Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5445: It’s just the late seventh level of the divine realm

"Who are you? Leave this place quickly."

At this time, the warrior looked at Chen Xuan and the others and said in a deep voice.

"Let us go, are you so domineering?" Dragon Fire Bird said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hehe, you should know who I am very well? Why are you so arrogant?"

The warrior's face was gloomy, and the breath around his body was turbulent. He said in a cold voice.

"I don't want to know where you come from, but if you want to fight me, you will die."

Then, a terrifying fairy aura emanated from around Chen Xuan.


As if sensing Chen Xuan's breath, the warrior's body quickly retreated, his face was a little gloomy.

"A powerful person with the seventh level of perfection in the realm of God?"

His cultivation was only the late seventh level of the realm of God, and for a powerful person with the seventh level of perfection in the realm of God, he had no power to fight against him.

"I'm really sorry for what I did just now. I'll leave right away. I'm really sorry."

Then he prepared to leave, and it seemed that he didn't mean to prepare anything.

"Don't worry first." Chen Xuan said.

"Brother, I wonder if you have anything else to tell me?" the warrior said.

"Ah, you want to leave now? I'm afraid it's not that simple." Chen Xuan said lightly.

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, the warrior's face suddenly became gloomy. He naturally understood what Chen Xuan meant.

"Brother, you are really looking for death." The warrior pondered for a moment and said in a cold voice: "I am Luo Ying, who is under the Wanfa Elder Luo Rong of Wanmimen. Brother asked me to leave. I will not pursue this matter. I think you should have heard of his name. If you provoke him, it will not be good for you."

"Luo Ying, who is under the Wanfa Elder Luo Rong, I have heard of it before?" Chen Xuan muttered in his mouth. The warrior saw Chen Xuan's expression and thought that Chen Xuan was a little scared. Finally, he smiled.

It seems that he has become more confident than before.

"If Wanfa Elder Luo Rong comes in person, I may not really do it, but I think you should not have the qualifications to ask me, who do you think you are?" Chen Xuan said with a very calm face.

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, he also became very nervous.

"This is the Wanmimen area. Aren't you worried about being hunted down by Wanfa Elder Luo Rong?" This warrior was unwilling to come here. It was just a coincidence that he came here, but he met a strong man like Chen Xuan.

He realized that he was not Chen Xuan's opponent, so he could only bring up the background behind him, hoping that Chen Xuan would give up.

However, Chen Xuan didn't seem to be afraid at all.

Chen Xuan swung out his long sword and suppressed the opponent, and then directly suppressed the shadow monster next to him.

Although this warrior was extremely angry in his heart, he knew that he was not Chen Xuan's opponent. If he fought, his end would be very miserable, so he could only leave for now.

However, how could he not hate Chen Xuan?

At the moment he left, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his pupils. He really wanted to kill Chen Xuan now, but he couldn't deal with a powerful warrior anyway, so he could only swallow his anger now.

As time went by, the speed of the shadow monster's absorption was much faster than before. And the power in his body is also much stronger than before.

When the last shadow demon was absorbed by the shadow demon, he was very happy, and his cultivation also increased a little.

"And this time I absorbed a lot, hehe, it's really good. If I absorb some more, I will definitely be able to break through to the seventh level of the God Realm. Then I can help Chen Xuan a lot."

But just after the shadow demon finished speaking, he felt that a strange breath suddenly appeared in front of them.

"This is what I got from that person. You should absorb it quickly now. Don't waste time. We have to go on the road after absorbing it." Chen Xuan said.

After the shadow demon saw what Chen Xuan took out, the joy in his heart suddenly burst out, and finally began to absorb the power of this shadow demon.

Because this shadow demon was a mid-level warrior in the seventh level of the God Realm before, he had burst out a lot of power before. After the shadow demon absorbed all the power in his body, a light red breath came out of his body.

"If I am not mistaken, the shadow demon is breaking through."

Chen Xuan revealed a smile in his expression.

He originally thought that it would take some time to break through, but he didn't expect that before he reached Yunxian Tower, Shadow Demon had made a breakthrough in his cultivation.

Shadow Demon, who had reached the seventh level of the Godly Realm, should be very powerful.

At this moment, Shadow Demon's powerful aura spread throughout the entire peak.

In an instant, after half an hour, Shadow Demon completed the breakthrough, and his whole body exuded a terrible power, even making Chen Xuan couldn't help but admire it.

"I didn't expect you to break through so quickly?" Chen Xuan said.

Shadow Demon walked in front of Chen Xuan: "My Lord, thank you very much. If it weren't for your help, my cultivation would definitely not have broken through."

"Hehe, no need to do that." Chen Xuan laughed.

"Shadow Demon, how strong are you now?" Dragon Fire Bird hurriedly said.

"Now it has indeed broken through a lot." Shadow Demon said.

"Don't waste time here, we still have to set off."

Then they walked into the peak and continued in the direction ahead.

Unzen Tower is not too far away anymore, and we should be able to reach this place soon.

At the moment when they were about to leave the peak, Chen Xuan and the others indeed encountered an ancient monster that was very close to the seventh level of perfection in the divine realm.

"Don't worry, just keep it with me."

Shadow Demon has broken through to the seventh level of the Divine Realm. If he is allowed to improve again, by then, the monsters in the same realm, or the human race, may no longer be his opponents. After all, this cultivation level is already considered a very powerful existence. .

The Crazy Fire Leopard Demon seemed to clearly feel the aura of the Shadow Demon, and his body trembled, and he began to retreat continuously, as if he did not dare to fight, because he felt a very terrifying power from the opponent's body.

It would be very easy for this force to kill him.

"Go to hell."

The shadow demon's body suddenly rushed in front of the Crazy Fire Leopard Demon, and then the power containing a terrifying aura directly enveloped the Crazy Fire Leopard Demon completely.

The power around the shadow demon hit the crazy fire leopard demon's body like a life-threatening blow.

The Crazy Fire Leopard Demon, whose strength was close to the seventh level of the Divine Realm, was surprised by Chen Xuan in front of the Shadow Demon. He actually had no strength to fight against it.

Soon, the Crazy Fire Leopard Demon no longer had the strength to continue fighting.

The power in his body had been absorbed by the shadow demon before.

After absorbing the power of the Crazy Fire Leopard Demon, the Shadow Demon was very satisfied and seemed to feel very recognized for his power.

He only used two moves to directly kill the Crazy Fire Leopard Demon.

"Hehehe, he really lives up to his reputation. He is really strong."

Even Chen Xuan also praised Shadow Demon.

The raging fire leopard demon who has reached the seventh level of the divine realm is already so powerful. If the shadow demon breaks through to the seventh invincible realm of the divine realm. It won't become more powerful.

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly and then said: "Forget it, don't think so much for the time being. Yunxian Pagoda is coming soon, and I must be prepared."

There were many warriors at the entrance of Yunxian Tower, talking loudly.

"Sir, is this Yunxian Tower?" Dragon Fire God Bird said.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly and said softly: "I have heard of Yunxian Tower before, but I didn't expect him to be here."

"There were rumors before that the power of the true essence of the true way is suppressed in the Yunxian Tower. Once inside, there is no way to use the power of the true way and the true essence. You can only use the power of body refining." Chen Xuan said calmly.

However, as he was speaking, there was a breath coming from the distance.

Chen Xuan immediately raised his eyes, and then looked directly over, and was shocked to find that the leading warrior was actually Elder Song Yun.

"Haha, that's it."

At this moment, Elder Song Yun stood at the front of the team and arrived in front of Yunxian Pagoda in a short moment.

"See Elder Song Yun." Many disciples of the Mysterious Sect said.

Elder Song Yun smiled slightly and nodded, but his eyes caught sight of Chen Xuan and the others not far away.

"I thought it was you, but I didn't expect it to be you?"

Elder Song Yun looked at Chen Xuan, his eyes instantly filled with coldness: "Do you still have the guts to come to our Mysterious Sect area?"

"Yunxian Pagoda didn't belong to your Mysterious Sect from the beginning. Why didn't I just come over here? Why are you showing off here??" Chen Xuan spread his hands and said.

A chill flashed through Elder Song Yun's eyes and he said, "Haha, it's really funny. Do you really have the guts to come here?"

"Sorry, am I really here today?" Chen Xuan said helplessly.

In front of the Yunxian Tower, many disciples of the Mysterious Sect were also very surprised.

The other party actually talked to Elder Song Yun like this. Didn't he know?

Do you, as an elder, have a bad temper?

"Hand over what you got from me, otherwise, I will definitely kill you today." Elder Song Yun said in a cold voice.

Chen Xuan showed a smile and looked at Elder Song Yun.

"Are you not thinking well? Why did I give you the things I got? Are you sick?" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

When Chen Xuan just came out, many warriors looked at him dumbfounded, unable to imagine what he was doing to Elder Song Yun. How dare you be so arrogant. No objections,

However, what surprised the warrior even more was that Elder Song Yun didn't have much.

"What is the identity of the other party?"

This made them very curious about Chen Xuan's origin.

"Haha, very good, very good."

Elder Song Yun suddenly laughed coldly, and then looked directly at Chen Xuando: "I hope you won't be met by me in Yunxian Tower, otherwise, I will definitely kill your son."

Then he entered the Yunxian Tower directly.

"Sir, this damn guy is simply looking for death. Are you thinking of a way to do something to him?"

Shadow Demon said in a deep voice.

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, we don't need to worry now. When we enter Yunxian Tower, I will definitely look for him. This guy has made trouble for me before, and I will definitely not let him go. "

Then, they walked in directly.

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