Now Li Qiuyu released dozens of veins, and his aura was very shocking.

"Brother, can I join the Shenmen now?" Li Qiuyu said.

"Of course you can join Shenmen."

"Haha, it's very good. This time is really great. Now I am a disciple of each sect of Jianchen Sect." Li Qiuyu said.

Later, Chen Xuan found Elder Wang Lianghui.

"Chen Xuan, what's going on? Is the Qing Xueyun Sect causing trouble?" Elder Wang Lianghui asked.

"Elder Wang Lianghui, the Qing Xueyun Sect is not looking for trouble. This time we called the elder here because we actually have something to cause trouble." Chen Xuandao.

"There's no need to be polite to me anymore, just be direct if you need anything." Elder Wang Lianghui said very calmly.

Because of Chen Xuan's relationship with Qingshu Xianrao, he also recognized Chen Xuan even more.

"It's Li Qiuyu. He has condensed dozens of connections and wants to ask Elder Wang Lianghui to take him under the Divine Sect." Chen Xuan learned about Li Qiuyu's affairs.

"Don't be anxious yet. What's going on? Chen Xuan..."

Elder Wang Lianghui observed Li Qiuyu calmly and found that he was very powerful.

"Haha, no need to worry, no problem."

However, Elder Wang Lianghui did not ask Li Qiuyu in detail.

Soon, Li Qiuyu became a disciple of various sects of Jianchen Sect, and after a while, he would be able to enter and exit Jianchen Sect.

Zheng Zheng, Xueyunzong of Qing Dynasty

"Wang Luan, I have already taken the quota before. Don't be careless this time." Wang Qingyun said.

"There is no need to worry at all, brother Wang Qingyun, I will definitely succeed." Wang Luan said confidently.

"That's right. It's almost time. You deal with Chen Xuan and I'm ready to leave." Wang Qingyun nodded.

But suddenly, a young disciple came over quickly, and then Chen Xuan's sister left.

"what is going on?"

Wang Luan's expression changed obviously, and then he looked at Wang Qingyun.

"What's the matter?" Wang Qingyun asked.

"Brother Wang Qingyun, I just got the news that a strong man from Jianchen Sect has left Jianchen Sect and is dividing into sects." Wang Luan said with a sinister smile on his face.

Li Qiuyu had just been accepted as an inner disciple of the Jianchen Sect, and the warriors of the Qing Xueyun Sect had no idea about it.

Wang Qingyun and Wang Luan hated Jianchen Sect very much, so they wanted to attack the warriors of Jianchen Sect.

"You seem to have just joined Shenmen, right?" A disciple smiled and said, "There are many rules in Shenmen. What can I do for you?"

"It's okay." Li Qiuyu said.

The warrior still wanted to talk, but Li Qiuyu left here directly.

Just as Li Qiuyu passed by the central hall, Wang Luan finally arrived.

Wang Luan's figure landed directly in front of Li Qiuyu and looked directly at Li Qiuyu.

"what happened?"

Seeing the mysterious warrior blocking his way, Li Qiuyu was very confused and frowned slightly.

"Could it be that Chen Xuan has not come out, and non-Shenmen disciples cannot leave the sect's land?" Wang Luan said coldly.

"I see murderous intent in your eyes. We have never seen each other before. It is definitely you and Brother Chen Xuan who have enmity." Li Qiuyu said calmly.

"Haha, it's really funny." Wang Luan sneered: "Whether you are Chen Xuan's sister or a friend, you left Jianchen Sect without following the rules and rebelled against the rules of Shenmen. I am still a disciple of the sect no matter what, so to you Do it, don’t blame me.”

Then Wang Luan directly performed the technique.


The Dao veins containing the terrifying aura burst out with powerful and mysterious power at this moment.

When Li Qiuyu saw this situation, his expression became very surprised.

Facing a powerful enemy, Li Qiuyu calmly mobilized his top talents to deal with Wang Luan.

In an instant, the Dao veins of the two collided fiercely with each other and then erupted with terrifying light. Li Qiuyu's body kept taking a few steps back. When he stabilized his body, a little anger flashed in his eyes.

Just now, he had used the power of top talent to secretly invade Wang Luan's body and absorb the power of Wang Luan's soul.

"Amplified power? Is this soul power too rubbish?"

Li Qiuyu's face was full of sarcasm.

"What's going on? How could you possibly know?"

When Wang Luan heard this, his expression became very surprised.

He comes from Qianjin City and has powerful divine soul power.

The power of the soul of their bloodline is just an increase in strength at the beginning, but later on, it will immediately break through into a more powerful power of the soul.

"What is your identity?"

"Do you need to know?" Li Qiuyu asked.

Hearing this, Wang Luan once again used all his cultivation attacks. Li Qiuyu definitely had no way to defend himself, but with his top talent, he could still deal with Wang Luan.

The battle soon entered a fierce stage.

Li Qiuyu was suppressed by Wang Luan, blood burst out from his eyes, and his face turned slightly pale.

"Be good and admit that you lost."

Wang Luan smiled, and then slowly walked towards Li Qiuyu, a cunning look flashed in his pupils.

It was just a good opportunity to kill him directly.

Within Jianchen Sect.

Chen Xuan was practicing, and suddenly the sound transmission stone flashed.

After picking up the sound transmission stone, Chen Xuan's face suddenly turned dark.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

Chen Xuan shouted, and then used the secret method of time and space to disappear instantly.

His speed increased to the extreme, and he soon flew into the air and arrived on the wide land.

Suddenly he saw Qiu Yu being suppressed by Wang Luan.

"Wang Luan, you are simply asking for your own death."

Chen Xuan roared angrily, and then the prairie fire sword appeared in front of his body.

Then he mobilized the surrounding forces and unleashed the first sword energy of the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent.


The prairie prairie sword attacked with a sword light that shocked him to the extreme, and it carried the terrifying power directly towards Wang Luan.

Wang Luan, who was dealing with Li Qiuyu, noticed some danger. When he raised his head, his expression began to change instantly.

"It's going to be bad now."

Wang Luan screamed inwardly and tried to dodge, but it was already too late.

The shocking sword light hit Wang Luan's body directly without any obstruction, and then hit his body on Lin's face.

A burst of sword energy knocked Wang Luan, who was in the middle eighth level of the divine realm, to the ground.

The entire central hall let out sighs.

All the disciples looked at this scene with surprised expressions. They looked at this scene with confusion.

"My dear, how powerful is Chen Xuan's cultivation?"

"A sword energy defeated Wang Luan? He is still in the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm."

"The secret method of Divine Sword Intent just now really shocked me."

At this moment, many noisy sounds filled the vast land, and many warriors were shocked by the secret method of divine sword intention used by Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan walked not far from Li Qiuyu and said, "Hehehe, it doesn't matter, does it?"

"Brother, there is no need to worry, my injury is not serious." Li Qiuyu said.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, then smiled, and then slowly walked towards Wang Luan.

At this moment, Wang Luan was filled with panic.

His memory was filled with the terrifying sword energy that Chen Xuan had just stabbed.

This sword light really surprised him extremely.

Wang Luan saw Chen Xuan coming and tried his best to break the sword light from his body.

Then, he climbed up from the ground with difficulty and looked at Chen Xuan with an extremely ferocious expression.

"You want to die?"

Chen Xuan's cold voice filled the central hall.

Another sword energy broke through Wang Luan's body again. This time he fell to the ground and lost his strength.

"If you weren't at Shenmen, you would have been killed before." Chen Xuan said in a cold voice.

"Chen Xuan, stop."

At this moment, a roaring sound suddenly came from the distant surroundings.

Then a sound came, and then Wang Qingyun's figure appeared not far from Wang Luan.

He glanced at Wang Luan who was lying on the ground with a very miserable breath, and then his eyes fell on Chen Xuan's surroundings.

He also looked directly at Chen Xuan.

"Did you hurt Wang Luan?" Wang Qingyun glanced at Wang Luan and said.

Chen Xuan said softly: "That's right, if he hadn't been at Shenmen, I would have killed him directly before."

"Why?" Wang Qingyun said solemnly.

"He used kung fu on my friend."

"Brother Wang Qingyun, you have to help me."

Wang Qingyun sneered, slightly shocked, and then still said: "You know that you can't leave the sect before you become a disciple of the inner sect of Shenmen. You left the sect without following the rules. You used your skills to beat Wang Ran, Do you know what you did wrong?"

Wang Qingyun's cold voice filled the vast land.

He definitely wants to find a place for Wang Luan.

But Chen Xuan spread his hands and said disdainfully: "What did I do wrong?"

"Looking at it this way, there is no need for Jianchen Sect to exist."

It was obvious that Jianchen Sect was too weak and he could kill him casually.

"It's really ridiculous. Is there any need for Jianchen Sect to exist?" Chen Xuan said sarcastically, as if looking at a stupid guy, he looked at Wang Qingyun: "The most important thing is that you don't have the qualifications. Is it necessary for Jianchen Sect to exist?" The necessity of existence.”

"Does it matter to me whether the existence of Jianchen Sect is necessary?" Wang Qingyun said gloomily.

"If you have the guts, just destroy our Jianchen Sect." Chen Xuan said coldly.

"What do you mean? What on earth do you mean? Destroy the Jianchen Sect?"

Wang Qingyun was extremely angry and prepared to launch an attack.

But Elder Wang Lianghui and Elder Qingshu Immortal gathered over.

When they saw what happened, their expressions darkened, and they felt extremely unhappy.

"What's going on?" Elder Wang Lianghui asked.

Seeing Elder Wang Lianghui coming, Wang Qingyun became even more arrogant.

"Elder Wang Lianghui, a disciple of Jianchen Sect disciple Chen Xuan, left Jianchen Sect without following the rules. This has already violated the rules of the branch sect. Wang Luan wanted to chase this warrior, but Chen Xuan injured him. ”

Wang Qingyun then looked at Chen Xuan, but after hearing what Wang Qingyun said, Elder Wang Lianghui nodded slightly and then turned around.

"Wang Qingyun, are you sure Li Qiuyu rebelled against the sectarian rules?"

"It's absolutely true, she didn't join the Shenmen at all." Wang Qingyun said.

"It's just hilarious."

Suddenly, Elder Wang Lianghui said angrily: "Are you guessing me like this?"

"Elder Wang Lianghui?"

Wang Qingyun was also a little helpless after being scolded by Elder Wang Lianghui.

"I can clearly say that this matter Wang Luan is tantamount to seeking death. Fortunately, Chen Xuan was gentle, otherwise even if he was killed directly, the sect would not punish Chen Xuan." Elder Wang Lianghui said solemnly.

Wang Qingyun didn't know what to do in a short period of time. It was obvious that he also didn't expect that Wang Lianghui Elder Council would have such an attitude.

"Elder Wang Lianghui, no matter what, you are still the elder responsible for the disciples of the sect. It is not good to help Jianchen Sect like this, is it?" Wang Qingyun said in a low voice.

"Haha, it's really funny. Li Qiuyu is a disciple of the sect, but you and I side with the Jianchen Sect? How on earth could I side with the Jianchen Sect?" Elder Wang Lianghui said.

Hearing this, Wang Qingyun also looked surprised, and then his eyes widened.

Is Li Qiuyu a disciple?

"How is it possible? What is going on? Is Li Qiuyu a disciple? I will never believe it."

At this moment, Wang Qingyun looked at Wang Luan who fell on the ground with murderous intent on his face, and felt unhappy in his heart.

This damn guy is not the only one from the Jianchen Sect, Chen Xuan? Is Li Qiuyu a disciple?

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