"This is my Ten Thousand Intentions Defense Secret. You have a strong strength. You can practice it in seclusion now. If you practice it into a chat, it will definitely help you a lot in the future." Huang Yuanye said quietly.

In fact, he is not much different from Chen Xuan, but with Huang Yuanye's arrogance, strictly speaking, it is not considered whether they are opponents, but this is just a hero appreciating a hero.

He still admires Chen Xuan more. Although he does not have Chen Xuan's fairy-like experience and luck, he still feels proud because such a talent has appeared in a famous and upright sect.

The most important thing is that Chen Xuan practices the Ten Thousand Intentions Defense Secret in seclusion, and he fully agrees.

"Thank you, Brother Huang Yuanye."

Chen Xuan smiled slightly. He would never forget what the other party did.

"The Ten Thousand Intentions Defense Secret is in your hands, and it will definitely improve." Huang Yuanye said quickly.

Huang Yuanye feels very good about Chen Xuan.

Fighting with Chen Xuan, he really understands the other party.

"To be honest, if we really fight, I am not Brother Huang Yuanye's opponent." Chen Xuan said directly.

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, he climbed up from the ground, looked at Chen Xuan and said: "Chen Xuan, practice in seclusion carefully, and strive to break through to the eighth level of the God Realm as soon as possible. Then we can continue to fight, and then see who is more powerful. Hehehe, you can cause me harm at this level, which is already a very scary existence. If I can beat you by myself, isn't it too bullying?" Chen Xuan, who got the Ten Thousand Will Defense Secret Method, was not in a hurry to practice, but after hearing his words, Chen Xuan smiled. In the end, the two of them continued to talk for a while, and then they did not delay any more, but left here soon. For the developer, he now has another important thing, which is to return to Qingshi Immortal City and retrieve Wanhu Immortal Grass. "In more than six months, a lot of cultivation has been done, right?" Chen Xuan muttered to himself. However, before leaving, he went to improve his ranking first. He now has to spread his reputation quickly. Only in this way can those who feel sorry for this person restrain themselves and avoid causing trouble for themselves. Soon, Chen Xuan found Wang Longzhi's courtyard.

"Wang Longzhi."

Chen Xuan's voice was heard in Wang Longzhi's courtyard.

Suddenly, a divine thunder fire appeared, and Wang Longzhi's figure appeared instantly.

"Chen Xuan? What are you doing here? I don't know what you want."

After losing to Chen Xuan in the Ten Thousand Dragons Refining Tower, Wang Longzhi has been very unhappy and looking for opportunities to take revenge. He is extremely unhappy with Chen Xuan. If he is not sure that he is Chen Xuan's opponent, he would have already taken action.

"Okay, okay, we were competed before, but that doesn't show the true strength between us. Of course, I come here to challenge you." Chen Xuan said calmly.

"You want to challenge me? Are you sick in the head?" Wang Longzhi thought he had heard wrong, and his expression revealed a look of disdain: "Do you really think that you can completely suppress me by fighting and defeating me with the power of physical training? I think there is something wrong with you. How long has it been since you joined us? It seems that you have been a little overconfident recently. But since you want to challenge me, I will not refuse. It just happens that I can teach you a good lesson, right?" Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan did not have the time to explain so much. His time is so precious. The opponent is just a disciple with a low ranking, although Chen Xuan has not been a member for a particularly long time. However, he is still confident in fighting him. "Do you accept my challenge?" Chen Xuan said helplessly. "Haha, very good, I accept. Since you have said so, if I don't accept it, it will definitely not be good." The news of their fight spread instantly, and all the disciples came to watch from a distance. "Chen Xuan is sick, isn't he? He wants to challenge Wang Longzhi. Does this guy really think he is his opponent?"

"I am not Huang Yuanye's opponent, but I think it should be very easy to deal with you." Chen Xuan said directly.

"Wang Longzhi's cabinet faction ranks in the top five. His brain must have been kicked by a donkey, or is this guy really that confident? If he can win, it will really be the sun rising from the west?"

"He is so arrogant just because his body refining power is stronger than Wang Longzhi? I think this guy has never been beaten. This guy is an old strong man. Even if his talent is strong, it is definitely not that easy to beat these top five people in such a short time."

Many disciples do not agree with Chen Xuan any more, and they think Chen Xuan is just here to make fun of him.

But Chen Xuan doesn't care. What these people say has nothing to do with him. Now the most important thing for him is to improve his ranking.

"I will let you know how powerful I, Wang Longzhi, am, and let you know what the price will be for challenging me. When the time comes, I will beat you up black and blue. Don't blame me, hahahahaha."

He was laughing wildly now, but Chen Xuan would definitely let him know that if he acted arrogantly now, he would cry later.


Thunder roared continuously in the sky, and Wang Longzhi exerted a terrifying force.

In an instant, Chen Xuan used the fourth move of the Divine Soul Sword Intention Secret Technique and then turned his head and left here without even looking at Wang Longzhi.

At the moment when Chen Xuan's figure disappeared, the sky burned, and the fast sword light directly broke through Wang Longzhi's defense with a powerful gesture.

Wang Longzhi defended himself desperately, but there was no way he could do anything about it. The power of this sword light was very terrifying.

The most important thing is that at the moment when the sword light attacked, Wang Longzhi felt subtle changes in the pressure and space movement of the space around him. As a result, when the surging sword light broke through Wang Longzhi's defense and penetrated his body, he was directly burst.

He fell to the ground mutilated, and the breath of blood emanated from Wang Longzhi's soul.

The many disciples who were watching from a distance were very shocked, and they all looked at the mutilated Wang Longzhi with expressions of surprise.

Is this still Wang Longzhi?

Why he lost to Chen Xuan puzzled them. No matter how strong Chen Xuan's cultivation was, it was impossible to kill him in the first round.

One sword qi, just one sword qi, completely broke Wang Longzhi's defense.

The most important thing is that Chen Xuan was very confident in his attack this time. He turned around and left immediately, as if he thought it was impossible for him to withstand his first attack.

At this moment, the admiration for Chen Xuan became even stronger in the hearts of all the disciples.

A sword energy suppressed Wang Longzhi and killed him directly. Such a powerful person was at least among the top few in the Cabinet Faction's ranking.

Now Chen Xuan has reached such a height, but they still have no achievements.

At this moment, the murderous atmosphere around him gradually dissipated.

Some disciples who had a very good relationship with Wang Longzhi helped Wang Longzhi's mutilated body up, and then asked him to eat a few pieces of fairy grass to restore his injuries, and brought him back to the courtyard to recover from his injuries.

And more disciples left without any movement.

This battle was very exciting to them.

Because they have now understood how much they weigh. Facing a talent like Chen Xuan, they find that even if they try to flatter him, they will never be able to catch up. This is the disparity in strength.

On weekdays, they are known to the outside world as the talents of the younger generation of Shenmen who carry the banner. However, after being in the cabinet for so long, he has almost no reputation.

On the contrary, it was Chen Xuan who directly opened the distance between them in just over six months.

After this battle, Chen Xuan's name resounded throughout the cabinet faction.

The most important thing is that he also succeeded Wang Longzhi and became the fifth strongest person in the cabinet faction.

However, many warriors know very well that with Chen Xuan's cultivation level, it is not difficult to reach the top few. But he didn't seem to care about it at all. After defeating Wang Longzhi, he quickly left the cabinet faction.

The fourth move of the Divine Soul Sword Intention Secret Technique is very powerful. It is barely close to dealing with Huang Yuanye, but it is completely enough to deal with Wang Longzhi.

Chen Xuan left the Cabinet Sect and came to the Jianchen Sect, which is a branch of the sect.

With the precious treasures he left behind, Yu Wenqiu has been promoted and has a certain reputation in the branch sect.

After a brief conversation, Chen Xuan went directly to Qingyun Stone City through the mobile formation.

"The target appears."

"If you attack him directly, he will die."

The powerful Immortal Blood Demon Sect who was hiding near Qingyun Stone City immediately used his skills when he discovered Chen Xuan.

"The soul is destroyed."

Nine powerful men at the eighth level of the divine realm used their skills on Chen Xuan together.

"It's going to be bad now."

Chen Xuan secretly screamed something bad, and found that the aura that suppressed him was approaching. He used the secret method of divine time and escaped directly.

"Hehehe, let's see how you survive this time."

Nine powerful men of the eighth level of the divine realm appeared in nine squares of Qingyun Stone City, surrounding Chen Xuan in the middle.

"Immortal Blood Demon Sect?"

When Chen Xuan saw this situation, there was a gloomy look in his pupils.

Suddenly, ripples in the empty space flickered, and the sect leader appeared.

The aura on the master's body was very powerful. He swung his long sword, and a sword light suddenly struck one of the warriors who attacked Chen Xuan.

This powerful man who was at the eighth level of the divine realm was severely wounded by the sect leader in an instant.

At the moment when the sect leader was about to deal with a powerful person at the eighth level of the divine realm next to him, a warrior with a demonic aura appeared not far from him.

"Lord Sect Leader, your opponent is me. Hahaha, how powerful are you to deal with these people?"

"I thought it was you, but I didn't expect it to be you?"

The lord of the clan said gloomily, and the long sword in his hand suddenly swung out.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura swept across the entire land, and the entire Qingyun Stone City was completely destroyed. The battle fluctuated, and the aura was very terrifying.

"Quick victory."

The evil elders of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect also knew that there was no way to fight for a long time. He is here just to stop the sect leader, otherwise, the plan will be difficult to succeed.

Their most important purpose was to kill Chen Xuan. Other than that, other things were not very important to them.

After all, it's not like they haven't made news recently. They have already obtained all the talents that Chen Xuan showed.

They must now eradicate Chen Xuan and eliminate this serious trouble.

"It's simply asking for death."

The master of the sect let out a roar. He used his skills and the unique skills of the Shenmen, and continued to fight with the evil elders of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect.

At this moment, even he could hardly suppress his opponent.

He has been hiding in secret and told Wang Liang the news here, and he is on his way there.

Originally, he had been secretly protecting Chen Xuan on the road, but he didn't expect that these people from the Demon Sect actually appeared here, and it seemed like they were well prepared.

Chen Xuan, who was near the mobile formation, looked extremely gloomy.

Being chased by four powerful warriors at the eighth level of the divine realm, he did not have the guts to underestimate the enemy at all. He used the fourth move of the secret technique of the Divine Soul Sword Intent to suppress the eighth-level perfect warriors in the divine realm who were close to him. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he rushed in into the mobile formation.

"Kill him, don't let him escape."

The attacks of the four powerful men of the eighth level of the divine realm were very fast, and they arrived at the mobile formation in an instant.

But Chen Xuan activated the mobile formation in a short moment, white light flashed, and the mobile formation suffered heavy damage, but it was still open.

Chen Xuan's figure disappeared into the mobile formation.

At this moment, the four powerful people with the eighth level of perfection in the realm of gods struck together and completely destroyed the mobile formation.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

Seeing this situation, the elder of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect’s evil sect shouted, suppressed the sect leader with a burst of sword energy, and then left the place temporarily.

"Sneaked away from me?"

The master's face was gloomy, he snorted coldly, and swung his sword towards the sky.

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