Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5413: The Spirit of the Fantasy Beast Sets the Field on Fire

After the non-elder's words fell, the fire bird then used the spirit of the fantasy beast to set fire to the prairie fire. The terrifying power of dragon fire enveloped the non-elder.

In an instant, Fei Elder's body bounced into the air, despite the force of the explosion just now sweeping through it.

However, he was a strong man in the Perfect Realm. After being excited by his powerful explosive power, he was not fatally injured.

He could continue to attack, but he was once again attacked by Chen Xuan and others together.

Although the non-elders tried their best to defend, they were obviously no longer their opponents in the face of Chen Xuan's attacks.

Chen Xuan held the prairie fire sword and activated the Suzaku spirit, and terrifying auras were released from it. These flames surrounded the long sword in his hand.

Looking down at the strong flames in the sword, Chen Xuan smiled.

Immediately afterwards, he held the Liaoyuan Sword tightly, and the flames completely poured into the Liaoyuan Sword. The terrifying power suddenly filled Chen Xuan with layers of red light, and at this time, his fire defense was activated to the extreme.

The combination of fire defense and Qingyun Immortal Sword Intention burst out the strongest power. Even a Perfection Realm warrior who was stronger than Chen Xuan would find it difficult to withstand this power.

The next moment, Chen Xuan directly used the Suzaku Sword Technique of Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent. The Suzaku sword technique, amplified by flames, released extremely powerful power.


The Immortal Sky Secret Technique was used, and Chen Xuan's prairie fire sword was swung rapidly.

Boom! !

The sword light filled with murderous intent directly hit the non-elder.

His body retreated quickly, blood emanated from the corner of his mouth, and he fell into a state of madness in an instant.

"Continue to launch a more intense attack." Firebird said solemnly.

Several of them attacked the non-elders, and Chen Xuan's Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent also came quickly.

The remaining sword light hit the non-elder's body continuously, and immediately knocked his body several meters away.

The non-elder was a strong man at the seventh level of the divine realm, but he was forced to this point by a warrior at the mid-seventh level of the divine realm. If he hadn't tried his best to resist, he would have died long ago.

Elder Huang, who was fighting Wang Lin, seemed to feel that the non-elder who was fighting Chen Xuan was really in trouble. At this moment, his face darkened instantly.

If one party is unable to support me, he will definitely die when the time comes.

Especially the non-elder's cultivation itself is stronger than him.

Even he is not Chen Xuan's opponent. If he insists on talking to him, how can he support himself?

At this time, Elder Huang defeated Wang Lin with a sword and prepared to rescue Fei Elder.

"Wang Xunfei, please wait for me."

At this time, Wang Lin knew that his mission was to stop Elder Huang from going to the rescue.

Only in this way can Chen Xuan completely kill the other elder, but Wang Lin also knows very well in his heart that his strength is definitely not as good as Elder Huang. The reason why he can be entangled for such a long time this time is because he was fighting. Always running away.

Otherwise, he would have lost long ago, but even so, he still blocked Elder Huang in the end.

"Wang Lin, you are simply asking for your own death."

At this time, Elder Huang didn't care anymore. He used his special move to attack Wang Lin, wanting to kill him completely, and then went to rescue the non-elder.

Only then will they have a chance of winning.


Elder Huang's attack hit Wang Lin instantly.

Only a bang was heard!

Wang Lin looked extremely nervous and retreated quickly.

In Wang Lin's last attack, he still failed to win. In the end, his body fell directly on Lin, which obviously consumed a lot of energy.

Elder Huang used his overwhelming strength to repel Wang Lin, and then quickly arrived in front of the seventh-level immortal-level formation. He knew what was most important to him now.

"Break it for me."

A ray of light suddenly appeared in front of Elder Huang, and then he waved his hand and struck, breaking through the seventh-level immortal-level formation.

The power of the formation itself had been consumed a lot before, so this also caused the formation to disappear. In this case, it was impossible to defend against Elder Huang's powerful blow.

Only a roar was heard.

The illusory formation gradually disappeared, and the situation inside also surprised him.

Suddenly, his body couldn't help but tremble.

"How is this possible! What is going on?"

Immediately afterwards, Elder Huang let out a roar. He would definitely not believe that what was happening in front of him was real.

At this moment, in the center of the shattered formation, the non-elder was in a state of embarrassment, and his body was already full of blood, with wounds all over his body.

Chen Xuan and the others are completely killing his true soul. As long as his soul is broken, he will be completely dead.

"what happened?"

Elder Huang's surroundings were filled with fierce murderous intent. He did not expect that such a thing would happen.

Originally, the two of them wanted to take this opportunity to kill Chen Xuan and then increase their status in the sect. As a result, now they can't even save their lives.

At this moment, there was a blush in his pupils, and he was observing Chen Xuan. I wanted to eat Chen Xuan alive right now.

Only a bang was heard!

Chen Xuan took out the prairie fire sword, and the non-elder's true soul shattered, and then his body slowly fell onto Lin.

"Do you know what you have done?" Elder Huang said with a cold face.

The seventh-level perfection of the divine realm must be very different for them. There are not many strong people who have achieved the seventh-level perfection of the divine realm in the entire Bloodline Immortal Palace, especially those from the elder generation.

The previous Wang Huoyun was killed. Although it was a pity that they lost a talent, but now the non-elder is one of the elders of the twenty sects of the Bloodline Immortal Palace. Even he is dead. Ming Chen Xuan is indeed very strong, absolutely. Don't feed the fire to cause trouble.

Second, their sect has indeed lost a large force.

"It's impossible for you to leave here alive." Elder Huang fell into a state of madness in an instant. Otherwise, why didn't he run away when he saw this situation?

Instead, he wanted to have a head-on confrontation with Chen Xuan.

"You will die before this happens. With your current strength, there is no way you can be my opponent." Chen Xuandao.

Just as Chen Xuan was talking, Huo Niao and the others were also walking towards Elder Huang. Their bodies were filled with layers of terrifying red light, just like the god of death walking from hell.


Immortal-level formations were set up, and they besieged Elder Huang. Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan also joined the melee and launched an attack on him at any time.

Elder Huang's strength is much worse than that of non-elders, and he is no match for them at all.

However, even so, it is really not easy to kill a powerful person who is at the seventh level of the divine realm.

Chen Xuan and the others still failed to defeat him in a short period of time.

Elder Huang looked very ferocious. He had a chance to escape.

But because he saw his old friend being killed, he seemed to have gone crazy, which also led to his attacks being unorganized.

It took Chen Xuan and the others more than ten minutes to finally kill Elder Huang.

"It's been a long time since I've fought. I didn't expect that this time I would fight so well. This guy is pretty good." Firebird said with a smile on his face.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly. Although he was a little excited now, he still knew that the current situation was not the time to be optimistic.

"We killed the powerful seventh-level god of Bloodlink Immortal Palace. I'm afraid it will definitely be understood by then. It's not safe for us to come here. Let's leave now." Zhang Jianyun lowered his voice.

His suggestions were all right. Chen Xuan nodded lightly, then collected the two space immortal rings and said, "But by the way, is everything okay?"

"I'm okay, I'm really surprised that you can actually kill them!"

Wang Lin's eyes were full of surprise. Now he didn't think too much, but chose to follow Chen Xuan and leave here.

Although he was still wary of Chen Xuan at the beginning, now he admires Chen Xuan more and is more afraid.

This kind of strong man can indeed help him on the one hand, and Chen Xuan also really helped him kill his enemy.

However, on the second hand, if Chen Xuan becomes unhappy with him and wants to kill him, it is probably only a matter of time.

I can't run, I can't fight, I can't fight.

Now he admires Chen Xuan from the bottom of his heart.

The blood is connected to the Immortal Palace and the Fire Cloud Forest.

Wang Chaoqing rushed over in a hurry, his face a little solemn. He obviously heard what happened inside, so he hurried over to report.

"Brother, do you know what happened inside?" Wang Chaoqing asked doubtfully.

After hearing his words, Shangguan Longting's figure appeared out of thin air: "You came here in such a hurry, what happened? Wasn't Chen Xuan killed?"

"The two people who went in before, they are both our elders. They seem to be dead, and a disciple also died. If I guessed correctly, based on the last voice they heard, it should be Chen Xuan." Wang Chaoqing said in a low voice. .

"What are you? You can't."

Shangguan Longting's face was extremely gloomy, and he held the sword tightly in his hand. He was very angry. He originally thought that he could easily kill Chen Xuan by sending a few people, but after spending so much time and energy, he ended up... Not only was Chen Xuan not killed, but his strength seemed to have improved a lot.

When will this end?

"Has his cultivation reached this level? This kid must not be kept." Shangguan Long Ting said gloomily.

"Senior brother, it seems that what I thought before was right. To be accepted as a disciple by the Immortal Dragon Venerable, his talent is definitely extraordinary." Wang Chaoqing also realized Chen Xuan's talent: "He killed Wang Xian also He is just a warrior at the seventh level of the divine realm. How long has it been since he was accepted as a cabinet disciple by Master Xianlong? He has just entered the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm and has the strength to fight against Shangguan Yun. Just kill him. Even I don’t know how much potential this guy has.”

"We must speed up the pace now. If we wait for him to enter the seventh level of the divine realm, and at the same time, with the help of the secret method of time and space, even if the senior brother uses his skills, there is no way to defeat him. I am afraid that this guy is also working towards that goal. Now, if my guess is correct, he should not have entered the realm of perfection yet, probably in the middle or late stages," Wang Chaoqing continued.

Warriors who control the laws of time and space are basically very difficult to deal with in the later stages of their training.

Although the Immortal Dragon Master has entered the seventh level of the ten great divine realms and is an invincible strong man, his strength is definitely not the strongest among the seventh level invincible men of the ten great divine realms.

However, he is the most difficult to deal with. Immortal Dragon Venerable's secret method of time and space has reached its extreme. Unless the seven invincible powerhouses of the ten divine realms unite, it is possible to completely suppress Immortal Dragon Venerable.

Otherwise, no one can really pose much threat to him.

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