"It stands to reason that there are several invincible strong men at the seventh level of the God Realm in Bloodlink Immortal Palace. Among the ten powerful sects, they can be considered very strong, right?" Chen Xuan said again.

Immortal Dragon Venerable shook his head slightly: "When you break through to the seventh level of invincibility in the realm of gods, you will naturally understand how many invincible and powerful seventh-level gods in Bloodlink Immortal Palace."

"Now that things are happening, what you need to pay attention to is Shangguan Longting and Xu Wenke." Reverend Xianlong said: "The Peak Conference allows many invincible experts at the seventh level of the divine realm to communicate with each other and improve the cultivation of the entire second level."

"At the pinnacle conference, the seven-level invincible powerhouses in the realm of gods from the Bloodline Immortal Palace will 100% challenge you."

"If they declare a challenge, the rules of the Summit Conference are that you must accept the competition. If there is a fight, I will not be able to say anything at that time." Reverend Xianlong said.

"Xu Wenke and Shangguan Longting?"

Chen Xuan said coldly: "The two of them should be relatively weak seventh-level invincible experts in the realm of gods, right?"

"That's okay, but after all, they are invincible at the seventh level of the divine realm. If you meet them, you must not be careless,"

All the seven-level invincible experts in the realm of gods settled down in the main hall.

Although Chen Xuan was known as Chen Xuan at the second level at the beginning, even Master Yuwen knew that he was the strongest among the invincible strong men at the seventh level of the divine realm.

However, it cannot be understood that this powerful person who has reached the seventh level of the divine realm can participate in the peak conference casually.

Early the next morning, the summit meeting began.

First, there are the seven-level invincible powerhouses of the nine peak levels of gods in the center of the hall, followed by Shangguan Longting and Xu Wenke, as well as the leader of the giant tiger monster.

In the eyes of the seventh-level invincible expert in the realm of gods, Chen Xuan is the one who is relatively easy to deal with among the many warriors present.

After all the seventh-level invincible experts in the realm of gods arrived, Master Yuwen said with a smile on his face: "The summit conference is meant for everyone to talk to each other, so there is no need to detain them. Everyone can speak freely."

As Yuwen Zhenrao finished speaking, other seven-level invincible experts at the peak level of the divine realm spoke one after another, and then started talking to each other.

However, there is really no way around Chen Xuan's name.

"Master Xianlong, it's really good that you have a disciple like Chen Xuan." Song Ziwen said enviously.

"That's right. It's really terrifying to participate in the Summit Conference as a person who has reached the seventh level of the Divine Realm." The master of Po Xuan Sect also said.

The nine peak-level gods and the seventh-level invincible masters were all talking to each other.

Suddenly, Shangguan Longting, who had been silent until now, said softly.

"All the seventh-level invincible strongmen in the realm of gods, every time they compete with each other to improve their cultivation." Shangguan Longting coughed lightly and said: "I heard that Chen Xuan has a weapon that can be equivalent to a god. With his invincible cultivation at the seventh level, I want to declare a challenge to him."

Shangguan Longting's meaning was very obvious, and many invincible experts at the seventh level of the divine realm heard clearly that he wanted to declare a challenge to Chen Xuan this time.

"You are relatively weak, but you are also an invincible strongman at the seventh level of the divine realm. It is not a good idea to challenge Chen Xuan." Master Wang Kong muttered.

"Chen Xuan's participation in the Summit Conference is approved by all the invincible experts at the seventh level of the divine realm. This shows that he also has the invincible cultivation of the seventh level of the divine realm. I am issuing a challenge to him, so why not?" Xu Wenjie.

Xu Wenke paused for a moment, slightly shocked, and then still said: "I, Xu Wenke, suspect that Chen Xuan's department is all right."

"What are these words?"

The warrior who was speaking was Master Yuwen, and his face was a little gloomy.

"Zhenren Yuwen, Xu Wenke and Shangguan Longting are also right, right?"

"Haha, it's really funny. Who doesn't know that Xu Wenke and Shangguan Longting are obviously going to take action against Chen Xuan in the pinnacle competition." Venerable Xianlong said with a gloomy face: "Chen Xuan is an invincible warrior at the seventh level of the realm of gods. The organizers jointly arranged for him to attend the conference.”

The Immortal Dragon Master said with a cold face.

Hearing this, Xu Wenke showed a hint of sarcasm on his face.

"Venerable Immortal Dragon, I have a seventh-level invincible expert in the peak level of divine realm in Immortal Palace. Whether Chen Xuan is qualified this time must be approved by us."

Suddenly, Chen Xuan got up from the ground.

"Sir, after all, I am at the seventh level of the divine realm. Since they want to challenge me, when have I ever been afraid of them?"

What Chen Xuan said just now really made the other seven-level invincible experts in the realm of gods look a little surprised.

Xu Wenke and Shangguan Longting will definitely be able to suppress him easily.

After all, the gap in cultivation is still huge, and it is not that simple to make up for this gap.

"Since Chen Xuan is like this, come on." Yuwen Zhenrang.

"Haha, do you still want to deal with me together?" Chen Xuan's face was full of ridicule.

"Haha, that's so funny. I'll do it."

Just after Shangguan Longting finished saying this, he suddenly used his body skills, and then his body flashed and he instantly arrived on the broad land outside the room.


In an instant, Chen Xuan also stood opposite Shangguan Longting.

"A trash like you is here to participate in the Summit Conference." Shangguan Longting said with murderous intent on his face.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan showed a faint smile and said with a smile: "Are you and I rubbish?"

"I think you are the best trash. If you lose to me later, wouldn't you be worse than the trash in your mouth?"

Chen Xuan didn't seem to have to worry about Shangguan Longting in front of him.

After Shangguan Longting heard Chen Xuan's words, his expression was extremely ferocious, and his pupils contained murderous intent with a terrifying aura.

"I, Chen Xuan, what's the use of these? You can only use your words. Do you think you can defeat me with these words? Don't you know how huge the gap is between us? Hahaha , Don’t blame me for not reminding you, if I accidentally kill you later, don’t blame me.”

Chen Xuan spread his hands and did not continue speaking.

After the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent has been refined to the twenty-sixth level, its power can be equivalent to that of a weaker seventh-level invincible person in the realm of God.

Although there is no way to defeat the weaker seventh-level invincible master of the divine realm, he can still escape the pursuit safely.

Besides, he is in the ancient realm of refining gods with fifth-level immortals, so he has no problem defending against the attacks of the seventh-level invincible powerhouse in the realm of gods.

At this moment, the seven-level invincible strongman in the nine-level divine realm showed a smile.

Some weaker seventh-level invincible experts in the realm of gods thought that Chen Xuan would not win.

"Damn guy, can you still be arrogant this time?" the ancestor of the Blood Dragon Demon Clan said sarcastically.

The blood dragon demon not far away also showed a cruel smile.

However, the leader of the Tiger Giant Demon and the ancestor of the Immortal Fire Bird were very worried about Chen Xuan.

The leader of the giant tiger monster shook his head: "Although Chen Xuan is very powerful, he is no match for Shangguan Longting."

"But does Chen Xuan have some hidden skills?" the ancestor of the Immortal Fire Bird thought to himself.

At this moment, under the gaze of many warriors, Shangguan Longting finally couldn't help but take action.

"bring it on."

Just as Shangguan Longting finished these words, the terrifying aura instantly spread to the surroundings, covering the entire main hall.

Immediately afterwards, Shangguan Longting roared, and a terrifying silver-gray aura actually erupted from his long sword.

In an instant, all the terrifying aura of death appeared in Shangguan Longting's sword, and it suddenly killed Chen Xuan instantly, bursting out with powerful power.

"The attack is so powerful that even if I use all my defense skills, I still can't defend myself?"

The corners of Chen Xuan's mouth turned up, showing a little disdain.

Using the laws of time and space, Chen Xuan's body disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Suddenly, Shangguan Longting's terrifying attack flew over instantly.

Shangguan Longting saw Chen Xuan escape. He sneered and continued to launch extremely powerful attacks, attacking the nearby air crazily.

not far away.

There was a smile on Venerable Immortal Dragon's face.

"Although Chen Xuan's Kung Fu is extremely powerful, Shangguan Longting's attack is very strong. It is only a matter of time before Chen Xuan loses to him." Huang Shangdao.

"This is not absolute. If you reach the seventh level of the divine realm, you will have the invincible strength of the seventh level of the divine realm. There may be some top secret method." Song Ziwen said with a smile on his face.

Wherever Shangguan Longting's attack passed, there was a terrifying power in the sky, raging across the entire land.

Chen Xuan's body seemed to be unable to hold up, and after a while, he appeared from the air in a somewhat embarrassed state.

"Haha, what's wrong?" Shangguan Longting saw this situation and sneered.

Chen Xuan laughed and said: "Shangguan Longting, I thought that with your strength, you also want to fight me?"

Chen Xuan said directly.

When Shangguan Longting heard this, his heart instantly turned red with displeasure.

"Haha, Shangguan Longting, don't be impulsive, he is mocking you." Xu Wenke whispered to Shangguan Longting in time.

Hearing this, the violent aura in Shangguan Longting's body gradually stabilized.

The next moment, he looked directly at Chen Xuan and said, "Next, I, Shangguan Longting, will see how you defend yourself."

Shangguan Longting's attack broke out instantly again.

This time, Chen Xuan did not dodge Shangguan Longting's attack. Instead, he took out the prairie fire sword and directly displayed the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent.

At this moment, many terrifying flames appeared in the air, and in an instant they condensed into terrifying red sword energy.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's body flickered, the Suzaku soul gathered at a rapid speed, and the power of Suzaku, which contained a terrifying aura, burst out instantly.

"Go to hell!"

Chen Xuan shouted softly, and a burst of flames filled the air near his body, and the red sword energy hit Shangguan Longting's attack.

In an instant, the entire ground was shaking crazily. Shangguan Longting's attack was actually blocked by Chen Xuan.

At this time, many invincible strong men at the seventh level of the divine realm all showed surprised expressions.

"Hahaha, it is indeed well-deserved. It is really strong. It can elevate the divine sword intention to this level. It is stronger than the warriors of Bloodlink Immortal Palace." Song Ziwen said.

Yuwen Zhenre and others were also moved, Chen Xuan's strength completely exceeded their expectations.

Only Xu Wenke's face was gloomy, as if he was thinking about something.

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