Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5621 The so-called strongest person

"When the Distinguished Disciple Discussion Competition is over, you will definitely come to visit me."

Along the way, many warriors were greeting Song Longqing's two masters, which really made them a little happy.

Finally, they came to the school area.

They looked at the many disciples, and finally his eyes fell on the strongest among the younger generation.

"I guess this is the strongest person among the younger generation, right? He can have insights at such a young age. He is really powerful." Song Longqing's master praised.

"We are responsible for regional management of this discussion competition. If you need anything, you can do whatever you want."

They deliberately made friends with the strongest among the younger generation, but he ignored the other weaker ones and left directly in front of them.

However, in Chen Xuan's eyes, it felt a little ridiculous, so he said softly: "I didn't expect that they are such a snobbery. It seems that I thought highly of them before."

Suddenly, the eyes of many warriors fell around Chen Xuan, and they also agreed with Chen Xuan's words.

Afterwards, they walked to the Dragon God Gate area, talked for a while, and then hid in the darkness, away from the center of the central hall, and came to the God Gate area.

"Friend Huang Yuanye, do you still know me?" Song Longqing's two masters saw Huang Yuanye and said, "At the moment when you are dividing the sect, I followed Song Weihua to visit the Divine Gate once."

Huang Yuan's wild talk is about to begin, Song Longqing's master said.

"Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?" Chen Xuan asked.

"No...even if your son enters these sects, he probably won't join the big sect, let alone enter the core?" Song Longqing's two masters also looked at Chen Xuan very curiously.

"I have. Did I join a sect?"

"Chen Xuan is a disciple of our Shenmen Cabinet Sect." Huang Yuanye frowned slightly when he heard this and said slowly.

Hearing this, Song Longqing's two masters were very shocked. They originally thought that Chen Xuan did not have that ability, but they themselves were severely slapped in the face.

There were powerful looks on their faces, and they looked at Chen Xuan helplessly.

"How can this be?"

They can't believe that his improvement speed is so fast?

"Haha, it's really funny. Even Shenmen is a sect that is not very strong. I would like to ask you which sects you call very powerful?" Some disciples in the Shenmen area said extremely dissatisfied.

"I'm really sorry..."

Song Longqing is currently apologizing directly: "It was our fault in the previous period. We shouldn't have done this. I am here to apologize to you."

However, although he was apologizing, his eyes were directly looking at the strongest among the younger generation. It was obvious that he felt that apologizing was simply an insult to himself. However, because there were too many people here, they had to apologize. Otherwise, it is very likely that they will cause public outrage, so they spoke like this.

Of course, another reason is that Chen Xuan's identity is no longer the same.

Are you kidding me? The Shenmen Cabinet sends top disciples, but they don’t have the guts to provoke them.

Although Chen Xuan is only a disciple, it also shows that his future achievements will definitely be very high, at least not for ordinary people.

Even Chen Xuan's current cultivation level is probably stronger than him.

"At this moment in Qingyun Stone City, I felt that you would definitely grow into a strong man in a while. At this time, I also invited you to come to the Dragon God Gate, but you were rejected. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, you have already After being promoted to this level, I think Song Longqing will be happy when he finds out, right?" Song Longqing's two masters deliberately wanted to reduce the gap between them and Chen Xuan.

When they chatted with Chen Xuan before, they had never been so polite. The reason why they suddenly became so polite now was because they all knew Chen Xuan's true identity. It had to be, this was indeed a bit ironic.

However, Chen Xuan had seen through before that the two of them were just typical examples of cheating and cheating. He had previously felt that there was no need for him to make friends, so he spoke rudely.

However, now, their attitude towards Chen Xun has undergone a 180-degree turn, and Chen Xuan has also dealt with this kind of person.

Know what they are thinking in their hearts.

He shook his head slightly, turned around and looked away. These people couldn't get his attention at all.

And Chen Xuan didn't care at all about what happened before.

"Still not leaving? Didn't you see that big brother doesn't want to talk to you?" A disciple said with a smile.

The faces of Song Longqing's two masters were burning, but they also knew that they could not say anything now. They had looked at Chen Xuan before and even ridiculed him. As a result, Chen Xuan's current status had changed too much. They hated themselves. Why didn't they make friends with Chen Xuan earlier? It was too late to realize it now.

"Haha, no more."

Chen Xuan said calmly, after all, they are Song Longqing's masters, they just look at him, there is no need to argue with them, anyway, Chen Xuan really doesn't care about these things.

These two people didn't really want to harm him, but if they really did, Chen Xuan would never sit back and wait for death.

"If you can get a quota and enter the Thousand Yuan Space, you will have a chance to get Xuanyuan Qian's Legend." Huang Yuanye said: "You can also fight other warriors at this moment. If you can come out alive, you can at least break through to a higher level." A powerful realm.”

Chen Xuan's status in Shenmen is very high. He has high-level Taoist connections. Even Huang Yuanye has a good attitude towards him. In addition, he defeated Wang Jueyun with a sword energy, making many warriors feel more respected than before.

Knowing that these two reckless elders dared to mock Chen Xuan, they must have said something to at least not make the situation cool down.

However, after hearing what Chen Xuan just said, many warriors did not say anything more.

However, Chen Xuan felt even more curious about the space he was in.

The Thousand Yuan Space is a very mysterious space. It has existed for a long time and is said to be about the same as the Bluestone Layer. However, there is currently too little exploration of it.

So Chen Xuan asked: "Brother, what is the origin of the space you just entered, and does it have anything to do with this discussion competition."

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, he also smiled, and then replied: "Brother, you probably haven't understood it before. This space has a very long history. Those who can enter are all top talents. Ordinary people are basically Can't get in."

Every discussion competition among famous disciples is very lively. Disciples from various very powerful sects gathered together, communicated with each other at a preliminary level, and finally ranked them. Those who can enter the rankings can basically be determined to be talented warriors, and their strength is beyond doubt.

There are also casual cultivators hiding in the dark, observing from a distance. If there is a very talented disciple, they will appear in time and accept him as his successor.

After all, these people are a very small number of talents, and they are respected no matter where they are.

In a blink of an eye, noon has arrived.

However, now many disciples of less powerful sects have no way out and can only rely on discussions with famous disciples every time.

Suddenly, the leader of the Dragon God Sect was slightly shocked, and then still said: "The next thing will last for more than twenty years, and the strongest warriors will be selected soon."

They worked hard in the discussion competition just to be valued by this strong person who had never appeared before.

If you are selected by them, your future will be limitless.

On the vast ground of the extremely vast Shenmen Gate, all the disciples were waiting calmly. In their hearts, they had been waiting helplessly and were ready to fight.

"I've said everything that should be said. I hope everyone can gain something from this famous disciple discussion competition." The leader of the Dragon God Sect finally said: "If he can enter the sixth place, we will immediately give him a heavy inheritance. magic weapon."

Hearing this, many warriors trembled in their hearts.

You must know that these magic weapons they sent can never be ordinary things. These things must be very precious.

Many warriors looked at the Dragon God Sect Master.

"Could it be this inherited magic weapon?"

It seemed that some disciples had already deduced this. Their faces were filled with shock, and they looked at the Dragon God Sect Master in confusion.

"My dear, this time I suddenly gave nine places to enter."

"In the past, there was only one quota to enter. At this moment, there are only two quotas to enter."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan's expression finally changed.

Many disciples were very excited.

Chen Xuan was very surprised and whispered: "Brother Huang Yuanye, do you know what this inherited magic weapon is? Why are these warriors so excited? Is it really something very mysterious?"

Not only were the rest of the people excited, Huang Yuanye was also very excited and seemed to have heard what this thing was.

With so many young disciples from the Wan Jinlong area fighting, it is very difficult to get a place to enter. After all, if they are not talented, they will definitely not be given this place.

"Chen Xuan, you haven't been in Shenmen for a long time, so it's understandable that you don't know. Hahaha, this thing is indeed very precious."

Upon hearing this, Huang Yuanye tried his best to calm down his inner excitement and said slowly: "In our Qingshi City area, I just told you that this place is called Thousand Yuan Space. I didn't have the place to explain to you carefully at the time. In this space, there were all the top powerhouses who died before. If you go in, you will definitely get a lot of gains. However, not everyone can enter. After all, it cannot bear so many people entering at the same time, so it needs to be done. filter."

"Chen Xuan, don't you want to take a look? So you can get to know your opponent in advance?" Huang Yuanye said.

"Several sect leaders, as well as powerful men who have never appeared before, actually came out of this Thousand Yuan Space." Huang Yuanye said with excitement: "The Thousand Yuan Space is actually the strongest retreat in the entire Qingshi Chong. For hundreds of thousands of years, many outstanding talents have entered this place of cultivation and practiced in seclusion. Some were killed, while others directly reached the pinnacle.”

"All the top powerhouses are buried in the Thousand Yuan Space, and the inheritance is much greater than before. Under normal circumstances, one must at least reach the eighth level of the Divine Realm to enter. Every time the famous disciples discuss the competition, they will choose to use some The most outstanding disciples will be sent inside to search for magic weapons. Of course, in addition to our Wanjinlong area, several other areas will also select some outstanding disciples to enter and fight, and then let these disciples find ways to enter. Therefore, This space is actually the strongest revision area.”

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