Chen Xuan muttered that allowing warriors to practice in the tens of thousands of degrees below zero can make the warriors feel the pressure of tens of thousands of degrees. If any warriors cannot withstand the cold of tens of thousands of degrees, the warriors who fall into the rules of the ice will die. .

So much so that in the Ice Immortal Sect for so many years, there are only a few warriors who have mastered the rules of the ice path.

The commander in the city continued: "Sir, what you are concerned about are the seven immortal ice talents of the Ice Immortal Sect. It is said that the seven of them are the strongest under Fang Luan. The seven immortal ice talents join forces and can deal with the seventh level of invincibility in the realm of gods. Strong."

"No way, how is this possible?"

Chen Xuan's eyes widened. He had never heard of a warrior who had mastered the rules of ice, but seven immortal ice talents joined forces and were actually able to deal with an invincible warrior at the seventh level of the divine realm.

That is to say, the Ice Immortal Sect is actually equivalent to having two invincible strong men at the seventh level of the divine realm.

Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

"Looking at it this way, the strong men on the second level are really big."

At the beginning, Chen Xuan only knew a lot about the seven-level perfect masters of the divine realm in the areas of Dragon Immortal Palace and Blood Link Immortal Palace.

Now we basically know about the seventh-level perfect powerhouses in the divine realm of other forces.

In the living area, Chen Xuan sat cross-legged, and extremely powerful Tao power erupted near his body.

Chen Xuan practiced the laws of time and space much faster. The most important thing is that after arriving in the main city of Golden Dragon, he successfully upgraded the laws of time and space to the seventh floor.

However, the rules of time and space are still difficult to practice.

Three days later, Chen Xuan continued to try to practice the rules of time and space.

However, at this moment, the city commander quickly arrived.

"grown ups."

Chen Xuan was also curious when he saw the commander in the city.

"Something has happened in the Demonic Cloud Immortal Grass District. City Lord, please go and have a look." The commander in the city said.

"what is going on?"

Hearing this, Chen Xuan stopped practicing directly, and then followed the commander in the city and quickly headed to the Magic Cloud Immortal Grass Area.

The Demonic Cloud Immortal Grass Area is the Immortal Level Immortal Grass Area. The cultivated Demonic Cloud Immortal Grass is very important to the Dragon Immortal Palace.

After some time passed, Chen Xuan arrived near the main city of Golden Dragon.

Chen Xuan stood in mid-air, coldly observing below.

"What happened?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

"The cultivated disciples seem to have discovered some monsters in the Demon Cloud Immortal Grass Area." The commander in the city said: "The monsters are very powerful, at least at the seventh level of perfection in the realm of gods."

"Haha, that's it." Chen Xuandao.

"Sir, I will go inside with you." The commander in the city said.

Chen Xuan smiled softly: "Don't worry, the Magic Cloud Immortal Grass District will be left to my school."

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan directly entered the Magic Cloud Immortal Grass area.

"what is going on?"

As soon as he entered the Magic Cloud Immortal Grass Area, Chen Xuan felt that the power around him was increasing.

Then, Chen Xuan quickly entered the interior of the Xiancao District.

All the way to the interior of the Magic Cloud Immortal Grass Area. Chen Xuan's expression changed.

He felt something was wrong.

"what happened?"

Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness spread, and the sound transmission summoned the Dragon Fire God Bird and the others.

Half an hour later, the Dragon Fire Divine Bird led Shadow Demon and the others to the interior of the Immortal Grass Area.

"Sir, what's going on?" Dragon Fire Bird asked curiously.

"What kind of monster is this? Do you know?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Sir, the situation seems a bit dangerous. It seems to be an ancient monster." The dragon fire bird raised its head and said.

"Demon Cloud Rat." Shadow Demon said.

"What is the Demon Cloud Rat?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

The Dragon Fire God Bird then said: "Sir, the Demonic Cloud Rat is a very powerful existence among the ancient monsters."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan was also very surprised.

"Is Moyunshu so powerful?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

"Yes, they are strong."

Then, the Dragon Fire Divine Bird coughed lightly and said, "But sir, since there is the aura of the Demon Cloud Rat in this Demon Cloud Immortal Grass area, it is very likely that the Demon Cloud Rat is here."

"This Demonic Cloud Rat shouldn't be too strong. How about we defeat him together?" Dragon Fire God Bird said.

At the moment when Chen Xuan and the Dragon Fire Divine Bird were talking, suddenly a red light quickly shuttled through the air and penetrated into the interior of the Magic Cloud Immortal Grass Area.

"Hurry up and take a look." The dragon fire bird flew out directly.

Chen Xuan also followed closely behind. This Demonic Cloud Immortal Grass Area actually belongs to the Dragon Immortal Palace, and this Demonic Cloud Rat cannot be allowed to stay here.

The Dragon Fire Divine Bird was extremely fast and quickly rushed into the Demonic Cloud Immortal Grass Area.

Suddenly a violent aura emerged, and then a monster more than ten meters high instantly condensed out.

At the critical moment, the Dragon Fire Divine Bird exerted the power of dragon fire, and the terrifying aura swept through the entire Demonic Cloud Immortal Grass Area.

Chen Xuan, Shadow Demon and others instantly joined the battle group.

Chen Xuan used the law of time and space, and instantly displayed the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique, and a fierce sword energy fell into the red aura.

The red aura was cut through by Chen Xuan's sword light, and a monster suddenly appeared next to Chen Xuan.

The Dragon Fire Bird transformed back into its true form, and the shadow demon's aura suppressed the monster. Then with the help of the Dragon Fire Bird, the monster was directly suppressed into the Magic Cloud Immortal Grass Area.

Chen Xuan held the prairie fire sword in his hand, and he was also staring at the monster at this moment.

"It is indeed the Demon Cloud Rat." Dragon Fire God Bird said solemnly.

"The Demon Cloud Rat at the late seventh level of the Divine Realm?" Chen Xuan said coldly.

"Haha, it's really funny. Do you know that I am Moyun Shu?" The monster smiled slightly and said, "The Moyun Immortal Grass Area itself does not belong to you."

"It's so funny. This area of ​​Demon Cloud Immortal Grass originally belonged to Dragon Fairy Palace." Dragon Fire Bird was very angry.

"Dragon Fairy Palace? I am actually a mid-level warrior of the seventh level of the Divine Lord realm under the Wanmi Sect's Wanfa Elder Luo Rong." The monster knew that Chen Xuan and others were very strong.

"Wanmi Sect?"

Chen Xuan was surprised when he heard this.

"Wanmi Sect has no hatred with my Dragon Fairy Palace. You are also a disciple of Wanmi Sect. How dare you come here to secretly absorb the immortal grass?" Chen Xuan sneered.

"It's really funny, haha, I am actually here to bring Demon Cloud Immortal Grass because of the order of Wanfa Elder Luo Rong. You rubbish guys, dare to offend Wanfa Elder, you are looking for death." The monster was very arrogant.

"You bring Demon Cloud Immortal Grass for Wanfa Elder Luo Rong?" Chen Xuan's face was gloomy. He felt that things were not as simple as he imagined.

"Yes, since he knows the Wanmi Gate, he also knows that Elder Luo Rong of Wanfa is the top talent of the demon race. He is currently breaking through the realm and needs a lot of spiritual energy. And the Demon Cloud Immortal Grass area in the Golden Dragon Main City has a lot of spiritual energy, so the adults let me come." The monster said.

Chen Xuan finally understood that Elder Luo Rong of Wanfa might be worried about the Immortal Dragon Venerable, so he arranged for his Divine Venerable Realm Seventh-level mid-stage warriors to sneak into the Demon Cloud Immortal Grass area and bring back the Demon Cloud Immortal Grass.

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan's face gradually darkened.

"Hand over all the Demon Cloud Immortal Grass on you." The Dragon Fire Bird said viciously.

"Do you want to completely turn against Elder Luo Rong of Wanfa?" The monster threatened.

"Elder Luo Rong of Wanfa? Will Master Chen Xuan be afraid?" The Dragon Fire Bird said.

Hearing this, a trace of panic flashed in the monster's eyes and said: "Haha, it's really funny. No matter what your master is, Master Luo Rong may not let go. If you dare to kill me, it is equivalent to slapping the face of Elder Wanfa Luo Rong." "Boy, are you looking for death?" The monster stared at Chen Xuan. "I am actually Elder Wanfa Luo Rong's man. You dare to attack me? Elder Wanfa will not let you go." The monster was slightly stunned, and then still said: "Elder Wanfa Luo Rong's strength is beyond your imagination. If he uses his skills on you, you will die." But the Dragon Fire Bird will not give the monster a chance. The aura around him increased, and then a flame was emitted. In an instant, the voice of the Demon Cloud Rat suddenly came from the Demon Cloud Fairy Grass Area. "You will definitely regret it. I will not forgive you." The monster tried hard to break free, but was directly suppressed by the Dragon Fire Bird and had no way to use his spiritual energy. "Elder Luo Rong of Wanfa will not let you go. You just wait for Elder Luo Rong of Wanfa to come to the main city of Jinlong." The monster roared loudly.

Chen Xuan smiled when he heard it, then waved his long sword, and a scorching flame burned over.

In an instant, the monster struggled madly.

After a while, the monster lost its vitality.

"If you kill him, I'm afraid there will be trouble."

"That's right, the most important thing is that Elder Luo Rong of Wanfa will not give up." The shadow bear said with some worry.

"Hehe, there is no need to be afraid of Elder Luo Rong of Wanfa with you." The shadow monster said: "Your Excellency doesn't need Elder Luo Rong of Wanfa at all. Even if several Elders of Wanfa come together, there is no need to worry."

Wanxue Mountains, Wanmi Sect, Elder Hall.

There are several Elder Halls in Wanmi Sect, and this Elder Hall represents the resting place of Elder Luo Rong of Wanfa.

In the Elder Hall, a warrior exudes a terrifying aura, but his body is full of scars.

"What a great news! Elder Wanfa."

In a room, a warrior with red pupils said with a smile on his face.

"Why hasn't the Demon Cloud Rat arrived yet?"

Elder Wanfa Luo Rong nodded, and then asked curiously.

"Elder Wanfa, I will contact the Demon Cloud Rat right away."

The warrior with red pupils was about to contact the Demon Cloud Rat, and suddenly the sound transmission stone made a sound.

Then the voice of the Demon Cloud Rat came out.

"Elder Wanfa, I was discovered by Chen Xuan, a seventh-level perfect strongman in the Divine Venerable Realm of the Dragon Fairy Palace."

There was only a rumbling sound...

Elder Wanfa Luo Rong's expression changed slightly.

And the warrior with red pupils was also very panicked.

"According to the information I got, Chen Xuan, the disciple of the Immortal Dragon Venerable, came to the Golden Dragon Main City?" Elder Wanfa Luo Rong asked curiously.

"Elder Wanfa, yes..." The warrior with red pupils swallowed his saliva.

"Haha, so that's how it is!"

Soon, under the leadership of Elder Song Yun, a large number of seventh-level perfect masters of the Godly Realm left the Wanmimen area.

"Elder Wanfa, where are we going?" A seventh-level perfect master of the Godly Realm asked curiously.

"To the Golden Dragon City." Elder Song Yun smiled, but his smile was particularly sinister.

"Elder Wanfa, why are you going to the Golden Dragon City?" A seventh-level perfect master of the Godly Realm whispered.

Elder Song Yun said, "Chen Xuan, the disciple of Immortal Dragon Venerable, has come to the Golden Dragon City. I want to ask for advice."

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