"Haha, that's right. Lu Wenyuan possesses an extremely terrifying phantom beast spirit. If a warrior at the sixth level of the divine realm falls into the body protection formation, he will definitely die here." Wang Qun nodded.

Although the body protection formation method has no obvious effect on those who are around the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm.

On the fighting stage.

There was no fear on Chen Xuan's face.

Seeing this scene, Lu Wenyuan released an extremely powerful aura nearby.

"Body protection formation."

Suddenly, Lu Wenyuan shouted, and a terrifying and powerful aura instantly spread across the entire competition stage, gathering Chen Xuan in the middle.

"Protective spiritual energy?"

Chen Xuan was also very shocked. He did not expect that Lu Wenyuan could release such a powerful body-protecting spiritual energy.

Within the body protection formation, Chen Xuan felt the terrifying aura approaching.

He waved the long sword in his hand slightly, and casually deployed a sixth-grade peak immortal formation, which directly competed with the power of the body protection formation.

"You think you can defend against my protective formation like this? You think too simply."

Lu Wenyuan sneered, his body flashed quickly, and he rushed directly into the body protection formation.

Many warriors outside looked at the competition stage with puzzled expressions.

"Time Sword Immortal Technique."

Chen Xuan sneered in his heart and instantly used the Immortal Sword Technique. The aura of the fused Divine Sword Dao instantly filled the area. Then, he found the right opportunity and struck Lu Wenyuan's body with the prairie fire sword in his hand.


Lu Wenyuan was directly knocked away, and then a miserable cry came out.

Although Lu Wenyuan was knocked away, he still controlled his powerful aura to attack Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan smiled, and once again used the Immortal Sword Technique, and at the same time used the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent.

In an instant, a lethal aura hit Lu Wenyuan's body.

In an instant, Lu Wenyuan was struck on the competition stage with his sword.


The protective formation gradually disappeared.

After a while, many warriors outside finally saw Lu Wenyuan's condition clearly.

"What are you? No, Lu Wenyuan was killed?"

Suddenly, the entire main hall was discussing.

Including the seven-level powerful gods in the viewing area, they all fell into a sluggish state.

"How is it possible? How can he defend against Lu Wenyuan's body protection formation?" Song Wen didn't understand.

The Wang Qun nearby had gloomy faces, while Mr. Tang looked in Chen Xuan's direction in horror.

Lu Wenyuan is one of the top five powerful people on the Demon Immortal List. However, in front of Chen Xuan, he couldn't hold on for even one round.

"Is his strength so terrifying?" Yu Wenqing asked doubtfully in the Liaohuo Fairy Bird area.

Yu Wenyun's expression also kept changing. After a while, he sighed.

In the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan area, Shao Bing watched Chen Xuan closely.

"Damn you bastard, Lu Wenyuan will not die for no reason." Shao Bing said with a cold face.

Chen Xuan glanced at Shao Bing and walked in front of Lu Wenyuan.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

Lu Wenyuan's body was instantly wrapped in flames, and then disappeared.

The top five strong men on the Demon Immortal List died in the martial arts competition.

Chen Xuan put away the Liaoyuan Sword and returned to the Liaohuo Fairy Bird area.

Chen Xuan's strength was stronger than they imagined.

"It seems that the first place in this competition for the sixth level of the Divine Realm is Wang Yunlang, Shao Bing, Yu Wenqiu and Chen Xuan."

Outside the main hall, the warriors began to chat continuously.

Although the two demon clans were very angry, they could not do anything about it.

In the air, the ancestors of the Fire Immortal Bird Clan and Yu Wenhong were smiling, while the ancestors of the other two demon clans had gloomy faces.

"This guy must be eradicated." The ancestor of the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan said.

The Green Immortal Tiger Demon Ancestor nodded, and then said: "Even if he is a disciple of the Dragon Immortal Palace, he must be killed... It is impossible for the Immortal Dragon Master to fall out with us because of him."

In the main hall, many warriors didn't understand how Chen Xuan defended Lu Wenyuan's body protection formation?

Only Yu Wenqiu knew that Chen Xuan's overall strength had surpassed Lu Wenyuan's long ago. Even Shao Bing and Wang Yunlang might not be able to pose any threat to him.

After the next game, many warriors from the Fire Immortal Bird returned to the rest area, while the expressions of the two demon clans were a little gloomy.

Blood giant tiger rest area.

"Wang Qun, it is a bit dangerous for the Fire Immortal Bird to have such a strong man." Song Wen said: "We need to think about it and deal with him."

It was originally planned to kill the warriors of the sixth level of the Godly Realm of the Fire Immortal Bird in the sixth level of the Divine Realm competition.

But now the two major demon clans have lost so many warriors at the sixth level of the divine realm.

So much so that they had to let Chen Xuan face Wang Yunlang or Shao Bing, otherwise, no warrior could stop him.

Now that things have developed to this point, they can only hope that Wang Yunlang and Shao Bing will bump into Chen Xuan soon and kill him quickly.

At this moment when Song Wen and Wang Qun were thinking, two invincible powerful men at the seventh level of the divine realm appeared.

"Lord Ancestor." The two men said hurriedly.

"Chen Xuan is very dangerous, we must kill him directly." Qingxian Tiger Demon Ancestor said.

"There seems to be a conflict between the Bloodline Immortal Palace and Chen Xuan. The two elders came to the Ten Thousand Fires Mountain Range just to defeat Chen Xuan. However, the moment they attacked Chen Xuan, they shocked the leader of the Liaohuo Immortal Bird Clan. You can now contact this Two warriors who were in the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm, then assassinated Chen Xuan," said the ancestor of the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan.

"What? What do you mean?"

The two powerful seventh-level gods also thought quickly in their hearts after hearing this.

In the Yunshan Mountains, in a hidden residential area, two powerful seventh-level gods suddenly appeared.

"You two, we want to see you." Song Wen said in a deep voice.

"Elders of Bloodlink Immortal Palace, we want to unite with you." Wang Qun said.

Two warriors appeared in the dark space, obviously Huang Liang and Luo Bei.

"Is something wrong with you?" Huang Liang asked.

"Haha, that's right. I know that the warriors who are in the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm of the Bloodline Immortal Palace have come to the Ten Thousand Fires Mountains, so they are greeted at a distance." Huang Liang and Luo Bei looked at the two powerful seventh-level divine beings.

"I wonder what's wrong with you?" Huang Liang thought for a moment and then asked.

"What else could it be...of course it's Chen Xuan."

As soon as these words came out, the two of them suddenly showed joy.

"This kid killed Li Yun. The seventh-level invincible expert in the realm of gods personally ordered that this kid must be chased back." Huang Liang suddenly said: "And he has many helpers around him. Now the two of us are attacking Chen Xuan. , it’s difficult.”

"Haha, that's right. We can't convict Chen Xuan for the time being, otherwise we won't be able to explain to Guan Longting." Luo Bei said.

Wang Qun and Song Wen looked at each other, then laughed and said: "Hehehe, you don't need to worry so much, we will naturally help you with this matter."

"Of course there is no problem with this. If this guy kills Li Yun, Shangguan Longting will not let him go." Luo Bei said solemnly.

"No problem, I will help you resist the others. Once you kill Chen Xuan, I will arrange a place for you." The two powerful seventh-level gods stood up and disappeared immediately.

Seeing the two powerful seventh-level gods leaving, Luo Bei asked in a low voice: "Huang Liang, can you trust them?"

Huang Liang pondered for a moment, and then said: "If we can't kill him, Shangguan Longting will definitely be very unhappy inside, and we will be looking for death."

"No problem." Luo Bei nodded slightly.

After resting for a few hours, a second group of warriors gathered in the main hall again.

In the viewing area, all the powerful seventh-level gods stood together. In these games, there are currently only seventy or twenty warriors at the sixth level of the god-level.

The warriors who can break through the sixth level of the divine realm in the fifth game are all the most powerful warriors at the sixth level of the divine realm. Their strength is almost invincible among the warriors at the sixth level of the Divine Realm in the Ten Thousand Fires Mountains.

Many warriors have compared Chen Xuan, Wang Yunlang and Shao Bing. The fifth game is a trial.

"There are more than seventy warriors at the sixth level of the Divine Realm who participated in the fifth trial." Mr. Tang said slowly: "You warriors at the sixth level of the Divine Realm, the trial location is at the Demon Xun Peak. "


In an instant, there were discussions in the main hall.

Unexpectedly, the fifth trial turned out to be Moxun Peak.

You must know that when a warrior at the sixth level of the Divine Realm enters Moxun Peak, there is basically no possibility of leaving here. Only extremely powerful warriors at the sixth level of the Divine Realm can survive in Moxun Peak.

In Moxun Peak, the aura of immortality will be suppressed. If there is no way to use the aura of immortality, it means that there is no way to use the powerful secret method of immortality.

In this case, the battle between warriors at the sixth level of the Divine Realm can only rely on body refining and the strength of the true soul.

So when many warriors heard that the trial location was Moxun Peak, they immediately fell into a daze.

"You can kill any enemy in Moxun Peak. This trial of yours will last for more than three months. At that time, the ten strongest disciples will be determined, and then they will all compete against each other."

"It is estimated that many warriors should be aware of the danger of Moxun Peak. It is still too late to exit now. If we really enter Moxun Peak, no warrior will be able to leave." Mr. Tang said solemnly.

Many warriors looked at each other, their pupils full of complexity.

In the Fire Immortal Bird area, many warriors gathered around Yu Wenyun and Yu Wenqing. At this moment, Yu Wenyun's pupils then looked at Chen Xuan and asked in a low voice: "Master Chen Xuan, what's the matter?"

After Chen Xuan heard this, he walked to Yu Wenyun and said: "The two demon clans are warriors at the sixth level of the divine realm who want to suppress the Liaohuo Immortal Bird clan. The fifth trial will be held at Moxun Peak, and the selection will be A few good ones, let’s go.”

Yu Wenyun and Yu Wenqing looked at each other, and after discussing for a while, in the end, among the Liaohuo Fairy Bird Clan, the only warriors who entered the sixth level of the Divine Realm of Demon Xun Peak were Yu Wenyun, Yu Wenqing, Chen Xuan, and Yu Wenqiu.

Several of them are currently the most powerful warriors at the sixth level of the divine realm in the Liaohuo Immortal Bird. Wang Qun and Song Wen are not surprised. Their goal is to kill the warriors at the sixth level of the peak divine realm. This That's the most important thing to them.

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