Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5844 Vibration of underground buildings

There is a high probability that he left some rune secrets left by the founder of Jinyuan Sect, right? When they entered this place, they should practice the rune secrets in the altar.

Thinking of this place, Chen Xuan also agreed in his heart and expressed his desire to take a closer look.

"Before, these were left to the disciples behind Jinyuan Sect. Unfortunately, for thousands of years, none of the disciples behind Jinyuan Sect have been able to reach this place. You got the empty jade stone, which means that my Jinyuan Sect has declined."

The soul phantom said helplessly.

"If you want to let these precious cultivation magic weapons grow in this place, it is better to give them to warriors like you."

Chen Xuan thought about it secretly for a few times.

"Because you are not warriors of Jinyuan Sect, your trial has increased the risk factor. There are about three trials. If you complete one level, take out some magic weapons here. If you complete all of them, take out everything in this hiding place here."

"What trial?" Wanyan Luo was already very anxious.

"The first trial is a test of the power of the divine consciousness." The soul phantom said: "Use your full strength to cover this golden fairy stone. When its external aura turns red, the trial is completed."

At this moment...

At this moment, a golden fairy stone appeared in front of Chen Xuan and his friends.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan and his friends shook their heads angrily.

A golden fairy stone for a trial is better than fire defense. It is the Yunlong Jinshi mentioned in the rumors.

The Yunlong Jinshi is said to be the Yunlong Jinshi from the Five Dippers and Seven Stars Spirit Body.

The Yunlong Jinshi is very precious on each orbiting satellite of the Five Dippers and Seven Stars Spirit Body.

How many Yunlong Jinshi are needed to refine such a sensational golden fairy stone?

"Don't say so much, start the task quickly." The soul phantom said with a little anxiety: "If there is no way to complete the trial, it is better to stay in this place forever. No matter how long it takes, it will not end until someone can complete the triple trial."

"Why is this happening?"

After hearing this, Wanyan Luo's dark color became very dim.

"When you finish the trial, it will be very beneficial for you. You should know that there are many precious treasures in my place. By then, you will also disdain this golden fairy stone." The soul phantom said slowly.

"I'm the first."

Wanyan Luo showed a faint smile on his face, and used his spiritual sense to explore the surroundings. The power of spiritual sense instantly emerged and enveloped the golden fairy stone not far away.

At this time.

A sound fell into the ears of many warriors Zheng

Chen Xuan nodded secretly. After all, Wanyan Luo was a young strong man in the sect of Longkong Shenzong, the top force in the cloud layer, and his spiritual power was still very good.

Not long after, under the cover of Wanyan Luo's spiritual power, the golden fairy stone gradually turned red.

But his body was not completely covered, so he kept retreating, consuming a lot of power.

"Have I finished it?"

Wanyan Luo had no time to rest and said with a very puzzled expression.

"You've completed it." The Soul Phantom said, "You've completed the first level, and you can take some magic weapons away."

"What's going on?"

After hearing this, Wanyan Luo's pupils showed a trace of joy.

Shangguan Haoran and Chen Xuan, who were not far away, also smiled.

After completing the first level of the trial, they could only take away this insignificant magic weapon. Obviously, this was not the ultimate goal that Chen Xuan and the others wanted.

Next, Shangguan Haoran, who was wearing a green robe, walked to the golden fairy stone.

The extremely powerful divine consciousness power directly emerged, and Shangguan Haoran's red sword drove it, and the golden fairy stone instantly turned red.

Wanyan Luo had to work very hard to pass the test, but Shangguan Haoran passed it directly.

From this point of view, it is much stronger than his divine consciousness power.

"It's really good."

The Soul Phantom nodded: "Your divine consciousness power is very terrifying, and your talent and strength are stronger than that warrior just now."

Wanyan Luo was very helpless about the Soul Phantom's method.

Everything in front of him was in Chen Xuan's imagination.

Being accepted as a personal successor by this top-level strongman, it is clear that Shangguan Haoran's talent will not be wrong.

Next, it was finally Chen Xuan's turn.

Chen Xuan used his spiritual sense to explore the surroundings, and the spiritual sense power, like the terrifying earth power, emerged from his body.

In an instant, it enveloped the golden fairy stone not far away.

But the golden fairy stone did not change at all, which made him feel very confused.

"What's going on?"

Wanyan Luo was very surprised. All the power of Chen Xuan was stronger than him.

Seeing this scene, the soul phantom also shook his head and did not agree with Chen Xuan.

Wanyan Luo was very anxious, and Shangguan Haoran nodded slightly, with a helpless look in his red eyes.

Chen Xuan was definitely successful, which was something they agreed on.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's memory contained a very manic spiritual power.

At this moment.

The golden fairy stone trembled.

At this moment.

The golden fairy stone was shaking continuously, and suddenly, a purple ball of light disappeared from the golden fairy stone in an instant.

"How could this happen?"

Wan Yan Luo asked in confusion.

Shangguan Haoran was also very surprised. At present, there was only the phantom of the soul suspended above him. He was so shocked that he couldn't say a word for a long time.

"what is going on."

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan felt very embarrassed.

"What does it mean now?"

Chen Xuan was also thinking in his heart.

After some time passed, Soul Phantom finally said something.

His pupils looked at Chen Xuan, and a breath flashed in them.

"How long have you been practicing in seclusion?"

"It's been a long time." Chen Xuandao.

Just at this time.

The spirit phantom was trembling inwardly, looking at Chen Xuan as if looking at a scary guy.

"I didn't expect that a top-notch talent like you could appear." Shenhun Phantom said slightly helplessly: "It's just that I have no way to witness it with my own eyes."

Arriving at this place, the spirit phantom suddenly looked at Chen Xuan again, revealing a very terrifying murderous aura and said: "It's really gratifying! You have successfully completed the next level test."

"But was there any difference just now?" Wanyan Luo couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"When you go for the test, it means that the talent and strength are very terrifying. He is a talent that can grow into a powerful person. In the future, there is a high chance that he will break through to the ninth level of the invincible perfection level of the divine realm." Divine Soul Phantom said.

"The ninth-level invincible perfection of the divine realm?"

Wanyan Luo showed a very excited smile.

"However, he represents terrifying talent and strength. He has no courage in history, but he is also the third and most terrifying person in the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. If he can live forever, he will definitely not only be invincible at the ninth level of the divine realm in the future. The level of Dzogchen.”

Afterwards, the phantom of the soul disappeared, but Wanyan Luo and Guan Haoran were extremely shocked.

It must be more than just entering the dragon realm for the first time?

That's just, does Chen Xuan have any hope of reaching the divine dragon realm in the future?

These are all in the divine dragon realm. Even if we look carefully at the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, there are only a few top talents standing at the highest level of the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

"It's really gratifying! Brother Chen Xuan." Wanyan Luo said with a smile.

Regarding this matter, Chen Xuan just smiled.

In fact, it is also impossible to fully understand that if talent and strength are strong, cultivation will also be strong.

Nowadays, the ninth-level invincible perfection of the divine realm is a bit far away for him, let alone the divine dragon realm mentioned in the rumors.

"Stop so much, let's start the trial."

The spirit phantom looked at Chen Xuan and then said: "The next trial will be about the first talent. Even if we carefully observe the history of millions of years, the strong people who can reach the peak all have strong talents themselves. If a warrior doesn't have extremely terrifying and powerful abilities, he won't be able to break through."

This moment...

The long sword in his hand was swung out, and this golden altar appeared in front of several people.

"Let the spiritual power in your bodies permeate this golden altar." The spirit phantom said.

Just fill this golden altar with the spiritual power of the ancestors.

"This golden altar is not simple."

Chen Xuan looked very unhappy and carefully observed the golden altar.

"This is the golden altar for testing the first gift."

Shangguan Haoran said not far away.

"What? No way, how is this possible?" Wanyan Luo said very puzzledly. Even though he was only a young and powerful person in the Longkong Divine Sect, he had heard that it was a sacred platform for testing innate talents.

"I have seen several test-endowed altars. The master obtained them from a dangerous place in an area, but the area is completely incomparable to the other." Shangguan Haoran said carefully: "Test The altar of the first gift is called the top magic weapon in existence, and it can detect any first gift. "

To put it simply, the sacred platform for testing the first gift is in the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. I wonder if it is an extremely precious and top-level magic weapon.

Among the magic weapons that exist now, only the top forces of the current existence have Ying Ying.

If you want to refine and test the divine platform, you must be a true immortal level weapon refining master in the dragon realm.

Under the Shenlong realm, almost no warrior can refine the altar to test the innate talent.

"I have heard something before. The elders in the sect have said that Wang Jianxun, who was famous throughout the third level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent a long time ago, was because he got the sacred platform to test the first gift, practiced the first gift, and finally cultivated a very powerful The gift of swordsmanship comes first.”

"I didn't realize that at that time, it turned out that he was the one who was to be gifted first in their test." Wanyan Luo looked at the sacred platform in front of him with a very excited expression.

"Yes, that's correct. It seems that you guys have seen a lot. The sacred platform that was given first in this test actually comes from the powerful person in the divine dragon realm, Wanyan Rulong. If you can complete the third level trial, this test will be first The altar of Fu will be given to you."

"Is it true or false?"

Wanyan Luo fell into madness unknowingly, and then a ball of breath fell on the altar where he was testing his talent.

At this moment.

The breath gradually disappeared on this altar.

"Although you have not passed this level, your Longkong Divine Sect's innate talent is also very terrifying." Chen Xuan laughed awkwardly.

The Longkong Divine Sect's innate talents are very terrifying, but Wanyan Luo's innate talents are not strong enough.

Wanyan Luo nodded: "Since this is the case, there is nothing I can do. Don't worry, brothers, I'm fine."

Next, we finally arrived at Shangguan Haoran.

In fact, strictly speaking, Shangguan Haoran's first gift should be inferior to Wanyan Luo's.

It is obvious that Wanyan Luo is actually the top force in the Yunkong layer, the Dragon Sky Divine Sect, a young and powerful person in the sect, while Shangguan Haoran is just a young and powerful person in an ordinary sect.

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