"You can go to the Ten Thousand Fire Spirit Realm to have a look. I think that place is very good for you." Xianlong Venerable said.

"But there is a dangerous place called the Layer Master Realm, also called the Immortal Meteorite Realm. It is rumored that it is connected to the third layer. I don't know the specific situation inside, because we have never been in. There is a very powerful sealing force there, and even we find it difficult to break the seal." Xianlong Venerable said slowly.

"Layer Master Realm?"

Chen Xuan's heart was in turmoil. It was the first time he heard this name. There was actually a place in the second layer that the ten peak God Realm seventh-level invincible strongmen dared not go to casually.

"Among the ten peak God Realm seventh-level invincible strongmen, only Shangguan Hong has entered the Immortal Meteorite Realm. After coming out of it, his strength became the strongest God Realm seventh-level invincible strongman generally recognized by the second layer." Xianlong Venerable said.

"No way, it turned out..."

Chen Xuan's shock became more intense.

"With your current strength, the Immortal Meteorite Realm is too terrifying for you, so you should not think about it now." Xianlong Venerable said.

"By the way, Wang Xian and Liu Xuan went to the Immortal Demon Tower, and Hong Long went to the Ten Thousand Fire Spirit Realm. Even I am unwilling to go to the Immortal Meteorite Layer, let alone the Seventh Level Perfect Divine Realm." Venerable Xianlong said: "You are already invincible among the warriors in the seventh level of the Divine Realm. At present, the most important thing is to break through to the Seventh Level Perfect Divine Realm. I plan to let you enter the dangerous place in the second layer to practice."

"Sir, I want to go to the Ten Thousand Fire Spirit Realm." Chen Xuan said.

Venerable Xianlong nodded after hearing this.

"The Ten Thousand Fire Spirit Realm is in the Blood Link Immortal Palace. After you go in, avoid Shangguan Longting from attacking you."

The several dangerous places in the second layer are actually generally recognized by the ten great invincible Seventh Level Divine Realm masters.

The reason why Chen Xuan chose the Ten Thousand Fire Spirit Realm was for the inheritance of the Qingxian Patriarch's secret method. This time he went to the Ten Thousand Fire Spirit Realm, hoping to get some unexpected gains.

Then, Chen Xuan returned to the courtyard.

In the past period of time, Chen Xuan had not been an elder of the outer palace for long, and he was ready to challenge the elder of the inner palace, and the time of the event was in the afternoon.

There were only twenty seventh-level perfect masters in the Dragon Immortal Palace. Zhang Lang was very surprised to hear this news.

In the afternoon, in the eyes of many warriors, Chen Xuan gradually walked onto the competition stage.

Not long after, Fang Yunqing also walked here and slowly observed Chen Xuan.

"Master Fang Yunqing, thank you." Chen Xuan said.

Fang Yunqing was also surprised after hearing this, and then smiled and said, "Come on."

He also wanted to experience how powerful Chen Xuan was.

The person in charge of this battle was an elder of the inner palace. With his start, Fang Yunqing on the competition stage directly burst out the seventh-level perfect aura of the God Realm, and the ferocious aura spread throughout the competition stage.

"What a terrifying immortal power, worthy of being a seventh-level perfect master of the God Realm."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene.

Although his strength was equivalent to the seventh-level perfect God Realm. But he was, after all, a strong man at the early stage of the seventh level of the Godly Lord Realm, not a perfect seventh level of the Godly Lord Realm.

"Be careful, Chen Xuan."

Fang Yunqing said in a low voice.

In an instant, a sword aura appeared in Fang Yunqing's long sword.

The sword aura made a cracking sound, and the ferocious power of immortal essence poured into the sword aura.

"Qingyun Immortal Sword Intention."

Chen Xuan also directly displayed the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intention and the Suzaku Sword Technique.

Three terrifying sword lights carrying terrifying power burst out in an instant and attacked Fang Yunqing.

Fang Yunqing's long sword shook slightly, and the long sword and the five sword lights collided with each other in an instant.

In an instant, the terrifying power permeated the surroundings.

At this time when the two collided, Chen Xuan hurriedly displayed the Suzaku Sword Technique.


Dozens of Suzaku sword qi condensed in an instant, and above the arena, he clearly felt an extremely depressed feeling.

"Strange, what is that?"

"His swordsmanship is so powerful. It's really too strong."

Many outer palace elders of the Dragon Immortal Palace sighed one after another.

Facing dozens of Vermillion Bird sword qi, Fang Yunqing swung his long sword and exerted a little force, and the sword qi also fell directly into many Vermillion Bird sword qi.


When the Vermillion Bird sword qi hit the green sword qi, there was a crackling sound, and all disappeared.

Chen Xuan could clearly feel that Fang Yunqing's green sword qi seemed to be a very profound swordsmanship.

"It seems that only other methods can be used."

Chen Xuan's spirit moved slightly, and the Immortal Void Secret Method was performed.

An extremely strong breath of the Divine Sword Dao was released nearby, and then his body disappeared into the air.

"What? What's going on?"

Fang Yunqing found that he couldn't even sense Chen Xuan.

"A warrior who controls the laws of time and space?"

Fang Yunqing killed the last remaining Vermillion Bird sword qi in the air with a sword.

At this moment, Fang Yunqing's expression suddenly became gloomy. He just couldn't become a warrior who controlled the laws of time and space. Because of his lack of understanding, it was almost difficult for him to improve his cultivation.

"The Immortal Space Secret Method has been cultivated to this level."

At this moment, not only the Outer Palace Elders were shocked, but even the Inner Palace Elders seemed to be very shocked.

A warrior who is in the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm is also very powerful in the mystical talent of the soul. He is also a warrior who controls the laws of time and space, so that many elders showed surprised expressions and were shocked in their hearts.

Chen Xuan's body used the power of space secrets to attack Fang Yunqing, making it difficult for Fang Yunqing to deal with it.

As a member of the Dragon Immortal Palace, he knew very well that he could not win this fight.

"It seems I lost."

Fang Yunqing was helpless. He was defeated by a warrior at the seventh level of the middle stage of the divine realm, and there was nothing he could do.

"Lord Fang Yunqing, if we were to fight head-on, I would not be your opponent." Chen Xuan said with a slight smile.

Fang Yunqing said slowly: "Chen Xuan, you're welcome, I did lose. Just now, you had the chance to kill me."

After the words fell, Fang Yunqing left instantly.

"From now on, Chen Xuan becomes the elder of the inner palace of Longxian Palace."

When the inner palace elder responsible for the challenge finished, many warriors in the entire Dragon Immortal Palace were talking about Chen Xuan. As for Chen Xuan, he also left here directly.

The Ten Thousand Fire Spirit Realm, a dangerous place, is his destination this time.

In the Ten Thousand Fire Spirit Realm, among the powerful people who have been sealed for more than a dozen world eras, there are those who practice fire and sword skills.

Chen Xuan hopes that he can get some inherited secret magic weapons to improve the sword soul. Only in this way can we have the opportunity to enter the seventh level of perfection in the divine realm.

Soon, Chen Xuan took Firebird and the others and left Dragon Immortal Palace in an instant, heading to the Bloodlink Immortal Palace area.

Blood is connected to the Immortal Palace, Fire Cloud Lin Zheng

Shangguan Longting's expression was gloomy, surrounded by strong burning spiritual energy, and the power on his body was very terrifying.

The warrior who just spoke was Junior Brother Qing. He was very aware of Shangguan Longting's hatred for Chen Xuan, so when Junior Brother Qing learned about Chen Xuan, he immediately told Shangguan Longting.

Sure enough, Shangguan Longting was very angry after hearing the news.

"If he comes to the Bloodline Immortal Palace area, I will kill him directly." Shangguan Long Ting said with a cold face.

"He is Chen Xuan, a disciple of Venerable Immortal Dragon, and he is the elder of the inner palace of Dragon Immortal Palace. You will make Venerable Immortal Dragon angry. When the time comes, it will inevitably be another fierce battle." Junior Brother Qing said hurriedly.

When Shangguan Longting heard this, his face was full of anger.

"Junior Brother Qing, report Chen Xuan's actions to me at any time. I have no way to take action against him for the time being. You are not wrong, but I must let this guy know what the consequences will be if you provoke me?" Shangguan Long Ting slowly Slowly.

"Senior brother, leave this matter to me. As long as there is news about him, I will tell you quickly. If this guy dares to come over, I will deal with him without you." Junior Brother Qing nodded slightly. road.

In fact, in the past tens of thousands of years, there have been a lot of conflicts between the Bloodline Immortal Palace and the Dragon Immortal Palace, but they are not particularly important conflicts.

If it were placed hundreds of thousands of years ago, Chen Xuan would not have dared to walk into the Blood Link Immortal Palace area at will. However, now, due to the battle between the two sects, the people here are indeed living in dire straits.

So later they reached an agreement, and neither of them attacked each other during this period of time, and now Chen Xuan once again came to the Blood Link Immortal Palace area.

The Wanhuo Spirit Realm is next to the Blood Link Immortal Palace area, and monsters are generally not allowed to come here. Firebird and the others can only rely on Chen Xuan if they want to enter.

"Lord Chen Xuan, please be patient. We have now arrived in their territory. I highly doubt that Shangguan Longting will take action. If he does, it will be terrible. We cannot be his opponent." Firebird said. .

"Don't worry, I already understand." Chen Xuan nodded lightly.

Chen Xuan turned into a streak of dark red energy and quickly flew towards the Blood Link Immortal Palace.

On the second floor, in the very center of the east, there is a huge Immortal Cloud Palace.

The giant palace contains a strong aura of divine sword intent. Even ordinary warriors can improve their cultivation after entering the Immortal Cloud Palace.

After some time, Chen Xuan arrived in front of the Immortal Cloud Palace, and at this moment, Chen Xuan felt the extremely shocking aura of the Divine Sword Intent.

"No wonder so many warriors want to enter the Immortal Cloud Palace." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

However, he completely fell out with Shangguan Longting of Bloodlink Immortal Palace. Otherwise, Chen Xuan really wanted to walk into the Immortal Cloud Palace and have a look.

Trying hard to suppress the shock in his heart, Chen Xuan paused slightly and found a peak next to him.

This peak is actually the phantom of a divine soul, and there are strong spiritual veins at the entrance.

Chen Xuan was extremely happy in his heart. He used the secret method of Immortal Sky and quickly ranked below the peak.


The extremely depressing aura of Divine Sword Intent filled the air instantly.

"The Spiritual World of Ten Thousand Fires."

Chen Xuan looked calmly at the entrance to the Ten Thousand Fires Spiritual Realm, and found that there were some strong people at the early stage of the seventh level of the Divine Realm talking loudly at the entrance to the Ten Thousand Fires Spiritual Realm.

"Get inside quickly."

Chen Xuan directly entered the entrance to the Wanhuo Spirit Realm.

The spiritual veins at the entrance to the Ten Thousand Fires Spirit Realm immediately released a layer of aura.

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