"Junior Brother Wanyanluo, stop being so busy and come quickly."

Wang Shaolong said in a very cold voice.

Although Wanyan Luo had made a move against Chen Xuan before, now he didn't know what to do in his heart, and he fell into a state of deep thinking without realizing it.

Chen Xuan looked at Wanyan Luo lightly. In fact, Wanyan Luo's ability to give him a few words at this time could completely prove that he was indeed very loyal to him.

Chen Xuan will never forget this matter.

"There's no need to worry at all. You'd better retreat for the time being. I'll be fine in this place." Chen Xuandao.

"But it's not that simple."

"It's nothing. Even so, I will not spare the life of any warrior who harms Shangguan Haoran." Chen Xuan said with a very calm expression.

"He's just an arrogant guy."

Many warriors were discussing, and at the same time they made some noises.

"A guy who has reached the ninth level of the divine realm and has reached the perfect realm actually has the guts to come to the Hall of Ten Thousand Swords?"

"Yes, that's correct. This place is where the strongest young warriors from the third level of our Ten Thousand Immortals Continent gather, so hurry up and leave this place."

Some warriors who wanted to flatter Shangguan Ruyun suddenly said loudly.

A faint smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face, his eyes slowly observed the many warriors, and then he said: "Who do you guys think you are?"

All the warriors are the strongest in the third level of the younger generation of warriors in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. Being treated like this by a warrior who is at the peak of the ninth level of the divine realm makes them very angry.

Then several people appeared.

They are all over 20 strong men in the ranking of the younger generation of warriors in the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

A warrior who had reached the ninth level of the divine realm then used the thunder technique, and the violent power directly enveloped Chen Xuan.

"Give me money and die."

The aura within a mile around Chen Xuan vibrated crazily, the fire defense spread, and terrifying power gathered not far from the strange long sword.

At this moment.

The black sword energy cut through the sky and struck around the ninth-level perfection warrior of the divine realm.

A very terrifying sound sounded, and the next moment his body flew out like a wild horse.

But this time.

He looked very sluggish and his breath was hasty.

Many warriors looked around hurriedly and obviously found that he was already injured.

"Impossible...impossible, what's going on?"

"His spirit is slowly disappearing."

Suddenly, a warrior said in great surprise.

Many warriors looked very shocked, and then they realized that his soul was gradually disappearing.

"How is it possible? His soul is gradually disappearing?"

Many of the third level young warriors of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent nodded helplessly, not having the guts to believe that his soul was gradually disappearing in front of them.

"A warrior who is at the peak of the ninth level of the Divine Realm, and a terrifying sword energy completely kills more than twenty warriors on the third level of the younger generation of warriors in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent?"

"Am I out of my mind? This is not true."

"What's going on? It's too scary. This guy's power is really terrifying. Even I can't do it."

When the warrior who wanted to kill Chen Xuan died completely, everyone in the Hall of Ten Thousand Swords was amazed.

In the previous period, all the third-level young warriors of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent who were mocking Chen Xuan and wanted to use their skills hesitated.

They looked at Chen Xuan with very frightened eyes.

"How can this guy's cultivation be so strong?"

Wang Shaolong, who was not far away, looked at Chen Xuan with a puzzled expression and flashing red eyes, as if he wanted to observe him carefully.

"Do you have the guts to kill him?"

Several powerful young men from the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent near Shangguan Ruyun all insulted Chen Xuan.

"If you want to kill me, just use your skills." Chen Xuan said coldly.

"You are too arrogant. Do you think that because your physical training has strong defense power, you can be arrogant?"

"Now that we're in this situation, I'm going to let you know what true strength is."

At this moment, a warrior of the Nine Great Perfection of the Divine Realm was once again performing his technique.

"Hahaha, it's really funny. It's just that the physical defense is strong. As long as you don't get close to him and fight, it won't take much effort to kill him."

A ninth-level consummation warrior in the divine realm, ranked in the top 19 among the younger generation of warriors in the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, and his cultivation level is much more powerful than just now.

Chen Xuan once again released a terrifying sword energy. Around him, the fire defense completely emerged, and a black fairy-level array aura flickered in it.

At this moment.

A large amount of black fairy-level formation aura gathered not far from the strange long sword and swallowed up the natural aura of the earth in the surrounding space.

"Go to hell."

Chen Xuan let out a low roar, and instantly released a terrifying sword energy.

Right now.

Wherever the sword energy covered, the space on earth collapsed.


The top 19 strong man in the ranking of the third level young warriors of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent had anticipated Chen Xuan's plan in advance. His body fell lightly to the ground and disappeared in an instant, hiding away for a distance.

However, even so, when he stabilized his body, he was horrified to discover that there were signs of being attacked not far from the defense net around his body.

Seeing this scene, the top nineteen warriors in the rankings looked at Chen Xuan solemnly.

"Isn't this guy's physical defense power too strong?"

"Yes, what really surprises me is that a warrior at the ninth level of the divine realm, the peak of perfection, can actually possess such powerful power."

Many martial arts.

"Don't waste so long, kill this guy."

Wang Junlong thought secretly in his heart, and soon he once again displayed one of his strongest skills, Qingyun Sword Technique.

The phantom of Wang Junlong's swordsmanship surrounded Chen Xuan not far away, constantly suppressing him.

At this time, a red sword appeared in his hand.

"Go to hell."

Wang Junlong's swordsmanship phantom shouted loudly at the same time, and a long red sword flew out.

Not far away from the red sword, a shocking force burst out, directly suppressing Chen Xuan.

"It seems that Wang Junlong also noticed it. When he came closer, he was no match for this guy. He obviously wanted to use the sword energy from a distance to kill him."

"Wang Junlong's Qingyun Sword Technique is even more powerful than before."

"Yes, Wang Junlong will probably be completely suppressed when he uses his technique."

Many warriors discussed, but so far only Wang Shaolong has remained silent.

The obvious reason was that his intuition told him that this guy named Chen Xuan seemed to have a real trump card, and he hadn't used it yet.

"Don't kill it yet."

Suddenly, Shangguan Ruyun suddenly said: "It is Shangguan Ruyun who dares to provoke me. I will let him watch him die."

Chen Xuan, who originally did not use other secret defense techniques, heard Shangguan Ruyun's words, and his face completely darkened.

The strange long sword was clenched tightly and creaking.

Looking at the long red sword, a terrifying murderous aura erupted in his pupils.

Right now.

He used his fire defense to the extreme, and the Ten Thousand Immortal Royal Dharma Array erupted instantly.

The long red sword that was about to approach him suddenly stopped for a moment, and then continued to move forward.

But Chen Xuan didn't have the guts to use the Ten Thousand Dragons Sword-Destroying Formation at will. He was worried about being discovered by many top talents.

"Go to hell."

Chen Xuan shouted low and quickly released the long sword in his hand.

At this moment.

In an instant, Chen Xuan released several swords in succession.

Several consecutive blasts of sword energy directly knocked all the red swords to the ground.

"Wait, what's going on?"

Seeing this situation, Wang Junlong's expression became extremely gloomy.

"It's absolutely terrifying."

Wang Junlong thought to himself that he had no courage to approach Chen Xuan anymore.

"Qingyun swordsmanship?"

Chen Xuan showed a very cruel smile.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's body was thrown out, and the prairie fire sword suddenly appeared.

A terrifying and extremely terrifying sharp sword energy erupted without any pause.

But this time.

The power of Chen Xuan's sharp sword energy was so strong that just one sword energy wiped out his phantom.

"What the hell is going on? It's really damned."

Wang Junlong was very unhappy.

Even so, he still couldn't escape Chen Xuan's sharp sword attack.

But this time.

Continuous sharp sword energy roared out, obliterating his phantom.

At this moment, Wang Junlong's body was hit by a powerful attack, flew out and fell on Lin.

Chen Xuan firmly grasped the prairie fire sword and walked slowly towards Wang Junlong.

"Stop, don't move!"

Suddenly Shangguan Ruyun's howl filled the air.

Chen Xuan didn't even pay attention. He swung his sword quickly and knocked Wang Junlong's body away.

Inside the Ten Thousand Swords Hall, all the warriors were extremely shocked.

They simply don't have the guts to believe it.

When he came to the Hall of Ten Thousand Swords before, Chen Xuan's body refining defense was extremely powerful, but his realm was not very powerful.

But what was different from before was that now they discovered that his secret method of Immortal Sword Intent shocked them beyond measure.

"The body-refining defense is already powerful enough. Is even the secret method of the Immortal Sword Intent so terrifying?"

"A ray of sword energy broke Wang Junlong's Qingyun Sword Technique. His Immortal Sword Intention Secret Technique is very strong."

"No way, what's going on? I seem to have seen him before."

"It's the True Fire Immortal Sword Technique. He is a True Fire Immortal Sword Technique warrior."

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