In an instant, a chill flashed through the pupils of the Blood Giant Tiger, a strong man at the sixth level of the divine realm. Then he came to the side of the strong man at the sixth level of the Fire Bird God Realm. Suddenly, he struck out with a sword. On the body of this powerful man from the Fire Immortal Bird Clan who was at the sixth level of the Divine Realm, his true soul was immediately broken and he died immediately.

Seeing this scene, the strong men at the sixth level of the Divine Realm of the Fire Immortal Bird Tribe all showed murderous intent.

"Damn it, they actually...what the hell is going on..."

Yu Wenqing's expression was extremely ferocious.

Seeing this situation, Yu Wenyun hurriedly said: "They did not violate the rules..."

Chen Xuan, among the many warriors, couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

The Blood Giant Tiger and the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan were not prepared to show mercy at all, but this also made him no longer prepared to show mercy.

Anyone encountered will be killed without mercy.

In the viewing area, Wang Qun and Song Wen's faces were full of smiles.

As for Patriarch Yuwen, his face was extremely gloomy, but he couldn’t do anything about it.

In the second match, another strong man with the sixth level of the divine realm of the Blood Giant Tiger stepped onto the competition stage, and his opponent was the sixth level of the divine realm of the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan.

In the battle between the two powerful men of the sixth level of the divine realm, although the warriors of the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan won, they did not kill them. Apparently, they had communicated with each other a long time ago.

This made the strong men at the sixth level of the Divine Realm of the Fire Immortal Bird Clan extremely unhappy, but they had nothing to worry about.

Soon, the strong men at the sixth level of the Divine Realm of the Fire Immortal Bird Clan continued to step onto the fighting stage.

In the blink of an eye, the competition has been going on for a long time. Five of the disciples of the Liaohuo Fairy Bird are dead. The remaining warriors of the sixth level of the divine realm will only need to encounter the strong men of the sixth level of the divine realm of the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan and the Blood Giant Tiger. , almost never gain the upper hand.

Until this moment, many strong men at the sixth level of the Divine Realm of the Fire Immortal Bird were very excited.

The reason is also very simple, because this battle is actually between the strongest person in the Liaohuo Immortal Bird Clan, who is at the sixth level of the Divine Realm, Yu Wenyun.

Sitting on the competition stage, Yu Wenyun exuded a fierce aura.

Opposite him was a strong man at the sixth level of the Divine Realm of the Blood Giant Tiger Clan.

"Yu Wenyun, I heard that your son is a strong man at the sixth level of the strongest divine realm in the Fire Immortal Bird? Do I really want to see with my own eyes how strong you are?"

The strong man at the sixth level of the divine realm sneered, and then took action against Yu Wenyun.

The fierce aura of burning fire resounded throughout the air.

Suddenly, the fiery red power of the Fire Immortal Bird quickly spread across the entire competition stage, directly gathering the strong men at the sixth level of the Divine Realm of the Blood Giant Tiger Clan.

In an instant, just as he was about to attack, he let out a miserable cry.

The speed of this slap in the face is really too fast.

"I am no opponent, please spare me..."

Only the voice of a strong man at the sixth level of the Divine Realm of the Blood Giant Tiger Clan could be heard.

Yu Wenyun's strength is really terrifying, and he has no way to defend himself.

But soon, he was quickly suppressed by the power of Yu Wenyun's Fire Bird.

No one could imagine that Yu Wenyun was so powerful.

The power of the Fire Immortal Bird was slowly withdrawn. Yu Wenyun turned around without even looking at it, and then walked off the competition stage.

The strong man at the sixth level of the Divine Realm of the Fire Immortal Bird Tribe clenched his sword in his hand and was very excited.

However, in the Blood Giant Tiger area, many warriors had extremely gloomy expressions, and they were obviously unhappy.

"What a powerful power of the Fire Bird."

Chen Xuan was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that Yu Wenyun had such a powerful power of the Fire Bird in his body.

"Although his power of the Fire Immortal Bird is very strong, it is still not strong enough compared to mine." Yu Wenqiu whispered.

He possesses the Immortal Fire Secret Technique. Although he has only touched it a little, Yu Wenqiu has already sensed that the power of the Fire Immortal Bird in Yu Wenyun's body is not the most powerful.

Chen Xuan also nodded, and then said: "If we face Wang Yunlang or Shao Bing, it will be almost impossible to win."

Yuwen Yun killed the Blood Giant Tiger, a strong man at the sixth level of the divine realm. Finally, the strong man at the sixth level of the divine realm of the Liaohuo Fairy Bird Clan gradually became more confident.

There were several strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm who even completely defeated the strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm from the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan and the Blood Giant Tiger Clan. Although there was no chance to kill them, for the Burning Fire Fairy Bird, it was better than A lot has been reversed before.

Next, from time to time, there would be giant blood tigers and strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm from the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan, who would injure the strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm from the Fire Immortal Bird Clan.

However, most of the strong men at the sixth level of the Divine Realm of the Fire Immortal Bird Clan were slightly suppressed.

Soon, it was finally time for Yu Wenqiu to step onto the martial arts stage.

Yu Wenqiu's opponent was a strong man among the top ten on the Demon Immortal List and a sixth-level master of the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan's Divine Realm. His name was Luo Yanhu.

"Nizi, you are no match for me." Luo Yanhu said.

Yu Wenqiu exuded a fierce aura, smiled and said nothing.

When they saw Yu Wenqiu walking onto the fighting stage, Wang Yunlang and Shao Bing's expressions changed.

"When did the Fire Immortal Bird have such a powerful person?" Shao Bing said with fierce eyes.

"Haha, it's really funny."

Yu Wenqiu's face was slightly gloomy and he ignored Luo Yanhu.

Luo Yanhu touched his chin and then said: "Come on, let's see how I torture you."

Chen Xuan was obviously a little unhappy when he heard Luo Yanhu's words.

Yu Wenqiu, who was on the competition stage, saw what was happening in front of him, then raised his cold eyes and said softly: "You deserve to die."

"You want to kill me? It's so funny, haha." Luo Yanhu sneered, not caring about Yu Wenqiu's anger at all.

In his opinion, Yu Wenqiu, including the strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm of the Liaohuo Immortal Bird Clan, was not very strong either.

Although Yu Wenqiu's aura is quite strong, many warriors have almost never seen Yu Wenqiu perform his skills, and they don't know what level his entire cultivation level has reached.

There was some worry on Yu Wenqing's face.

After all, the opponent is actually Luo Yanhu, who is in the top ten of the Demon Immortal List. He is very powerful. Even if Yu Wenqing launches an attack, he is not absolutely able to defeat the opponent.

"Master Chen Xuan, are Yu Wenqiu okay?" Yu Wenqing turned to look at Chen Xuan and said slowly.

Chen Xuan laughed lightly, then shook his head slightly.

Yu Wenqiu is very strong, even if Wang Yunlang and Shao Bing use their skills, they are not absolutely able to dominate.

On the fighting stage.

The spirit of the God of Fire gradually spread out from Yu Wenqiu, spreading throughout the competition arena.

"Don't worry, I will be gentler." Luo Yanhu said with a smile on his face.

Yu Wenqiu looked at Luo Yanhu coldly and said softly: "Really?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Wenqiu suddenly swung his long sword, which was filled with hot breath and directly restrained Luo Yanhu's body.

"It's just asking for death."

Luo Yanhu's face was full of anger. He was about to attack, but suddenly he found that he couldn't move.

"No way, actually..."

Just when Luo Yanhu was about to speak, he suddenly felt that his true soul was frightened.

"How can this be!"

Immediately afterwards, Luo Yanhu's true soul was shattered and he was knocked out of the competition stage.

Yu Wenqiu, whose whole body was radiating flames, smiled calmly, as if nothing had happened before.

In the viewing area, Wang Qun and Song Wenteng stood up immediately.

In just a short moment, their two powerful seventh-level gods actually felt frightened.

"What happened?"

The two powerful seventh-level gods looked at each other. Finally, they no longer had the courage to look at the mysterious monk in front of them.

"It's so funny. Do you think you are strong?" Shao Bing sneered. In his opinion, Yu Wenqiu just killed Luo Yanhu, who was among the top ten demon immortals. If he launched an attack, the opponent would have no choice but to kill him. Any room to fight back.

In the entire main hall, the first time Yu Wenqiu used his technique, the strong men at the sixth level of the Fire Immortal Bird Divine Realm sighed one after another. Even Yu Wen Yun and Yu Wen Qing suddenly fell into a daze.

After a while, Yu Wenyun nodded slightly, and then seemed to understand why the ancestor asked Yu Wenqiu to participate in the competition of the sixth level of the divine realm.

In the shock of many warriors, Yu Wenqiu walked down from the competition stage.

"Yu Wenqiu is indeed very strong." Yu Wenqing praised Yu Wenqiu.

This battle also made Yu Wenqiu directly become a strong man at the sixth level of the strongest god realm. He was able to kill Luo Yanhu with one blow, which was almost enough to show that Yu Wenqiu was strong enough to enter the top ten of the Demon Immortal Ranking. He was really in the top five. Famous.

Many warriors are talking about this monk named Yu Wenqiu, whose strength is really terrifying.

"That's true. The first time I used the technique, I entered the top of the list of demon immortals, and still didn't use my full strength."

Many warriors are praising Yu Wenqiu crazily, and some warriors even believe that Yu Wenqiu's strength can definitely enter the top five in the demon immortal list.

Many warriors from the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan were full of anger towards Yu Wenqiu.

Next, the strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm from the two major demon clans took action even more fiercely.

In just half the time, the first game was over.

The Fire Immortal Bird lost an estimated ten or so strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm, while the Blood Giant Tiger and the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan lost less powerful men at the sixth level of the divine realm.

The last person to appear was Chen Xuan, who acted as the Great Guard of the Fire Immortal Bird.

And his opponent is actually Song Qing from the Blood Giant Tiger Clan, who is also ranked among the top five in the Demon Immortal List.

Song Qing was very powerful, and many warriors from the Fire Immortal Bird Clan never expected that Chen Xuan's opponent would be Song Qing.

On the competition stage, Chen Xuan and Song Qing were smiling.

"Damn bastard, you're going to die soon." Song Qing said with a cold face.

Chen Xuan said with a smile on his face: "Yeah, it's funny."

There was still no fear on Chen Xuan's face, and he didn't seem to take Song Qing seriously at all.

Seeing this scene, Song Qing was really unhappy.

"You are the most arrogant person at the sixth level of the divine realm that I have ever seen." Song Qing said.

Chen Xuan spread his hands and said, "You are actually quite strong. Unfortunately, you are no match for me."

After the words fell, a powerful aura vaguely surrounded Chen Xuan.

But at this moment, Song Qing's expression revealed a ferocious smile.

"Is it possible that the Liaohuo Fairy Bird even came to participate in the sixth major tournament of the sixth level of the divine realm?" Song Qing said sarcastically.

Many warriors from the two demon clans also know that strong men in the late sixth level of the divine realm can be killed, let alone those in the middle sixth level of the divine realm.

"Damn you bastard, if you wait for me to take action, you are vulgar." Song Qing sneered.

Chen Xuan's face was full of confidence and he said: "Oh? Are you confident that you can defeat me?"

"One of the top few powerful men on the Demon Immortal List is actually such a stupid trash." Chen Xuan continued.

"Damn you bastard, you're a little arrogant."

Shao Bing and Wang Yunlang watched Chen Xuan closely.

"Song Qing, kill him."

Wang Yunlang's voice reached Song Qing.

After hearing this, he then said: "Don't worry, if we don't kill him directly, how can I, Song Qing, have the dignity to hang around in the Ten Thousand Fires Mountain Range?"

Then Song Qing turned to look at Chen Xuan and said with murderous intent: "Damn you bastard, I will let you know the power of the top few on the Demon Immortal List. And I will also let you know the power of the sixth level of the divine realm and the mid-level. The gap between the six and late stages of the Divine Realm.”

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, obviously very helpless: "Come on, stop talking nonsense."

"Damn it, I'll show you right now." His body flashed quickly, and a ferocious aura instantly filled his surroundings.

His attack speed was extremely fast and he didn't want to give Chen Xuan any chance.


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