Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5434 Qingxian Patriarch's True Body

"Master Qingxian Ancestor has a strong understanding of the Divine Sword Intent." Chen Xuan said slowly: "However, during this period of time, I have also practiced a lot. I am confident that I can break through the laws of time and space in the next time."

The ancestor of Qingxian showed a faint smile, and then said: "Haha, that's right, I believe in you. For you now, if you practice the tenth-level Immortal Level Divine Sword Intent technique I left behind, you will be almost There is no big problem." Qingxian Ancestor said: "When you complete the cultivation, you can then control the complete Immortal Fire Tempering Magic Pill and leave the Ten Thousand Fire Spirit World."

"What? What's going on?"

Chen Xuan's expression also changed slightly.

Ancestor Qingxian nodded and said: "During the period of your cultivation, the two seven-level invincible powerhouses in the Bloodline Immortal Palace's Divine Realm have been looking for my Immortal Fire Body Tempering Pill. They will definitely hunt you down. ”

"Blood connected to the Immortal Palace."

Chen Xuan's expression was extremely gloomy. He had a deep hatred for Blood Link Immortal Palace, but his current cultivation level was too weak, so he could only stay away from the strong men of Blood Link Immortal Palace as much as possible.

"After you enter the seventh-level perfection of the divine realm, there are very few warriors who can threaten your warriors from the second-level seventh-level divine realm. Unless you bump into an invincible strong person at the seventh-level divine realm, there will be no danger." Qing The Immortal Ancestor said: "Even if you bump into an ordinary seventh-level invincible expert in the realm of gods, you can still escape with the help of the Immortal Fire Body Protection Pill. But if you bump into the master of the Blood Link Immortal Palace, it will be a little troublesome."

"Senior, can people from Bloodline Immortal Palace find this place?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

"Don't worry, they won't find this place." Qingxian Ancestor said: "You can feel the power of the divine sword."

"Okay, thank you, Master Qingxian."

Chen Xuan immediately began to understand the tenth-level Immortal Level Divine Sword Intent technique.

Ancestor Qingxian looked in the direction of Chen Xuan and smiled.

The Qingwenxian Sword Intent actually came about after the Qingxian ancestor became an invincible powerhouse at the seventh level of the peak divine realm. It was created after observing the appearance at night and having an epiphany.

This Immortal Level 10 Divine Sword Intention Skill is very powerful and can exert the power of the law of time and space to the extreme. Under normal circumstances, a strong person in the early stage of the seventh level of the Divine Realm can only cultivate to the 19th level at most.

It is said that after cultivating the Qingwen Immortal Sword Intent to more than thirty levels, one can become the seventh level of the divine realm without any burdens.

The biggest difficulty in practicing the Blue Pattern Immortal Sword Intent is the understanding of the laws of time and space. In just one week, Chen Xuan directly cultivated the Blue Pattern Immortal Sword Intent to the next nineteenth level.

At this time, he also fought against the seventh-level perfect phantom of the divine realm.

When he reached the 19th level of cultivation, he finally stopped, and the lethal sword breath nearby also gradually dissipated.

Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief slowly, with a smile on his face.

The ancestor of Qingxian also nodded slightly to Chen Xuan, and then said: "Haha, that's right, he is indeed a talent. Chen Xuan, I want to tell you something. At the moment when I entered the peak, I understood a truth. ”

"The world cannot withstand the power of an invincible strongman at the seventh level of the divine realm. So much so that we will all be restricted by the Tao. In any case, at the second level, it is impossible for me to break through and become an eighth-level strong man in the divine realm." The ancestor of Qingxian said. .

After hearing this, Chen Xuan looked very surprised.

"However, this is just my inference." Ancestor Qingxian said.

"Sir, where is the third level?"

"I don't know either." Ancestor Qingxian said.

Beyond the second level, there is space turbulence, and ordinary people cannot leave at all.

"You are still unable to deal with the seventh-level invincible powerhouse in the realm of gods. The most important thing now is to enter the seventh-level perfection of the realm of gods. You must know that some warriors cannot enter after tens of thousands of years. The seven great perfections of the divine realm," said the ancestor of Qingxian.

"Okay, I understand." Chen Xuan said slowly.

Ancestor Qingxian said: "The power of this spiritual spell is part of the Immortal Fire Body Protection Pill. If you absorb it, you can completely control it."

The power of the magic spell enters. In an instant, Chen Xuan merged with the power of the spiritual spell, and now the Immortal Fire Body Protection Pill belonged to Chen Xuan.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's expression revealed a sense of surprise.

The Immortal Fire Body Protection Pill consumes a lot of spiritual energy, but for Chen Xuanlai at this stage, there are already a lot of immortal stones to make up for.

"You should try your best to familiarize yourself with the Immortal Fire Body Protection Pill now, and then leave here." Qingxian Ancestor said: "After you leave, I will suppress the two invincible powerhouses at the seventh level of the divine realm."

"I infer that the Blood Link Immortal Palace is 100% outside the Ten Thousand Fires Spirit Realm. You have to be careful." Qingxian Ancestor said.

Chen Xuanzhong nodded, and then his spirit contacted the Immortal Dragon Master.

The Immortal Dragon Master is rushing over in a hurry, and it won't take long to arrive outside the Wanhuo Spirit World.

Ancestor Qingxian waved his sword, and a dark passage in space suddenly appeared in the sky.

"This can lead to the Earth Fire area. Put away the Immortal Fire Tempering Magic Pill and let's go." Qingxian Ancestor said solemnly.

The passage has been opened, and the Qingxian Ancestor disappeared in front of him.

"By the way, Chen Xuan, be careful, Demon Blood Dragon Sect."

At this time, a subtle voice came from Chen Xuan.

The moment he walked out of the passage, behind him, the Immortal Fire Body Protection Pill flew out.

Chen Xuan immediately got into the protective shield of the Immortal Fire Body Protection Pill, put the Immortal Meteorite in, and headed for the exit passage of the Wanhuo Spirit World with all his strength.

At this moment, a terrifying battle broke out in the fire area.

"Ancestor Qingxian?"

Looking at the shadow in the sky, Shangguan Longting and Xu Wenke looked at it with smiles on their faces.

"You are not qualified to receive my inheritance," Qingxian Patriarch said.

"Haha, it's really funny. If your power was at its peak, we would be afraid, but are you still so arrogant now?" Xu Wenjie.

The battle in the fire area continued with several invincible strong men at the seventh level of the divine realm.

Even, directly destroy the fire area.

At this moment when the battle ended, the entire fire area was filled with beacon fires and in tatters.

The shadow of Qingxian Ancestor had completely disappeared into the sky before.

As for the expressions of Xu Wenke and Shangguan Longting, they were very cold.

"There is nothing left in the secret palace of inheritance." Shangguan Longting said coldly as his consciousness enveloped the fire area.

"Since Ruci said so, could it be... that it's Chen Xuan?"

At this moment, he used a secret method to contact the palace owner of the Blood Link Immortal Palace and asked him to block the successor of the Qingxian Ancestor outside the Wanhuo Spirit World.

Within a quarter of an hour, Chen Xuan passed directly through the earth fire area and arrived at the mortal fire area.

Then he walked into the mortal fire area, passed through the desert, and quickly left the world of ten thousand fires.

"Chen Xuan, I have arrived at the entrance to the Wanhuo Spirit Realm." Master Xianlong said through a message.

When Chen Xuan was about to arrive at the exit passage of the Wanhuo Spirit Realm, he received the Immortal Fire Body Protection Pill into the Najie.

Afterwards, Chen Xuan quickly rushed towards the exit passage.

Outside the Ten Thousand Fires Spiritual Realm, there were originally many powerful people with seventh-level perfection in the realm of gods, thinking about how to find inherited magic weapons in the Ten Thousand Fires Spiritual Realm.

At this moment, a terrifying aura emerged, and many powerful people with seventh-level perfection in the realm of gods quickly left here.

The palace master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace stood in mid-air without saying a word, observing the entrance coldly.

"Son, you will definitely die." The palace master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace said gloomily.

A moment passed.

At this moment, there was a trace of aura fluctuation at the exit passage of the Wanhuo Spirit World.

Then Chen Xuan appeared quickly.

"Haha, it's really you."

The expression on the face of the palace master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace became even more gloomy after seeing Chen Xuan.


The terrifying sword energy swept across the entire place, and the master of the Blood Link Immortal Palace swung his long sword out, preparing to kill Chen Xuan completely.

But at this moment, Chen Xuan disappeared instantly.

"Venerable Immortal Dragon?"

At this time, the Palace Master of the Blood Link Immortal Palace had just discovered that the Immortal Dragon Master was not far away.

The fourth-level immortal sword in the hands of the master of the Bloodlink Immortal Palace immediately shot towards the sky.

In an instant, Venerable Immortal Dragon's body could not bear the pressure and appeared directly.

Venerable Immortal Dragon was also unwilling to confront the Palace Master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace, so he used the secret method of time and space to prepare to escape from here quickly.

"Master Immortal Dragon, where are you going?"

The palace master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace grabbed the fourth-level immortal sword and began to chase the Immortal Dragon Master crazily.

In the Bloodlink Immortal Palace area, the Immortal Dragon Venerable and the Palace Master of the Bloodlink Immortal Palace, two invincible men at the seventh level of the divine realm at the pinnacle level, were fighting.

Especially the Palace Master of the Blood Link Immortal Palace. Wherever the aura emitted from his body passed, a large number of sect disciples looked very shocked.

One morning, in the Bloodline Immortal Palace area, a large number of warriors felt a shocking aura.

At this moment, other seventh-level invincible experts in the realm of gods in all areas of the second-level layer also felt the aura of the master of the Bloodlink Immortal Palace.

"What on earth is going on? The aura of the Palace Master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace??"

"The palace master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace is hunting down the Immortal Dragon Master."

For a moment, they also drove the phantom of the soul and came directly to the starting point.

"What if you break the rules by fighting like this?"

"Palace Master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace, please stop,"

Many invincible and powerful men at the seventh level of the divine realm spoke. After hearing the words, the Immortal Dragon Master also fell to the ground.

The palace master of the Blood Link Immortal Palace, who was quickly chasing after him, unleashed a fierce sword energy.

"Palace Master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace, do you think I'm afraid of you?" Master Xianlong's expression was also very gloomy.

"Master Immortal Dragon, give Chen Xuan to me, otherwise we will decide the outcome." The palace master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace said with a cold face.

Soon several invincible strong men at the seventh level of the peak level of the God Realm came to the earth one after another.

"Venerable Immortal Dragon, the master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace. We are also invincible experts at the seventh level of the top ten divine realms. Our purpose is to kill the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect. You are fighting here. What are you doing?" The master of Po Xuan Sect said.

"That's right. We are all second-level warriors. The Demon Blood Dragon Sect is our biggest enemy." Wang Kong Zhenniang.

If an invincible expert at the seventh level of the divine realm attacks with all his strength, the Tao rules will collapse faster.

"Yes, I know, but the master of the Bloodline Immortal Palace, after all, is also an invincible strongman at the seventh level of the peak level of the divine realm, but he shamelessly attacks Chen Xuan." Reverend Xianlong spread his hands and said.

"Haha, it's so funny, don't you know why?" the palace master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace said in a cold voice.

"If you, a seventh-level perfect god in the Blood-Linked Immortal Palace area, were to deal with Chen Xuan, I would definitely not be able to do anything. But who is the master of your Blood-Linked Immortal Palace? It would be ridiculous if you took action." Lord Long said.

Several peak-level seventh-level invincible experts in the realm of gods also smiled after listening to the two men's words.

"Master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace, how could you take action?" Master Yuwen said softly.

"We know about your feud with Master Xianlong, but now the Demon Sect is about to be revived, how can you sit back and ignore it?" Master Yuwen said curiously.

"Twenty inner palace elders in my Bloodline Immortal Palace area are dead. Can I let this matter go?"

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