The huge fairy grass was released instantly, and the broken boulders appeared crimson, and a terrifying aura erupted from them.

Chen Xuan screamed inwardly and wanted to leave here temporarily, but it was already too late.

His body was instantly filled with aura of madness, and then disappeared into the crimson fairy grass Zheng

After some time passed, the crimson fairy grass returned to calm.

If there are warriors in this place, they will definitely find that where the ten thousand tiger jelly grass disappears, a crimson altar made of jelly grass appears.

Chen Xuan disappeared from this crimson altar.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

As the breath blew through, space-time turbulence appeared on the crimson altar, and the sound of clicking filled the air.

A few minutes later, the crimson altar disappeared directly, directly showing the instantaneous disappearance of madness.

There were a lot of fluctuations in this third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, but it soon returned to calm.

The third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent is an area.

A gray-clothed warrior stepped on a black flying sword and was talking to a black-clothed warrior.

"Haha, very good, you guy."

The warrior in black laughed.

"Haha, how about this time? Has my cultivation improved?" the warrior said with a smile.

"You really surprised me." The gray-clothed warrior laughed and said, "With your bad cultivation, I can beat you."

When the warrior in gray clothes said this, the warrior deliberately said softly: "Really?"

Afterwards, the warrior in gray clothes prepared to leave.

"I'm leaving. I'll come back next time."

But suddenly his expression changed slightly.

"What's wrong?"

The warrior saw this situation and said hurriedly.

The gray-clothed warrior coughed lightly, and then said coldly.

"It's bad..."

"You what?"

"Some time ago, I happened to pass by Qingshi Zhong and found a very good Divine Sword Intent talent. He gave me a Ten Thousand Tigers Immortal Grass, so I directly gave him the inheritance of Dragon Divine Sword Intent Jue." Hui. The clothed warrior said.

At this moment, Chen Xuan was in mid-air. It was obvious that he didn't quite understand how much time had passed, nor where he was going.

"Am I going somewhere?"

Chen Xuan asked to himself.

He clearly remembered that he got a Ten Thousand Tiger Immortal Grass and was immediately absorbed into the center.

The Ten Thousand Tiger Immortal Grass shattered and then turned into a crimson altar. If his inference was correct, this should be a mobile formation.

He must have left Qingshi Zhong.

In the end, he simply closed his eyes and began to practice. Now Chen Xuan's cultivation has reached the perfection of the early stage of the ninth level of the divine realm, and his strength is even comparable to that of the peak warriors in the middle and late stages of the ninth level of the divine realm.

This lasted for a long time, but now I could finally see my surroundings clearly.

In an instant. His body suddenly moved slowly, and there were many vibrations in the chaotic air.

He felt as if it was over and he was about to leave this endless yellow sand.

At this moment, Chen Xuan felt very complicated in his heart.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

A strange aura tore through the endless yellow sand, but soon his eyes looked directly at the light.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

Endless yellow sand filled the air, and the sky became stronger than before when it was torn apart.

Chen Xuan was very excited, and he wanted to leave this huge endless yellow sand anyway.

After two sticks of incense passed by in an instant, Chen Xuan felt extremely surprised, and then his body, like a sword energy, killed him in an instant, breaking through the endless yellow sand and falling on Lin's face.

Saw this happen.

The aura began to gradually dissipate, and a black abyss was blasted out of the ground.

Chen Xuan felt extremely happy inside.

"What is this place?"

He hurriedly climbed out of the black abyss, looked around, and suddenly his expression showed excitement.

Returned to the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent...

But what I imagined is that this place is not heavy with bluestone.

"Unfamiliar smell."

There was a very unfamiliar atmosphere around him, which made him feel a little uneasy.

"Is the power of Tao origin so powerful?"

At this moment, Chen Xuan's expression became very surprised, and then his heart was filled with excitement and excitement.

Because he discovered that the power of Tao origin contained in the surroundings far exceeded the weight of bluestone.

"At least a hundred times as much as usual, right?"

The power of the origin of Tao is the most fundamental power of the three levels of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, and it is also the power that warriors can cultivate to the highest level.

Devouring the power of the origin of Tao can continuously change warriors, and at the same time, it is easier to understand the rules of Tao, and then realize more powerful power.

In all places, the power of the Tao origin is different. Some places are stronger, and some places are weaker, but no one can understand why.

Originally, he thought that the power of Tao origin in the bluestone layer was extremely powerful, but after discovering the power of Tao origin around him, Chen Xuan was very frightened. The aura contained here was so powerful that it even gave him some unexpected things. .

A hundred times is also conservative. If he guessed correctly, it might even be more. With such a powerful force here, it is simply a training place for warriors.

Basically, in the same amount of time spent practicing in seclusion, the power of the Tao origin you have devoured is a hundred times or more than that of a bluestone layer warrior.

The more power of Tao origin, the faster his strength will improve.

"It looks like I've come to an area where Tao rules are more powerful. I didn't expect that I would be able to encounter such a place."

After a while, Chen Xuan's excited heart gradually calmed down.

He gradually discovered that this place should be one of the three floors, but he didn't quite understand where it was exactly?

However, I feel like I haven’t thought too much about it. After all, each layer has many layers and the living areas are also different.

Some layers have more powerful power, but in other places the spiritual energy is very thin.

"It shouldn't be the fairy fire layer."

Chen Xuan directly eliminated the immortal fire layer.

The Immortal Fire Layer is only a little more powerful than the Bluestone Layer at best, and is far from comparable to this.

"We'll ask after a while. I don't know now anyway, so why not think of something else."

Chen Xuan said slightly.

When he comes to an environment that is very unfamiliar to him, the first thing to do is to check the specific changes around him to see if he encounters anything scary.

Looking around, Chen Xuan discovered that he was in a training canyon.

"What a depressing atmosphere."

I didn't feel anything just now, and then suddenly I felt an oppressive atmosphere around me.

It really made Chen Xuan's body very uncomfortable.

"Don't worry yet. What's going on? There is a withered bone in front of you." Looking up, he directly discovered that there was a withered bone in the center of the training canyon.

Surrounding the withered bones, there was an extremely powerful and depressing aura.

"What exactly is this training canyon?"

Appearing in front of the withered bones, Chen Xuan found a red altar here.

"There's a powerful aura."

Calmly looking at the powerful aura on the red altar, Chen Xuan showed a slight smile on his face.

"Dragon cloud layer?"

Chen Xuan's eyes widened and he said.

How could he really come to the dragon cloud layer?

The Dragon Cloud Layer is very prosperous in the third level of the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

There are also those at the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent who are powerful and those who are not.

The Bluestone Layer and the Immortal Fire Layer are basically areas in the third layer, located on the edge of the third layer of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. In the eyes of the strong, they are just insignificant places.

However, the fairy fire layer is relatively stronger than the bluestone layer. After such a long time, no matter how the three layers change, there are always a few areas that never change.

In the ranking of the three layers of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, Long Yun layer is ranked in the top ten.

Yes, the top ten areas are the core of the third level of the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

Any area can be as heavy as dozens of bluestones.

These ten areas gather all the rare and powerful people from the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

"The dragon cloud layer ranked in the top ten?"

Chen Xuan murmured to himself. He didn't expect that he had crossed the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent and actually came to the Dragon Cloud Layer. This really shocked him.

He let out a sigh, and then couldn't help but marvel, how could such a powerful person build such a terrifying secret magic array?

If it weren't for his coincidence of timing, he might really have died there.

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Chen Xuan continued to look at the red altar. He didn't know where it was. In short, the most important thing now was to figure out where he was.

However, at this time, he discovered that there were some writings on the altar. Finally, Chen Xuan walked over and observed it carefully.

After reading the contents on the red altar, Chen Xuan sighed inwardly.

This cultivation canyon is called Qianlong Demon Valley. The withered skeleton in front of him is Wang Qianlong, and he also knows Xuanyuan Qingshan.

Xuanyuan Qingshan's cultivation level is indeed considered to be the top powerhouse even when looking at the third level of the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

Wang Qianlong is a subordinate of Xuanyuan Qingshan. Xuanyuan Qingshan left his original place of cultivation and specifically built this mobile formation for him to defend in this place.

"Guardian, do you know this Hidden Dragon Valley?"

Chen Xuan and the guardian of the Green Mountain Stone said.

After some time passed, the guardian said: "Of course, sir, how did you come to this place?"

The guardian was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the Lord would come to the Hidden Dragon Demon Valley. Wasn't he in the Dragon Cloud Layer?

Chen Xuan gave the guardian the details of how he cultivated Ten Thousand Tigers of Immortal Grass.

Hearing the words, he said slowly: "No wonder, my lord has built a space movement formation here before, with the purpose of being able to leave Qingshi Zhong at any time."

The distance between the bluestone layer and the dragon cloud layer is indeed very large. Even the top experts in Xuanyuan Qingshan have no chance of flying here.

"Sir, this Wang Qianlong is just a disciple that you accepted casually. He is responsible for defending this space moving formation." The guardian said.

"How can I go back?" Chen Xuandao.

Obviously, the guardian's understanding of the Dragon Cloud Layer has long surpassed Chen Xuan's.

He had only seen it in Shenmen before, and his understanding of the dragon cloud layer was probably unknown to Ying.

It is just clear that the Longyun layer is one of the top ten most powerful areas in the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

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