Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5642 Within the Source of Heavenly Dao Veins

Waves of spatial ripples were set off within the source of the channels. After a moment, some terrifying power was released from the source of the channels, spreading to Chen Xuan's limbs and bones.

The source of his Dao veins is not only much larger than that of other warriors, but also seems to be unaffected by the rules of the earth in a thousand-yuan space, and can also swallow other powers.

"Isn't this true that any other power that attacks me will be swallowed up by the source of the Tao veins?"

At this moment, Chen Xuan was very excited.

He finally understood why the advanced Taoist lineage could dominate the entire third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

"The high-level Tao veins are actually the natural flashes of the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. Although the rules in the Thousand Yuan Space are different from other warrior places, they have no way to affect the high-level Tao veins that have been improved by the rules of the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. ”

Chen Xuan thought to himself.

"Hehehe, it's true. It's really strong."

At this moment, Chen Xuan was filled with excitement.

The benefits brought by advanced Tao channels are really great.

This is especially evident after entering the thousand-yuan space.

The cultivation level of any warrior in the Thousand Yuan Space is suppressed, so the level of Dao Rules comprehension represents the strength of the cultivation level.

Based on Chen Xuan's current understanding of Tao rules, at most he is only at the peak of the eighth level of the divine realm. If he were outside, he would not have the power to fight against the early stage warriors of the ninth level of the divine realm.

However, here, he can easily defeat the ninth-level Immortal level warrior.

Looking inside at the source of his red Tao veins, Chen Xuan's heart radiated a very bright light.

Although there is definitely no way to fight against the strong men in the middle and late stages of the ninth level of the divine realm and the peak of the ninth level of the divine realm in a short period of time, at least his strength is enough to fight against the enemy.

Facing Song Yuan's praise, Chen Xuan just shook his head slightly.

His eyes fell on Song Yuan's surroundings.

"Do you know what kind of inherited magic weapon is in this thousand-yuan space?" Chen Xuandao.

"As for the inherited magic weapon, I actually know a little bit about it, but this area is occupied by the Dragon Scale Sect."

At this moment, Song Yuan's face showed helplessness.

Although he is a warrior of the Blood Dragon Divine Sect's Xingfen base, he is only an ordinary disciple after all. Even if he dies here, the Blood Dragon Divine Sect's Xingfen base will not avenge him.

And the area he knew was occupied by the Dragon Scale Sect. With his own strength, he would definitely not have the guts to go there.

"Is the Dragon Scale Sect very powerful?"

Chen Xuandao.

"It was previously rumored that the leader of the Dragon Scale Sect has reached the ninth level of the divine realm. He has more than a dozen warriors at the ninth level of the divine realm under his command. He is indeed a very large top force." Song Yuandao.

A dozen or so top forces are already considered very good.

Thousand yuan space, reaching a peak.

Chen Xuan and Song Yuan gathered together. Chen Xuan's extremely strong cultivation level made Song Yuan extremely impressed by Chen Xuan.

"In the Dragon Scale Sect, except for Song Jun, the other warriors are not scary. If they defeat them one after another, there is still a chance." Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

But what they didn't know was that they had been discovered by a warrior.

In the darkness, there were several warriors, looking directly at Chen Xuan and Song Yuan.

"Why does he feel a bit like Song Yuan from the Blood Dragon Divine Sect's Xingfen Base?" one of the gray-clothed warriors said.

"That's right, I look very much like Song Yuan from the branch base."

"This guy not far away from Song Yuan looks very unfamiliar. I don't know his identity? He can't be a new disciple, can he?"

They discussed among themselves and then prepared to perform the exercises.

At the moment when Song Yuan and Chen Xuan were walking forward, several warriors suddenly appeared in front of them.


Several of them attacked together, and the power containing a terrifying aura spread to the surroundings instantly.

"Now something bad is going to happen. It's a warrior from the Dragon Scale Sect."

Song Yuan secretly yelled something bad and immediately got on the defensive with him.

"A warrior from the Dragon Scale Sect?"

Chen Xuan's face showed a hint of sarcasm, and he stared at the few people in front of him.

According to the laws of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, the warriors of the Dragon Scale Sect are all able to understand attacks with divine soul attributes.

"The soul attribute is not strong."

Chen Xuan murmured to himself, and then he used the Dragon Soul Immortal Technique.

The Dragon Soul Immortal Technique, which has reached the relatively weak level, is very powerful. The terrifying divine soul attribute power condenses into a long sword in the air, which is very terrifying.

In an instant, under Chen Xuan's control, the long sword suddenly struck a warrior in the center.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's soles stepped on the ground, and the prairie fire sword suddenly swung out. The powerful secret technique of the divine soul sword was unleashed instantly.

Seeing this scene, even Song Yuan looked slightly confused.


No matter how the opponent's attack landed around him, the extremely terrifying source of Tao veins would instantly swallow up these powers.

At this moment, the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent has hit the body of this gray-clothed warrior without any movement.

Song Yuan showed a smile and walked to Chen Xuan.

He really couldn't imagine that he was a perfect warrior at the eighth level of the divine realm, but he could easily kill an early stage warrior at the ninth level of the divine realm.

There is only one possibility. The opponent's understanding of Tao rules has already surpassed the eighth level of perfection in the realm of gods.

How could he possibly know that Chen Xuan was actually the legendary warrior at the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent?

The first warrior to break out the high-level Dao veins, at this moment in the middle of the eighth level of the divine realm, his overall strength is already very strong.

After breaking through to the eighth level of the divine realm, he directly became an existence that could easily defeat the eighth level of the divine realm.

The strange suppression of the Thousand Yuan Space, coupled with the help of the Source of Dao Veins, has just been able to easily kill the ninth-level warrior in the early stage of the Divine Realm.

But if he were outside, he would have no way to fight him.

"Hurry up and say goodbye. If the warriors of the Dragon Scale Sect find out, they will come to avenge you." Song Yuandao said.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly and followed Song Yuan in the direction ahead.

Near the Eye Gate, there is a dilapidated city.

Within this city, there are more than a dozen warriors who are besieging a powerful warrior.

"Be good and admit that you lost, otherwise you will definitely die, bastard."

One of the warriors said with a cold face.

"Haha, it's really funny. Let me admit that I lost. There must be something wrong with your brains."

Huang Yuanye was miserable.

After entering the Thousand Yuan Space, he was attacked by several top forces one after another, but fortunately he was able to eliminate the attacks of these warriors every time.

However, this time, he was surrounded and suppressed in this space by several people from the Dragon Scale Sect, and he had no way to escape from them.

Using his understanding of Tao rules, Huang Yuanye was able to barely survive their attack.

But he knew that if it took too long, he would definitely die.

"But something bad is going to happen. I'm going to be killed just after entering the Thousand Yuan Space?"

Huang Yuanye didn't expect that he would be killed after getting the magic weapon.

While fighting and retreating at the same time, his mind was thinking about the plan.

At this moment, Song Yuan and Chen Xuan, who were moving quickly towards the Dragon Scale Sect, suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Song Yuan said.

Chen Xuan closed his eyes, his consciousness spread instantly, and he suddenly noticed a familiar aura.

"Senior Brother Huang Yuanye's aura?"

Suddenly, Chen Xuan stood up, with a hint of joy in his expression.

Among the warriors who entered the Thousand Yuan Space this time, Shenmen occupied two of the places to enter. Besides him, Huang Yuanye was the only one.

I didn't expect to meet Huang Yuanye here.

"The aura fluctuations are very strange. Senior Brother Huang Yuanye seems to be in danger." After discovering Huang Yuanye's aura fluctuations, Chen Xuan's face was silent, and he used the secret method of divine time and rushed directly towards the source of the aura.

After some time passed, Chen Xuan discovered a secret space ahead.

At this moment, he discovered that Brother Huang Yuanye, who was besieged by the Dragon Scale Sect in the inner city, was already somewhat helpless.

"Senior Brother Huang Yuanye."

Chen Xuan shouted low, tapped the ground with his toes, and entered the secret space.


A very fast sound suddenly filled the entire sky.

The extremely turbulent sword light appeared not far away from Huang Yuanye at that moment, and quickly defended against the attacks of the Dragon Scale Sect's warriors.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan swung his long sword and pulled Huang Yuanye close to him.

"Brother Huang Yuanye, are you okay, right?" Chen Xuandao.

Seeing Chen Xuan appear, Huang Yuanye was also a little surprised. But soon, worry emerged in his heart.

"Chen Xuan, please leave this place as soon as possible." Huang Yuanye said.

When Chen Xuan heard this, he smiled softly. Huang Yuanye was very kind to him. He even gave him the secret method of Wanyi defense. How could he not save him even if he died.

Suddenly Song Yuan also let out a sigh and came here.

"Chen Xuan, what do you want to do?"

He looked at Chen Xuandao doubtfully.

"Haha, it's really funny, hahaha, that's it. I thought that the person who came here was some kind of identity, but it turned out to be a warrior from the Blood Dragon Divine Sect's Xingfen base."

The disciples of the Dragon Scale Sect immediately understood after seeing Song Yuan.

Their faces were full of ridicule, and it was obvious that he seemed to look down on Song Yuan very much in his heart.

"Song Yuan, you did not continue to stay at the Xingfen base of the Blood Dragon Divine Sect. What are you doing in our Dragon Scale Sect's territory this time?" One of the warriors said with a cold face.

"This guy is probably also a warrior from your Blood Dragon Divine Sect's Xingfen base, right? He's being arrogant in our Dragon Scale Sect's territory, is he looking for death?"

Several people from the Dragon Scale Sect walked over with terrifying murderous intent.

At this moment, Song Yuan didn't know how to deal with them, since he only had two people at the moment.

"Well, you simply don't give me face."

Chen Xuan looked at Huang Yuanye, moved his steps slightly, and stared at the warriors of the Dragon Scale Sect.

"What about your senior brother? If they provoke our Dragon Scale Sect, they will definitely die."

"That's right, no one can directly rescue him."

"Don't think that you are a warrior from the Blood Dragon Divine Sect's Type Base. We, the Dragon Scale Sect, are afraid of your revenge."

The warriors of the Dragon Scale Sect didn't take Chen Xuan seriously at all, he said arrogantly.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan looked a little surprised.

He glanced at Song Yuan not far away, his face was full of helplessness.

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