When the light burst out by Elder Jiangbei hit his body, Song Yuwen's body was already limp and he had no strength to continue fighting.

The entire central hall sighed.

Song Yuwen, the strongest person in the early ninth level of the Qingxue Sword Sect's Divine Realm, didn't survive?

"I told you to stop."

Elder Jiangbei's extremely angry voice was transmitted to Chen Xuan's consciousness.

"Does the Qingxue Sword Sect have no face to lose?"

Wang Yuan's voice was everywhere.

He didn't expect that Chen Xuan could actually kill Song Yuwen.

Such a rare warrior must be protected at all costs.

Then the ground was silent in an instant.

Many warriors looked at Chen Xuan on the central battle stage with surprised expressions, and they were also observing.

Song Yuwen was a strong man cultivated by the Qingxue Sword Sect with all his talents and treasures, and they didn't quite understand how Elder Jiangbei would deal with it.

"He did it on purpose, trying to kill him." Elder Jiangbei said with a gloomy face.

Wang Yuan stomped his feet on the ground and came to the central battle platform. He looked directly at Elder Jiangbei and said, "Famous Elder Jiangbei, your words are useless. Before the battle, you said in front of many warriors that if Song Yuwen died, it would be because his cultivation was not strong. However, now that Song Yuwen was killed by Chen Wendong, you forced him with your cultivation at the peak of the ninth level of the Divine Realm." Wang Yuan's words caused a discussion on the ground. "Jiangbei, you have no reason for this." "That's right, you said it, how could your words be useless?" "Besides, if you are afraid of Song Yuwen's death, you shouldn't arrange him out." There were also the leaders of other sects not far away. Elder Jiangbei still cared about their words. No matter what, they were all strong men at the peak of the ninth level of the Divine Realm like him. Elder Jiangbei also looked directly at Chen Xuan, feeling unhappy. Chen Xuan spread his hands and said, "It's normal to have casualties. If you want revenge, Elder Jiangbei, you can do whatever you want."

"What do you mean? What do you mean?"

Elder Jiangbei looked gloomy, looked at Chen Xuan for a while, turned his head and left.

"Elder Jiangbei, remember the Thousand Yuan Stone." Wang Yuan said.

"Haha, it's really funny."

The voice of Elder Jiangbei suddenly came from a distance.

After this battle, Chen Xuan's reputation completely resounded throughout the Qingxue Secret Realm.

All the disciples of the powerful sects looked at him with admiration.

"Brother Wang Yuan, congratulations."

"Haha, the Blood Ghost Sect actually has such a warrior. If he breaks through to the middle and late stages of the ninth level of the Godly Realm, can he be compared to the peak of the ninth level of the Godly Realm?"

On the ground, many warriors laughed.

"Chen Wendong, this time it's probably not bad, with you." Wang Yuan smiled slightly.

"No matter what, he is a member of the Blood Demon Sect. This is actually what I should do." Chen Xuan said, "I have already been unhappy with Song Yuwen before. Killing him this time is really refreshing."

Indeed, Song Yuwen thought he was strong and often bullied the warriors in the ninth level of the God Realm before.

Now that he was killed by Chen Xuan, he was really unlucky.

"Haha, it's really funny. Just use other methods."

At this moment, a cold voice came instantly.

Many warriors turned their heads and found that a black-clothed warrior who grabbed the long sword directly stood calmly on the building in the distance, observing the direction ahead.

"Demon Blood Sword Sect, Wang Moxue?"

Wang Xiang suddenly shouted, not expecting this guy to appear here.

"Wang Moxue?"

Chen Xuan asked in confusion.

"This Wang Moxue is one of the strongest people in the ninth level of the God Realm in the Qingxue Secret Realm, and is generally recognized as the strongest, just like Song Yuwen you killed before." Wang Xiang said.

In the Qingxue Secret Realm, there are seven strong people in the ninth level of the God Realm.

Song Yuwen comprehended the body-refining technique, while Wang Moxue comprehended the divine sword intent.

"Wang Moxue, you are here?"

Another voice came.

"Obviously Wang Moxue is Song Yuwen's man. This guy killed Song Yuwen, how could Wang Moxue spare him?"

"I think Wang Moxue should want to compete for the first place in the early ninth level of the Godly Realm."

In front of many warriors, when many warriors saw this guy clearly, several warriors stood not far from Wang Moxue.

Among them, the warrior with red eyes and terrible power around his body was Hong Longquan, one of the seven strong men.

However, the warrior who didn't say a word in the end was Zhou Longyi, who had vaguely broken through to the middle and late ninth level of the Godly Realm. "Although Song Yuwen's Dao rules are not as good as ours, his current cultivation is still very powerful: "The warrior who was speaking was Hong Longquan. He smiled and looked at Chen Xuan, saying softly: "Even if we don't have the courage to fight Song Yuwen to death, this guy can suppress Song Yuwen with the power of body training and kill him, which is really very good."

"Haha, it's really funny. He just used other methods. He should have been exposed to the blood sword method, otherwise he would not be able to find Song Yuwen's flaws, let alone kill Song Yuwen." Wang Moxue said coldly.

He also looked at Chen Xuan, a warrior in the early stage of the ninth level of the God Realm, who was just lucky enough to kill Song Yuwen, the damn trash.

"Wang Moxue, if you are eager to try, just challenge him directly." Lu Kuang and others said with a smile.

Zhou Longyi still didn't say a word and looked at Chen Xuan.

After looking at these damn warriors, Chen Xuan's eyes briefly stayed on Zhou Longyi for a moment.

"What's going on?"

Chen Xuan was slightly shocked.

"Wang Xiang, do you know this Zhou Longyi?" Chen Xuan whispered.

Wang Xiang shook his head slightly. Zhou Longyi was very mysterious, and the other warriors directly regarded him as a strong man of the same level.

Wang Moxue tapped the ground with his toes and came to the central battle platform. He looked at Chen Xuan and said, "Song Yuwen is my brother. If you kill him directly, what will happen to me?"

"What a joke. Your cultivation is at most equal to Song Yuwen, and you still pretend to admire Song Yuwen as your brother. Don't you feel embarrassed to say this?" Chen Xuan said with sarcasm, not giving Wang Moxue any face.

"You seven strong men, are actually just trash with empty reputations but no strength?" Chen Xuan heard this and laughed softly, and began to mock Wang Moxue.

Sure enough, Wang Moxue was irritated, and he suddenly took out the red long sword, looked at Chen Xuan from a distance, and said gloomily: "Do you know what the result of irritating me is?"

"You are very arrogant."

After that, Chen Xuan turned to look at Wang Yuan and said: "Lord Wang Yuan, do you know if I kill all these strong men, can I occupy a position in the ranking list of immortal disciples?"

On the wide ground, there were sighs, and many warriors showed surprised expressions and looked at Chen Xuan.

Even Wang Yuan looked a little confused. Is he sick? Dare to challenge them directly.

Sure enough, even Hong Longquan and Lu Kuang were a little angry, only Zhou Longyi couldn't say a word.

"You are nothing in my eyes." Chen Xuan said, "You, Wang Moxue, practice the Divine Sword Intent every day and night, but you know that you didn't practice it well before."

Wang Moxue just wanted to do something, but was stopped by Chen Xuan.

"You are comprehending the Divine Sword Intent at this time in order to improve the strength of the Divine Sword Intent, which makes your Divine Sword Intent foundation very weak. As long as the cultivator who understands the Divine Sword Intent a little bit can easily break your immortal sword technique." Chen Xuan heard this, laughed lightly, and sneered.

Wang Moxue held a red long sword in his hand, and the power of blazing fire around his body instantly spread out.

"What nonsense, damn thing, you don't understand the Divine Sword Intent at all." Wang Moxue said with a gloomy face.

"Wang Moxue, can you bear it?" Hong Longquan said.

"Aren't you known as the strongest cultivator of the Immortal Blood Demon Sect? Let's see your cultivation when the time comes." Lu Kuang and others also said.

Zhou Longyi released the spiritual energy in his body and swallowed his saliva.

Wang Moxue said sarcastically, his body was in motion, and the red long sword looked directly at Chen Xuan and said, "You and I don't understand the meaning of the divine sword. Haha, very good, let you see what the divine sword meaning is first." Wang Moxue was ready to launch an attack at any time, but was blocked by Chen Xuan again. "You should unite." Chen Xuan said helplessly: "I want to be on the list of disciples of the immortal sect as soon as possible." This sentence suddenly angered all of them, and even Zhou Longyi, who didn't say a word, also looked gloomy. "To deal with you, I am a warrior enough." Chen Xuan heard this and laughed softly, and said softly: "I don't accept it, you unite to launch an attack." Wang Yuan wanted to dissuade him, but seeing Chen Xuan's arrogance, he didn't say anything more. Obviously, directly killing these nine-layer early stage masters of the Divine Lord Realm is not only to spread his reputation here, although this is not of much use to him. But the most important thing is to be on the list of disciples of the immortal sect and get materials and treasures to improve his cultivation. Why not do it? "Do you really want us to unite?" Zhou Longyi said softly. As soon as he spoke, Hong Longquan and others were surprised. Chen Xuan nodded slightly, looked at Zhou Longyi and said, "Among you, only you can give me some pressure, but it's just a little pressure." "Haha, very good, I accept your challenge." Zhou Longyi heard this and said in a deep voice. Chen Xuan shook his sword and said, "Let's work together." On the ground. Many warriors who were originally preparing to leave were also shocked by Chen Xuan's crazy words. Such a union is not comparable to Song Yuwen. "Chen Wendong will not have any problems, right?" Wang Xiang said anxiously. "He may really have a chance to do this." Wang Yuan said. In fact, Chen Xuan had secretly asked Wang Yuan before challenging them. What if he killed them all directly? And Wang Yuan's response made him not worry. "So many are useless, just do it." Wang Moxue said in a deep voice, he used his body skills, and then his body flashed, and his body seemed to gather into the red long sword Zheng Honglong released the full long sword, and suddenly a crazy fairy-level ninth-grade formation broke out. Only Zhou Longyi did not act for such a long time. Many warriors looked at the central battle stage with extremely horrified eyes. It had been a long time since such a battle had appeared. Chen Xuan stood quietly, wanting to see what they wanted to do.

Looking at the ninth-grade immortal-level formation that filled him, he then said: "After setting up this formation, it's really not that good."

At this time, Chen Xuan remembered what Immortal Shi Yun said.

The Immortal Blood Demon Sect's perception is extremely weak, and they completely make up for it with their strong cultivation.

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