Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5595 Attacking Immortal Time Sect

"Chen Xuan, it's not easy to deal with him, isn't it?" The master of Xianshi Sect said very worriedly.

"Wang Liang, you are here."

Darao, the leader of the Immortal Time Sect, appeared physically and looked directly at Wang Liang.

"You can also remember that if you dare to lift the seal of the sect, I, Wang Liang, will never let you go unless you are willing to hand over Chen Xuan." Wang Liang said.

The master of Xianshi Sect waved his long sword, and Chen Xuan's body suddenly appeared in the air.

"He is right here. Come if you have the courage." The master of Xianshi Sect said with a cold face.

Wang Liang smiled slightly and looked directly at Chen Xuan.

"Haha, so that's it. Did you bring me here?" Wang Liang said.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded slightly and said softly: "Yes."

very good!

Wang Liang laughed, his face full of ridicule. With him as the center, a terrifying force filled the entire Xianshi Sect, causing the body of Da Rao, the leader of Xianshi Sect, to retreat instantly. .

Wang Liang was also thinking secretly in his heart.

"Are you sure you can kill me?" Wang Liang said.

"Don't I know if I can kill you if I try it?" Chen Xuan said calmly.

The master of the Immortal Time Sect was also extremely confused.

At this moment, a terrifying aura erupted from Wang Liang's body, and he said softly: "I will make it clear to you that not only you are going to die today, but the Immortal Time Sect is also going to die."

Chen Xuan turned his head and signaled the leader of the Immortal Time Sect to step back, then looked directly at Wang Liangdao: "You and I have no deep hatred, but you have tried to kill me again and again. Now, it is absolutely impossible for you to be alive. leave here."

Seeing this situation, Wang Liang gave a low drink.

"You are simply asking for your own death."

The black long sword in his hand suddenly increased greatly, and then with a tip of his toe, the black long sword rushed directly towards Chen Xuan.

No matter what, the opponent is Wang Liang, a terrifying and famous existence in the eighth level of the divine realm.

"What's going on?"

"Haha, looking for death."

Chen Xuan shouted low, and suddenly a sword energy struck the black sword.

The power of Chen Xuan's sword energy actually left a faint mark on the black sword.

Soon, the black sword returned to Wang Liang. He stared at Chen Xuan and said softly: "Is it just based on this defensive power?"

After finishing, Wang Liang sneered, stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet, and kept spinning the black sword in his hand. The terrifying aura spread to the surroundings in an instant.

At this moment, Chen Xuan also activated the divine fire defense. The terrifying power attached to the long sword, and sword aura after sword aura killed Wang Liang in an instant.

The ninth level of the Shenshi Secret Technique was used, and he soon entered the interior of the Immortal Time Sect.

At this moment, after seeing the sword energy coming from the front, Wang Liang's pupils were extremely frightened, and a terrifying aura erupted from his body.

Chen Xuan's red sword energy was completely blocked by Wang Liang.

He thought he had the upper hand, and then sneered and said with a sarcastic face: "You are really not that good. There is no way to interest me."

Then Wang Liang displayed a powerful secret skill. The black long sword was surrounded by a layer of divine sword power and suddenly killed Chen Xuan.

"Hehehe, let's see how you survive this time."

Wang Liang's face showed a hint of sarcasm, and he approached Chen Xuan with the black sword in his hand.

But just when he thought he would definitely be able to defeat Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan's body actually disappeared.

"What's going on?"

Wang Liang looked around. He could only see the burning sky, but there was no way to find any specific traces of Chen Xuan.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

Wang Liang roared, and the black long sword erupted with power that shocked him beyond compare. At this moment, Kong was directly burned to the extreme.

But he still couldn't find any specific traces of Chen Xuan.

This left Wang Liang unable to do anything against Chen Xuan.

At this moment, the master of the Senshi Sect in the Senshi Sect sighed and admired Chen Xuan very much.

"This guy."

The master of Xianshi Sect showed a faint smile, Chen Xuan's talent was very terrifying.

In just over ten years, he has been promoted to the point where he can compete with Wang Liang. If he was given some more time, there would be no problem in surpassing Wang Liang.

"His endowment is very terrible and we cannot let him continue to live."

Wang Liang was also thinking secretly in his heart.

The murderous intention towards Chen Xuan in his heart became even stronger.

At this moment, Wang Liang was a little anxious.

The black long sword erupted with terrifying murderous power and burst out.

But Chen Xuan is not so easy to deal with. If it dares to come to him, Chen Xuan will definitely have a high chance of defeating it.


A turbulent breath suddenly filled the entire sky.

Da Rao, the leader of the Immortal Time Sect, looked at this scene with his eyes wide open with fear in his pupils.

Wherever the black long sword in Wang Liang's hand passed, it was ignited, and terrifying power exploded, causing the entire Qingyun Stone City to panic.

Although Wang Liang's attack was much stronger than before, Chen Xuan was able to simply defend against it.


An attack broke out with Wang Liang. At this moment, Chen Xuan almost figured out his true strength.

The battle is almost over.

Chen Xuan murmured to himself, and then he took out the prairie fire sword.

The first few sword techniques of the Divine Soul Sword Intention Secret Technique were unleashed instantly, and the extremely surging sword energy rushed toward Wang Liang with a power that would make even the strongest at the eighth level of the Divine Realm tremble.

"Absolutely impossible."

Wang Liang also discovered that the power of this surging sword light was very powerful. With his cultivation level, it was impossible to defend against this surging sword light.

He desperately dodged the attack and tried to escape.

"Sneaked away from me?"

Chen Xuan's face showed a hint of sarcasm. The seventh-level warrior's path of the early stage of the Divine Lord was instantly above his head. A depressing aura filled the area and directly suppressed Wang Liang's body.

By chance, the raging sword light hit Wang Liang's body.

The terrifying power emanating from the high-level Dao veins made the body of Darao, the leader of the Immortal Time Sect, tremble.

"No...impossible. If I guessed correctly, this should be the one!"

Da Rao, the leader of the Immortal Time Sect, showed fear in his pupils and stared at this scene with wide eyes. In mid-air, a warrior slowly fell on the street of Qingyun Stone City.

Looking at the gazes of many warriors, everyone was shocked instantly.

Zheng, the land of the Senshi Sect sect

Wang Liang, the strongest man in Qingyun Stone City, was actually killed by Chen Xuan.

"My dear, how powerful is this guy's cultivation? He actually killed Wang Liang?"

"Is he a disciple of the Senki Sect?"

"The opponent's cultivation level can completely suppress Wang Liang, so it will be easy for the Immortal Time Sect to rise."

Many disciples were shocked and talking.

In this regard, Chen Xuan was very calm.

Although Wang Liang is a perfect and powerful person at the eighth level of the divine realm, his strength is still not perfect.

The first few levels of the Divine Soul Sword Intent Secret Technique are inherently powerful. That is to say, Chen Xuan's current cultivation level is still in the middle of the eighth level of the Divine Realm. If he breaks through to the eighth perfect level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, he can dominate the gods just by relying on the Divine Soul Sword Intent Secret Technique. It has reached the eighth level of the Zun Realm.

Coupled with the powerful defense of his seven-level immortal fire defense, the terrifying power of advanced Tao veins.

Wang Liang must die.

The master of the Immortal Time Sect was extremely excited. He looked at Chen Xuan. Before, the warrior in front of him had been chased by Wang Liang. If he hadn't used his skills, he would have had almost no way to escape from Wang Liang's pursuit.

However, nine years later, he personally killed Wang Liang.

"very horrible."

Darao, the leader of the Immortal Time Sect, was very frightened. At the same time, he was also secretly thinking that the stronger Chen Xuan's cultivation would be, the better it would be for the Immortal Time Sect.

He could find that the older generation of strong men hiding in the dark looked at the land of the Immortal Time Sect with fearful eyes.

From now on, no warrior in Qingyun Stone City will have the courage to take on the Immortal Toki Sect.

They all thought that Chen Xuan was a warrior from the Immortal Toki Sect and could kill even Wang Liang. Who would have the guts to provoke the Immortal Toki Sect?

Zheng, the land of the Senshi Sect sect

"Hahaha, it's true. It's really strong."

At this moment, the sect leader of Xianshi Sect woke up from the shock and praised Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan smiled and calmly took out some Dao Baoyu spirits and gave them to the master of Xianshi Sect.

"The Xianshi Sect was attacked by Wang Liang entirely because of me. I hope this can make up for what the Xianshi Sect lost." Chen Xuandao.

The master of the Senshi Sect directly refused.

"You have avenged our Xianshi Sect's shame by killing Wang Liang. Our Xianshi Sect also wanted to unite with you before, but now that you are in trouble, we will use all our cultivation skills to help you." Dayang, the leader of Xianshi Sect.

However, Chen Xuan directly asked the master of Xianshi Sect to accept these Dao Baoyu spirits.

"This is the spirit of Dao Baoyu, which is of great benefit to warriors in the middle eighth level of the divine realm, as well as these intermediate Dao vein stones." Chen Xuandao.

"Intermediate Dao Vein Stone... Dao Baoyu Spirit? I'm really embarrassed, but... it's really great." Since Chen Xuan insisted on giving it, he had nothing to be embarrassed about.

The intermediate Dao vein stone is already a very rare fairy meteorite in the Wanjinlong area.

For Xianji Zong, the spirit of Dao Baoyu is the best magic weapon.

With such a large number of Dao Baoyu spirits, a powerful person in the middle eighth level of the divine realm can be created in a short time.

"Master Xianshi, I am ready to leave now." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

"Sir, the sect leader, Luo Jian Sect, the sect leader of the Fallen Luo Sect, come here to pay homage."

Suddenly a disciple's voice came to the head of the Senshi Sect.

"Go and do your work first." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

The head of the Immortal Time Sect looked at Chen Xuan, then turned his head and left.

No matter how the Xianshi Sect is in Qingyun Stone City, it cannot do without the support of other sects.

Chen Xuan flew into the hall. He gave a light drink, and then his spirit moved slightly, and a dark ring appeared in front of him. This was Wang Liang's ring.

When beheading Wang Liang, Chen Xuan directly took away Wang Liang's Najie.

"Look at what Wang Liang has. It is indeed the eighth level of perfection in the divine realm."

Chen Xuan then opened the Najie and immediately discovered that Wang Liang's Najie had many Dao vein stones.

"Intermediate Dao Vein Stone?"

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