"Is there any other way?"

"There is another way to tear apart the Tao space of the second level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, and then go to the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent and go to the bluestone layer. But this will encounter all kinds of crises." Divine Soul Phantom said.

"Compared to this, it is safer to use the moving formation. I recommend you leave through the moving formation." Shenhun Phantom said.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded slightly and decided.

"Haha, very good, let's go through the mobile formation." Chen Xuandao.

After the soul phantom was finished, an extremely terrifying altar suddenly appeared in the inheritance hall. Above the altar, there is a large moving formation, filled with powerful and mysterious light.

Chen Xuan walked into the mobile formation, and the phantom of the soul activated the mobile formation.


A vibrating sound emanated, and in an instant, Chen Xuan disappeared on the altar.

"I hope you can reach the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent safely." Divine Soul Phantom murmured to himself.

At this moment, Chen Xuan is here.

"The aura of the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent?"

Chen Xuan clearly felt that the atmosphere around him was gradually becoming crazy.

The most important thing is that the power of Tao contained in the surroundings seems to have undergone some changes.

"Don't be anxious yet. What's going on? The power of Tao seems to be weakening."

Chen Xuan thought to himself, and soon it became clear that he was on his way to the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.


Shocking auras continued to erupt, and it was unclear how much time had passed. Chen Xuan suddenly had an unknown blessing.

"It's going to be bad now."

The terrifying aura directly tore apart the mobile formation and suppressed his body.

"Is there something wrong with the mobile array?"

Chen Xuan's face was gloomy to the extreme. Just as the mysterious phantom of the soul had predicted, there was a problem within the mobile formation.

But now he can be defenseless.

The body was instantly swept away by terrifying power, and then disappeared.

The third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent is a very huge area. Here, hundreds of people at the eighth level of the divine realm can hardly travel through the entire third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

The three layers of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent contained an aura that shocked him to the core.

Inside a city, the turbulent aura completely shocked the silent city.

All the young warriors in the city came to a certain area of ​​the city.

"Don't be anxious yet. What's going on? He's a warrior."

A warrior was in mid-air, observing Chen Xuan and said slightly.

"How could there be warriors coming to our place?"

"Could it be that a strong man from another world accidentally fell into our Bluestone Fairy City?"

Several strong men in gray checked carefully and found that Chen Xuan was not dead.

"It is rumored that the powerful men in other worlds are very strong. I think it is better to find a way to rescue him directly. Maybe there will be unexpected insights?" The white-clothed warrior said calmly.

"Haha, very good, take him back first."

This city is called Qingshi Fairy City.

Although it is a city, it is at least several times larger than the Jade Continent.

Outside the city is endless yellow sand. The surroundings were wrapped in a dark red aura, as if rules were protecting the Bluestone Fairy City.

After sleeping for more than six months, Chen Xuan finally recovered with the help of several gray-clothed warriors.

However, when he stood up, he felt extreme pain in his body.

He alerted several warriors in white clothes, and they hurriedly surrounded Chen Xuan.

At this moment, Chen Xuan had an aura that shocked him.

His defense is also very strong, and his life is basically not in danger.

"Son, where are you from?"

Chen Xuan suddenly heard the voice.

He hurriedly raised his head and just realized that there were several white-clothed warriors around him.

"Early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm?"

He discovered that these warriors in white were all at the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm.

Before Chen Xuan finished, a white-clothed warrior next to him also asked: "Where are you from? How could you appear in our Bluestone Immortal City?"

"I prepared to go to the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent by moving the formation, and landed here during the process." Chen Xuan said with a slight smile.

At this moment, he also knew from the mouths of these gray-clothed warriors that the place he was in was called Bluestone Immortal City.

He directly searched for the nebula map of the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent in his consciousness, and suddenly felt helpless. It was obvious that there was no Bluestone Immortal City in the nebula map of the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

"Are you a strong man from other worlds?" the white-clothed warrior asked.

Although Chen Xuan was obviously a little confused, he still nodded.

"No way, you are a strong man from other worlds." A very powerful gray-clothed warrior said.

"Thank you for saving your life. But I want to know where this bluestone fairy city belongs?" Chen Xuandao.

Hearing this, the seven warriors in gray shook their heads slightly, feeling extremely confused.

"They don't seem to know."

Chen Xuan secretly deduced that Bluestone Immortal City should be a fringe city on the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. They didn't even know the existence of the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

"I don't know much about Bluestone Fairy City. I wonder if you can explain the situation of Bluestone Fairy City to me?"

Chen Xuan whispered.

"I heard that the strong men in other worlds are very powerful, and I see that your cultivation level has barely reached the eighth level of the divine realm before you dare to fly to the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. It seems that you will definitely come from some top forces."

A very powerful gray-clothed warrior said: "I can introduce you to the Bluestone Fairy City. What precious magic weapon can you give me?"

Hearing this, Chen Xuan also showed a surprised expression.

He still has an inherited magic weapon in Qingyu Continent.

But what precious magic weapon can the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent give him? Chen Xuan thought directly.

"After I completely recover from my injuries, I can take you out of Qingshi Fairy City."

"Is it true or false?" The warrior in white clothes was somewhat surprised and said, "Brother, please take Song Qingshu away."

Chen Xuan knew that the Song Qingshu he was talking about was a very powerful warrior in white.

"No problem, but you have to explain to me the situation of Qingshi Fairy City first." Chen Xuan nodded slightly.

Next, the stern-looking warrior in white began to introduce the Bluestone Immortal City to Chen Xuan.

Because the Bluestone Immortal City area is very large, the Song family is very weak and only knows some of the top forces nearby.

"The area we are in is the north of Bluestone Immortal City. There are about twenty clan forces in this place. And our Song family can only be regarded as a medium clan force." The white-clothed warrior said: "The strongest person in the north of our city is God. Those who are in the middle stage of the eighth level of the divine realm, and the strongest warriors in the major clan forces are basically warriors in the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm.”

The Bluestone Immortal City does not seem to be as powerful as Chen Xuan imagined.

This should be a city on the third edge of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

A strong person in the middle stage of the eighth level of the divine realm can completely dominate here, and a power like his that can be equivalent to the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm can already stand at the top of the Song clan's power.

At the moment when seven gray-clothed warriors were introducing Chen Xuan to the situation in the north of the city, a voice suddenly came from outside.

"What's going on?" Chen Xuandao.

The expressions of the seven gray-clothed warriors changed slightly and they said: "The warriors of the Xuanyuan family are here."

"Haha, it's really funny. The Xuanyuan family simply doesn't take me seriously. Thinking that their clan has seven warriors in the early eighth level of the divine realm, they bully our Song family and even force Song Qingshu to join their Xuanyuan family." The warrior said angrily.

"What's the meaning?"

Chen Xuan heard this.

"Brother, I'm going to deal with the warriors of the Xuanyuan family.

Then the seven of them left.

At this moment, at the gate of the clan, the leader of the Xuanyuan clan, a warrior at the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm, was very arrogant.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan smiled slightly.

He also did not expect that his third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent would start from the Bluestone Immortal City.

"Haha, that's it." The warrior at the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm headed by the Xuanyuan family is called Xuanyuan Brown, and he is the fourth eighth level of the divine realm of the Xuanyuan family.

He thought that the Xuanyuan family had more powerful people in the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm than the Song family, so he bullied them crazily.

"Do you think the Song family won't hand over Song Qingshu?" Xuanyuan Brown sneered and said with a smile.

"Xuanyuan Brown, you are really looking for death." A gray-clothed warrior roared angrily: "Our Song family has regressed to this situation, and you still want to persecute us? If this is the case, I will take the Song family with you. The Xuanyuan family will fight to the death."

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Brandang sneered.

From his point of view, the Song family was not worth mentioning at all.

"A fight to the death? I'm afraid your Song family will have disappeared before we wait." Xuanyuan Brandang said.

Many warriors from the Song family roared angrily, and the faces of the leading eighth-level warriors in the realm of gods gradually turned gloomy.

"Haha, are you looking for death?"

A gray-clothed warrior yelled.

"What do you mean? What do you mean?"

At this moment, Xuanyuan Brandang was also suppressed by his aura.

After a while, a cold and murderous intent flashed in Xuanyuan Brandang's pupils.

"Haha, it's really good. You, the Song family, brought all of this on your own. When the next time comes, you will be finished."

Then Xuanyuan Brown left with the warriors of the Xuanyuan family.

Seeing this situation, many warriors of the Song family were also very depressed.

They understood what Xuanyuan Brown meant. The Song family had completely fallen out with the Xuanyuan family.

Looking at several people who were in the early stages of the eighth level of the divine realm, Chen Xuan suddenly thought of something, then showed a faint smile and said: "This Xuanyuan family is very powerful?"

Song Qingshu said: "The reason why the Xuanyuan family suppresses our Song family is because there is an additional person in the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm."

"What do you mean? Does it mean that as long as they solve the early stage of the eighth level of their seven divine realms, the Song family's crisis will be resolved?" Chen Xuan continued.

Song Qingshu nodded slightly after hearing this, while the other two people's expressions remained silent.

"I have no way to leave the Bluestone Immortal City for the time being. But I can help you deal with the Xuanyuan family's early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm, but I have a prerequisite." Chen Xuandao.

"Can you defend yourself from attacks at the early stage of the eighth level of the Divine Realm?" A gray-clothed warrior named Song Zhenyan. He looked at Chen Xuan feeling very strange and whispered.

Chen Xuan said softly: "I still have a good chance of dealing with the weaker warriors at the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm. Even if there is no way to kill him, at least I can completely defend him. As long as the seven of you can directly Solve the opponent."

With Chen Xuan's current cultivation level, he wouldn't have many problems dealing with warriors at the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm.

Seeing that the seven of them didn't believe it, Chen Xuan suddenly swung a sword energy towards Song Zhenyan.

In an instant, Song Zhenyan's body quickly retreated.

After stabilizing his body, Song Zhenyan showed a very excited expression.

"Haha, how about this time?" Chen Xuandao.

"Hahaha, it's really strong." Song Zhenyan said: "What are your prerequisites?"

"I'm stuck at a bottleneck now. If I want to break through, I need to swallow the power of the Tao source." Chen Xuan said lightly.

Because he knew from Divine Soul Phantom that the power of Tao origin was very rare in the second level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. But there is still a lot of Tao origin power in the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

As long as he swallows enough power of the Tao origin, he can break through to the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm. At this point, even if he encounters a strong person in the middle eighth level of the divine realm, Chen Xuan can still defend himself.

"The power of Tao origin?"

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