At this time, the aura of the Dao Baoyu spirit in the Hunyuan tearing space gradually dissipated.

His extremely terrifying body also fell to the Hunyuan tearing space in an instant.

The entire Hunyuan tore apart the space, and all the power of the Hunyuan was absorbed nearby by the spirit of Dao Baoyu.

"It's almost done, isn't it?"

At this moment, Chen Xuan let out a sigh.

He could find that the spirit of Dao Baoyu transformed by the soul was about to dissipate.

He sighed helplessly. If the Dao Baoyu spirit transformed by the soul could be swallowed by him, he would definitely benefit a lot.

The movement in the Hunyuan Tear Space also attracted the attention of several disciples in front.

Twenty disciples of the Blood Billion King Sect passed by this place by chance, and then a smile appeared in their pupils.

"Song Dongye, there seems to be movement here." A warrior wearing white clothes whispered.

"Haha, in that case, don't waste time. Go over and have a look."

They are considered to be above-average disciples within the Blood Billion King Sect.

Twenty warriors arrived quickly and suddenly saw Hunyuan tearing apart the space.

The young golden cat demon had already hid in the Manhuang Sand when he noticed that a warrior was coming.

"There is a Hunyuan tearing apart the space." The warrior known as Song Dongye stared ahead.

Then he saw a huge gem in the tearing space of Hunyuan.

"It's Baoyu." Song Yu said slightly.

"Song Dongye, do you know this jade?" Song Ju felt that this jade was unusual and said hurriedly.

At this moment, Song Jian's pupils were extremely frightened, looking directly at Baoyu, who had an extremely terrifying aura.

"What on earth is going on? It's actually the spirit of Dao Baoyu. It's great. This Baoyu spirit is very strong, but we are so lucky." Song Jian laughed.

"No way, how is this possible? The spirit of Dao Baoyu?"

Ordinary Dao Baoyu would definitely not be able to make them so excited.

But such a terrifying aura of Dao Baoyu, it is clear without thinking that it is 100% the spirit of the legendary Dao Baoyu.

"Song Dongye, these precious jade spirits have become spirits, but they seem to be about to be killed." Song Yu said.

"There should be a warrior who fought with the spirit of Dao Baoyu, and he escaped after being injured." Song Jian said.

"In addition to this Dao jade, there are so many Dao jade. If you swallow them casually, you can condense a lot of Dao connections." Song Ju said: "Song Dongye, if you have a chance to hit the disciple list, just seize it. Stay, it’s coming.”

Hearing this, Song Jiang was extremely frightened in his heart.

If he could swallow this precious jade spirit, his strength would definitely be greatly improved.

"Let's destroy the spirit of Dao Baoyu together, and then devour it." Song Jian nodded.

Twenty warriors walked up directly and took out their long swords, but the next moment, a figure suddenly appeared.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the twenty warriors showed horror.

"what happened?"

Song Jiang glanced at the extremely weak Dao Baoyu Spirit, and then looked at the warrior in front.

"What exactly is going on? Jianchen Sect Chen Xuan?"

Song Jiang recognized Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's face was full of sarcasm and he said: "Dao Baoyu, haha."

At this moment of surprise, he heard Song Jiang's words, and then noticed twenty warriors.

"What do you want to do?" Chen Xuandao.

"We have obtained the Dao Baoyu Spirit, and now we want to devour it." Song Jian said, "You should have been sucked in by the Dao Baoyu Spirit, right?"

At this moment, Song Jian paused, slightly shocked, and then still said: "You should leave this place quickly. After all, we are disciples of the Blood Billion King Sect."

"Chen Xuan, you are indeed interesting. Haha, Song Dongye is also planning to give you a Taoist jade spirit." Song Yu said.

"Hurry up and get a few Dao Baoyu Spirits and leave. Don't seek death." Song Ju said helplessly.

Their words made Chen Xuan extremely helpless.

Chen Xuan slowly looked at the twenty faces, and then said: "Are all of you Blood Billion King Sect warriors so funny?"

"Do you want to die?" Song Ju said in a cold tone.

Song Yu, who was not far away, waved his long sword, and then said: "Brother Song Ju, don't be angry with this stupid guy. Seeing him like this, he still wants to steal our Dao Baoyu Spirit."

Seeing Chen Xuan's indifference, Song Jiang felt extremely unhappy.

He definitely didn't want to give up the extremely terrifying Dao Baoyu spirit to Chen Xuan.

Although he was also curious about how Chen Xuan escaped from the vicinity, Song Jian was the leader of the team at the moment.

"If you don't want to leave, just stay here."

Then Song Ju wanted to take action.

"Do you have this magic weapon?"

Chen Xuan suddenly threatened.

"What's wrong?"

Song Yu let out an angry roar, his face full of anger.

"You twenty pieces of rubbish, why don't you try to find out who I am? How dare you take advantage of my Dao Baoyu Spirit."

"I worked so hard to find the Dao Baoyu Spirit and suppress it. Twenty of you guys passed by and saw the Dao Baoyu Spirit, and you actually want to take advantage of the Dao Baoyu Spirit?" Chen Xuan looked disdainful.

"Haha, it's really funny. You can deal with the spirit of Dao Baoyu?" Song Yu said disdainfully.

"For the sake of being brothers, we have just given you a chance. The Dao Baoyu Spirit belongs to us...I'm sorry, but you have no way out."

Song Jian said slowly, with a hint of killing intent flashing through his pupils.

At this moment, Song Ju started to use his skills.

"Hehehe, let's see how you survive this time."

As soon as Song Ju used his technique, he took out his top magic weapon, the sword light flashed, and he performed the top immortal sword technique in an instant.

Many powerful sword lights suddenly appeared in the air, surrounding Song Ju's long sword.

"The warrior who killed you is named Song Ju."

As soon as he finished speaking, the long sword carried a powerful sword light and killed Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan sneered. He didn't take Song Ju seriously.

Suddenly dozens of veins erupted, and terrifying power filled the entire Hunyuan tearing space.

Immediately afterwards, the Ten Thousand Swords Konghuo Spirit Formation began to circulate, directly filling the center with Song sentences.

In just an instant, Song Ju's long sword was suppressed in mid-air.

Song Ju stabbed Chen Xuan fiercely with a sword energy, but at the moment when he was about to approach Chen Xuan, his long sword was motionless in mid-air, and his body had already rushed in front of Chen Xuan.

Brush... A terrifying force struck near him.

His body flew out directly.

"Brother Song Ju, how are you?"

This sudden scene really surprised the other warriors.

After they checked Song Ju's body, they found that his soul was severely damaged.

Song Jia gathered the power in his body into Song Ju's body, temporarily stabilizing his body.

Then he turned around and looked at Chen Xuan with cold eyes.

"Do you think I will be afraid of you?" Song Jiang observed Chen Xuan condescendingly and said in a cold voice: "It's ridiculous. After breaking through to the middle of the eighth level of the divine realm, and with increased strength, I thought that no one in the whole underground could deal with it. You? That’s ridiculous.”

"You are very confident, aren't you?" Chen Xuan said lightly.

"I want to avenge brother Song Ju."

At this moment, Song Yu couldn't bear the blow, his body flashed, he used his strongest attack, and rushed directly towards Chen Xuan.


But Song Jiang's words were still too late.

The long sword was suppressed, and Chen Xuan defeated his opponent Song Yu with a sword energy.

His soul body was not as powerful as Song Ju's. He was hit by Chen Xuan's sword energy. His whole body was covered with scars. His expression was very dark and his aura was miserable.

Continuously inflicting heavy losses on them really made Song Kuang unhappy, and his aura also greatly increased to the extreme.

He grabbed the sword in his hand and his breath was extremely violent.

"At this moment when you are bullying other warriors, have you ever thought about this?" Chen Xuandao.

"I only know that you will die." Song Jian said.

The long sword in Song Jian's hand suddenly swung out, and suddenly a powerful and mysterious sword light rushed towards Chen Xuan.

"Haha, it's so funny. You think you can defend against my technique?"

Chen Xuan's face showed a hint of sarcasm. Song Jiang also clearly saw that the long swords of Song Ju and Song Yu were suppressed. He was a little worried about Chen Xuan's skills, so he didn't have the courage to get close.

However, his attack was nothing in front of Chen Xuan.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

The moment the sword light hit Chen Xuan, it was directly broken through the defensive circle formed by the divine fire defense.

"Did you see that? This is the attack you are proud of, and there is absolutely no way to interest me."

Chen Xuan's aura was very powerful and directly suppressed Song Jiji.

"How is it possible? What on earth is going on? I will never believe it."

Song Jian's eyes widened in disbelief.

He is a disciple on the disciple list, and the other party is just one of the last few disciples.

"He can defend against Wang Pei's four sword energies, which shows that his defensive power is extremely strong. However, his real strength now should be very weak." Suddenly, Song Jian said coldly: "That's right. There is a high chance that it is. In this way, he is really good at showing off."

The panicked Song Jian quickly held the long sword in his hand and launched a powerful attack. He was very fast and rushed directly in front of Chen Xuan.

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