Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5499: Thinking about the Mystery of Heavenly Laws

"Are you challenging me?"


Chen Xuan stayed on the ground, and the distance to several shrines was even closer than before.

He was thinking about the mysteries of Tao rules, and at the same time he was breaking through the trajectory of the rules under Tao rules.

He had no idea what was happening elsewhere, let alone that Dugu Lun was deprived of his cultivation by Xu Wenke. Yu Wenqiu was caught by the sect master of Blood Link Immortal Palace.

If he knew about it, he would definitely be extremely angry.

Suddenly, his consciousness was filled with understanding of the rules of Tao.

"The second-level rules of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent are controlled by Duan Rui. The Tao rules were also broken through by Duan Rui. As long as I completely understand the process of breaking through the Tao rules, I can break through to the laws of the Tao rules."

Chen Xuan thought to himself.

The rules of Tao can be integrated with each other, which is very mysterious.

If you want to understand the rules of Tao, you must fully understand the essence of the rules of Tao.

The power of the Tao Rules, practiced to the extreme, can control everything here. From this point, it can also be seen that the power of the Tao Rules is extremely terrifying.

The Divine Thunder Dao has the same power as the Dao rules. He is able to overpower all forces.

With Chen Xuan's current level, he is completely unable to reach the state of being suppressed by all forces.

For an invincible powerhouse at the seventh level of the divine realm, a hundred years is just an instant.

Soon Chen Xuan was practicing. Li Qiuyu and Shenhun Phantom were waiting.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed. After going into seclusion for ten years, what Chen Xuan wanted to understand was the ultimate of Tao rules, the mystery of Tao rules, and the operation of Tao rules.

Subsequently, Chen Xuan spent more than twenty years to understand the foundation of the power of Tao rules to the essence. Because he practiced in seclusion to control the divine sword, he had less time to comprehend the power of Tao rules.

It then took fifteen years to understand the essence of the Divine Thunder Dao.

It took five years to understand the rules of the earth to their essence, and it took another two thousand years to understand the secret rules of space and time to their essence.

The Immortal Ice Rules took ten years. The power of thunder is a very complex and mysterious one among the Tao rules, so it took more than thirty years to understand this rule.


At a certain moment, Chen Xuan opened his eyes and got up from the ground, with the Tao Rules attached to his body. Chen Xuan understood the foundation of the Tao Rules to the essence, and his understanding became even deeper.

At this moment, he saw the altar where Duan Rui had practiced before.

"The first altar."

Chen Xuan stamped his feet on the ground and came directly to the adjacent altar.

Despite the terrifying power blocking him, he still flew to the altar.

The moment he flew to the altar, the terrifying power disappeared in an instant. A breath appeared in front of him.

"The fact that you are able to come here means that you have strong strength. You have left the second level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent and gone to the powerful and mysterious third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent."

"When I took control of the Jade Continent, I didn't leave anything behind." Duan Rui continued: "The third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent is very huge. If you go to the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, you must be well prepared. If you lose it in the Tao Will, this is a very scary thing. Because of this, I left a nebula diagram.”

Nebula diagram?

Chen Xuan's face showed a surprise, he didn't expect Duan Rui to leave the nebula diagram.

The third layer of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent is very huge, and there are many second layers of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent like Qingyu Continent.

However, if you want to explore now, you must have a nebula map.

"The nebula map I left behind is only the third level nebula map of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. But it is enough for you."

Duan Rui had just finished these words when a terrifying force suddenly filled Chen Xuan's body.

Suddenly Chen Xuan felt that his thinking about the rules of Tao was undergoing huge changes.

"Could it be Duan Rui's thinking about the rules of Tao?"

There was a surprise on Chen Xuan's face, and a nebula diagram also appeared in his memory. This was the nebula diagram of the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

Outside the inheritance hall.

"Sir, why hasn't Brother Chen Xuan come out yet?" Li Qiuyu was a little anxious.

The spirit phantom smiled and said: "Chen Xuanfu is very powerful. It is difficult to break through to the eighth level of the divine realm. For him, it is not too difficult to become the eighth level of the divine realm. Even if he becomes a being who surpasses the eighth level of the divine realm, it is not too difficult. "

Li Qiuyu was speechless.

In fact, after he broke through to the eighth level of the divine realm, he felt that his strength improvement began to slow down.

But no matter how strong your talent is, if you don't work hard to practice in seclusion, your strength will not improve very quickly.

"Maybe when big brother comes out, he will be stronger than me." Li Qiuyu thought to himself.

The second floor is very east.

"There are still a hundred years left, and it's time for battle. By then, the second layer will be completely dissipated." The Demonic Blood Dragon Sect Master said with confidence.

His whole body erupted with terrifying light.

During these more than a hundred years, the Demon Blood Dragon Sect Master absorbed all the Dantians of all the Demon Blood Dragon Sect disciples into his body.

Although there is still no way to break through to the eighth level of the divine realm, the strength is extremely powerful.

"If I were to resist the sect master of the Bloodline Immortal Palace, I could kill him within the first few rounds." The Demonic Blood Dragon Sect Master murmured to himself.

With his current level of cultivation, he has an absolute chance of winning even against the relatively easy-to-handle eighth-level God Realm.

"Lord Sect Master," the great elder said.

"According to the sect master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace, Yu Wenqiu was captured?" the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect Leader said suddenly.

"The sect master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace seems to be a little afraid of Chen Xuan. He seems to be very worried about Chen Xuan returning to the second level after disappearing, so he directly suppresses Yu Wenqiu and threatens Chen Xuan at the critical moment." The great elder said.

When the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect Master heard this, his face was full of sarcasm.

"It's really rubbish. The famous seventh-level invincible expert at the pinnacle level of the God Realm actually suppressed Yu Wenqiu."

"A hundred years later, the second level will belong to our Demon Blood Dragon Sect." The Demon Blood Dragon Sect Master said with a cold face.

In the west, blood is connected to the Immortal Palace.

The sect master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace entered the main hall and looked at Yu Wenqiu.

"What's wrong with you?" Yu Wenqiu asked.

"What's wrong with me? Why are you like me?" The sect master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace spread his hands and sneered.

"You are afraid of being defeated by Chen Xuan, right? Haha, in fact you are no longer Chen Xuan's opponent." Yu Wenqiu continued.

"Fuck your mother, I am the second level invincible sect leader of the Bloodline Immortal Palace, but I am Chen Xuan. After I slaughter the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect, I will definitely kill Chen Xuan with my own hands." The master of Lian Xian Palace said with a cold face: "There is no need to worry at all. When the time comes, I will let you see with your own eyes that you will kill Chen Xuan with my own hands."

"I'm afraid you won't have the chance to kill Chen Xuan." Yu Wenqiu said quietly.

"Haha, that's so funny."

The sect master of Blood Link Immortal Palace snorted coldly and left.

The entire second floor was extremely depressing.

Many warriors originally thought that the sect master of the Blood Link Immortal Palace and Chen Xuan could suppress the Demon Blood Dragon Sect Master.

It's a bit dangerous to look at it this way now.

For a whole hundred years, Chen Xuan disappeared, and Master Xianlong and others did not find any clues.

Even Li Qiuyu, a warrior with the seventh level of invincibility as a god, disappeared.

A terrifying aura swept through the air, and the second level shook. All the seventh-level invincible experts in the realm of gods were now in mid-air, looking at the extreme east with gloomy expressions.

The turbulent breath suddenly filled the entire sky.

The second-level god-level seven-level invincible experts are all paying attention to the situation in the extreme east.

The Demonic Blood Dragon Sect Master is already looking at the many invincible strong men at the second level who are at the seventh level of the God Realm.

The entire second level was depressing.

Ice Immortal Sect.

Wan Zongyun was also paying attention to the situation in the East, while his eyes were fixed on the Demonic Ice Realm.

For nearly a hundred years, the Demonic Ice Realm was extremely turbulent.

"Are they coming out?"

Wan Zongyun said coldly, when Chen Xuan left, they were able to sustain themselves in the sub-zero Ten Thousand Degrees Tower for a hundred years, which fully understands their powerful talents.


Sure enough, just as Wan Zongyun expected, in the Demonic Ice Realm, the terrifying aura of the Immortal Ice Dao rules instantly swept across the extremely vast Ice Immortal Sect.

In an instant, several figures attacked from the magic ice realm, and then a terrifying sound came from the air.

"Haha, very good. I have finally become an invincible strongman at the seventh level of the divine realm."

This is the voice of the Dragon Fire God Bird. He finally broke through to the seventh level of the divine realm and became invincible.

The most important thing is that he is also the first dragon fire bird in the Jade Continent to break through to the seventh level of invincibility in the realm of gods.

"Where's the shadow demon?"

The dragon fire bird landed on the ground, and the aura around him was very oppressive, which made Wan Zongyun feel a little depressed.

Wan Zongyun stared at the Dragon Fire Divine Bird with surprise in his eyes.

"Haha, very good, finally a breakthrough."

They looked at it, their faces full of excitement.

Among them, the powerful auras of Dragon Fire God Bird and Shadow Demon are obviously very powerful, while Shadow Demon and Demonic Shadow Bear are relatively weak.

"Firebird, how are you?" Shadow Demon asked hurriedly.

"It's completely enough to deal with the seventh-level invincible expert at the peak level of the God Realm." Dragon Fire Divine Bird said with a sarcastic face.

"What a joy!"

Wan Zongyun took the initiative to walk up to them and said.

"Where is Lord Chen Xuan?" Dragon Fire Divine Bird asked.

"You adults left a hundred years ago." Wan Zongyun said.

"Haha, in that case, don't waste time. Go find Mr. Chen Xuan."

After bidding farewell to Wan Zongyun, several invincible experts at the seventh level of the divine realm left the Ice Immortal Sect directly and returned to the Dragon Immortal Palace in a short time.

But at the moment when he was about to approach the main city of Golden Dragon, Shadow Demon's expression gradually became serious.

"What's wrong?" Dragon Fire Divine Bird asked hurriedly.

"I found a shadow demon approaching, and it was very, very powerful." The shadow demon said.

"Destroy him directly." Dragon Fire God Bird said.


In the sky, a terrifying thunder aura suddenly erupted.

Suddenly a terrifying thunder and lightning broke out instantly.

"Swallow you, and I can become a real immortal shadow demon in the second level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent." The huge shadow demon said solemnly.

Just now, he noticed the shadow demon's powerful aura appearing, so he rushed over.

"We will kill this powerful monster." Shadow Demon said.

"It just so happens that I have broken through to the seventh level of invincibility in the realm of gods. I haven't really used my skills to devour him. I can also become an immortal shadow demon." Shadow Demon said.

Yes, no matter what, he is still a shadow demon, and his ultimate goal is to break through and become a real immortal shadow demon.

"Shadow Demon, let's defeat him completely first, and then you will devour him." Dragon Fire God Bird said: "We are still anxiously waiting to see you, Sir."

They then burst out with the terrifying seventh-level invincible aura of the divine realm.

There was a hint of sarcasm on the face of the huge shadow demon, and the power containing a terrifying aura instantly filled the air, and he fought with the Dragon Fire God Bird and the others.

A quarter of an hour later, the breath of blood emanated from the huge shadow demon's mouth.

Although he was a powerful shadow demon who had fought against Sha Yunluo before, they could not defend themselves against the Dragon Fire Bird.

"It's really ridiculous that he has the guts to compete with the Shadow Demon for the Immortal Shadow Demon." Dragon Fire Bird said with a sarcastic tone.

"Yes, Shadow Demon, devour him."

"Fortunately, we have all broken through to the seventh level of the divine realm and are invincible, otherwise we really wouldn't be able to kill him." Demonic Shadow Bear said.

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