"Cui Cui, return to the sect quickly."

After hearing the words of the warrior in gray, the woman finally left desperately.

Just at this time.

The woman suddenly saw a person appearing in front of her.

"May I ask where this place is?"

Chen Xuan's voice landed near the woman.

"I want to go back to save my brother, please give in."

The woman left instantly.

Chen Xuan felt that this woman seemed to have encountered some difficulty, so he flew forward and came to him.

"What exactly do you want to do?" The woman felt a little unhappy after being defended by Chen Xuan.

"Tell me the details of this place and I can help you. I'm new here and don't know much about this place." Chen Xuandao.

"Wait, what's going on?"

After hearing this, the woman stopped and looked at Chen Xuando: "Do you really have the ability to save my brother?"

"Who are you being chased by? What do these guys want to do?" Chen Xuan asked very puzzledly.

"The people from the Qianye Immortal Sect are chasing my brother. They are all warriors at the ninth level of the divine realm. Their cultivation is very terrifying. My eldest brother is no match for them." The woman said anxiously.

"In that case, let's not waste time and take me there."

On a huge land, warriors in gray clothes were covered in red blood, and they were obviously being attacked by many warriors together.

"Damn bastard, not only are you going to die, but that damn smelly trash is going to die as well." The leading warrior laughed mockingly.

"Cui Cui."

The helpless feeling in the gray-clothed warrior's heart.

However, a murderous aura burst out from the distance.

The warrior in gray clothes turned around and found Wang Cuicui.

"What do you do?"

The warrior in gray felt very painful in his heart.

"Wait, what's going on? It's Wanyan Huyun and the others."

When the leading warrior saw this situation, he looked a little uneasy.

"Brother, this hero is very powerful. A terrible sword energy killed those terrible guys." Wang Cuicui said.

After hearing this, the gray-clothed warrior became even more confused, although he didn't know where Chen Xuan came from.

"You want to defend our Qianye Immortal Sect?" the leading warrior said.

"I just want to save him." Chen Xuandao.

"It seems that you are trying your best to provoke me, Qianye Immortal Sect?"

Just as he finished speaking, all the warriors of Qianye Immortal Sect united to perform their skills.

"Brother, be careful."

The gray-clothed warrior thought too much and said loudly.

At this moment, Chen Xuan shook his head slightly, and then waved his weapon gently.

But this time.

Every burst of cyan sword energy will break one of the warriors.

Soon, only the leading warrior was left among the warriors of Qianye Immortal Sect.

"What kind of guy are you? You wantonly killed the warriors of my Qianye Immortal Sect. Aren't you afraid of the revenge of our sect?"

Although the other party was a warrior at the ninth level of the divine realm, it was nothing to Chen Xuanlai.

Three minutes later, most of the Qianye Immortal Sect's warriors had collapsed on Lin, and their auras were also very weak.

The leading warrior kept trembling and retreating, his pupils filled with fear.

"What kind of guy are you?"

"I just passed by by chance."

As he finished speaking, he waved his weapon gently, and a surging sword blade broke this guy's body.

"The cultivation is so terrifying."

Wang Cuicui concentrated her consciousness very much and said in surprise.

"Thank you so much. This brother is willing to help us. He can't do anything in return."

After some time passed, the gray-clothed warrior reacted and smiled slightly at Chen Xuan.

"You can tell me now, I have already helped you." Chen Xuan looked at Wang Cuicui and said very puzzled.

Wang Cuicui smiled, and it was obvious that his pupils were full of gratitude to Chen Xuan, and said directly: "My eldest brother and I are both warriors of the Yunhuo Dragon Sect. I am the direct disciple of the current master of the Yunhuo Dragon Sect. I am Wang Cuicui, and this is me. "

Yunhuo Dragon Sect is one of the five top-level forces in Longlin Valley Mountain.

After Chen Xuan heard this, he nodded slightly.

"Those people you just killed were warriors from the Qianye Immortal Sect. They thought that the Qianye Immortal Sect was powerful and often deliberately suppressed our Yunhuo Dragon Sect, and they also wanted to destroy our Yunhuo Dragon Sect." Wang Cuicui's pretty face was filled with anger. , although he was very unhappy: "Originally, our five sects reconciled with each other in Longlin Valley Mountain, but recently Luo Yun Sect has united with Qianye Xian Sect to suppress our Yunhuo Dragon Sect, which makes our Yunhuo Dragon Sect very helpless now. "

The warrior in gray clothes not far away suddenly arrived: "This time, Qianye Xianzong and Longkong Shenzong attacked with all their might. The sect master knew that there was no way to defend them, so he secretly took Wang Cuicui away from Longkong. Lingu Mountain. I didn’t expect Qianye Xianzong to defend us outside. Fortunately, this brother used his technique, otherwise, we would have been doomed this time. "

"Ah, it seems that's true."

Chen Xuan didn't care much about the overt and covert fights between the sects. His only goal was to find the true immortal level formation and then go to the third level advanced domain. Only in this way would he have a chance.

"Does your Yunhuo Dragon Sect have a true immortal level formation?" Chen Xuan said very doubtfully.

Wang Cuicui didn't understand the true immortal level formation, and her pupils were full of doubts.

The young man not far away said: "Originally, there was a true immortal level formation in Longlin Valley Mountain. Our Yunhuo Dragon Sect had one, but it was killed by the Qianye Immortal Sect and Luo Yun Sect not long after. Otherwise, this would It’s really not that simple.”

Chen Xuan already knew.

"Since Ru Ci said that another true immortal level formation is in the hands of Qianye Immortal Sect? Doesn't it exist in other sects?"

The warrior in gray clothes nodded: "Yes, that's correct. Now the only true immortal-level formation in Longlin Valley Mountain is also controlled by Qianye Immortal Sect's hand Zheng."

After looking at Chen Xuan's face, the warrior in gray clothes said with great confusion: "Brother, do you need a true immortal level formation?"

Chen Xuan also agreed very much in his heart.

The face of the gray-clothed warrior obviously changed and he said: "Qianye Immortal Sect dominates the Dragon Scale Valley Mountain. This time you used your skills to kill Qianye Immortal Sect's warriors. There is a high chance that you will be avenged by Qianye Immortal Sect. If you want to use their true power Immortal-level formation is not that easy, so I advise you to think it over clearly. "

"Otherwise, you can follow me back to the sect of Yunhuo Dragon Sect and see if the sect master can do anything. Otherwise, I have no other solution."

Chen Xuan thought for a moment, then nodded.

Several of their warriors quickly returned to the sect of Yunhuo Dragon Sect.

Dragon Scale Valley Mountain is very huge, and five sects dominate it.

This situation in which the five major sects are all very powerful has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, but it didn't take long for this long-lasting situation to be broken.

The reason is that Qianye Xianzong didn't understand at all what kind of method was used, so that Luo Yun Sect, Wuxiang Sect, and Qingxi Anmen actually joined forces with each other to fight against Yunhuo Dragon Sect.

The sect of Yunhuo Dragon Sect is located on a mountain peak.

Wang Ziliang of the Qianye Immortal Sect led almost all the cultivating monks to follow the Yunhuo Dragon Sect.

"Wang Ziliang, you have no idea whether the Yunhuo Dragon Sect will surrender honestly during this trip?" an elder said very doubtfully.

"Hahaha, it's really funny. I'm not afraid that the Yunhuo Dragon Sect will not surrender honestly. When we bring this guy Wang Cuicui to this place, the Yunhuo Dragon Sect will know what to do if we think about it carefully."

"Hahaha, contact the warriors who went out to see what's going on." Wang Ziliang of Qianye Immortal Sect deliberately lowered his voice.

Not long after, Wang Ziliang of Qianye Immortal Sect brought almost all the cultivating monks to the sect of Yunhuo Dragon Sect.

"Luo Yun, how's it going?" Wang Ziliang of Qianye Immortal Sect asked directly in confusion.

"Qianye Immortal Sect, you guys."

The leader of the Yunhuo Dragon Sect looked very gloomy and said in a very cold voice.

"Hahaha, it's really funny. Your Yunhuo Dragon Sect has no retreat today." Wang Ziliang of Qianye Immortal Sect suppressed.

Wang Jun from Luo Yunzong, Wuxiang Sect, and Qingxi Secret Sect not far away also said sarcastically: "Luo Yun, do you originally think that the five major sects in Longlin Valley Mountain are very powerful now? Just surrender quickly, like this At least it can ensure the existence of the Yunhuo Dragon Sect."

"Otherwise, if our sects join forces, your Yunhuo Dragon Sect will only become a waste in Longlin Valley Mountain." Wang Jun of Luo Yun Sect, Wuxiang Sect, and Qingxi Secret Sect said: "Hahaha, if nothing else happens, Wang Cuicui will probably be dead now. Is it already under our control?"

"What on earth are you going to do?"

Finally, the face of the leader of the Yunhuo Dragon Sect turned completely gloomy.

"If you have the guts to kill Wang Cuicui, I, the Yunhuo Dragon Sect, will fight you to the end."

"Luo Yun, I don't want to hear any nonsense. Now you have no choice but to surrender honestly." Wang Ziliang of Qianye Immortal Sect said with a slightly anxious expression.

At this moment, the face of the leader of the Yunhuo Dragon Sect obviously changed.

Wang Cuicui is a member of the Yunhuo Dragon Sect. He has very powerful talents. As long as he can escape, the Yunhuo Dragon Sect will definitely be able to rise again even after millions of years have passed.

But now he looked at Wang Ziliang and Luo Yunzong of Qianye Immortal Sect, Wang Jun of Wuxiang Sect, and Qingxi Ansect with very painful eyes.

"what is going on?"

Wang Ziliang of Qianye Immortal Sect said coldly.


Many elders of Yunhuo Dragon Sect were very angry.

But at this time.

"Lord Sect Master."

Many warriors obviously also discovered that Wang Cuicui's body appeared.

"How is it? Luo Yun, there is no time now."

Wang Ziliang of Qianye Immortal Sect thought that the warrior he arranged to go out brought Wang Cuicui back.

Behind Wang Cuicui were Wang Junwen and Chen Xuan.

Wang Ziliang of the Qianye Immortal Sect had never met Chen Xuan, but thought he was a disciple of the Luo Yun Sect, the Wuxiang Sect, and the Qingxi Secret Sect.

"Why is there still one left? It's really funny, just like the dead bones in the grave?" Wang Ziliang of Qianye Immortal Sect said with a slightly uneasy expression.

"Wang Cuicui, are you not injured?"

After the leader of the Yunhuo Dragon Sect saw Wang Cuicui, although he felt very painful in his heart, he was not ready to continue fighting.

But a voice told him to stop what Wang Ziliang of Qianye Immortal Sect was saying.

"What can the two famous sects of Longlin Valley and Mountain deliberately suppress a young woman?"

Chen Xuan revealed a very terrifying murderous aura.

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