The crimson monster phantom released surging power. He looked directly at Chen Xuan, wanting to kill Chen Xuan instantly.

Facing Lu Fangxi's soul power, although Chen Xuan had a chance to deal with it, he didn't have the guts to take the enemy seriously.

In any case, he is a disciple of the Qingshi Immortal Sect, so there is no guarantee that he still has any powerful skills.

"The soul is destroyed."

As Lu Fangxi roared at the top of his lungs, the red monster phantom suddenly released its long sword and attacked Chen Xuan.

Soon, the crimson monster phantom came not far from Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan released the aura of the Dragon God's Sword Intent, and the violent and crazy aura of fire surrounded him, and the power of the Ten Thousand Swords Sky Fire Spirit Array increased.

After the crimson monster phantom entered the Ten Thousand Swords Sky Fire Spirit Formation, its speed immediately increased.

His body was shaken, and a crimson breath burst out from his mouth, appearing on Chen Xuan's body.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan noticed pain around him, as if his soul was about to be torn apart.

On the opposite side, seeing Chen Xuan in pain, Lu Fangxi knew in his heart that the greatest power of the Soul of the Fallen Soul was actually the red aura in the monster's phantom body. If it hit the enemy, there would be no way to dodge it.

"Now you can taste the power of my fallen soul."

Lu Fangxi looked at Chen Xuan, his face full of murderous intent.

The Fallen Soul is a unique divine soul power. Against weak warriors, the crimson monster phantom can directly kill them.

When dealing with slightly stronger warriors, the surging power suppresses the opponent.

However, only when dealing with enemies beyond Lu Fangxi's imagination would he use this crimson aura.

When the red aura enters the body, it will penetrate into the body, constantly bombarding the warrior's soul and burning his spirit at the same time.

This is also a very scary place for the Soul of the Fallen God.

Chen Xuan struggled to stabilize his body and quickly swallowed the red aura.

"This crimson aura is bombarding my body and burning my soul."

Chen Xuan shouted, and then he released the breath of the Dragon God Sword, trying to send the red breath out.


Under Chen Xuan's control, the power of the Suzaku fire instantly covered the entire source of Tao veins.

The source of the Dao veins shook, and the power of the Suzaku fire was very fast, swallowing up the red aura.

"Don't be anxious yet. What's going on? The red aura seems to be afraid of the power of Suzaku's fire?"

At this moment, Chen Xuan discovered this scene and was extremely surprised.

He used the power of Suzaku's fire, which continued to spread around him. Wherever he passed, the red aura disappeared without a trace.

"Is the Suzaku Fire so powerful?"

Chen Xuan's eyes widened and he looked at his body in confusion.

A few minutes later, the crimson aura in his body was sent out by the power of Suzaku's fire.

At this time, Chen Xuan's expression recovered a little. He raised his head and looked at the crimson monster phantom that was suppressed by the Wan Jian Kong Fire Spirit Array.

"Damn you, you really deserve to be damned. Sooner or later, I will kill you."

The prairie fire sword, whose blade exuded a red aura, hit the body of the red monster phantom when Zheng

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

The crimson monster phantom roared and disappeared with a breath of blood.

Seeing this, Lu Fangxi's body flew backwards and was assassinated by a very powerful spiritual consciousness.

He was covered in scars, his expression was very dark, and he looked at Chen Xuan in shock.

"What's the meaning??"

He was very confident in the power of his soul. If he had to use it, even a peak warrior at the ninth level of the divine realm would not have the guts to confront it head-on.

If it is hit, it will disintegrate immediately.

But is this guy strong? How could there be nothing?

He was puzzled, but his heart was filled with shock.

The power of the divine soul of an eighth-level perfect warrior in the divine realm was destroyed. If this matter were to be reported back to the Qingshi Immortal Sect, it would definitely cause shock.

"Wait a minute, it's a bit abnormal, the power of fire in him..."

At this moment, Lu Fangxi seemed to have thought of something.

Then his expression became very surprised and he looked at Chen Xuan helplessly.

"There is a high chance that it is the power of Suzaku's fire."

Lu Fangxi couldn't believe that he actually found a Dragon God Sword Intent warrior in an unknown area.

"What happened? Did he recognize my Dragon God Sword Intention Jue?"

Chen Xuan looked a little surprised with a smile, and then slowly walked towards Lu Fangxi.

His pupils were full of helpless expressions, and he said solemnly: "It's completely unexpected. You are actually a Dragon God's Sword Intention Technique. It was a misunderstanding before. How about giving up now?"

"Stop?" Chen Xuan and Lu Fangxi are sick, aren't they?

Chen Xuan sent Lu Fangxi flying with a sword energy: "You are not qualified."

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan stamped his feet on the ground and came not far from Lu Fangxi. He said with a cold face: "How did you recognize my Dragon God Sword Intention Art?"

"I...will you spare me?" Lu Fangxi said.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

Chen Xuan's sword energy fell on Lu Fangxi's body, and his voice suddenly emanated.

"You are not qualified to negotiate prerequisites with me. If you still dare to cause trouble, I will kill you directly." Chen Xuandao.


Lu Fangxi had no idea what to do

"The Immortal Fire Layer where our Qingshi Immortal Sect is located is an extremely vast layer with only monks and nothing else." Lu Fangxi said slowly: "And the Divine Sword Intent we cultivate is actually the Immortal Fire Divine Sword. meaning."

"But ordinary warriors are not qualified to practice the Immortal Fire God's Sword Intent in seclusion. Only warriors from our Qingshi Immortal Sect have strong strength and can practice in seclusion. The Immortal Fire God's Sword Intent is cultivated to the extreme and is very strong, but..."

At this moment, Lu Fangxi's face was full of helplessness.

"What the Immortal Fire God's Sword Intent cannot defeat is the Dragon God's Sword Intent." Lu Fangxi said: "Before, our Qingshi Immortal Sect was just a sect at this moment. There are several branch sects in the Immortal Fire Layer, namely the Immortal Fire Sect. The Fire God Sword Intent and the Dragon God Sword Intent restrained each other. However, under the study of all the top experts, many warriors were horrified to discover that after practicing the Dragon God Sword Intent, they could actually achieve a hundred goals. 100% restraint of the Immortal Fire God’s Sword Intent.”

After a pause, Lu Fangxi continued.

"Our Qingshi Immortal Sect originally practiced the Immortal Fire God's Sword Intention. And a top force next to it originally practiced the Dragon God's Sword Intent. Originally, none of the top forces could destroy anyone. The Immortal Fire Layer gradually calmed down. . But then a terrifying warrior appeared in our Qingshi Immortal Sect, who directly raised the Immortal Fire God's Sword Intention to the extreme. He secretly attracted all the top forces in the Immortal Fire Layer, and finally the Qingshi Immortal Sect unified the Immortal Fire Layer, and the Dragon God's Sword Intent was decided. They were also completely killed in the Immortal Fire Layer."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan was also very shocked in his heart, but why did Xuanyuan Longpo regard his Dragon God Sword Intent as Immortal Fire God Sword Intent?

But Lu Fangxi's next words made Chen Xuan understand all the doubts in his heart.

"Dragon God's Sword Intent... Unless he is an extremely powerful warrior, otherwise, he will only be regarded as the Immortal Fire God's Sword Intent. I can feel that your breath is very similar to the Immortal Fire God's Sword Intent. At the beginning, I was still guessing that it would never happen that the eighth level of the Divine Realm could break the power of my soul. Later, after you attacked the power of my soul, I was already sure that if it were the Dragon God Sword Intent, As for the duelist, it's very simple.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, that's it.

At the same time, he was also rejoicing in his heart. Fortunately, he had understood some of the Dragon God Sword Intention. Otherwise, he really didn't know how to deal with Lu Fangxi's soul power.

"Don't worry yet, what's going on?"

Suddenly a name appeared in Chen Xuan's mind.

Wang Jianxun, the ancestor of the Dragon God Sword Yi Jue.

Could it be that he was the sect leader of one of the previous branch sects of the Immortal Fire Layer?

Chen Xuan knew that he was 100% related to the Immortal Fire Layer.

"This gray-clothed warrior stepping on a black flying sword? He and Wang Jianxun are close friends. Could it be that he is a practitioner of the Dragon God Sword Intention Art?"

Chen Xuan thought to himself.

Shaking his head slightly, his eyes fell on Lu Fangxi's surroundings.

Seeing this situation, he also looked at Chen Xuan and said softly: "I have directly passed the news here back to the sect. If you dare to kill me, they will 100% avenge me. of."

"What do you mean? What exactly do you mean?"

The aura around Chen Xuan instantly filled the air. He finally suppressed Lu Fangxi's body, but he didn't expect that he was threatening himself.

The Qingshi Immortal Sect has always wanted to exterminate all the Dragon God Sword Intent Warriors. If a strong man is arranged to come, even the Divine Sect may not be able to protect him.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

Chen Xuan clenched the long sword in his hand and burst out with an illusory aura, his anger rising to the extreme.

"I'd better tell you to let me go honestly. Otherwise, if our Qingshi Immortal Sect comes, you will definitely die." Lu Fangxi said.

"Haha, that's so funny."

Chen Xuan looked directly at Lu Fangxi and said, "Do you think I don't have the guts to kill you?"

Seeing this situation, a sword energy blasted Lu Fangxi's body into Lin's face.

"What's the meaning??"

Lu Fangxi yelled, but there was nothing he could do.

His only trump card now is that Chen Xuan is afraid of the Qingshi Immortal Sect.

"Hehehe, let's see how you survive this time."

The Dragon God's Sword Intent was unleashed, and the ninth level of the Divine Soul Sword Intent secret technique was instantly attacked.

Under the power of the Dragon God Sword, Lu Fangxi barely had the strength to release the power of his soul.

He could only escape from here, but it was already too late. A cold light disappeared into his body, and his body exploded.


Chen Xuan immediately took out his long sword and immediately took Lu Fangxi's Najie in his hand.

"It'll be okay?"

At this moment Wanyan Qinghong came over in a hurry.

It was obvious that he had also heard their conversation, and Wanyan Qinghong was still very confused about Lu Fangxi.

"You are the top martial artist of the younger generation of Shenmen. You give him the matters here and see what solutions he has and how he can solve them." Wanyan Qinghong said.

"There is no need to worry at all. If my inference is correct, this Lu Fangxi's status in the Qingshi Immortal Sect is not high. Even if the message comes back, there may not be any warriors who believe it." Chen Xuandao.

"Let's go back to Shenmen first."

All the elders from the outer sect brought by Lu Fangxi were from the Immortal Fire Layer and the Qingshi Immortal Sect's branch.

In a residential area, a warrior in black flew to the main hall and looked calmly at the sound transmission stone in his hand.

"Lu Fangxi, this damn rubbish."

Wang Junyi is Lu Fangxi's senior brother and a disciple of the Qingshi Immortal Sect, but his talent is much stronger than Lu Fangxi's.

"A warrior at the eighth level of the divine realm, possessing the Dragon God Sword Will, can attack the power of his soul and kill him directly?"

Wang Junyi pondered the information sent back by Lu Fangxi and murmured to himself.

"There are Dragon God Sword Intent duelists in such trivial places as the bluestone layer?"

At the moment when the Dragon God Sword was decided, Wang Junyi's heart was filled with murderous intent.

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