This Ten Thousand Fire Spirit Realm is the territory of his Blood Link Immortal Palace. It is impossible to escape from their encirclement.

Moreover, Chen Xuan knows very little about this place. It is very easy for them to hunt down Chen Xuan.

"If I remember correctly, you, Wang Mo, are only one of the elders of the twenty sects, and your strength is not very high." Chen Xuan said lightly: "Hehe, is every warrior of the Blood Link Immortal Palace like you? Do you really think you can deal with me?"

"It's so funny, son, if I defeat you, Shangguan Longting will definitely reward me heavily. Then you will know what the consequences will be if you provoke us."

He looked down on Chen Xuan from the bottom of his heart and thought that Chen Xuan was just a junior.

And he was an elder-level figure. It was precisely because of this that Wang Mo didn't want to waste words and attacked Chen Xuan instantly.

Seeing Wang Mo's attack, Chen Xuan also frowned slightly.

At this time, the sword light in the air burst out instantly.

"Hurry up and finish the battle. Don't waste time. There will definitely be someone chasing us. If we continue to waste time with him, we will definitely be caught up by the powerful seventh-level God Lord behind us. If we are besieged, we will be in trouble." Chen Xuan said slowly.

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, Wang Lin nodded slightly.

The two of them urged their full strength to attack Wang Mo, wanting to quickly resolve the battle.

Qingyun Immortal Sword Intention and Suzaku Sword Technique were fully displayed. Chen Xuan was now fighting for his life.

It had to be said that Chen Xuan's attack was very fierce, and the aura he exuded made Wang Mo's expression slightly change.

He originally thought that Chen Xuan was not very strong, but now he found that those who were killed by Chen Xuan before were not without reason.

They were all killed in the battle because they underestimated Chen Xuan.

"What a weird divine sword technique. This guy is really strong. Hehe, although I don't know what technique you are using, I only know that I can take this divine sword technique away after defeating you. There are still many secrets in your body. Hahaha, it seems that you have received a lot of inheritance before." Wang Mo laughed cruelly.

He looked at Chen Xuan, and the sword light shrouded the area nearby, forming a very strong defense, ensuring that he would not be attacked by Chen Xuan at any time.

In an instant, Wang Mo destroyed Chen Xuan's fiery red sword light with an extremely strong attack.

But at the moment of destruction, his expression became even more gloomy.

The reason is also very simple, because the sword energy released by Chen Xuan just now, after offsetting his technique, his body actually disappeared directly.

"Damn it, what's going on... Why did this guy suddenly disappear?"

At this time, Wang Mo remembered that Chen Xuan was Chen Xuan, the disciple of the Immortal Dragon Venerable, and must be very good at the secret method of time and space. To deal with such warriors who are good at the secret method of time and space, conventional methods cannot be used to deal with them.

Just now, he was careless, which led to Chen Xuan taking the opportunity to leave directly.


Zhao Wen and his companions felt the fighting atmosphere here, but when they came here, they saw a gust of wind passing by on the ground, but they found nothing.

At this time, Wang Mo, who was full of anger, looked around, and his face also showed a ferocious look.

Zhao Wen said: "Did you find this child?"

"Damn, I did see him just now, but it can actually use the energy of the law of time and space, and even I can hardly catch up with him." Wang Mo said helplessly.

Zhao Wen's face was gloomy, and he tightly grasped the long sword in his hand. They suffered too much loss. They thought they could surround Chen Xuan because he would be unable to fly, but he escaped again under their noses.

"What a rubbish, even a warrior in the middle stage of the seventh level of the God Realm can't stop him? You guys, do you know how difficult it will be for us to run into him in the future if you let this child go this time? Don't you know?" Zhao Wen was very angry.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mo hurriedly whispered: "But you also know that he is Chen Xuan, the disciple of the Immortal Dragon Venerable. He has many special ways to escape and also has the secret method of time and space. If I catch him in advance, I am afraid he will not escape. But it is really not so easy to catch him now. This guy is very fast. He escaped when I was careless." Zhao Wen said: "Okay, okay, don't say so much. Did you see which direction this damn kid fled just now?" "If I am not mistaken, he should have gone forward. Let's go and chase him." Wang Mo looked in the direction in front of him and said. "This time, we must not let him run away again. We have to catch him. I don't know when we have to wait. And Lord Shangguan has already issued a death order. If we really can't catch him, kill him on the spot." Chen Xuan was also very clear about the fact that he was being hunted. However, he didn't care. At this time, Chen Xuan also came to a place. This place is in a mountain range, and the flowers and plants around are very dense. It is completely different from when he first came in. "Hey, are you right? This is it?" Chen Xuan asked.

There is no Yuanling Temple nearby. According to the map, there is no mistake at all.

After all, they found this place according to the information in the Fire Dome Jade. This map is very well hidden. Chen Xuan thought that he would definitely find it when he came here, but the surrounding area is all lush and green, full of trees.

But there is nothing else to see.

After searching here for a while, the two found that there seemed to be warriors fighting here nearby, and it also caused a great sensation.

"If my guess is correct, someone has fought here before, and there are still many traces on the ground. Who is fighting here? According to my guess, it should not be a monster, but maybe a battle between two people." Wang Lin said solemnly.

"Judging from the situation here, it is at least the level of a seventh-level perfect master of the peak god. It is difficult for such a strong man to fight in this place. Have they found Chuanchang?"

"There is still a very powerful aura of Divine Sword Intention in the aura. If I am not wrong, these people's skills must be very powerful."

Suddenly, Chen Xuan's expression changed slightly, and then he showed a puzzled expression, and he felt a strange aura.

"Chen Xuan, what's wrong? What happened??" Wang Lin asked hurriedly.

He felt very confused.

"I already know who is fighting here." Chen Xuan said slowly: "In the remaining aura, if I guessed correctly, I vaguely felt the aura of the Divine Sword Intent from the Blood Link Immortal Palace, and this aura There is absolutely nothing wrong. All in all, there must have been a seventh-level consummate and powerful person from the Bloodline Immortal Palace who was here before, and the aura of the other person was also very familiar. When I left before, the master had been with me. Senior brother is also practicing here. If I guess correctly, it must be Senior Brother Hong."

He felt the breath of the secret method of time and space in his breath, and thought that the only one who came here was that disciple, Hong Long.

So Chen Xuan can almost conclude that it must be him. Hong Long Hong Long fights with the seventh-level perfect powerhouse of Blood Link Immortal Palace God, but who is the opponent?

Chen Xuan was not sure, but he could at least know that the two great gods and seventh-level perfect masters should be equally matched, and there was no clear winner.

This is also a good thing for Chen Xuanlai.

It is simply impossible for people with similar cultivation levels to kill the disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master. At least his senior brother is safe now.

And one of the reasons why he came here was to find him.

"Hong Long? I seem to have heard this name before."

Wang Lin showed some doubts, then came to the boulder and began to observe nearby.

"It seems that nothing is found here. Look at the Fire Dome Jade. There should be some information recorded in it. Maybe we can get some hints from it and find the place where the inheritance is." Chen Xuan said softly.

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, Wang Lin put the Fire Dome Jade in his hand, and the Fire Dome Jade vibrated slightly.

Immediately afterwards, waves of aura emitted from the Fire Dome Jade, and then this aura condensed in the air to the front, and finally got directly into a cave.

"Yuanling Hall is in the secret cave." Wang Lin said in surprise.

Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness spread out instantly, wanting to get closer to the secret cave.

But he was shocked to find that there was a powerful energy in the secret cave, which could block his consciousness, making it impossible for Chen Xuan to see what was inside.

"Sure enough, if my guess is correct, it should be here. Let's go there and have a look."

At the same time, Chen Xuan arrived in front of the secret cave.

When he came into contact with the secret cave, he immediately discovered that there were layers of seals here. No wonder they could block his consciousness.

Just when Chen Xuan was about to enter, he was suddenly knocked back by the spiritual veins on the secret cave.


His body quickly retreated, trying hard to stabilize his body. Finally, Chen Xuan looked at the secret cave with some surprise.

The secret cave actually had such fierce spiritual veins, which surprised Chen Xuan. This kind of power was indeed very strong, and even he couldn't enter directly.

"How is it? What happened?" Wang Lin was very surprised when he saw this scene, so he asked hurriedly.

He didn't understand what was going on here. There were probably a lot of secrets hidden in this place that Chen Xuan couldn't even enter.

Chen Xuan said slowly: "There are strong spiritual veins on the secret cave, but you don't need to worry. I am an array master. Let me think about it first. There will definitely be a way to get in."

After finishing, Chen Xuan came to the secret cave again.

He wanted to use the Immortal Sky Secret Technique to directly enter the secret cave, but the aura contained in it once again blocked his body, causing Chen Xuan to stop once again halfway through.

Chen Xuan's character is very tough, and sometimes he even gets into trouble.

Being beaten down twice in a row also made Chen Xuan hold back some resentment in his heart.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful seal at the entrance. It's just that the spiritual veins are blocking me. I don't believe I can't get in now."

Chen Xuan closed his eyes, and the aura of the nearby spirit patterns filled the air instantly. He was observing the patterns of the veins of the spirit patterns. He knew that there must be some kind of formation here. As long as he broke it open, he would definitely be able to get in.

There's no rush at all, I have time now anyway.

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