Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5430 Defense against Shangguan Longting’s attack

Chen Xuan whispered to Hong Long. He had some confusion on his face. He didn't know why Chen Xuan did this.

However, he had some admiration for his junior brother Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuanzi, I don't believe I can't kill you this time."

Shangguan Longting's sword light emerged, and the burning spiritual energy filled the vicinity. In the end, this power directly absorbed Chen Xuan and the others. He wanted to suppress Chen Xuan directly, and then absorb all the spiritual energy in his body.

In a short moment, Chen Xuan led the two of them into the protective barrier of the Immortal Fire Tempering Magic Pill. He believed that hiding inside the protective barrier, he should be unable to do anything to him for the time being.


A crackling sound resounded throughout the air.

After feeling this power, Chen Xuan frowned slightly.

Shangguan Longting's sword light struck the Immortal Fire Body Tempering Pill, knocking it away directly.


The Immortal Fire Body Tempering Pill fell heavily on the ground, and their bodies were knocked back a few steps, but fortunately, they did not suffer any damage.

"Immortal fire body tempering pill? I didn't expect you to have such a thing."

Shangguan Longting's expression was gloomy. This kind of magic weapon is very precious. Chen Xuan can get it, which shows that he is very lucky.

"You think that by hiding in the protective shield of the Immortal Fire Tempering Magic Pill, you can sleep peacefully and I can't do anything to you? Your inner thoughts are too simple, hahaha."

Chen Xuan wanted to control the Immortal Fire Tempering Magic Pill to escape from this place, but was restrained by Shangguan Longting. He felt that there was an invisible aura around him suppressing him, making him unable to move at all.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on... Are the strong men in the invincible realm so terrifying? Why can't I even leave?"

Within the protective barrier of the Immortal Fire Tempering Magic Pill, Chen Xuan and the others looked at each other, a little anxious. If there was no way to leave, they might really die here.

"Shangguan Longting is, after all, an invincible expert at the seventh level of the divine realm, and his attack methods are very fierce. Although you have the Immortal Fire Body Tempering Pill, I can clearly feel that the defense of this Immortal Fire Body Tempering Pill is weakened. If If we can't think of any other way, it won't take long before Shangguan Longting defeats us. We will all be dead by then, and we don't have much time to hold on now," Hong Long said.

"As disciples of Venerable Immortal Dragon, don't you have a way to contact Venerable Immortal Dragon to come over? I think if he comes over, he should be able to resolve this crisis, right?"

"If we don't ask for his help now, there really is nothing we can do. I can only try now." Chen Xuan said slowly.

At this time, the remnant of his soul left in the Dragon Immortal Palace was quickly heading to the hall to find the Immortal Dragon Master. Now it was Chen Xuan's only life-saving straw. If he was not here, Chen Xuan might really die here.

At this moment, in the main hall.

Chen Xuan's lingering thoughts also floated in the air when Zheng

"What happened? Have you seen Hong Long?" Master Xianlong asked.

Chen Xuan looked a little anxious and said, "Sir, I ran into some trouble."

"What? You should meet a lot of people inside. If it's not very critical, you don't need to seek my help. Unless you encounter a stronger enemy, are you a strong man in the invincible realm?" Immortal Dragon Lord the reporter asked.

"You're right. Shangguan Longting completely ignored the agreement between the seven-level invincible masters in the realm of gods, and went directly into the world of ten thousand fires. He is chasing me. Now I can only resist, but I'm afraid it won't be long before he It will break my defense shield, and we will all die by then. I can barely hold on for half an hour with the defense of the Immortal Fire Tempering Magic Pill, but once the time passes, it will be difficult to know whether I can hold on any longer. "Chen Xuan simply went through the matter.

After hearing this, Venerable Immortal Dragon looked a little solemn.

"Shangguan Longting, I didn't expect that he would actually take action against you."

The Immortal Dragon Master's face was cold, and he turned around and said: "You should control the defense of the Immortal Fire Body Tempering Pill first. I will go to the Ten Thousand Fire Spirit Realm. Don't be anxious first. The power of the Immortal Fire Body Tempering Pill should be very powerful." "Qiang, I should be able to keep you going for a while, half an hour is enough for me."


After the words fell, the body of Venerable Immortal Dragon suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The spiritual world of ten thousand fires and the earthly fire area.

Inside the mountain range, Shangguan Longting was attacking the Immortal Fire Tempering Body Magic Pill.

The extremely powerful Immortal Fire Body Tempering Pill also showed an invisible crack in the passage of time.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief because he had received the news.

"Hahaha, great. It won't take long for the sect master to reach the second level. Then Shangguan Longting will be the only one who can't defeat us." After hearing this, Hong Long finally said to them .

"But what if the Immortal Fire Tempering Magic Pill can't defend for that long? Aren't we in a bad situation? Brother Chen Xuan, how long can we resist?" Wang Lin asked.

Chen Xuan and Hong Long looked at each other, then shook their heads slightly. He was not sure yet, and half an hour was just his best estimate.

If the situation is critical, it may not even last for twenty minutes.

If the defense is cracked, I'm afraid Chen Xuan and the others don't need to think too much about what will happen to them.

In an instant, Shangguan Longting suddenly struck the Immortal Fire Tempering Body Magic Pill with his sword, directly knocking their bodies back again, but the power of the defensive shield was still radiating and was not completely broken by him.

There was a blush in Shangguan Longting's pupils. According to his speculation, the Immortal Fire Tempering Magic Pill could not last long. In just a few minutes, it would be completely broken.

"The Immortal Fire Tempering Magic Pill must be blasted away as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will just be a waste of time here."

After some time passed, many cracks appeared in the Immortal Fire Body Tempering Magic Pill, but Chen Xuan and the others kept persevering.

Shangguan Longting stood quietly on the ground, a black long sword appearing in his hand.

At the end there was a faint smile on his face.

"It seems that his defense is really strong. If you don't use this weapon, it might be really difficult to completely crush him." This long sword exudes a frightening aura.

Near the black sword that Shangguan Longting was holding, a terrifying aura crazily poured into the sword and suddenly swung it out.

In mid-air, a terrifying sword light suddenly appeared. This sword light kept flashing in the air, carrying a terrifying and frightening aura and struck the Immortal Fire Tempering Body Magic Pill.


The sword light fell on the immortal fire body tempering elixir. The next moment, the immortal fire body tempering elixir was finally unable to defend against the terrifying attack of the sword light.

Chen Xuan and the others were instantly cut out from the protective shield of the broken Immortal Fire Tempering Magic Pill by the sword energy, and fell to the ground in the distance.

Damn it!

Chen Xuan's expression was gloomy.

Shangguan Longting walked slowly towards Chen Xuan and the others. Facing Shangguan Longting, Chen Xuan knew in his heart that all his resistance was in vain. Chen Xuan just sat on the ground like this, but he was also thinking in his heart, what should I do? How long can it take?


But at the moment when Shangguan Longting was about to arrive, Hong Long and Chen Xuan suddenly revealed a sense of surprise in their expressions.

They looked at each other and felt the aura of the divine sword attack coming from their aura.

"Shangguan Longting, stop for me."

A roar sounded.

"Venerable Immortal Dragon?"

When Shangguan Longting saw this scene, his pupils emitted a spiritual light and he completely ignored the Immortal Dragon Master. The sword light suddenly fell, covering several people in the middle.

"However, even if you come, they can't leave. Your cabinet disciples will definitely die here."

Shangguan Long Ting sneered.

However, Shangguan Longting still looked at the Immortal Dragon Venerable. In an instant, the figure of the Immortal Dragon Venerable appeared under Shangguan Longting's sword light. He struck out with his sword, blasting Shangguan Longting away, and then Chen Longting was shot away. Xuan and the others took him away directly.

"Shangguan Longting, do you dare to kill my people?" Master Xianlong looked at Shangguan Longting and said loudly.

"What? What's going on?" Shangguan Longting was also very shocked, and then said with a cold face: "But you think you can save your cabinet disciples in this way?"

Shangguan Longting's entry into the Ten Thousand Fires Spirit Realm was known to the Palace Master of the Blood Link Immortal Palace, so what would happen even if the Immortal Dragon Master arrived?

"Master Immortal Dragon, the disciples of your cabinet must die." Shangguan Longting said: "He killed a total of twenty-six powerful men at the peak level of Divine Supreme Perfection in my Bloodline Immortal Palace. It is impossible for me, the Palace Master of Bloodline Immortal Palace, to spare his life." Got this one.”

The moment Lord Immortal Dragon entered the Ten Thousand Fires Spirit Realm, the Palace Master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace had already felt it.

"Master Immortal Dragon, please leave here." From the second level, the voice of the Palace Master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace came.

"You think too well." Venerable Immortal Dragon scolded directly: "I really want to see with my own eyes how you kill my disciples."

"Master Immortal Dragon, you are really looking for death." Shangguan Long Ting said with a gloomy face.

"You, Bloodline Immortal Palace, are excluding other sects' seventh-level perfect masters of the divine realm." Venerable Immortal Dragon said, "You dare to kill my disciples. It's really funny, haha."

After hearing this, Shangguan Longting wanted to continue talking, but Master Xianlong waved his long sword, and a ferocious and terrifying spiritual power spread around Shangguan Longting.

Although Shangguan Longting is also an invincible strongman at the seventh level of the divine realm, there is a big gap between him and the seven invincible strong men at the top ten divine realms.

Venerable Xianlong came here in person just to save his cabinet disciple Chen Xuan. And Shangguan Longting actually wanted to use the palace master of the Blood Link Immortal Palace to threaten him, which was laughable.

"Damn it, you actually..."

Shangguan Longting was extremely angry. He finally chased him here, how could he give up?

Chen Xuan has grown to this level. If he were to be let go now, it would be like letting a tiger go home.

He would never do such a thing.

At this moment, he immediately contacted his sect master, but his words made Shangguan Longting look extremely confused.

After a while, he was sure that he really couldn't kill Chen Xuan, at least without his sect master taking action. He obviously couldn't do it with his own strength, so he had no choice but to cancel the plan. , when killing Chen Xuan was put into the future.

"It's so funny. I really want to see with my own eyes, will this guy stay by your side forever? Can you protect him for the rest of his life? If I seize the opportunity, sooner or later I will take care of him. Kill him."

After the words fell, Shangguan Longting left the Ten Thousand Fires Spiritual Realm. Since his sect master has no way to come here now, it is very dangerous for him to stay here.

After all, he is no match at all.

"Master Immortal Dragon, this matter is not over yet. When I finish my retreat, I will definitely come to your Dragon Immortal Palace. Then you just wait for me."

In the air, a voice suddenly came.

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