Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5365 Yuwen Tianhong’s Appreciation

"Chen Xuan, if you say so, I will go back too. The previous battle consumed me a lot of spiritual energy, and I am afraid my body can no longer bear it."

Yuwen Qiujin activated the fairy fire secret method to fight against the enemy, which consumed a lot of spiritual energy.

Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and then watched Yu Wenqiu leave. Immediately, Liu Yun and Hong's space fairy rings were held in his hands. When Chen Xuan killed Liu Yun and Hong, he took their space fairy rings with him. gone.

At present, Liu Yun and Hong are dead. At this moment, Chen Xuan quickly uses the Soul Drawing Technique to open the Space Immortal Ring.

In an instant, a large number of materials and treasures used for cultivation appeared in front of his eyes.

"As expected of a strong person in the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm. I didn't expect that there would be so many magic weapons in their space ring. It really surprised me."

Seeing so many magic weapons in front of him, Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh. In just a short while, he could clearly see the contents of the Space Immortal Ring.

"These things are still very useful for me at this stage." Chen Xuan said with a smile on his face.

A strong person in the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm, a random space fairy ring contains so many precious magic weapons. Chen Xuan only took a cursory look and found out that there were many precious treasures inside.

At this moment, spiritual energy fluctuations suddenly appeared in the area, and then two warriors appeared.

"What? What do you mean?"

When Chen Xuan saw this scene, he suddenly stood up slowly.

Then after feeling the auras of the two of them, Chen Xuan immediately reacted. Then he nodded gently to the two of them and said: "Ancestor Liaohuo, Senior Yu Wenhong, I didn't expect it to be you."

"Damn you bastard, you really surprised me. I didn't misjudge you before. Your talent is indeed extremely strong. If you are at the middle level of the sixth level of the divine realm, you can fight with the strong ones in the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm. This has never happened before. If you can practice the Suzaku Sword Technique to the extreme, it will be easy for you to kill a strong person in the early stage of the seventh level of the God Realm, but you still have a lot of room for improvement." Yu Wenhong. He said with a smile on his face.

The ancestor of the nearby Fire Bird also nodded slightly, seeming to agree with him.

"Lord Chen Xuan, we have all seen your previous battles. With your strength, almost no warrior among the strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm can be his opponent. In the competition at the sixth level of the divine realm in the near future, I will start a fire. It’s up to you to save the Immortal Bird, but if it weren’t for your appearance, we might really be in danger this time,” said the ancestor of the Fire Immortal Bird.

"Don't worry, Yu Wenqiu and I have known each other for such a long time, and I won't just watch you in danger." Chen Xuan said slowly.

He has been living here all this time. If it weren't for their protection, he would have been visited by the enemy long ago, just like this situation.

Yu Wenhong and the ancestor of the Liaohuo Fairy Bird nodded slightly.

"By the way, I saw that your technique seemed very weird before. What is your relationship with Dragon Immortal Palace?" Suddenly, Yu Wenhong asked: "I think you should have a strong law of time and space, the second layer Among them, the powerful people in the Dragon Immortal Palace should have understood a lot about the laws of time and space. If I am not wrong, you should be one of them. "

"The Immortal Dragon Venerable of the Dragon Immortal Palace is actually one of the most powerful people on the second level." The Immortal Dragon Venerable, together with Yu Wenhong, who is the top powerhouse on the seventh level of the Divine Realm, are full of respect.

Although his cultivation has reached the seventh level of the divine realm and is invincible, he vaguely feels that the former should be very close to the eighth level of the divine realm.

Yu Wenhong can only be regarded as the most ordinary strong man at the seventh level of the divine realm, while the Immortal Dragon Master is the most peak strong man.

On the second level, there is basically no one who can compare with the Immortal Dragon Master.

Moreover, Master Xianlong’s secret method of time and space, practiced to the end, is very shocking.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan understood in his heart that Dragon Immortal Palace was actually one of the top ten peak sects on the second level, and the power of Master Immortal Dragon's technique was indeed very powerful.

"I am actually a disciple of the Dragon Immortal Palace, but this is a bit of a long story. Strictly speaking, I only received his inheritance. However, I have only mastered part of this power now, and I have not fully exerted it. Strength." Chen Xuandao.

He practiced the secret method of time and space of the Immortal Dragon Master, but he did not go to the Dragon Immortal Palace for the time being.

"No wonder I feel that the aura on your body is very familiar to me." Yu Wenhong nodded, and then he understood why Chen Xuan had such a powerful talent.

Then the two top experts in the realm of gods talked with Chen Xuan for a while, and then they left.

As time goes by, the competition for the sixth level of the Divine Realm is getting closer and closer.

Throughout the Ten Thousand Fires Mountain Range, many warriors are discussing the Demon Immortal List, because this time the sixth level of the Divine Realm competition will soon change the Demon Immortal Ranking.

In a dark place in the Ten Thousand Fires Mountains, a warrior looked gloomy.

In an instant, this guy opened his eyes, and a strong spiritual secret was released nearby.

He held the sword tightly in his hand, his true soul vibrated, and the cracking sound resounded throughout the air.

"I finally completed it, haha."

If there are warriors here, they will definitely find that this guy is Wang Yunlang, the new generation of top powerhouse of the Blood Giant Tiger.

Few warriors know that the Tiger Sword Soul practiced by Wang Yunlang is also a ninth-level immortal-level soul-like immortal essence secret method.

But after such a long time, he was stuck at a bottleneck and could not break through the technique.

So much so that he wanted to use it to see if he could break through the soul to the first level of the immortal level.

However, the previous secret method was taken away by Chen Xuan, which made him very angry. After the gold auction, he came to this dark place and began to practice the secret method of the soul.

With good luck, he actually succeeded in displaying the highest level of the Tiger Sword Spirit.

The Tiger Sword Soul has nine levels, and he has successfully practiced the first eight moves long ago.

"This damn boy actually dared to stop me before, I will make him regret it." Wang Yunlang's expression revealed a sinister smile.

After the last level of Tiger Sword Soul was completed, he faintly noticed that his true soul seemed to be about to break through.

With this breakthrough, he clearly felt that his strength had increased several times.

"I hope that with the help of this competition of the sixth level of the divine realm, I can break through to the first level of the true immortal level. If I can successfully break through, there will be no one in the same generation who can be my opponent." Wang Yunlang murmured to himself.

He raised his deep eyes to look at the dark sky, and said softly: "Shao Bing, I hope you can surprise me with my breakthrough in cultivation this time. Now my opponent is no longer the two of them. If even you can't surprise me, hehehe, I'm sorry, I will be the most invincible talent by then, no one can compare with me."

In this competition at the sixth level of the Divine Realm, Wang Yunlang's only opponent is Shao Bing of the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan, and no one else can fall into his eyes.

Originally, when his divine identity had not been broken through, he thought he could defeat Shao Bing. Now that his divine soul had been broken through, he hoped that Shao Bing would be strong enough to put a certain amount of pressure on him.

However, this is just a kind of self-deprecation on his part.

Now he thinks that there are very few people of his generation who can withstand him for one round.

At this moment, there was a bang! !

Wang Yunlang's eyes flickered, and two rays of light burst out that were so powerful that they could not be matched. In an instant, Wang Yunlang's body disappeared into the sky.

At this moment, Chen Xuan is here.

"Lord Chen Xuan, we actually killed a warrior who was in the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm. During this period of time, I have been practicing in seclusion and I feel that my strength has increased a lot." Firebird said with a smile on his face.

"Those two warriors from the seventh level of the middle stage of the Divine Realm in the Bloodline Immortal Palace still want to seek revenge on us? It's really funny, haha? How can they be our opponents now," Shadow Demon said.

"That's true. Although the remaining two warriors in the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm are more powerful than Liu Yun and Hong, there is no need to worry at all." Zhang Jianyun said: "After the competition of the sixth level of the divine realm is over, we will We should be able to kill them directly, and then the danger will be completely eliminated."

Now Chen Xuan's biggest danger is these elders, they are like two poisonous snakes.

If he is not careful, they may even have poisonous fangs and come over to bite him.

So Chen Xuan must be careful now.

"So during this period of time, I have to practice hard and improve my strength. When I face the two of them, I can complete the decisive blow. Hahaha, I hope I can completely suppress them by then." Demon Bear Demon road.

After hearing what they were talking about, Chen Xuan's face was also full of smiles.

After killing Li Yun, Chen Xuan could clearly feel that the power of the soul had always existed in his body.

As long as they have the power of the soul, these elders will find his traces and attack him.

However, at present, Liu Yun and Hong were killed. If Luo Bei and Huang Liang were killed, Chen Xuan's current danger should be relieved.

If there are four of them, Chen Xuan is no match, but if there are only two Rao Huan left, he and Yu Wenqiu will definitely have the ability to fight them when their cultivation levels continue to break through.

"I wonder if someone who is invincible at the seventh level of the divine realm can help me remove the power of the divine soul from my body? If I am followed by them all the time, it will not be good for me." Chen Xuan suddenly thought.

Although Chen Xuan can deal with these elders now, he knows that the strong man behind these people has terrifying cultivation that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Chen Xuan had been practicing for several years, and it would probably be difficult for him to fight against him.

So for now, Chen Xuan is still preparing to eliminate the traces on his body to ensure that he will not be caught.

If you can reach the Dragon Immortal Palace, you may be able to ask the Immortal Dragon Master for help.

But for now, the most important thing is the competition at the sixth level of the Divine Realm.

"There is not much time left for the competition, and it will start completely in a few days." Chen Xuan looked into the distance, thinking in his heart.

Chen Xuan has been preparing for this game for a long time, and he has also been waiting for it for a long time.

Time passed, and the competition for the sixth level of the Divine Realm finally arrived. All the warriors from the entire Ten Thousand Volcanoes region poured into the Yunshan Mountains.

The location of this competition for the sixth level of the Divine Realm is within the Yunshan Mountains.

Although several major demon clans have temporary strongholds in the Yunshan Mountains, they cannot govern the Yunshan Mountains.

In the main hall of the Burning Fire Fairy Bird area, the leader of the Burning Fire Fairy Bird Clan stood at the front, looking at the many warriors.

One hundred warriors ready to seize the magic weapon have all arrived, and Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu are also here.

"Fellow monks, the second time is the time for the competition at the sixth level of the Divine Realm. I will lead you to the Yunshan Mountains immediately." The leader of the Liaohuo Fairy Bird Clan said: "Many warriors know very well that the Blood Giant Tiger and We, the Burning Fire Fairy Bird, have many conflicts, and this time they and the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan are going to deal with us, the Burning Fire Fairy Bird, in the sixth level of the Divine Realm."

"So much so that if you don't pay attention to the competition at the sixth level of the Divine Realm, you will die. Your hearts come first. After this competition at the sixth level of the Divine Realm is over, all warriors will be able to get rich magic weapons." Liaohuo Immortal The leader of the Bird Clan said slowly.

Hearing this, Yu Wenyun stood at the front, and he was also thinking about his chances of winning this time.

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