He tried to control the true soul, emitted the secret method of the soul, and began to condense the Suzaku Sword Qi.

Perhaps it was because the true soul had reached the third level of the Immortal Level, I could clearly feel the increase in power when I gathered the Suzaku Sword Qi for the first time.

The aura condensed in front of Chen Xuan instantly spread to his long sword, and finally the power spread quietly.

According to Chen Xuan's inference, the power of the divine soul secret method contained in the Vermillion Bird Sword Qi can almost kill a strong person in the early stage of the sixth level of the divine realm.

Chen Xuan knew very well that this was definitely a terrible thing. If this sword energy could kill a warrior of this level, when they gathered together, they would definitely be able to catch up with stronger enemies.

In the following training, one after another Suzaku Sword Qi was directly condensed by Chen Xuan.

It took a full week for Chen Xuan to directly condense three Vermillion Bird Sword Qi, but now he could not condense more.

These sword qi can be freely combined by him. He can completely disperse these sword qi into thousands of rays, but he can also concentrate them to form a more lethal sword qi.

"It's so powerful. This secret method can indeed increase your strength a lot."

Chen Xuan opened his eyes, and his soul secret skills instantly converged.

He could clearly feel that the power of Suzaku's sword technique was very powerful, and it had increased many times compared to before.

Chen Xuan knew very well that he could enter the top few on the demon immortal list just by relying on the soul secret method attack. Moreover, he was also an array master. If there really was a fight, he would set up an array nearby.

I'm afraid the enemy will also feel uncomfortable.

After practicing for so long, it seemed to have reached a bottleneck. Chen Xuan was ready to end this retreat. After practicing for seven days, he went out to relax.

This time in retreat, I practiced for half a month.

The time until the competition was already very fast, and Chen Xuan also knew that he could not continue practicing. It would be terrible if he accidentally missed it.

"Let Shenhun Cannian practice the Suzaku sword technique."

Chen Xuan placed the remaining thoughts of his soul in the secret room and continued to study the Suzaku sword technique.

He then personally strived to successfully practice the 19th level of the Suzaku Sword Technique before the competition at the 6th level of the Divine Realm. If he succeeded in practicing, the power would definitely be increased a hundred times.

The secret room door opened and Chen Xuan walked out.

"Chen Xuan, I didn't expect that you had just finished the retreat." Yu Wenqiu also finished the retreat three hours ago, and now he happened to come over and saw Chen Xuan, saying with a smile on his face.

"Yu Wenqiu, have you finished practicing? I saw that you seemed to have made a breakthrough in your cultivation before. More than half a month has passed. What state have you entered now?" Chen Xuan asked.

Yu Wenqiu nodded, and then said: "There is no way to improve my current cultivation. I always feel that I can be very close to the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm. But I am satisfied now. Now I have successfully broken through to the divine realm. It’s the early stage of the seventh level, and it’s only a matter of time before entering the middle stage.”

"Hehehe, there is no need to be anxious. I think you only have one chance now, and you should make a breakthrough soon." Chen Xuan nodded and said: "By the way, Yu Wenqiu, you have now reached the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm. What's your strength? What kind of enemies can you deal with?"

Yu Wenqiu thought for a while and then said: "It should be very simple to deal with the strong men on the Demon Immortal List. Even under the warriors in the middle of the seventh level of the divine realm, they can safely escape from pursuit. But with my current cultivation level, It’s still difficult to win against mid-term warriors.”

After hearing this, Chen Xuan immediately said: "Yu Wenqiu, if you are asked to block him, can you do it?"

Yu Wenqiu was a little shocked. Regarding Chen Xuan's question, he was also speculating in his mind.

"I think it should be possible. A warrior at the seventh level of the divine realm is no longer so unattainable in front of me."

Chen Xuan said slowly: "Yu Wenqiu, the warriors from the seventh level of the mid-level god realm of Bloodline Immortal Palace have arrived at the Ten Thousand Fires Mountain Range. As long as we leave the area of ​​the Liaohuo Fairy Bird, if I am not wrong, they will I'm afraid these people have already made plans to attack us, and we can't do it now just to be safe."

"Chen Xuan, do you mean to take the initiative?" Yu Wenqiu said coldly: "It's not like you don't know how many of them there are. Although our cultivation has improved now, there are still a lot of them. If there really is a fight, If so, we have no way to defend ourselves.”

"Don't worry, Yu Wenqiu, I have a way, otherwise I wouldn't have done anything with you."

Chen Xuan believed in his current strength in his heart, and he was also eager to see what level his cultivation had reached now.

"Ah, since you are like this, I will definitely not do anything more." Yu Wenqiu said.

In fact, for Yu Wen Qiulai, if he faced a warrior at the seventh level of the middle stage of the divine realm, even if he was not his opponent, he could still escape.

The same is true for Chen Xuanlai.

After practicing for so long, they finally had a chance for revenge.

Chen Xuan hurriedly summoned Firebird and the others back and told them about the incident. After hearing Chen Xuan's words, they were very excited.

"What are you doing? No, sir, how many sect elders are you going to deal with? These guys are very powerful."

"Master Chen Xuan, we must be careful this time. Although I really want to kill them, there are many of them after all. If we do it, they may not be our opponents."

"Yes, I will definitely consider it carefully, otherwise we may all die."

Zhang Jianyun then said: "It won't be a problem for me and the shadow demon to hold off Luo Bei. Firebird, you and the demon bear demon should be able to block Huang Liang. As long as Liu Yun and Hong are left to the adults and Yu Wenqiu, the success of the plan will not be Question." Zhang Jianyun continued.

"How?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Fang is a strong person in the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm. Although we have broken through in cultivation, we cannot defend ourselves for too long against such a strong person." Shadow Demon said.

"I have gathered two peak immortal-level sixth-level formations for you. At this time, you can now fully display them. Once you hold them back, ah, if they are not opponents, quickly return to the area of ​​the Fire Immortal Bird. This way You are safe for the time being, and I am not going to ask outsiders for this matter, after all, it is my private matter," Chen Xuan said slowly.

They looked at each other and then nodded.

Since Chen Xuan gave them the formation, his pupils were full of madness.

"Hehehe, yes, but we still have to be more cautious this time."

Although the strong people at the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm are the most common seventh level of the divine realm, they are still strong around the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm. There is an insurmountable gap between them and the strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm.

Moreover, it is easy to defeat a strong person who is around the seventh level of the divine realm, but it is very difficult to kill a strong person who is around the seventh level of the divine realm.

There have also been some people on the second level who were able to kill strong men around the middle of the seventh level of the divine realm with the strength of those who were at the sixth level of the divine realm.

But he also had to be cautious. If it were a life and death battle for him, he would definitely not be able to match a strong person around the middle stage of the seventh level of the Divine Realm.

After discussing all the plans, Chen Xuan suppressed two peak formations of the sixth level of the Immortal Order in a formation stone and gave them to Shadow Demon and Fire Bird together.

Then they quickly left the area of ​​the Fire Immortal Bird.

Outside the area of ​​the Fire Immortal Bird, the spiritual consciousness of the elders of several sects was exploring the surrounding environment.

The Fire Immortal Bird contains an invincible warrior at the seventh level of the divine realm. They dare not go in to chase Chen Xuan, so they can only observe from the outside.

"I don't know when this kid will come out." Liu Yun said in a shocked voice.

Hong said in a deep voice: "Yes, they have been waiting here for a long time. Will you and him really stay in there all the time? If so, wouldn't it be very bad?"

They have been waiting for a long time, but there is still no trace of this child. This makes Liu Yun and Hong very anxious. If they continue to wait here, everything may have changed when they go back.

"We still can't be anxious now. Let's wait for this damn bastard to come out. If we can't complete this mission, we will definitely die if we go back. Do you think he will let us go?" Huang Liang said, Shangguan Longting's He knows his temper very well.

Just when several people were discussing, a subtle voice suddenly reached their ears.

In an instant, the consciousness of several people spread out and discovered the aura of the firebird.

"He's out." Liu Yun and Hong said.

"I'm going to kill them."

Luo Bei's body flashed quickly, chasing the fire bird and the demon bear.

"Want to escape?" Luo Bei let out a mocking laugh.

Half an hour later, Zhang Jianyun and Shadow Demon also left the area of ​​the Fire Immortal Bird in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yun and Hong wanted to take action, but were stopped by Huang Liang.

"I'm going to kill him." Huang Liang said.

"Huang Liang, be careful."

Liu Yun and Hong then said in a deep voice.

Huang Liang heard this and said: "Don't worry, this guy is not simple. I will deal with him directly."

After the words fell, Huang Liang quickly turned around and left here.

Soon, they successfully lured Huang Liang and Luo Bei away, leaving only Liu Yun and Hong.

In an instant, two shocking battles began in an instant.

Firebird sent a message to Chen Xuan and he got the news. Then Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu hurriedly searched for Liu Yun and Hong.

Chen Xuan's consciousness spread out instantly, and he immediately discovered Liu Yun and Hong.

His true soul has reached the third level of Immortal level, and his spiritual consciousness is equivalent to that of a strong person in the early stage of the seventh level of Divine Realm.

"Yu Wenqiu, come."

Chen Xuan let out a soft cry, and then used the sword immortal technique, his body disappeared in the air, and he ran quickly.

After a while, Chen Xuan came behind Liu Yun and Hong.

The prairie fire sword carried terrifying power and suddenly stabbed Liu Yun and Hong.

"It's just asking for death."

Liu Yun and Hong were well prepared and easily defended Chen Xuan's attack with their backhand.

"Damn bastard, do you think you can defeat me, or do you think your plan can succeed?" Liu Yun and Hong sneered. He was holding a long sword, the aura of Shenjian Dao filled the air crazily, and his pupils were filled with chills.

The two of them were sworn brothers, and they had fallen into Chen Xuan's trap before.

As a result, Chen Xuan actually took the initiative to come over, and they naturally thought this was an excellent opportunity.

"You will definitely be killed today."

Chen Xuan launched a powerful attack. Facing these two people, Chen Xuan also knew that he must not be careless now.

At the same time, Chen Xuan displayed Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent.

The Suzaku sword skills were used simultaneously, and three lethal auras suddenly appeared in the air, killing Liu Yun and Hong.


Liu Yun and Hong gave a low shout, and then the extremely strong power of the immortal soul was released near the two of them. Then these immortal powers poured into the long sword Zheng Zheng.

After feeling the aura contained in their swords, Yu Wenqiu also immediately joined the battle.

The next moment, the long swords in Liu Yun and Hong's hands struck the fiery red sword light with such terrifying force.

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