Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5819 Breaking through to the ninth level of invincibility in the first divine state

At this moment, Chen Xuan's eyes fell on the detailed information of the Myriad Treasure Golden Dragon Secret Technique.

The so-called Myriad Treasure Golden Dragon Secret Technique is to break through space to help improve one's strength. The former Huang Shaolong achieved a very high level of understanding in the Myriad Treasure Golden Dragon Secret Technique.

According to the detailed records in the inheritance of the Ten Thousand Treasure Golden Dragon Secret Technique, Huang Shaolong had not improved the Ten Thousand Treasure Golden Dragon Secret Technique to the extreme before.

The 100% Myriad Treasure Golden Dragon Secret Technique that he expected was actually the strongest among the three levels in the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

However, now, although Chen Xuan was very surprised by the power of the Ten Thousand Treasure Golden Dragon Secret Technique, he soon calmed down.

"Mysterious Magic of the Wanbao Golden Dragon? I'm ready."

To practice the secret method of the Ten Thousand Treasure Golden Dragon in seclusion, you must first establish a relationship with the magic weapon.

Chen Xuan had no need to worry about this. The Liaoyuan Sword was almost the same as him. After all, it had been so many years.


The prairie fire sword was in mid-air, and Chen Xuan began to understand the secret method of the Ten Thousand Treasures Golden Dragon.

This time of retreat lasted for more than several months.

After getting started with the secret method of Wanbao Golden Dragon, I can already briefly control magic weapons within more than 900 meters.

This is a huge improvement for Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

"First go out and get some materials and treasures, and then refine the magic weapon."

A very powerful person appeared in Wanluo Sword Sect.

"Wang Jun, how could you come to us this time?"

The guardian said.

"Master of Wanluo Sword Sect?"

Elder Wang Jun said.

"My lord, he is here."

At the moment when the guardian was speaking, Chen Xuan appeared. He was wearing a thick robe, covering his face so that the other party could not discover his identity.

"Sir, this is Elder Wang Jun of the Qingshi Immortal Sect." The guardian said.

"Are you the master of Wanluo Sword Sect?" Elder Wang Jun said with a cold face.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, sneered and said, "Do you know what's wrong?"


"Wanluo Sword Sect is actually an affiliated sect of our Qingshi Immortal Sect. It has to hand over an absolute number of Dao Vein Stones on demand for about ten months. This year, why don't you take out the things without any reason?" Elder Wang Jun said.

Elder Wang Jun, one of the elders from the Qingshi Immortal Sect branch.

Although he is not a sect leader, his power is at least equivalent to that of a sect leader.

His cultivation has reached the ninth level of invincibility in the realm of gods.

Even so, other affiliated sects did not have the guts to provoke Elder Wang Jun casually.

"In the past four months or so, the overall top power of the Wanluo Sword Sect has grown significantly, and there are fewer treasures to improve the cultivation level, so I'm sorry, but I have no choice." Chen Xuandao.

"Haha, that's really funny."

Elder Wang Jun snorted coldly and said softly: "Remembering that you, the Wanluo Sword Sect, helped me, the Qingshi Immortal Sect, I will give you one last day. If you honestly deliver 100,000 intermediate Dao vein stones today, I can spare you. One life. Otherwise, you die."

Elder Wang Jun’s meaning is very obvious.

"All the precious treasures of Wanluo Sword Sect have been used up. We are still thinking in our hearts during this period of time to find treasures that can improve our cultivation." Chen Xuan was slightly shocked and then continued.

"What do you mean? What do you mean?"

Elder Wang Jun looked at Chen Xuan and said softly: "In that case, your Wanluo Sword Sect is determined to completely fall out with our Qingshi Immortal Sect?"

Chen Xuan spread his hands and said softly: "Completely fall out? It's just my Wanluo Sword Sect... If the Qingshi Immortal Sect insists on suppressing it, there is no way to solve it."


There was an aura of madness around Elder Wang Jun.

Immortal Fire God Sword Intention, the power of Suzaku fire in Elder Wang Jun is very terrifying.

Chen Xuan secretly activated the Myriad Treasure Golden Dragon Secret Technique, and a layer of aura surrounded Elder Wang Jun's sword without any movement.

Chen Xuan was very surprised in his heart. Although Elder Wang Jun's sword looked normal on the surface, there were changes inside.

"I will definitely kill you."

The only way to fight against the Qingshi Immortal Sect is to die.

And Elder Wang Jun raised his sword and killed Chen Xuan directly.

But his long sword was in mid-air and there was no way to move it.

Chen Xuan took advantage of this opportunity and fired out a burst of sword energy, knocking Elder Wang Jun away instantly.

"What do you mean? What exactly do you mean?"

Elder Wang Jun also didn't expect that Chen Xuan would treat him like this.

"Don't let me see you again in the future. Considering that you are a warrior of the Qingshi Immortal Sect, I don't want to kill you. If you still have the guts to come over and cause trouble, don't blame me for being rude."

Chen Xuan said lightly.

Elder Wang Jun swallowed and vomited. Finally, he looked at Chen Xuan and turned to leave.

"Sir, you are provoking the Qingshi Immortal Sect." the guardian said.

"There is no need to worry at all, I know it very well in my heart." Chen Xuandao: "By the way, what happened to the treasure that you were looking for to improve your cultivation materials during this period?"

Hearing this, the guardian just remembered the treasures he was looking for to improve his cultivation.

"Sir, after our investigation, we found that there is a Yuncao Mountain area in the Wanluo Sword Sect." The guardian said: "This Yuncao Mountain used to belong to the Qingshi Immortal Sect, but later I didn't quite understand what was going on. The Qingshi Immortal Sect gave up cultivating it, and Yuncao Mountain became the Gradually it became deserted.”

"What's the meaning?"

"There are rumors that something very strange seems to have happened in this Yuncao Mountain. Many warriors from the Qingshi Immortal Sect died in the center and finally gave up."

"How many Blood Moon Lingyun Grasses are there in this Yuncao Mountain?"

"Before, the other branches of the Qingshi Immortal Sect only cultivated about a part of it. People who were invincible at the ninth level of the divine realm often entered it, but they all disappeared in the end. There are probably three thousand Blood Moon Lingyun Grass left."

Chen Xuan was also surprised. This must be enough for him to practice the secret method of the Ten Thousand Treasure Golden Dragon in seclusion.

It can even support the seclusion practice of many demon beasts in the Demon Soul Thousand Yuan Stone.

"I will go to this Yuncao Mountain, and you come to see Wanluo Sword Sect." Chen Xuandao: "By the way, what happened to the Dragon God Sword Intent?"

"Sir, in our Wanluo Sword Sect, there are already many warriors who practice the Dragon God Sword Intention Art in seclusion," the guardian said.

"Don't be anxious, be careful, and don't show it."

Chen Xuandao, now is not the moment when he appears, he is waiting for the moment when he can actually deal with the invincible peak warrior in the realm of gods, it is the moment when the Dragon God Sword Intent reappears in the Immortal Fire Layer.

At this moment, there is another branch of the Qingshi Immortal Sect.

Lu Fangxi and others were killed before, and the other branches of the Qingshi Immortal Sect were not popular compared to before.

The other branches of the Qingshi Immortal Sect are frantically trying every means to re-train powerful top warriors, hoping to enter the sect's headquarters.

In the main hall, the sect leader Wang Junru explained the meaning of the Immortal Fire God's Sword.

"The Immortal Fire God's Sword Intention is focused on that crazy aura. You must remember this most basic and specific secret."

The sect leader said.

"Master, there is no need to worry, I will definitely work hard to practice in seclusion."

Yes, now Wang Junru is the hope of the entire Qingshi Immortal Sect. The sect leader uses all the cultivation materials and treasures to improve Wang Junru.

A few days ago, Wang Junru finally broke through to the ninth level of the divine realm.

Among the younger generation, Wang Junru, who has just entered the ninth level of the divine realm and is invincible, appears. This must be a very shocking thing.

According to some internal information, there are already warriors in the sect's headquarters, and they have noticed Wang Junru. It must be understood that the sect leader of the Qingshi Immortal Sect's branch is only an invincible and invincible warrior at the ninth level of the divine realm.

The most important thing is that it was only recently that he broke through to the ninth level of invincibility in the divine realm.

An invincible warrior at the ninth level of the divine realm. There are not many who can reach the ninth level of invincibility in the realm of gods. Even Lu Fangxi and the others were unable to achieve it.


At this moment, Elder Wang Jun walked in with an angry look.

"Elder Wang Jun."

The king is as good as the road.

The sect leader looked at it and then said: "What's wrong?"

"The Master of Wanluo Sword is indeed very crazy and directly refuses to hand over the magic weapon on demand."

Elder Wang Jun recounted what happened. After hearing this, the sect leader nodded slightly, and then said: "The Wanluo Sword Sect's affairs are not urgent. During this time, our warriors have been sending news, and the Yuncao Mountain is gradually deserted. It doesn’t seem like it will take long for these ten thousand-headed beasts to appear before.”

"No way, how is this possible?"

Elder Wang Jun's expression suddenly became silent, a breath flickered in his eyes, and he looked at the sect master.

"In this case, Yuncao Mountain can be cultivated?" Elder Wang Jun was a little excited.

Before, other places only knew that the Qingshi Immortal Sect branch had no intention to continue striving to cultivate Blood Moon Lingyun Caoshan, but they didn't know it clearly, and they were helpless.

Many ten-thousand-headed beasts suddenly appeared, and their strength was so powerful that even the sect leader's land had nothing.

"I have deduced before that these ten thousand beasts do not belong to the Immortal Fire Layer and should leave." The sect leader said.

To train Wang Junru, almost all the precious treasures of Qingshi Xianzong were used up.

If we take action, this branch of the Qingshi Immortal Sect will really have no way to support it.

"Planning to cultivate it again?" Elder Wang Jun asked.

"That's right, take Wang Junru with you and let him practice this matter." The sect leader said: "Let's see if these ten thousand beasts have left any inherited magic weapons."

"No." Elder Wang Jun said.

At this moment when the Qingshi Immortal Sect's branch was exploring Blood Moon Lingyun Cao Mountain, Chen Xuan had quietly arrived here.

"Is there a warrior?"

The Blood Moon Lingyun Cloud Grass Mountain was at a peak, and Chen Xuan stood near the earth's spiritual power, looking into the distance, and discovered a breath.

"A warrior from the Qingshi Immortal Sect?"

Chen Xuan looked a little surprised. Wasn't this Yuncao Mountain abandoned by the Qingshi Immortal Sect on its own initiative? Why are their warriors here now?

"Is it possible that I didn't understand something about what happened before?"

Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart, and then used the secret method of Shenshi to approach Yuncao Mountain directly.

A sky gate appeared in front of Blood Moon Lingyun Caoshan, and then white light flashed, and a strong man appeared.

"Elder Wang Jun."

Many warriors from the Qingshi Immortal Sect all said.

Chen Xuan also discovered Elder Wang Jun in the secret.

"How could it be Elder Wang Jun?"

Chen Xuan was very curious. He didn't expect Elder Wang Jun to really come to this place.

"What's the situation inside Blood Moon Lingyun Cao Mountain?" Elder Wang Jun asked.

"Elder Wang Jun, after investigation by our warriors, we found that there is no breath in the Blood Moon Lingyun Cloud Grass Mountain." A warrior said.

"Now cultivate Blood Moon Lingyun Yuncao Mountain again." Wang Jun finished, and then took Wang Junru into Yuncao Mountain.

"Recultivate the Blood Moon Lingyun Cloud Grass?"

Chen Xuan was even more confused and followed secretly.

With his skills, Elder Wang Jun had no way of discovering it.

And the blood moon is in the clouds and the grassy mountains are Zheng

"Don't worry yet, what's going on?"

The guardian of the Green Mountain Stone appeared at this moment.

"I discovered the aura of the Demon Dragon Ghost Gate."

"Demon Dragon Ghost Gate?"

Chen Xuan's pupils showed fear and some surprise.

The Demonic Dragon Ghost Sect is actually a large sect in the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. It can at least be ranked among the top powerful sects in the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

Suddenly Wang Junru said softly.

"Elder Wang Jun, why did our Qingshi Immortal Sect abandon Yuncao Mountain before?"

According to Wang Junru's knowledge, there are even more Blood Moon Lingyun Grass in this Yuncao Mountain, which can fully support the Qingshi Immortal Sect's seclusion practice for more than ten thousand years.

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