"I don't know who the gray-clothed warrior with red hair is?"

Thinking of this warrior, Chen Xuan felt unhappy in his heart.

"If I can leave this place, I will definitely take revenge after a while." Chen Xuan swore secretly in his heart.

"Where is the Xuanxiancao?"

Chen Xuan still looked around and found no magic weapon related to the Mysterious Immortal Grass. This really made him extremely anxious.

His body cannot move even a little bit. If he moves, the power consumption in the source of Dao Veins will accelerate, and the thunderous breath in Qianjin Peak will invade his body. When Zheng Zheng

But now he has no courage.

"It can't always be like this, can it?"

Chen Xuan was a little anxious and muttered to himself.

Suddenly, space ripples appeared all over the Qianjin Mountain Peak.

Then these spatial ripples gathered near Chen Xuan, gathering a divine thunder fire sword energy.

A fiery red aura erupted from the body of this Earth Fire Spirit filled with divine thunder fire sword aura. As Chen Xuan's eyes were observing, the fiery red aura gradually condensed into a phantom of the soul.

"You came."

The fiery red soul phantom sighed and looked at Chen Xuan.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt that the aura around him disappeared instantly, and even the thunder-attribute power in Qianjin Peak could hardly get close to his body.

"How is that possible? What on earth is going on."

Chen Xuan was shocked, and then looked at the fiery red soul phantom with great horror in his heart.

"Sir, what is your origin?"

Chen Xuan said hurriedly.


The fiery red soul phantom chuckled, and then slowly said: "I can't remember it before, I'm waiting for your arrival."

The fiery red soul phantom can be heard, and this sound contains an extremely terrifying feeling.

"wait for me?"

Chen Xuan is obviously a little confused. Does he have any acquaintance with the fiery red soul phantom?

In an instant, a very terrifying light burst out from the fiery red soul phantom's eyes, directly invading Chen Xuan's body.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt that the source of the Tao veins was moving, as if it was about to appear in his mind.

"No way to control it?"

He was horrified to find that the source of the Dao Veins was beyond his control, and his heart was filled with turmoil.

The source of the Tao veins is the core source of spiritual energy for the eighth-level perfect warrior in the divine realm. It is very dangerous if there is no way to control the source of the Tao veins.

However, a strange aura erupted from the source of the Tao veins, enveloping the fiery red soul phantom with a very terrifying light.

"Advanced Dao veins?"

Chen Xuan suddenly said loudly.

At this moment, Chen Xuan finally understood why he, a perfect warrior at the eighth level of the divine realm, could still survive safely after entering the Thousand Gold Peak.

The fiery red soul phantom in front of him was waiting for him. Could it be that his goal is to reach a higher level of Taoism?

The power of the advanced Tao veins was not far away from the fiery red soul phantom. He slowly raised his sword, and the power of the advanced Tao veins suddenly appeared in front of him.

This scene made Chen Xuandu very frightened.

"He can actually control the power of high-level Tao channels so skillfully?"

A slight smile appeared in the pupils of the fiery red soul phantom, and it looked directly at the high-level Taoist power in front of it.

At this moment, the fiery red soul phantom raised its head and stared at Chen Xuan.

"You are definitely wondering why I can control this power?"

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and the fiery red soul phantom was slightly shocked, but then he still said: "Because... I am also a high-level Taoist lineage owner."

"No way, how is this possible? He is also a high-level Taoist lineage owner?"

Chen Xuan's eyes widened and he looked directly at the fiery red soul phantom. His heart was very shocked.

Is he also a high-level Taoist lineage owner? If everything in front of me is true, it can be explained completely.

"You are definitely wondering why I appear like this?"

The fiery red soul phantom looked at Chen Xuan with a very calm tone.

Next, the fiery red soul phantom told Chen Xuan some of his own experiences. He was originally a top powerhouse. The reason why he entered the Thousand Yuan Space was actually because he wanted to fight the Nangong Blood Palace.

However, Nangong Xue Gong's cultivation level was very terrifying, and he defeated him with an extremely powerful attitude.

The most important thing is that it directly absorbed the power of the advanced Tao channels in his body, causing his cultivation level to be greatly reduced.

When he was about to leave the Thousand Yuan Space, continue to practice in seclusion, and challenge Nangong Blood Palace again after a while, he was actually attacked by the warriors of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect.

His cultivation was greatly reduced, which led to him being attacked by the Immortal Blood Demon Sect. The final result was that both parties suffered very serious injuries.

Although he did not die on the spot, he was seriously injured, and he knew very well that he was not far away from death. So he came to the southern plain and turned his body into this thousand-gold mountain.

Chen Xuan had no way to think about it. Such a terrifying Thousand Gold Mountain Peak was just the body of the fiery red soul phantom. How powerful was his cultivation before he was killed?

"It's not unreasonable. How can a top powerhouse who dares to fight against Nangong Blood Palace be weak?"

At this moment, Chen Xuan was looking directly at the fiery red soul phantom.

Fortunately, he also has a high-level Dao vein, otherwise, he would have died in this Qianjin Mountain.

"Before I was killed, I practiced thunder attribute power every day and night, and my body contained extremely terrifying thunder attribute power. I turned my body into Qianjin Mountain, and my remaining soul was stored in Qianjin Mountain, and I survived with difficulty. For decades, I have been madly looking forward to the emergence of the owner of high-level Dao veins."

At this moment, the fiery red soul phantom could hear that the voice was full of joy.

"Sir, do you want to use the high-level Dao veins to help you reshape your golden body?" Chen Xuan said.

He vaguely deduced a point, but the details were not clear.

He felt that the fiery red soul phantom should not have other ideas about him, otherwise he would have killed him directly before.

"That's right."

The fiery red soul phantom nodded and said, "You only understand a little bit."

"I still trouble the senior to understand a little bit." Chen Xuan said.

"For hundreds of thousands of years, I have been wasting my soul power here, which has weakened my control over Qianjin Mountain. I still need the advanced Dao veins to regain control... Let me control Qianjin Mountain, and at the same time let him restore my remaining soul that is about to disappear." The fiery red soul phantom said: "But it's not that simple..."

"What?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

"I still want you." The fiery red soul phantom said: "If you can help me, I can use Qianjin Mountain to reach this agreement with you."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan was excited.

"Sir, is there Xuanxian grass in Qianjin Mountain?"

"Of course, this kind of thing is also naturally generated, but the positive area is my area, and I can get it at any time if I want to."

"Haha, very good, I promise you."

In fact, Chen Xuan promised the fiery red soul phantom that he would be able to control Qianjin Mountain in a while.

Qianjin Mountain is a very scary magic weapon. If it can be used, it will be of great use to him in the future.

There is also Xuanxian Grass. He needs Xuanxian Grass to save Zhang Jianyun. He can't delay any longer.

"What should I do?" Chen Xuan said.

"You control the source of the Dao veins, release the power of the advanced Dao veins, and invade my remaining soul. At that time, I can definitely use the power of the advanced Dao veins to restore my remaining soul." The fiery red soul phantom said.

"Although that's the case, I still..."

"I also know very well what you are wondering about. I can control the power of the advanced Dao veins, but there is no way to use it to restore the remaining soul. Otherwise, the remaining soul will burn. Only the master of the advanced Dao veins can help me."

The fiery red soul phantom said.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and then shouted softly, and then the spirit moved slightly, the source of the Dao veins surged, and the continuous spiritual energy burst out instantly.

Suddenly, the crazy advanced Dao vein power condensed into a very violent black breath, which suddenly wrapped the remaining soul of the fiery red soul phantom.

The movement of the fiery red soul phantom was heard in the black aura.

At this moment, Qianjin Mountain had no way to affect Chen Xuan, and he could use the high-level Dao veins aura at will.


A terrible movement was heard in Qianjin Mountain, but unfortunately no one in the southern plains noticed it.

At this moment, the aura of the fiery red soul phantom was obviously much stronger than three minutes ago.

A smile filled his face.

"That's right, being able to use the power of the high-level Dao veins to this extent, the future perception will be very high." The fiery red soul phantom exclaimed.

Then he finished, and suddenly a terrifying space-time turbulence appeared in Qianjin Mountain.

His soul secret method appeared in the turbulence, and took out a thumb-sized black gem from it.

"This black gem is the magic weapon of the control center of Qianjin Mountain, you swallow it." The fiery red soul phantom said.

In an instant, he swung his sword, and the black gem fell in front of Chen Xuan.

"You can devour it at will. I will help you." The fiery red soul phantom said.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, slowly flew to the surface of the rain, and began to devour.

With the help of the fiery red soul phantom, Chen Xuan soon devoured the black gem.

Suddenly, he burst out with strange fluctuations, and he felt that he could control Qianjin Mountain at will.

"Haha, very good, this time is really great."

Chen Xuan showed a surprise on his face.

If you encounter a powerful warrior in the Qianyuan space in a while, it will be very convenient to lead him here and use Qianjin Mountain to deal with him?

"Xuanxian grass."

Chen Xuan hurriedly looked for Xuanxian grass and instantly found Xuanxian grass in Qianjin Mountain.

Chen Xuan shouted lightly, and Xuanxian grass was instantly moved not far from him.

Chen Xuan picked up a Xuanxian grass casually, calmly sensed it, and felt a terrifying breath coming.

"Is this Xuanxian grass?" Chen Xuan muttered to himself.

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