Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5705 Advanced Immortal Level Ninth Grade Formation

At this time, Chen Xuan was still standing with a very calm expression.

"Don't worry yet, what's going on?"

The warrior in gray clothes became confused.

"What kind of soul shadow is this guy?"

The gray-clothed warrior knocked away the formation and said helplessly: "I am no match."

"Sir, hehe, there is no way you are not my opponent, but can you agree to my request?" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

In fact, he used other methods. If he were not the guardian of the Green Mountain Stone, how could he be able to defend against the suppression of the ninth-level formation of the high-level immortal?

"Okay." The warrior in gray clothes said a little unhappy.

"I hope that senior can protect Longxian Yunmen for decades." Chen Xuandao: "Decades are not that powerful to senior at all. Senior will just practice here in seclusion, and we will definitely not make any noise. Influence the seniors.”

Hearing this, the gray-clothed warrior thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"I think yours makes sense this time, but I want to know how you defend my formation?" the gray-clothed warrior said.

"My gift..."

Chen Xuandao.

During the conversation with the gray-clothed warrior, I learned that the gray-clothed warrior was called Wang Zhenlong, and he was a high-level immortal-level ninth-grade divine formation master.

There was a surprise on Chen Xuan's face. With Wang Zhenlong protecting Longxian Yunmen, no force in the Xianlong area could threaten him.

He would be able to leave the Immortal Dragon area and search for the Immortal Stone without any worries.

Chen Xuan did not tell Wang Junlin about this matter. Wang Zhenlong secretly arranged a ninth-grade high-level immortal formation to fill the Dragon Immortal Cloud Sect.

Chen Xuan said goodbye to Wang Junlin and left Longxian Yunmen.

With nothing else to worry about, Chen Xuan prepared to look at other areas and walk.

But suddenly, news spread that shocked the entire Immortal Dragon area.

In the entire Immortal Dragon Area, all the warriors who had just entered the ninth level of the Divine Realm fell into anger.

On the level of the Immortal Dragon area, a Dragon Immortal Tower suddenly appeared, and all the warriors' eyes were extremely horrified.

"My dear, the rumors are true."

"Is the Dragon Immortal Tower the rumored Dragon Immortal Tower?"

"The Dragon Immortal Tower appears and is in danger."

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, there was a rumor circulating in the Immortal Dragon area, which was the appearance of the Immortal Dragon Tower.

Chen Xuan also knew the news, and he could clearly see the extremely large Dragon Immortal Tower and all the dark secret realms in the Immortal Dragon area.

The hearts of all the warriors were extremely shocked.

They looked at the Dragon Immortal Tower with surprised expressions, and at the same time told them about the rumors about the Dragon Immortal Tower.

Millions of years ago, there was a top powerhouse named Zhao Long.

His cultivation is so strong that it scares warriors.

Zhao Long had completely dominated the Immortal Dragon area before, and it was the Immortal Dragon area. After he was killed, the Dragon Immortal Tower appeared in the Immortal Dragon area.

Many warriors believe that this was left by Zhao Long for the people in the Immortal Dragon area.

Every time the Dragon Immortal Tower appears, a large number of top talents will enter it. At the same time, a large number of warriors will be killed in the Dragon Immortal Tower.

It is obvious that there were very powerful warriors who came out of the Dragon Immortal Tower and became strong men, and were even valued by some very powerful sects in the Dragon Cloud Layer.

From now on, we can see the importance of Dragon Immortal Tower.

Immortal Dragon Area, the interior of a city.

"Dragon Immortal Tower?"

Chen Xuan's heart was filled with curiosity.

The current Longxian Yunmen is protected by Wang Zhenlong, and there is almost no need to worry about any top forces in the Xianlong area.

And he was just about to leave to find the inherited magic weapon, but he didn't expect that the Dragon Immortal Tower appeared.

"Did you get the news? The appearance of the Immortal Dragon Tower this time has shocked all the people in the Immortal Dragon Region who have just entered the ninth level of the Divine Realm. There were rumors that the very rare and top-level warriors in the Immortal Dragon Region have already left."

"Of course I got the news. How could anyone in the entire Immortal Dragon area not know about it? The Dragon Immortal Tower is suppressed. Only those who have entered the ninth level of the divine realm for the first time can enter. The ninth level peak of the divine realm from various very powerful sects, before It’s already being prepared.”

"My senior brother is an outer elder of the Mad Dragon Sword Sect, and I heard a difficult secret from him."

A warrior said with a curious face.

Suddenly, several warriors around him came to his side.

"Senior Brother Wang Long, what is the secret?"

"I really didn't expect that Senior Brother Wang Long's eldest brother is actually in the Crazy Dragon Sword Sect. I hope Senior Brother Wang Long will take care of him for a while."

Just by getting to know the outer elders of the Mad Dragon Sword Sect, he was praised by many warriors. It can be seen how powerful the Mad Dragon Sword Sect is in the Immortal Dragon area.

There are about eleven powerful sects in the Immortal Dragon area, and all the powerful sects are very powerful.

Even the Longxian Yun Sect with Wang Zhenlong in charge did not have the guts to deal with the powerful sect.

The Mad Dragon Sword Sect is actually the leader among the powerful sects.

Hearing that Senior Brother Wang Long's eldest brother was an outer elder of the Mad Dragon Sword Sect, many warriors envied Wang Long.

"My senior brother, Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, Kuang Dongru, and I are also going to enter the Dragon Immortal Pagoda." Senior brother Wang Long said with a curious expression on his face.

"No way, how is this possible?"

Hearing this, many warriors couldn't help being shocked, and there was a lot of shock in their hearts.

"Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, Kuangdong Ru have already been practicing in seclusion before? Dragon Immortal Tower actually attracted them?"

"If my dear Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, Kuang Dongru appears, who else can defeat him?"

Suddenly Chen Xuan was also very curious.

He came to the Dragon Cloud Layer for a short time, and basically saw the Immortal Dragon area from the skill stone of the Dragon Immortal Cloud Sect.

However, he really didn't quite understand what they said about Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei and Kuang Dongru.

Soon, he knew the specific information about Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru.

"It turns out they are just a few strong men from the older generation who cannot break through to the ninth level of invincibility in the realm of gods."

Chen Xuan said helplessly.

Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru are generally recognized as the strongest ninth level newcomers in the Immortal Dragon Region.

Because several of these warriors were seriously injured in an operation decades ago, and the space in their bodies was severely damaged.

However, what is shocking is that many warriors thought that Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru would definitely be killed.

But no one expected that they would disappear in an instant for decades, and then Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru, instead of being killed, would burst out with very powerful power.

In the following time, several of their warriors joined forces and were able to fight against the invincible masters of the divine realm who had just entered the ninth level of the divine realm.

Easily defeat the Immortal Dragon Zone and enter the invincible realm in the ninth level of the Divine Realm for the first time.

However, some powerful ninth-level invincible gods still noticed some subtle changes.

They were seriously injured before, which caused turbulence in their bodies. The reason why several warriors were able to survive was entirely because they did not intend to continue to strive to condense the turbulence in their bodies out of the outer layer of the body, and instead allowed the space to completely exist. Be careful with your body

When all warriors mention Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru, they will think of their talents.

When they first entered the ninth level of the divine realm, they were invincible and had no hope of breaking through, which led them to completely devote themselves to how to improve their strength.

Now their understanding of the world is getting deeper and deeper, and their cultivation of the immortal-level secrets is getting stronger and stronger.

They are also at the ninth level of the divine realm, but their cultivation is simply not comparable to the average ninth level of the divine realm.

However, Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru have been suffering and believe that the extremely vast Third Layer of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent must have the power to defend itself.

In the end, they practiced in seclusion and traveled through the dragon cloud layer, looking for treasures in order to achieve a breakthrough.

Unexpectedly, Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru, who had disappeared for so long, appeared because of the Dragon Immortal Tower.

"But now, the very powerful sects no longer fear Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru. Although they are very powerful, there are also many terrifying ninth-level gods in the nine sects. For example, Elder Luo Junru of the Mad Dragon Sword Sect where my senior brother belongs, with one sword energy, defeated all those who had just entered the ninth level of the divine realm, and had vaguely surpassed Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru. "

he smiled.

Many warriors were still nodding in the distance.

Only Chen Xuan shook his head slightly. This guy was just a warrior in the early stage of the ninth level of the divine realm.

But just when Chen Xuan was about to leave, he heard a piece of news.

"My senior brother and I, Elder Luo Junru's goal this time is Qingyun Immortal Stone." Wang Long whispered.

"Qingyun Immortal Stone?"

At this moment, many warriors were completely shocked.

"Senior Brother Wang Long, is there a Qingyun Immortal Stone in the Dragon Immortal Tower?"

"I'm not too sure, these Qingyun Immortal Stones all belong to Senior Brother." Senior Brother Wang Long said.

Chen Xuan's expression turned gloomy. He turned to look at Senior Brother Wang Long, thought for a moment, and then walked not far away from Senior Brother Wang Long.

"Your Qingyun Immortal Stone?"

Chen Xuandao.

When Senior Brother Wang Long saw this situation, he felt extremely unhappy and looked directly at Chen Xuan. Many warriors around him also looked at Chen Xuan.

"Haha, what's wrong? Do I have any contact with you?"

"I want to know about the Qingyun Immortal Stone." Chen Xuandao.

"I'm so sorry, I haven't heard of you at all."

After finishing, Senior Brother Wang Long turned his head and ignored Chen Xuan.

"You don't."

Chen Xuan's voice was very serious. When Senior Brother Wang Long reacted, he had already discovered that he had already left the place and was caught in mid-air.

"What do you mean? What on earth do you mean?"

Senior Brother Wang Long looked at Chen Xuan in horror and whispered: "What are you doing?"

"Tell me all the information you know about Qingyun Immortal Stone." Chen Xuan looked directly at Senior Brother Wang Long and said.

Wang Long's body trembled, and he knelt down on the ground and said, "Senior, I don't really understand Qingyun Immortal Stone at all."

"What do you mean? If that's the case, it's impossible for your senior brother to be in the Mad Dragon Sword Sect. It's impossible for Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, and Kuang Dongru to appear. Is it true? "Chen Xuan looked at Wang Long.

Wang Long said desperately and slowly: "My senior brother is really in the Kuanglong Sword Sect, but it's just not my outer sect elders, Wang Qingshan, Luo Yun, Zhao Bei, Kuangdong Ru, I don't know if they have appeared. , I just heard it from my senior brother.”

"Did you come up with the news about Qingyun Immortal Stone on your own?"

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