I originally thought they would retreat, but now it seems that they have obviously taken the risk.

Chen Xuan naturally knew that if he were caught by them, he would inevitably die.

"Bloodline Immortal Palace, haha, don't blame me. You want me to kill you, but I'm not a fool. If you want to deal with me, I definitely won't be able to deal with you."

Chen Xuan controlled the Immortal Fire Body Tempering Magic Pill, then he paused slightly, and finally a gloomy smile appeared on his face.

In an instant, many powerful seventh-level gods chased him. Finally, they showed crazy smiles and trapped Chen Xuan in his trap.

Finally, she gave him a faint smile.

"You are running, why aren't you running? Didn't I see that you were running quite fast just now? Or do you have no strength now?" His expression was extremely mocking.

He obviously felt that Chen Xuan's strength had been exhausted and he could no longer run away, so he made such sarcastic remarks.

The leader, Wang Longwen, looked at the Immortal Fire Body Tempering Magic Pill greedily. He knew how precious this magic weapon was.

"Chen Xuan, I advise your son to hand over the Immortal Fire Body Tempering Pill. I can spare your life. If you hand over the thing, we can consider it. If you don't give it, you will die now." ." Wang Longwen said with a cold face.

Of course, he was just making a stopgap here, mainly because he was worried that Chen Xuan would destroy the magic weapon, so he treated him like this.

Now the superiors have given him a death order. If Chen Xuan cannot be caught, he will be executed on the spot, and nothing else will matter.

After all, Chen Xuan has run so many times, and his talents have been shown time and time again. If I let him fully grow up, who else can suppress him?

"It's so funny. Just a few of you don't have the ability to kill me yet, not to mention that I still have a magic weapon on me."

Chen Xuan let out a disdainful smile. He was waiting patiently for all the seventh-level consummation and powerhouses of the Bloodline Immortal Palace to arrive. Anyway, is Chen Xuan okay now? If all these people come, they can catch me all in one fell swoop. .

The magic weapon on his body allows him to mobilize the power around him when he is in this secret realm.

"Let's attack together. Don't be fooled by this guy. His cultivation is stronger than we thought."

Just when he activated Qinggong, the Immortal Fire Tempering Magic Pill suddenly emitted bursts of power, and finally formed a protective shield around Chen Xuan and the others.

Directly blocked their attack.

"The damn defense is so strong. It's really worthy of the Immortal Fire Body Tempering Pill. If only I could get him."

Wang Longwen led many powerful seventh-level gods to attack the Immortal Fire Tempering Body Magic Pill. Now they must break through the outer defensive shield first and kill Chen Xuan inside, otherwise everything is empty talk.

Chen Xuan was inside, watching all this quietly. Their attack made Chen Xuan feel a little funny.

But he also knew very well that if these people couldn't open it, they might call other people over. If there were more and more of these warriors, Chen Xuan and the others would not be able to support it.

It was estimated that half an hour later, several more powerful seventh-level gods came one after another. After seeing these people, Chen Xuan also frowned slightly.

I almost didn't expect that there were so many of them.

Then Chen Xuan calculated that according to the information he had received, there were more than a dozen of the seventh-level perfect masters of the Bloodline Immortal Palace, so basically all of them had arrived now.

"What a piece of rubbish. You people are such rubbish. Hahaha, you can't even break the protective shield, and you are still a strong man in the perfect state. I'm really laughing my ass off." A disdainful voice came from Chen Xuan's mouth outgoing.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan controlled the Immortal Fire Tempering Magic Pill and left in an instant. On the surface, he was mocking, but Chen Xuan was still very sober in his heart. There were more and more of them now. If he could figure out a way, he might really be able to open the protective shield. .

However, what surprised them was that the direction Chen Xuan was traveling in the air was in the direction of the Mortal Fire area. The most important thing for Chen Xuan now was not to get entangled with them, but to find a way to get out of here.

At least you can get rid of them.

"Block this damn guy and don't let him leave the Ten Thousand Fires Spirit Realm. It would be terrible if he leaves by playing this trick."

Wang Longwen yelled angrily. He was worried that Chen Xuan had escaped and it would be difficult for them to find Chen Xuan again in the future.

After all, Chen Xue used the laws of time and space and was very fast. Ordinary people couldn't catch up at all, let alone them.

At this time, more than a dozen seventh-level perfect masters of the Gods in the Bloodline Immortal Palace began to release their killing intent, and then began to attack Chen Xuan crazily. They wanted to keep Chen Xuan here completely, and the most important thing was that they A magic weapon was also found on Chen Xuan.

This is the Immortal Fire Body Tempering Pill, and the news spread quickly. Not long after, it had already spread quickly in the Wanhuo Spiritual World.

After learning the news, many people were very surprised.

"What are you doing? You can't, Chen Xuan, actually got an Immortal Fire Body Tempering Magic Pill? Are you being hunted by Wang Longwen and others?"

"This thing is really hot. I didn't expect Chen Xuanyun to be so good. Where does this guy come from? Why does he get involved in all the good things?" Many people were talking about Chen Xuan.

However, when Hong Long knew the news, his expression darkened instantly. He had also heard a lot of news from Chen Xuan, and he didn't take it to heart at first. In his impression, Chen Xuan had not been in the sect for a long time. .

His cultivation should not be particularly strong, but according to the news, Chen Xuan's talent is indeed very strong, and they were very surprised that Chen Xuan actually obtained a magic weapon of this level.

At this time, the seven-level perfect gods of other sects also had doubts in their pupils, and they seemed to be very amazed, and they also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to see if they could snatch this magic weapon from Chen Xuan. Walk.

"I didn't expect that he could actually obtain this magic weapon. Let's go and have a look. This is an opportunity to see if it is possible to snatch his magic weapon away."

"My dear, Immortal Fire Body Tempering Magic Pill? I didn't expect that a magic weapon of this level could be obtained by him. However, some people are lucky enough to get magic weapons, but they may not be able to protect them. I wonder if Chen Xuan can protect them. It’s worth living, if he can’t keep it, I’m afraid this thing will be given away to others.”

"How is it possible to protect him? According to the Bloodline Immortal Palace, more than twenty seventh-level godly and perfect powerful men united instantly. With so many powerful men, how could this kid be protected? It's good that he was not killed. Oh, I think he has turned into a corpse now. Oh, he has a life to earn money but no life to spend money. This guy is really unlucky. "

Many powerful seventh-level gods disappeared in mid-air, and then they also inquired about Chen Xuan. They were curious, could Chen Xuan keep the magic weapon he had obtained?

Time passed quickly.

A few days later, Chen Xuan controlled the Immortal Fire Body Tempering Magic Pill and arrived around the mortal fire area. After arriving, Chen Xuan had a smile on his face.

The purpose of coming here is very simple, because walking forward is the desert, and in this desert, there happens to be an old friend of his.

At this time, the aura in the Immortal Fire Body Tempering Pill suddenly became stronger, and then Chen Xuan's body appeared in the sky above the Immortal Fire Body Tempering Pill.


Just after arriving here, Wang Longwen and others hurried over. They had been chasing Chen Xuan from behind, and now they finally found him.

"Damn bastard, why don't you run? Do you know that running by yourself is of no use??" Wang Longwen said with a cold face.

In front of Chen Xuanwang, there were more than a dozen powerful seventh-level gods, and then their spirits moved slightly, and they used their own skills to release King Mo from the trapped space. Finally, a faint smile appeared on his face.

"The elders of the twenty sects of the Bloodline Immortal Palace are very powerful. The second level is basically the pinnacle level of the seventh level of the divine realm. It seems that I am really unlucky. You have sent so many people here. It's really difficult for me to be my opponent." Chen Xuan suddenly said: "Hehehe, if it weren't for the protective shield on the magic weapon, I might not be able to get you."

"Damn bastard, since you know, don't talk nonsense, hand over the Immortal Fire Body Tempering Pill, and then surrender honestly, otherwise, you will definitely die here today. You should know that if a few of us join forces, you No matter how strong you are, even if you use this magic weapon, it will not help at all, no one can save you." Wang Longwen said.

Chen Xuan suddenly laughed, with a malicious smile on his face. He did not take the other party's words seriously. Since he was here, Chen Xuan must have made a plan.

He does not fight uncertain battles.

"Are you stupid trash? It's really beyond my imagination that you would say such a thing. It's simply funny."

Chen Xuan sneered and said, the people of Bloodline Immortal Palace are so arrogant. Although they are indeed not weak, Chen Xuan still has certain advantages in this area.

Then at this time, there were more and more powerful seventh-level gods in the secret. They did not come to watch the battle, but secretly watched nearby.

Of course they covet the magic weapon very much, but there are disciples from two sects nearby, and they will not be able to get it from Chen Xuan so easily.

That's why they will observe here first. If there is no chance, they will not take the initiative to snatch the magic weapon. Is there anyone who wants to die?

However, during this period, they also had doubts in their pupils. What on earth was Chen Xuan going to do? Why was he not nervous at all?

And it seems that these people have no way to do anything to him. Although they are very confused in their hearts, they are also secretly thinking in their hearts, is Chen Xuan just pretending? In fact, I was very scared inside, but I was just embarrassed.

"Damn you bastard, if we still can't defeat you among the dozen or so seventh-level consummate gods in Bloodline Immortal Palace, who else will look up to me on the second level in the future?" Wang Longwen said with a cruel expression on his face. Smile, I have been chasing Chen Xuan for so long, and now I finally have the chance to kill him.

"Although you possess the Immortal Fire Body Tempering Dharma Pill, you are at the seventh level of the Divine Realm after all. Hahaha, if I am not mistaken, there is no way to completely command the Immortal Fire Body Tempering Dharma Pill." Wang Longwen laughed and said, "Immortal Fire Tempering Body Tempering Dharma Pill." The body magic pill requires more powerful peak spiritual energy to operate. Ordinary people simply cannot operate it freely. There is almost no spiritual energy in the protective shield of the immortal fire tempering body magic pill now. If you want to drive it, you must I need a fairy stone, but not everyone has this kind of stone. Hehehe, I happen to have it in my hand. Why don't you hand over the treasure voluntarily, and I will spare your life. "

After Chen Xuan heard what he said, he shrugged and said, "What you guys think is really true. Do you know what my personality is like? I have always been cautious, and you really think Did you pursue me with your own strength? Why don’t you think about why I brought you here?”

"The reason is also very simple, because you will die here, this place is very dangerous." Chen Xuan said slowly: "Among the powerful seventh-level perfect gods, your cultivation is indeed pretty good, but you are not choking. It’s very outrageous. Although my current cultivation level is only in the middle stage, I still have a friend, and with my formation, this magic weapon in my hand can definitely deal with a dozen of you.”

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