Qingyun Xiandao is an area.


A breath came out of this.

"Elder, I didn't expect that in such a large area, we can encounter such a heritage magic weapon." An eighth-level perfect warrior of the divine realm said with a smile.

"That's right. Although it is not a powerful inheritance, it is very consistent with the immortal-level secret method practiced by the elders."

"If you can understand the essence of this inheritance, the elder's cultivation will definitely improve."

Several outer sect elders who have reached the eighth level of the divine realm are constantly talking to each other.

There was also a slight smile on the face of the elder of the Qingshi Immortal Sect.

"I don't quite understand if that young strong man has already joined my family?"

Thinking that the young strong man looked down on him, the elder of the Qingshi Immortal Sect showed murderous intent in his heart.

"Haha, in that case, don't waste time. Go back."

Soon, they returned to Qingyun Fairy Island.

"Things are done. This guy looked down on me before. Are you willing to join?"

Seeing the warriors brought by the warriors in gray clothes return, the elder of the Qingshi Immortal Sect smiled.


The warrior among them trembled.

The elder of the Qingshi Immortal Sect frowned and said softly: "What's going on?"

Many warriors trembled and were very frightened.

"Elder, spare my life."

"What's going on?" the elder of the Qingshi Immortal Sect asked helplessly.

Soon, they told the elders of the Qingshi Immortal Sect what happened.

After listening, the expression of the elder of the Qingshi Immortal Sect became extremely gloomy.

"How dare he do this?" asked the elder of the Qingshi Immortal Sect.

"He killed the senior brother with his own hands, and now he wants us to come back and tell the elders what he said."

Seeing this situation, the elder of Qingshi Xianzong was extremely angry.

"Is there any warrior who dares to completely fall out with me, Lu Fangxi?"

The elder of the Qingshi Immortal Sect said with a cold face: "I want to see where you came from, a strong man. However, I, Lu Fangxi, will definitely get that young strong man."

According to the explanations of the warriors who escaped, the warriors who killed the warriors in gray were at most the eighth level of the divine realm and had not yet broken through to the early stage of the ninth level of the divine realm.

"You are just a perfect warrior at the eighth level of the divine realm. You are simply seeking your own death."

Lu Fangxi was very angry, but he believed that there was no need for him to perform his exercises because he was a piece of garbage with the eighth level of perfection in the divine realm.

"Bring him back directly to me. I want him to know the consequences of provoking me, Lu Fangxi."

"There is no need to worry about the elders at all."

Several disciples said.

Qingyun Fairy Island, above the mountains.

Chen Xuan and Wanyan Qinghong stood together, feeling extremely excited.

"This elder of the Qingshi Immortal Sect probably won't give up. In that case, I will wait here."

Chen Xuan said lightly.

"Brother, although there is no need to worry about an elder of the Qingshi Immortal Sect, behind him now is the extremely terrifying Qingshi Immortal Sect. There is no need to provoke the Qingshi Immortal Sect because of me." Wanyan Qinghong said worriedly.

Although I have never heard of the Qingshi Immortal Sect, I can tell from the tone of the gray-clothed warrior that the top power of the Qingshi Immortal Sect is not as high as Qingshi, but their power is very huge. Even the Shenmen can hardly compare with him.

It would be difficult to really lead out the Qingshi Immortal Sect behind the elders of the Qingshi Immortal Sect.

"No need to worry at all, I know what to do."

Chen Xuan smiled at Wanyan Qinghong.

But suddenly, many warriors who had reached the eighth level of the divine realm appeared under the mountain peak.

"They are here, they are warriors who have reached the eighth level of the divine realm."

Chen Xuan's heart burst out with some cold murderous intent, and then said: "Wait for me for a while."

"But you must not look at others."

On the mountain peak at this moment, this group of strong men with good cultivation who had surrendered to Wanyan Qinghong before had been defeated before and left the mountain miserably.

Wanyan Qinghong retreated to an area and looked at Chen Xuan at the edge of the mountain.

Soon, Lu Fangxi's outer elders had arrived.

Most of them were warriors at the eighth level of the divine realm, and they surrounded Chen Xuan from the beginning.

One of the warriors with a red beard moved his steps slightly, looked directly at Chen Xuan, and said in a deep voice: "Are you the only one who killed our elder's disciple?"

"If you are the elder of the Qingshi Immortal Sect, that's right." Chen Xuandao.

"Be brave, even the warriors of our Qingshi Immortal Sect are not something you can kill."

Hearing this, the red-bearded warrior roared, and cold murderous intent burst out from his pupils.

Other outer sect elders are also preparing to hunt down Chen Xuan.

"Admit your defeat obediently and come with us to see the elders." The red-bearded warrior said.

When Chen Xuan heard this, he laughed softly and said softly: "What if I refuse?"

"You have the guts to reject our elders? Do you know where our elders come from?"

"Is he just an elder of the Qingshi Immortal Sect? How powerful is the Qingshi Immortal Sect?" Chen Xuan said lightly.

Hearing this, the expressions of the surrounding outer sect elders became very surprised.

"Haha, it's really funny. A piece of rubbish like you has barely been able to touch the threshold of the Qingshi Immortal Sect in millions of years." The red-bearded warrior said: "The top power of the Qingshi Immortal Sect is very huge, but it's just the Qingshi Chong. In the eyes of the Qingshi Immortal Sect, it is just an unknown area.”

"If you have the guts to stop our elders, you are completely turning against our Qingshi Immortal Sect." The red-bearded warrior was slightly shocked, but then continued.

Then the red-bearded warrior used his movement skills, his body flashed, and he came directly not far from Chen Xuan. He swung his long sword and appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

Suddenly, the power containing a terrifying aura instantly filled Chen Xuan's body and impacted Chen Xuan's body.

But Chen Xuan still had a joking look on his face.

"The outer elders of the Qingshi Immortal Sect are not that good at all."

Chen Xuan's voice was filled with ridicule. The elders of the outer sect of Qingshi Immortal Sect were instantly unhappy when they heard this.

"You are simply asking for your own death."

The red-bearded warrior gave a low shout, and then waved his long sword, trying to attack Chen Xuan.

At this moment, he felt as if his body was being controlled and there was no way to recover.

At this moment, the terrifying power of fire was constantly raging on the spiritual power, and the next moment it was directly killing his body.

"What's going on?"

At this time, the red-bearded warrior's expression became very surprised. He wanted to take back his long sword, but was horrified to find that there was a huge aura in front of Chen Xuan, which directly absorbed his long sword.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

The red-bearded warrior shouted, and then said: "Why are you still sitting around?"

As he roared at the top of his lungs, all the surrounding elders from the outer sect performed their martial arts.

The turbulent aura suddenly filled the entire sky, and the extremely turbulent attack completely enveloped Chen Xuan in an instant.

In an instant, the entire golden peak was still shaking, and it was also exuding a terrifying aura. Chen Xuan's body disappeared directly into the crazy power of Zheng

Many outer sect elders attacked and then showed disdain in their expressions: "Haha, it's really funny. He will definitely die under the attack."

The red-bearded warrior retracted his sword with a grim look on his face.

Many outer sect elders entered the crazy power and began to look for Chen Xuan.

Soon, the crazy power dissipated, and a black abyss appeared on the ground, but there was no specific trace of Chen Xuan.

"Don't worry yet, what's going on? Why are there no warriors?"

The red-bearded warrior looked very surprised and looked around: "Escaped from here?"

His heart was very shocked.

"You're looking for me?"

Chen Xuan's voice came from midair.

Many outer sect elders found no specific trace of Chen Xuan.

"How is it possible? What on earth is going on? I will never believe it."

Many warriors obviously couldn't figure out how a warrior who reached the eighth level of the divine realm could avoid their spiritual detection.

The red-bearded warrior snorted coldly, and immediately took out his long sword, bursting out with crazy power and killing Kong directly.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

The sky burned, and he wanted to force Chen Xuan out.

"The elder of the outer sect of the Qingshi Immortal Sect is really not that good. There is no way to interest me."

Chen Xuan's voice came from nearby again. The outer elders of the Qingshi Immortal Sect were even angrier than before.

The next moment, he strolled out of mid-air.

"The elder of the Qingshi Immortal Sect arranged for rubbish like you to hunt me down?" Chen Xuan sneered.

At this moment, the red-bearded warrior also clearly discovered Chen Xuan's power and wanted to chase Chen Xuan to death.

But in the face of the menacing attack, Chen Xuan calmly took out the prairie fire sword.

A terrifying aura emitted from the prairie fire sword, and the terrifying power of fire filled the entire earth.

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