Then he suddenly swung his long sword, and the fiery red sword energy carried shocking power and struck Chen Xuan's body instantly.

"The fiery red sword energy has the function of restricting the soul."

Chen Xuan used the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent.

The power of the fiery red sword energy is very terrifying. Even he cannot rely on the divine fire to defend it, so in the end he has to rely on the secret method of the divine soul sword energy.

No matter what, the Secret Technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent is already the strongest technique to defeat Chen Xuan.

The moment Chen Xuan had just used the third move of the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intention, the fiery red sword energy instantly bombarded his body.

The terrifying fiery red light instantly enveloped Chen Xuan completely.

This scene shocked everyone in the central hall.

Many disciples thought that Chen Xuan would definitely die if he was stabbed by the fiery red sword energy.

"It's really funny. If you are stabbed by the fiery red sword energy, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die."

At this moment, even Wang Qingge started laughing.

After being stabbed by the fiery red sword energy, the divine fire defense broke out instantly, and Chen Xuan defended with difficulty.

"What a mysterious power of soul."

Chen Xuan was slightly surprised and said that the power in the fiery red sword energy was very strange, and there was nothing the Wan Jian Kong Fire Spirit Array could do with the fiery red sword energy.

Only by relying on the secret method of the Divine Soul Sword Intent to severely injure Wang Qingge can the attack of the fiery red sword energy be deflected.

At the moment when many warriors thought that the deadly battle was about to end, noises emanated from around Wang Qingge.

Suddenly a subtle sword light appeared in mid-air and hit Wang Qingge's body.

His body suddenly shook crazily, and the fiery red sword energy that bombarded Chen Xuan also dissipated.

"what happened?"

Lord Huang Shao was a little anxious when he saw this situation.

In the viewing area, the elders of the main sect hall were trembling, and the eyes of many warriors were gathered around Wang Qingge.

"No...impossible. If I guessed correctly, this should be the secret technique of the Divine Soul Sword Intent."

"In the third move, he actually mastered the third move?"

"Secret method of divine soul sword intention? No wonder, it turns out that Chen Xuan had a plan before."

After being shocked, several elders in the main hall laughed.

There is no secret method of divine soul sword that can be cultivated by a warrior, but it was cultivated by Chen Xuan to the next three blinks.

Even Wang Qingge had no way to defend against the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intention.

His body was broken by the red sword light and he slowly retreated.

After losing control of the fiery red sword energy, a turbulence of time and space appeared on his body.

Then the fiery red light Zheng Yiyi swung his long sword out, catching the fiery red sword energy in an instant, and then used all his cultivation skills.

The fiery red sword energy gathered by the power of the soul was directly interrupted.

In an instant, Wang Qingge's body was severely injured.

"Impossible, I don't want to accept it."

In Wang Qingge's heart, he originally thought that he would be victorious if he used the fiery red sword energy.

Who would have thought that Chen Xuan would hold the prairie fire sword in his hand and smile, and then slowly walk towards Wang Qingge.

Wang Qingge's expression was very dark, and he seemed to have given up his defense.

"Are you looking for death?"

Chen Xuan said calmly.


Wang Qingge's face showed anger.

The prairie fire sword lightly passed by, and in an instant, when Wang Qingge's body fell on the central platform, many warriors in the entire central hall were shouting Chen Xuan's name.

Lord Huang Shao, on the other hand, had a gloomy face and hid in the dark, returning to the Qing Xueyun Sect.

In this life-and-death battle, although Wang Qingge's fiery red sword energy and soul were powerful, Chen Xuan's skills were even more powerful.

Several elders from the main hall surrounded Chen Xuan and then talked to him.

However, Wang Qingge, the top talent who was killed, will eventually be forgotten.

This deadly battle directly caused the Qing Xueyun Sect's cultivation to be halved.

From then on, the Qing Xueyun Sect no longer had the courage to go crazy, and Master Huang Shao even ordered that all disciples could not leave the sect easily.

And Jianchen Sect, a sect with only a few warriors, was officially recognized by the other twenty-four lines.

After killing Wang Qingge, Chen Xuan successfully entered the list of one hundred disciples -

All the disciples were shocked. After more than six months of hard training in the Cloud Dragon Secret Realm, Chen Xuan really made a lot of breakthroughs.

His battle with Wang Qingge made many disciples who had not joined the branch sect willing to join the Jianchen Sect.

In just three days, there were dozens of disciples of Jianchen Sect.

The killing of Wang Qingge indeed caused a lot of fluctuations here.

Even some powerful sects began to pay attention to Chen Xuan.

This guy who has only been in Shenmen for a few years has actually exerted such great power.

In Jianchen Sect, Chen Xuan quietly practiced in seclusion.

The divine fire defense will soon reach the second level of the immortal body, and it requires an excellent opportunity.

He is still constantly looking for the perfect opportunity to fight to the death with Wang Qingge. It is obvious that he has also thought about it, but he has not succeeded in making the divine fire defense reach the second level of the immortal body.

"Haha, no, let's go to the Ten Thousand Gold Palace and have a look. Maybe it can make the divine fire defense reach the second level of the immortal body," Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

After leaving Jianchen Sect, we quickly arrived at the Wanjin Palace.

"Senior Brother Chen Xuan."

I met many disciples along the way.

Chen Xuan entered the Wanjin Palace directly without stopping at all. Chen Xuan rushed towards the outside.

After a period of time, we arrived at the Ninth Level. The power of fire in this place was extremely powerful, hundreds of times that of other places.

"It's really terrible."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but be surprised. If it weren't for the sect leader Darao Kong Jade, how many vein stones would he have to spend to get to this place?

In the ninth level, some suppression can already be found.

Soon, Chen Xuan came to the next level.

"Don't worry yet, what's going on? There is actually a warrior?"

Chen Xuan was surprised to find that there was actually a warrior in this group.

At this moment, Wang Hua is also practicing in seclusion.

Around him, there is a sixth-level immortal level formation surrounding him.

"Is he practicing?"

Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

Then he didn't think too much, but shook his head slightly.

Chen Xuan found a quiet place, slowly flew above the forest surface, released the divine fire defense, and began to practice using the suppression of the power of the fire.


The aura of Divine Sword Spirit containing a terrifying aura was constantly pouring into his body. When Zheng

At this moment, Chen Xuan took out the spirit of Dao Baoyu from the Najie, and absorbed the spirit of Dao Baoyu in an instant.

Chen Xuan will not delay in the process of practicing divine fire defense.

He is devouring the spirit of Tao Baoyu to condense the Tao veins.

Suddenly, one by one, Dao veins were condensed by him.

Five hours later, Chen Xuan absorbed the spirits of five hundred Dao Baoyu and condensed dozens of Dao veins.

It is not too difficult for Chen Xuan to condense the ordinary Tao veins.

After three.

Chen Xuan has absorbed all the Dao Baoyu spirit in Najie.

At this time, the number of his Tao channels had reached a terrifying forty.

After passing the forty level, there will be a substantial improvement in strength.

However, the Dao Baoyu spirit still couldn't be swallowed, and Chen Xuan's body still couldn't bear the forty Dao Baoyu spirits that followed.


At the moment when the number of his Dao veins reached forty, the opportunity to break through the divine fire defense finally appeared.

It didn't take long to break through directly. The divine fire defense reached the second level of the Immortal Body. The terrifying breath of divine sword intent spread to the surroundings instantly, causing the 19th level to be shaken.

At this moment, the Ten Thousand Swords Konghuo Spiritual Formation was also expanding directly, suddenly sweeping across the entire 19th level.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

Chen Xuan, who was so excited, had already forgotten that there was Wang Hua in the nineteenth floor. The Ten Thousand Swords Konghuo Spiritual Formation directly completely broke the sixth-level immortal-level formation protecting Wang Hua.

"Are you Chen Xuan?"

After Wang Hua saw Chen Xuan, he sighed helplessly.

He climbed up from the ground and said to Wang Hua: "I also entered the nineteenth level of cultivation inadvertently, Brother Wang, haha."

Hearing this, Wang Hua looked at Chen Xuan and said, "Do you know why I am preparing to practice here?"

Chen Xuan smiled softly and said he didn't know why he was practicing here.

"In fact, in the abandoned city, I received an extremely terrifying inheritance. At this moment of practicing this inheritance in seclusion, it requires a lot of pressure. So I am preparing to move to the 19th level, and there will be no warriors in this place at all."

"That's it, haha." Chen Xuandao.

Wang Hua nodded slightly after hearing this, and Chen Xuan didn't say much, but left immediately.

Looking at Chen Xuan's leaving figure, a mysterious look flashed across Wang Hua's eyes.

The moment he came out of Wanjin Palace, Chen Xuan met Wang De.

"Chen Xuan, I also know very well that Wang Tingyu had conflicts with Chen Xuan before, but this time he did not continue to provoke you. But this time after entering the Cloud Dragon Secret Realm, Wang Tingyu did not come out. I don't know if Chen Xuan has met Wang Tingyu. ?" Wang De said calmly.

When he spoke, he looked directly at Chen Xuan.

"I have never met Wang Tingyu." Chen Xuandao.

Wang De heard this and said softly: "Thank you very much, Chen Xuan."

After Chen Xuan left, Wang De looked at his back, displeasure flashed in his pupils.

"My brother will not be killed casually, it must be you."

Wang De murmured to himself, and then he returned directly to Wanting Sect.

"Haha, how about this time?"

"Brother Fang Luoyu, it has been confirmed that Wang Tingyu, Wang Gu and the others were killed by Chen Xuan's soul." Wang De said.

Hearing this, the red-clothed warrior sat up.

"This Chen Xuan is really looking for death."

Fang Luoyu said with a cold face.

"Brother Fang Luoyu, Chen Xuan's cultivation is no longer comparable to before, and he has mastered the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent. Even the sect leader attaches great importance to him. It is difficult to kill this brat." Wang De said.

Now, more than six months later, he has no courage to challenge Chen Xuan, and Wang De is reminding Fang Luoyu to be careful.

"Haha, that's so funny, Qing Xueyun Sect idiot."

Fang Luoyu sneered when he heard this.

"Keep looking at the other person. If he is practicing outside, tell me the news in a short time." Fang Luoyu smiled with murderous intent: "If you die outside, even the sect leader will not be able to say a word. Yes, right?"

"Senior Brother Fang Luoyu doesn't need to worry at all. I have already arranged for warriors to be on all roads leaving the Blood Plain. As long as he leaves, his whereabouts will be controlled by us in a short time." Wang De said confidently.

At this moment, after the divine fire defense reached the second level of the immortal body, dozens of veins were condensed.

Chen Xuan's cultivation level has also reached a very powerful level.

Ten months passed in the blink of an eye.

One day, Chen Xuan suddenly received a piece of news, and his expression suddenly became very surprised.

"Is the dragon fire bird in danger?"

At the moment when they left, they were given an empty jade stone to the Dragon Fire God Bird. If they encountered danger, they would break the empty jade stone.

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