At this moment, a little bit of Divine Sword Intent appeared directly in front, wrapping up the entire ruined city.

When the suppression of the ruined city was opened, the terrifying aura of Divine Sword Intent made Chen Xuan fly directly into the sky.

"The breath of divine fire defense?"

After stabilizing his body, Chen Xuan looked directly at the ruined city with extremely horrified eyes. In his body, the Ten Thousand Swords and Sky Fire Spirit Array was instantly released, offsetting the suppression caused by the divine thunder's fire breath.

But suddenly, one of the disciples watching here in the desert rushed into the abandoned city.

Seeing this situation, several warriors who had just come into contact with the ruined city, who were at the eighth level of the middle stage of the divine realm, only heard a loud noise, and their bodies directly showed blood mist.

"Those holding gold swords, dragon fish and jade pendants can enter."

An irresistible sound emanated from the abandoned city.

Chen Xuan and Wang Hua looked at each other, and then flew directly into the city.

Watching the abandoned city closed, the remaining disciples did not have the courage to continue passing through.

"Is this where the top experts died?" Chen Xuan looked around and thought to himself.

From other places, this place looks like a dilapidated city. However, upon entering, I discovered that this place contained the terrifying aura of Divine Sword Intent everywhere.

Chen Xuan and Wang Hua stood on the wide ground and did not move casually.

"The aura of Divine Sword Intent is very terrifying, directly suppressing the power in my body." Wang Hua whispered.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly after hearing this. On the contrary, he was protected by the Ten Thousand Swords Sky Fire Spirit Array, which could prevent him from being suppressed by the aura of Divine Sword Intent.

Suddenly, at this moment when Chen Xuan was thinking, he felt some changes in the divine fire defense.

Chen Xuan walked forward under the guidance of the divine fire defense.

Wang Hua saw this situation and originally wanted to unite and go together, but just after taking a few steps, he was suppressed by the breath of the divine sword.

There is an extremely terrifying altar in the distance.

There is a book on this altar.

The Wanjian Konghuo Spiritual Array began to shake. He felt a little scared in his heart, but his pupils were full of extreme fear.

"It's really gratifying! You have great strength and have been given the honor of being passed down by me, Da Rao."

The voice from before came.

"Sir," Chen Xuandao said, "How can I get the inheritance?"

A voice came out from the distance again: "Having divine fire defense is just a matter of having strong strength and being passed down by adults. It does not necessarily mean you can actually get it. But in hundreds of thousands of years, you are the first person to enter with divine fire defense." The warrior here.”

"The Darao inheritance is very suitable for you."

"Your Excellency has left here some secrets about the cultivation of divine fire defense. But it is enough for you at this stage." Giant God Sword Intent: "Go find it now when your divine fire defense is strong enough."

Chen Xuan was also surprised, meaning that this top powerhouse not only left behind the divine fire defense inheritance, but also left other secrets.

If you want to get other inheritances, you need to upgrade the divine fire defense to a strong enough level.

Suddenly, a terrifying light appeared in the sky above Chen Xuan.

This terrifying light soon turned into a skill stone, standing in mid-air.

"This skill stone contains all my thoughts on divine fire defense. If you can get Darao's approval, take the skill stone away." The giant god's sword intention.

There was a surprise on Chen Xuan's face. After the divine fire defense broke out, he had never understood this extremely powerful defense secret method.

No matter what, it is the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. It is an extremely powerful defensive secret method that can be ranked among the top ten defensive secret methods of Divine Sword Intent. If it can be enlightened, it will improve very quickly.

He has broken through the divine fire defense, so he is eager to get this skill stone.

"How to get the skill stone?" Chen Xuandao.

Near Chen Xuan, a red altar suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Your cultivation level has just broken through to the middle stage of the eighth level of the divine realm. The defensive power of this red altar should be not much lower than that of the top-level eighth-level middle stage of the divine realm. Defeat him and you will pass." Giant God Sword Intent.

When Chen Xuan heard this, a surprise appeared on his face.

Immediately, the divine fire defense was released, and the terrifying divine sword aura gathered the long sword Zheng Zheng.


A sword energy slashed out, and the red altar shook crazily, but the red altar did not break.

"what happened?"

Chen Xuan was very confused. He really felt that he could completely break the red altar, but he failed to break the red altar.

Next, Chen Xuan slashed out several terrifying sword energy in succession, almost without breaking the red altar.

"Do you know what the red altar is to test you for?" the voice said suddenly.

"What is the trial?" Chen Xuandao said.

"You have a divine fire defense, but it's just a red altar?"

"The red altar tests your control over the divine fire defense, as well as your 100% understanding."

"Yes, that's right. The test is to control the divine fire defense."

Chen Xuan closed his eyes and devoted himself completely to the divine fire defense against Zheng Zheng.

The mystery of divine fire defense was simulated in his memory.

He thought about the power of wielding a weapon, and how to use the divine fire defense.

Finally, after four sticks of incense.


There was a loud noise, and Chen Xuan's sword energy smashed through the red altar.

"Haha, that's pretty good. That's it."

After defeating the red altar, Chen Xuan felt the mystery of the divine fire defense even more.

"He has only mastered it a little bit. If he can get the inheritance from a top powerhouse, the divine fire defense can be 100% improved to a point that will shock him beyond compare."

"My lord, I passed."

Looking at the broken red altar in front of him, Chen Xuan laughed.

"It's just the first level."

"What's next?" Chen Xuandao.

In the city, suddenly divine fire and demonic energy covered Chen Xuan's body.

Long Baqi arrived, and Chen Xuan fell into the immortal-level formation.

"Leave the fairy-level formation."

But as soon as he finished speaking, the divine fire and demonic energy around Chen Xuan disappeared in an instant.

He smiled.

"Have you obtained the immortal-level formation inheritance in the desert?" Chang Jian said.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly after hearing this.

"The strong man who left behind the immortal-level formations was once a subordinate of Darao. If you can get his inheritance, you must have understood the immortal-level formations."

Chen Xuan was also very happy that he could pass the third trial.

"However, in the last stage, you can use the power of fire defense to defend yourself." Chang Jian said.

He didn't give Chen Xuan any chance to ask.


On the altar, a powerful aura suddenly attacked.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan took a few steps back instantly. His expression began to change instantly, and he was very frightened.

"What a terrible smell."

He finally activated the Divine Fire Defense completely, and the Ten Thousand Swords Skyfire Spiritual Formation started to operate.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

The sword light broke through the Ten Thousand Swords Konghuo Spirit Formation. Although Chen Xuan used all his defense skills, he was still stabbed by the sword light, and blood flowed out instantly.

"The first sword light is so powerful. How to defend against the sword light after a while?"

Naturally, other places will not know what happens in the secret realm of Yunzhilong.

The consciousness of Qing Xueyun Sect who was suppressed by Zhang Jianyun last time and would not blatantly pervade this place.

Qingyun Stone City.

Dragon Fire God Bird and the others did not encounter any danger in Qingyun Stone City, and the master of the Immortal Time Sect was hiding in secret to protect them.

After such a long time, their cultivation level has not improved very quickly.

They tried every means to improve their strength, and finally discovered a strange place.

But when they went to this strange place, they discovered that all the warriors in Qingyun Stone City already knew about it.

"Now things are going badly. Many warriors from Qingyun Stone City have come."

The Demonic Shadow Bear said helplessly.

"Firebird, what should I do?" Shadow Demon said.

"It's enough for us to deal with the powerful mid-eighth level gods. As long as we don't encounter powerful mid-eighth level gods, there will be almost no problem."

The Dragon Fire God Bird heard this and thought deeply.

"Haha, that's great, you're actually hiding here."

At this moment, a strange aura appeared.

When the Dragon Fire God Bird saw this situation, his expression became very surprised.


The warrior's pupils were filled with killing intent and a smile, and then he slowly walked towards the dragon fire bird.

Dragon Fire Divine Bird gave a low shout, and they took action together.


Near the Dragon Fire God Bird, an extremely terrifying dark aura erupted, and then a warrior condensed.

The terrifying power of the soul spread to the surroundings instantly.

At this moment, the shadow demon also exerted the power of the soul.

Facing this strong man, they were a little helpless.

"Go to hell!"

The warrior in black immediately took out his long sword, carrying a shocking spiritual energy that directly sealed the surrounding space.

Then he took out a long sword, and a terrible fight began between the two.


Although the black-clothed warrior's cultivation is very powerful, they can't even look at the Dragon Fire God Bird.

After fighting for about four sticks of incense, they took advantage of Dragon Fire Bird and the others to rest. The warrior in black grabbed the sword directly and shouted softly. Then the spirit god moved slightly and suppressed them instantly.

"It's going to be bad now."

The dragon fire bird secretly screamed something bad, but there was nothing that could be done about it.

"You were suppressed by me and you still want to escape from me?"

The warrior in black held a long sword with a smile, and then slowly approached the dragon fire bird.

At this moment, Zhang Jianyun accidentally discovered the battle fluctuation just after entering the peak.

"Don't worry yet. What's going on? Does it smell like a firebird?"

Zhang Jianyun's expression suddenly began to change, and then he secretly screamed something bad.

Quickly and directly displaying all his cultivation, many long swords were released instantly, controlling all the nearby spiritual power.

"Dare you use your technique on the fire bird?"

Zhang Jianyun's heart flashed with dissatisfaction, and then he used his skills on the black-clothed warrior.

A lot of earth spirit power and a lot of golden energy all gathered together and directly swept away the long sword in the hands of the black-clothed warrior.

Then he directly suppressed the warrior in black.

"What's going on?"

When the black-clothed warrior realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

"Damn it, what's going on?"


The black-clothed warrior blasted away the long sword suppressing his body, and directly discovered that they had disappeared before.

His consciousness spread and he found that there was no trace nearby.

"It's going to be bad now, damn it! I'm going to kill you."

An area in the peak.

"Firebird, how are you?"

Dragon Fire Divine Bird said: "This is completely unexpected. At the critical moment, I am also prepared to break the empty jade stone given by the Lord."

"Sir, if you enter the Cloud Dragon Secret Realm to practice, even if you break the empty jade stone, it will have no effect." Zhang Jianyun said.

"Come to think of it, how could you come to this place?" Shadow Demon said.

At this moment, the warrior in black looked around and found nothing.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

He finally waved the sword in his hand and landed on a boulder not far away.

The stone defense test itself was a test of Chen Xuan's divine fire defense.

No matter how this top expert controls the divine fire defense, he has already reached the level of proficiency.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan also got the essence of divine fire defense. It was still a bit difficult to defend in the rush at the beginning.

However, as he adapted to the Wanjian Konghuo Spiritual Array, he was able to defend against the impact of the sword light without spending any energy.

In this way, more than a few months later, Chen Xuan finally completed the stone defense test.


Chen Xuan quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

For more than a few months, Chen Xuan racked his brains to think of ways to defend himself against the impact of the sword light.

"The divine fire defense has been improved."

Chen Xuan murmured to himself that although the final trial was still not easy, at least the divine fire defense had been improved, and he still gained a lot of insights.

"What a joy! You passed the test."

There was a movement from the front again. Chen Xuan could tell that the top powerhouse had left behind three trials, each of which was dedicated to improving the secret method of defense.

In an instant, a huge light burst out from the formation.

Then he disappeared into Chen Xuan's body.

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