The powerful aura directly tore through the space and landed around Chen Xuan.

In an instant,

Around Chen Xuan, many Divine Sword Intent runes erupted with an aura equivalent to the eighth level of the Divine Realm. The terrifying sword light converged, and a very powerful and terrifying aura erupted.

The entire Ice Immortal Sect was trembling continuously, and all the disciples were suppressed by this terrifying aura.

"very horrible."

All the disciples looked very gloomy, but in the face of such a powerful and terrifying aura, Chen Xuan still managed to defend himself.

"Damn, what the hell is going on?"

Lu Qionglu saw this situation and shouted wildly.

Seeing this situation, his body was defeated by Chen Xuan's surging sword energy.

Lu Qionglu's body fell to the easternmost part of the central hall.

Surrounded by the incomplete Thunder Rules, the blood in his body continued to pour out.

Chen Xuan stood calmly on the wide ground, with a complicated look in his pupils.

"Back on the top floor, you saved me from Shangguan Longting." Chen Xuan paused for a moment, slightly shocked, and then continued: "So, now I..."

Lu Qionglu didn't expect that Chen Xuan would say such a thing.

A smile appeared in his pupils, and then a terrifying aura erupted.

"Do you think that if you do this, I will kill you?"

"Haha." Chen Xuan said calmly.

"It's really funny."

Lu Qionglu suddenly laughed, his expression was extremely ferocious, and his heart was extremely angry.

After such a long time, he felt that he was Luo Yun's only successor.

"Hehehe, let's see how you survive this time."

Lu Qionglu's laughter suddenly fell, and suddenly he used his movement skills, and then his body flashed, he quickly gathered the surrounding power, and suddenly rushed towards Chen Xuan.

In an instant, Lu Qionglu's surging sword energy attacked Chen Xuan's surroundings. Chen Xuan had no defense and quickly used the power of body refining to defend against Lu Qionglu's surging sword energy.

His body took a few steps back.

After trying hard to stabilize his body, Chen Xuan turned around and looked at Lu Qionglu, and said softly: "That's it."

As soon as Chen Xuan came out and finished these words, the phantom of his body and soul instantly launched an attack.


The turbulent breath suddenly filled the entire sky.

Lu Qionglu was no match for Chen Xuan and was quickly suppressed by Chen Xuan.

After suppressing Lu Qionglu, Chen Xuan swung his sword out. Immediately afterwards, the Suzaku soul began to gather in his body, and a terrifying aura was instantly released, covering Lu Qionglu's surroundings.

The extremely violent aura was directly sucked into Chen Xuan's body.

As soon as the Tao breath entered the body, it was swallowed by the Suzaku soul.

Soon, many changes occurred in Suzaku’s soul.

Some time passed, when all the power in Lu Qionglu's body was absorbed by Chen Xuan.

He was finally killed by Chen Xuan.

At this moment, the movement in the sky above the Ice Immortal Sect shook the entire second layer.

The seven-level invincible experts in the realm of gods from all over the place all looked in the direction of the Ice Immortal Sect.

They are all curious, what kind of person is it that has become an invincible and powerful person at the seventh level of the divine realm?

When Wan Zongyun came out of the Ice Immortal Sect, just a short time later, the seventh-level invincible powerhouse in the divine realm appeared again.

"What kind of warrior is he? Has he become an invincible and powerful person at the seventh level of the divine realm?"

This is the question on the minds of many invincible strong men at the seventh level of the divine realm.

Ice Immortal Sect, central hall.

Chen Xuan's whole body was wrapped in the aura of the Ten Great Laws.

He was having his final breakthrough.

After the Suzaku soul completely swallowed the breath, the power of Tao rules was completely integrated, lifting Chen Xuan's body.


Chen Xuan said coldly, his face full of excitement.

Under Chen Xuan's gaze, the Suzaku soul began to break through and turned into an extremely powerful and terrifying aura. Then these terrifying auras condensed into a breath.

In an instant,

The breath shot directly into Chen Xuan's pupils.

The power in the breath completely exploded and spread throughout Chen Xuan's body.

"The power of body refining is still improving." Chen Xuan could find that his cultivation level was improving.

Chen Xuan holds the prairie fire sword in his hand, and the seven divine sword moves of the Ten Thousand Gods Fire Sword Technique are gathered together. In his memory, this is the strongest secret technique of divine sword intent.

Immediately displaying seven divine sword moves, Chen Xuan felt like he was invincible at the seventh level of the true divine realm.

In an instant, after the seven Divine Sword Intent moves were performed, the Divine Sword Intent aura around Chen Xuan had been raised to the extreme, which was equivalent to the eighth level aura of the Divine Realm.

It was at this time that Chen Xuan knew that he was already a truly invincible man at the seventh level of the divine realm.

After the seven divine sword moves were gathered together, the power contained inside completely reached Chen Xuan's body.

The aura on Chen Xuan's body was improving.

"A seven-level invincible expert in the peak level of the divine realm?"

Outside the central hall, Elder Wan and Wan Zongyun looked at Chen Xuan with their eyes wide open and a little confused.

The aura on Chen Xuan's body is already equivalent to the aura of a seventh-level invincible strongman in the peak level of divine realm. The most important thing is that it is still improving, which is very shocking to the warriors.

"After breaking through to the seventh level of invincibility in the realm of gods, one of the seven invincible experts in the realm of gods directly reaches the peak level." Wan Zongyun said softly.

Although he is very calm, his heart is full of excitement.


The turbulent breath resounded continuously.

After a long time, Chen Xuan's body completed the breakthrough, and a new seventh-level invincible powerhouse of the divine realm appeared.

Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the air behind him.

Feeling the power in his body, Chen Xuan smiled.

"I'm afraid the power within the Suzaku soul is also the power that Luo Yun left to his successor?" Chen Xuan said to himself.

He could find that his cultivation level seemed to be comparable to the cultivation level of the eighth level of the divine realm.

But this is just an inference, because he has never seen a real warrior at the eighth level of the divine realm.

"The seven Divine Sword Intent moves of the Ten Thousand Gods Fire Sword Technique are combined, and my understanding of the Divine Sword Intent has reached its ultimate level."

Chen Xuan glanced at the Liaoyuan Sword in his hand. Now the Liaoyuan Sword has become a fifth-level immortal magic weapon, exuding powerful pressure.

"With the complete Ten Thousand Gods Fire Sword Technique, I'm afraid no warrior in the entire second level can completely defend against it, right?" Chen Xuan curled his lips and said with a smile.

"Chen are now an invincible expert at the seventh level of the divine realm." Elder Wan said respectfully to Chen Xuan.

Wan Zongyun, who was not far away, also showed a smile and said: "What a joy and congratulations! Brother Chen Xuan."

In the sky above the Ice Immortal Sect, many phantoms of the souls of the seventh-level invincible masters in the realm of gods appeared.

When they discovered that the invincible man who had broken through to the seventh level of the divine realm was Chen Xuan, they were all shocked.

"It's completely unexpected. The seventh-level invincible expert in the realm of gods is Chen Xuan."

"That's right, Chen Xuan, have you become an invincible strongman at the seventh level of the divine realm?"

The warrior who was speaking was the leader of the giant tiger demon.

He has a better relationship with Chen Xuan among the weaker ones who are invincible at the seventh level of the divine realm. Now at the second level, there is a new invincible powerhouse at the seventh level of the divine realm. He is the sect leader of the Mysterious Sect. He is very strong. Same as Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuan, when you have reached the seventh level of the Divine Realm, you can deal with the weaker seventh-level invincible ones. I don't know if you can fight against the peak-level seventh-level invincible ones now that you have broken through to the seventh level of the Divine Realm. A strong man?" A strong man said.

"That's right. We also want to know how powerful your cultivation is." The leader of the giant tiger monster also said with a smile.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly and said: "I don't know, even at the second level, no invincible strong person at the seventh level of the divine realm can defeat me."

When many warriors heard this, they were all shocked.

Although Chen Xuan is not the strongest seventh-level invincible expert in the second-level god realm, no seventh-level invincible expert in the god-level realm can defeat him.

This shows that he is already one of the seven invincible experts in the peak level of the divine realm.

"What a joy! Chen Xuan."

"Haha, it's very good. There are no invincible strong men at the peak level of the seventh level of the divine realm on the second level."

"The historical situation of the second level is about to be broken."

Many invincible experts at the seventh level of the divine realm congratulated Chen Xuan.

Then he gradually left the Ice Immortal Sect.

"Brother Chen Xuan is really terrifying. He has just broken through to the seventh level of invincibility in the realm of gods, and he has directly reached the peak level of one of the seven invincibles in the realm of gods." Wan Zongyun said.

"Wan Zongyun." Chen Xuandao: "I am able to break through, thanks to brother Wan Zongyun."

After killing the inheritor of the Immortal Thunder Rules and obtaining Luo Yun's inheritance, Chen Xuan is now the strongest on the second level.

The younger generation who had competed with Chen Xuan before found that Chen Xuan had now become an invincible strongman at the seventh level of the peak divine realm, which made them very helpless.

They believe that under the leadership of more than a dozen invincible experts at the seventh level of the divine realm, the second level will definitely regain peace.

Chen Xuan stayed in the Ice Immortal Sect for a while. The Dragon Fire God Bird and the others practiced in seclusion in the Subzero Ten Thousand Degrees Tower and never came out.

At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly showed a surprise on his face.

Lord Xianlong ended his retreat, and immediately found Wan Zongyun.

"Wan Zongyun, I want to return to Longxian Palace." Chen Xuandao.

"Brother Chen Xuan, there is no need to worry at all, just go ahead." Wan Zongyun said with a smile.

Then Chen Xuan stamped his feet on the ground, flew into the air, and returned to Dragon Immortal Palace.

The entire second level is talking about Chen Xuan, the Demon Blood Dragon Sect's main sect in the Far East.

"Damn guy, he actually broke through to the seventh level of the divine realm without burdens." The great elder said solemnly: "And he directly broke through to become the seventh level invincible strong man in the peak level of the divine realm? I don't believe it."

"Even Chen Xuan can't suddenly break through to the seventh level of the peak level of the divine realm. There are many chances of it being intentional."

At this moment, after Chen Xuan returned to Dragon Immortal Palace, he quickly met the sect leader, Venerable Immortal Dragon.

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