Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5664 Wang Xun’s Immortal Level Secret Technique

"According to the Immortal Level Secret Technique that Wang Xun has cultivated, it is actually the Immortal Level Secret Technique with the attribute of thunder. It is estimated that it can also defend against the thunder attack of Qianjin Mountain Peak."

Following Wang Xun's words, many warriors came to the southern plains one after another, wanting to take a good look at Wang Xun.

There are more warriors in the southern plains than before.

However, most warriors are strong in the Thousand Yuan Space Disciple Ranking. However, these weak warriors, who can hardly even climb the Thousand Yuan Space Disciple Ranking, have no way of breaking through to the southern plains.

A few days later, many warriors gathered in front of Qianjin Peak.

Their eyes were focused on Qianjin Peak Zheng

"Chen Xuan?"

"He should practice in seclusion in Qianjin Peak."

As soon as these words came out, many warriors were immediately filled with envy.

"Chen Xuan, get out."

Suddenly a voice came from far away.

Many warriors were also very surprised that Wang Xun had arrived.

At this moment, under the gaze of many warriors, Wang Xun suddenly came over from a distance.

The next moment, he appeared in the sky above Qianjin Peak. His voice contained extremely violent power, stirring the thunder of Qianjin Peak.

Wang Xun, a strong person in the Thousand Yuan Space Disciple Ranking, has almost reached the pinnacle of the ninth level of the Divine Realm, and will soon be able to break through to the level of Xuanyuan Long Po.

He was looking for the perfect opportunity to break through, so when he heard that Chen Xuan had a powerful magic weapon that could control Qianjin Mountain, he was also thoughtful.

Wang Xun's figure contained powerful and mysterious power, and spiritual power exploded everywhere.

His gaze looked directly at the foot of Qianjin Peak.

But after his words fell, for a long time, there was almost no movement in Qianjin Peak.

"Is Chen Xuan afraid of him?"

"There is a high chance that this is the case. Wang Xun's cultivation level is very terrifying and cannot be compared to that of Wang Ling."

"He is hiding in Qianjin Peak, and Wang Xun can't deal with him."

"He can hide in the Thousand Gold Peak for millions of years?"

Many warriors were discussing.

"Chen Xuan, what's going on?"

Wang Xun's voice filled the Qianjin Mountain Peak.

Suddenly, a powerful and mysterious force blasted into the Qianjin Peak.

The Thousand Gold Mountain Peak underwent a huge change after being attacked by his swift and fierce sword energy.

At this moment, Chen Xuan, who was practicing in seclusion under Qianjin Peak, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Ranking of Thousand Yuan Space Disciples, Wang Xun?"

Chen Xuan said coldly.

A cold expression flashed through his heart, but his body did not move at all.

"With the help of the power of Qianjin Peak, it is not too difficult to deal with Wang Xun. However, it is not that simple..."

At this moment, Chen Xuan paused for a moment, and then said: "The warrior who wants to kill me must also be prepared to be killed."

Above Qianjin Peak, Wang Xun's eyes flashed with a little displeasure.

But suddenly a very crazy voice came.

"Wang Xun, Ranking Ranking of Thousand Yuan Space Disciples, you are not qualified to let me use my skills."


This sentence came out directly and completely filled the entire southern plain. Many warriors widened their eyes and looked at Qianjin Mountain in confusion.

When Chen faced Wang Xun, he actually said some arrogant words?

Can he be more powerful than Wang Xun?

Many warriors shook their heads slightly. A person who has reached the eighth level of the divine realm and is not very powerful has just obtained the inherited magic weapon that controls the Thousand Gold Peak, and he is so crazy.

Many warriors focused their attention on Wang Xun, wondering how he would respond.

Sure enough, Wang Xun was completely angry.

"Originally, I was still thinking in my heart. If you took the initiative to hand over the powerful magic weapon, I, Wang Xun, would not kill you. But now, even if you kneel on Lin and beg me for mercy, I will not let you go. It's over with you." Wang Xunyin said with a cold face: "Today, I will definitely kill you."

"What did you use to kill me?"

Within Qianjin Peak, a movement was heard again.

Wang Xun retreated, clenching the sword in his hand, his expression extremely cold.

At this moment, with the eyes of many warriors observing, Wang Xun performed his movement, and then his body flashed and disappeared directly into the Qianjin Peak.

"Look, Wang Xun has entered Qianjin Peak."

"Is he going to kill Chen Xuan in Qianjin Peak?"

Wang Xun's approach shocked many people. On the southern plains, there were constant sounds of admiration for Wang Xun.

At this moment, many warriors are also paying attention to the movements in Qianjin Peak.

In the Thousand Gold Peak, Wang Xun began to walk inside.

He wanted to take Chen Xuan directly out of Qianjin Peak and then kill him.

"Why is there no one?"

After checking around, Wang Xun was a little surprised when no specific trace of Chen Xuan was found.

Continuing to walk inside, Wang Xun had already reached the inner area, but still could not find Chen Xuan.

At this time, his expression was very dark.

"You can't continue walking inside, otherwise, your soul will be shocked."

Wang Xun was in pain, but he didn't have the courage. After all, this was the Golden Peak.

Wang Xun stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet and began to retreat.

"You, Wang Xun, are not qualified to let me use my skills."

Chen Xuan's voice filled the air near Wang Xun.

Suddenly, Wang Xun's body slowly turned around.

"I, Wang Xun, swear to kill you completely."

Wang Xun rushed out of the Thousand Gold Peak, and panicked killing intent erupted from his body.

His face was gloomy as he observed the Qianjin Mountain Peak: "Since you want to do garbage, fine, you can do it."

Although there was no way to go inside, to the Qianjin Peak, Wang Xun had more than twenty ways to deal with Chen Xuan.


He clenched the long sword in his hand, and released a lot of aura from his body, all of which converged on the long sword.

Then Wang Xun suddenly slashed out with a sword energy and landed on Qianjin Peak.

A huge explosion occurred in Qianjin Peak, but there was no trace of Chen Xuan.

At this moment, in Chen Xuan's heart at Qianjin Peak, a terrifying power filled the air, he thought to himself.

"This guy is really strong. I shouldn't fight him head-on."

The fiery red soul phantom left a trace of the soul. This trace of the soul contained very rare and terrifying power, which could be combined with the Qianjin Peak to explode.

This is Chen Xuan's trump card. He wants to use this mark of the soul to suppress the strong ones on the Qianyuan Space Disciple Ranking.

One Wang Xun is not enough, he wants to attract more powerful ones from the Qianyuan Space Disciple Ranking.

For the next time, Chen Xuan ignored him.

Wang Xun's anger reached its extreme, but he just kept attacking Qianjin Peak, disturbing Chen Xuan, and forcing Chen Xuan to appear.

More than half a month later, other strong men in the Thousand Yuan Space Disciple Ranking also arrived here.

He joined forces with Wang Xun to force Chen Xuan to appear, but in the end their attack was unable to penetrate into Qianjin Peak.

Three days later, another strong man on the Thousand Yuan Space Disciple Ranking also came here.

It was not until the appearance of Wang Jinze ten months later that many warriors saw some possibilities.

"Wang Jinze."

Wang Xun looked at a few of them and said.

Wang Jin is the first warrior to break through to that level besides the top five in the Thousand Yuan Space Disciple Ranking.

Even if Wang Xun and the others join forces, they are unlikely to be able to defeat Wang Jinze.

It was reported that Wang Jinze was being chased by Xuanyuan Long Po Kuang, but later Wang Jinze disappeared without a trace. He did not expect that he would appear above Qianjin Peak.

"This guy has been hiding in Qianjin Peak?" Wang Jinze said coldly.

"That's right, we have been waiting here for ten months, and he has never had the courage to come out." Wang Xundao.

"This damn guy just got the inherited magic weapon to control Qianjin Mountain? How can he be so arrogant?"

"By provoking me, he is simply seeking his own death."

When Wang Jinze heard this, a smile appeared in his pupils, and a terrifying aura erupted in his heart.

However, Wang Jinze came here not only for this powerful magic weapon, but also for a more important reason, which was definitely revenge.

Xuanyuan Longpo attacked him. If he hadn't used his trump card in the end, he might have been killed by Xuanyuan Longpo's sword.

"Ah, let me go and take a look first."

Wang Jinze said in a deep voice, then he moved his steps slightly and stared at Qianjin Peak.

Wang Jinze waved his long sword slightly, and the next moment a dark aura appeared in the sky above Qianjin Peak.

"Let it all explode."

Not far away from Wang Jinze, a breath was quickly released.

Suddenly, the calm Qianjin Mountain Peak suddenly erupted with the terrifying aura of divine thunder fire.

There is a dark atmosphere, and now Qianjin Peak Zheng

Chen Xuan, who was practicing in seclusion, suddenly stood up. After feeling the strange aura in Qianjin Peak, a helpless expression appeared in his pupils.

"Finally can't bear it anymore?"

After learning that Wang Jinze appeared, Chen Xuan was also a little surprised.

But after being surprised, he was actually full of excitement. Wang Jinze almost let him be killed in this place. How could such a deep hatred just end like this.

Above Qianjin Peak.

A thunder and lightning broke out instantly. In the eyes of everyone, Chen Xuan stepped on the thunder and lightning and appeared in the sky above Qianjin Mountain.

"You showed up?"

Wang Jinze's face was calm and he said in a cold voice.

"Wang Jinze."

Chen Xuan's voice reached many warriors.

His heart was filled with cold murderous intent, and he seemed to want to kill Wang Jinze completely.

"You finally stopped being trash?" Wang Xun smiled slightly and said, "With brother Wang Jinze here, you can't escape even if you have three heads and six arms?"

"What do you mean? Yes? If I were you, I would just get out of here right now."

Chen Xuan said softly without even looking at Wang Xunxia.

"What do you mean? What on earth do you mean?"

Wang Xun was unhappy, the aura around his body surged, and he swung the long sword out, directly towards Chen Xuan's body.

The ninth level of the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent.

The powerful sword attacked from the prairie fire sword and hit Wang Xun's long sword.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

The sword light shattered, and Wang Xun's long sword was retracted directly.

"Don't worry yet, what's going on?"

Wang Xunlue was a little surprised. He didn't expect that his understanding of the Divine Sword Intent was so strong.

But soon, his expression calmed down.

Although Chen Xuan is very powerful, he is no match for him. If he wants to kill such a warrior, he has a method.

"Your cultivation is not that good at all."

Wang Xun smiled.

"You are very stupid." Chen Xuan's face was cold.

At this time, several other strong men also insulted Chen Xuan.

However, Wang Jinze looked at Chen Xuan calmly, with a murderous look on his face.

"You know my purpose." Wang Jinze said calmly.

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