"Wang Beiguang has used his full strength, and the battle seems to be over."

Many disciples were discussing.

But at this moment when many warriors thought it was over, Chen Xuan completely exceeded the expectations of many warriors.

He then closed his eyes slightly and did not continue to watch the sword fight on Wanjulong Mountain.

Many disciples felt very strange, but then they discovered that Chen Xuan wanted to use his soul to control the sword fighting competition.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. How can a new disciple use his soul to control sword moves for the first time?"

In front of Wanjulong Mountain, many warriors did not believe that Chen Xuan could successfully use his soul to control sword moves in the competition.

There was even a disdainful sneer from Wang Beiguang across from him.

"I want to see how you can defeat me?" Wang Beiguang said in a cold voice.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness directly filled the long sword, and then his spiritual consciousness penetrated into the inside of the long sword.

The divine sword aura that suddenly contained a terrifying aura followed the divine consciousness and merged with the power of fire inside the long sword.

In an instant, on the Wanjulong Mountain, the sword moves controlled by Chen Xuan suddenly burst out with power that shocked him beyond compare. Immediately at this last moment, Chen Xuan turned defeat into victory.


Chen Xuan controlled the sword fighting competition, and the long sword in his hand continued to display a very terrifying sword light. These sword lights gathered together in the air, competing with Wang Beiguang's sword moves, and launched a very fast attack.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

Wang Beiguang had no way to defend himself against this terrifying attack and flew backwards.

"Damn, what the hell is going on?"

Wang Beiguang was very surprised when he saw this situation, and the power of fire surged around his body.

But in an instant, as Wang Beiguang fell to the ground instantly, it ended with Chen Xuan's victory.

Around Wanjulong Mountain, all the disciples looked at Chen Xuan with extremely frightened eyes.

"My dear, a new disciple, actually managed to use his soul to control sword moves in a competition?"

"Who is he? Why is he so scary?"

"For a new disciple of the branch sect, it was his first time to compete. It was very difficult to control the sword moves. He not only defeated his opponent Wang Beiguang, but he also used his soul to control the sword moves."

At this moment, the hearts of all the disciples were filled with shock.

Those who can do it are almost all top talents with terrifying Divine Sword Intent talent.

Looking at the entire sub-sect, there are quite a few who can control the soul and compete in sword moves. But it’s the first time he comes into contact with the sword fighting competition and can do this step, it can be without Ying.

Chen Xuan walked up to Wang Benguang while sighing.

"Thirty low-level Dao vein stones."

Chen Xuan said with a face full of sarcasm, thinking about how he worked as a handyman in the Immortal Time Sect of Qingyun Stone City in order to get thirty Dao Vein Stones.

However, now thirty Dao Vein Stones can be obtained so easily.

"Wait a minute, what do you mean? Thirty Dao Vein Stones?"

Wang Beiguang stood up suddenly, looked directly at Chen Xuan, and said in a cold tone.

"Many senior brothers not far away have seen it. Did you take the initiative to invite me, or are there thirty Dao Vein Stones??" Chen Xuan spread his hands.

"Haha, it's really funny. You can use your soul to control the swordsmanship competition. This is not your first contact with the competition at all." Wang Beiguang said.

Chen Xuan looked at Wang Beiguang and said, "This has anything to do with me defeating you??"

When Chen Xuan just came out, the eyes of many disciples immediately fell on Wang Beiguang.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

Wang Beiguang was probably worried about the rules and could only take out thirty Dao Vein Stones.

"I, Wang Beiguang, will not let you go. No matter how tired I am, I will definitely kill you." After that, Wang Beiguang turned his head and left here.

"Haha, your control over sword fighting is indeed very good. How about you give me a try?"

"Yes, junior brother, let's try our best."

After Wang Guang was taken away, many disciples immediately wanted to defraud Chen Xuan of the Dao Vein Stone.

"I have something to do."

Then Chen Xuan left.

As soon as he arrived at Shenmen, many warriors were shocked.

When he came into contact with the competition for the first time, he was able to use his soul to control sword moves and beat his opponent Wang Beiguang.

Soon the whole sect knew about this.

At this moment, they also knew that there were more sects than Chen Xuan's sect. When they got here, the number of sects changed from twenty-four to twenty-five.

"Did you listen? Chen Xuanzhizong has produced a terrifying top talent."

"This guy named Chen Xuan, according to his Divine Sword Intent talent, can be compared with Luo Qingyun."

"Wang Beiguang, what's going on?"

A middle-aged warrior wearing black robes, his face slightly gloomy.

Not far from him, standing was Wang Beiguang, who had previously lost to Chen Xuan.

Wang Beiguang looked at the other party with fear in his heart.

In the Qing Xueyun Sect, Wang Biangguang's cultivation level was basically at the bottom, and the warrior in front of him was actually one of the top ten strongest among the Qing Xueyun Sect's disciples.

"Master Wang Luan, give me a chance on this matter, and I will make him disappear." Wang Beiguang said in a low voice.

According to rumors from other places, his king must have been defeated by a guy who was at the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm.

However, it was only now that Wang Luan found Wang Beiguang. He didn't want this to happen, let alone the reputation of Qing Xueyun Sect being damaged in any way.

"The establishment of a sect in the early stage of the eighth level of the Divine Realm is not unheard of in our Shenmen. However, it is not so easy for Chen Xuan's sect to stand firm in the branch sect." Wang Luan sneered.

In the Jianchen Sect, Chen Xuan's memory still recalled the previous match with Wang Beiguang.

He could find that the requirements of the sword fighting competition were very high, at least in terms of understanding the meaning of the divine sword. Disciples of these sects in the distance could not compete with each other.

After experiencing the Wanjulong Mountain competition in the previous period, Chen Xuan obviously found that his understanding of the divine sword's intention had improved a lot.

"During the game with Wang Beiguang, an idea seemed to come to me."

Chen Xuan was thinking about the previous game.

At this moment, he was calmly feeling the divine sword spirit contained in the sword fighting competition, and had no time to think about it.

"Can the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm really swallow the tenth low-level path?" Chen Xuan asked secretly.


In the suddenly calm Jianchen Sect, a turbulent aura suddenly erupted.

The next moment, a cold breath flew over instantly.

"Chen Xuan, get out."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan's expression changed.

In a moment, Wang Beiguang appeared in the main hall and looked directly at Chen Xuan.

At this moment, he had been carried away before and entered Jianchen Sect directly.

"I will fight you to the death." Wang Beiguang roared in a low voice.

Chen Xuan climbed up from the stone bench and said with a smile: "Didn't we fight before?"

"Haha, it's really funny. I don't believe you can really use your soul to control sword moves. Do you dare to fight me to the death again?" Wang Beiguang said crazily.

Chen Xuan actually wanted to refuse, but suddenly thought of drying the vein stone.

Seeing this situation, Wang Beiguang showed a hint of sarcasm on his face, swung his long sword, and said with a cold face: "Thousands of low-level Dao vein stones, if you don't have the guts, take the thirty that you took from me before. Hand over the Dao Vein Stone, otherwise, I, the King, will not let you go."

Wang Beiguang had determined that no martial artist in Jianchen Sect could be his opponent, so he dared to threaten Chen Xuan so casually.

"Haha, that's so funny. You want to give me a vein stone?"

Chen Xuan then agreed.

Wang Guang heard this, his face was full of excitement, and then said: "Chen Xuan. I'm waiting for you at Wanjulong Mountain."

Then Wang Beiguang used his movement skills, and then his body flashed and left Jianchen Sect.

The Dragon Fire Divine Bird suddenly appeared near Chen Xuan and said: "Master Chen Xuan, don't be anxious, be careful."

Dragon Fire Divine Bird is the fastest among many warriors to swallow Dao Vein Stones. After he finally devoured more than twenty Dao Vein Stones, he had already broken through to the early stage of the eighth level of the Divine Realm.

However, in the Shenmen, even though he was in the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm, he did not have the guts to be arrogant.

He is waiting for him to break through to the middle eighth level of the Divine Realm, join the Divine Sect, and then be able to relax completely.

"No need to worry at all, he gave me the Dao Vein Stone. You are in Jianchen Sect." Chen Xuan looked at the Dragon Fire God Bird and then said.

Many disciples gathered at Wanjulong Mountain.

They all heard that Wang Beiguang was going to compete with Chen Xuan.

No matter what, these entire sub-sects are spreading rumors about Chen Xuan. A new disciple can use his soul to control the game for the first time.

If this is really the case, his talent in cultivation is really comparable to that of Luo Qingyun.

Wanlong Sword Sect Luo Qingyun specializes in divine sword intent, and his divine sword intent talent is very terrifying.

The most important thing is that Luo Qingyun was also a top-notch martial artist who was able to use his soul to control and defeat his opponent in the first competition in the tens of thousands of years before Shenmen.

The former Luo Qingyun had already made a sensation when he first came to Wanlong Sword Sect. In fact, just as many warriors expected, Luo Qingyun was promoted with extremely strong talent.

Now he is already the strongest person ranked by Wanlong Sword Sect, and he is even among the top few in the disciple list.

Many warriors want to see if Chen Xuan has the talent of Luo Qingyun.

Soon, Chen Xuan also flew over to Wanjulong Mountain in an instant.

"Haha, that's so funny."

Wang Beiguang snorted coldly, and Chen Xuan walked to the other side of Wanjulong Mountain very easily.

At this moment, under the gaze of many warriors, the competition begins.

A fierce battle broke out between the two warriors on Wanjulong Mountain.

This time, Chen Xuan did not hesitate and directly used his soul to control the sword moves to compete.


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