhappily. .

"Do you have the guts?" Song Huwei looked at Chen Xuan and asked.

Song Huwei is a strong person in the late sixth level of the God Realm of Qingyue Sect. He is a strong person from the human race.

Due to his strong strength, no warrior can be his opponent in the late stage of the sixth level of the divine realm.

And in order to pursue a higher level of body refining, he finally chose to join the Fire Immortal Bird Clan.

Although he is from the human race, because he joined the Qingyue Sect, he naturally became an affiliated sect of the Fire Immortal Bird.

After Song Huwei joined the Fire Immortal Bird, he had always hoped that strong people around the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm would notice him, so that he could get better materials and treasures for cultivation.

He believes that this competition at the sixth level of the Divine Realm is his opportunity to show off. He believes that this time he will definitely be able to attract the attention of many powerful people and obtain more magic weapons.

In comparison, most of those who choose to become great guards come with some kind of benefit, and they will not willingly make wedding dresses for others.

And now he thinks that Chen Xuan's actions have shaken his interests, so he naturally vents his anger on Chen Xuan.

He believed that although Chen Xuan was strong, his talent was not strong, so he threatened to challenge Chen Xuan.

With the qualification to enter the competition that reaches the sixth level of the divine realm, he then shines in this competition and shows his super talent.

It's a pity that he thought too simply. Chen Xuan is not that easy to deal with.

"It seems that you asked me to hand over my quota and get out of the Fire Immortal Bird area? Are you very confident in your own cultivation?" Chen Xuan smiled: "You can't win. It's very difficult for me to defeat you. 's easy.”

What he said is also true. Some people are inexplicably confident, and for people with this kind of confidence, you have to slap them in the face to wake them up.

"You what?"

Chen Xuan laughed and said. "I and you will definitely lose, so it's best for the two of us not to fight."

"I will not lose." Song Huwei said confidently.

"Everything is possible. What if you get it?" Chen Xuan continued to ask.

Song Huwei sneered and said, "If I lose, I will apologize to you and kneel down and kowtow to you to apologize."

"It's so funny, haha. If Chen Xuan loses, he will leave the Fire Immortal Bird Clan, and if you kneel down and apologize, is that the end of the matter?" Yu Wenqiu sneered.

Song Huwei was very angry himself, but Yu Wenqiu made him furious.

He didn't know much about Yu Wenqiu, he only knew that he was a strong man with the same bloodline. However, he thought it was too easy to defeat Yu Wenqiu, so after he was ridiculed by Chen Xuan, he instantly vented his anger directly on On Yu Wenqiu's body.


Yu Wenqiu curled his lips, exuding a fierce aura, and the power of the surrounding aura instantly increased.

"What? What do you mean?"

Song Huwei felt Yu Wenqiu's aura, and his expression changed.

At this moment, Chen Xuan signaled him not to do anything.

Then he looked at Guard Song.

"No problem, it just so happens. I don't have anything to do right now. Since it's just a discussion, I'll agree." Chen Xuandao.

At present, the Fire Immortal Bird is fighting against the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan and the Blood Giant Tiger at the same time.

Song Huwei's Qingyue Sect can be considered a sect. If Song Huwei is forced to leave the Burning Fire Fairy Bird, the Qingyue Sect will definitely leave, which will be detrimental to the Burning Fire Fairy Bird.

"bring it on."

Song Weiwei's body flashed quickly and he shot directly forward.


Chen Xuan also followed to the competition stage.

At this moment, Wang Xianwen looked at Chen Xuan with some worry. Although he knew that Chen Xuan was very strong and had been rescued once before, he was still very curious in his heart whether Chen Xuan would win.

"Yu Wenqiu, will Brother Chen Xuan be okay?" Wang Xianwen asked.

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