"Sir, you are actually a top-notch expert. Wang Cuicui is lucky to be able to practice with you." The leader of the Yunhuo Dragon Sect directly explained what he was thinking in his heart, and at the same time pulled Wang Cuicui close to Chen Xuan's body.

Wang Cuicui looked at Chen Xuan and said very puzzledly: "If I follow you to practice, can I leave the Dragon Scale Valley Mountain?"

Chen Xuan nodded helplessly.

"Your cultivation is not very strong. There is no way you can survive in other places." Chen Xuandao.

"What are you teaching me?" Wang Cuicui asked.

"I can teach you how to practice the extraordinary swordsmanship."

The leader of the Yunhuo Dragon Sect was very confused. What he, the Yunhuo Dragon Sect, actually practiced was a technique with the attribute of divine flames, which seemed to have no connection with his practice.

"Really? I also want to be an extremely rare warrior who cultivates extraordinary immortal swordsmanship."

Wang Cuicui said helplessly.

Chen Xuan showed a puzzled smile. In fact, it was the innate talent of the fairy sword that changed Wang Cuicui's body.

Wang Cuicui has never been exposed to the Immortal Sword Technique, but the pre-existing talent of the Immortal Sword Technique has given him very terrifying Immortal Sword Technique talent and strength.

If you seek it out, there is a high chance that many people will be shocked.

The leader of the Yunhuo Dragon Sect looked extremely calm and seemed to be hesitant.

"If I follow you to practice, will I be able to become as strong as Master Wang Huo in the future?" Wang Cuicui asked very doubtfully.

Hearing Wang Cuicui's words, Chen Xuan was also very confused.

"Wang Cuicui, it's just a joke."

The leader of the Yunhuo Dragon Sect suddenly said loudly: "Master Wang Huo is actually a top-notch strong man, how can you be on par with him?"

Chen Xuan waved his hand: "Although Wang Cuicui is weak in cultivation now, his achievements in the future will actually surpass Wang Huo."

After a few days, Chen Xuan took Wang Cuicui and left the sect of Yunhuo Dragon Sect and came to a big mountain.

"In this mountain, there are basically fairy beasts at the early stage of the ninth level of the divine realm. If you can persist in it, you will have completed the trial." Chen Xuandao.

After Wang Cuicui entered the mountains, Chen Xuan showed a very cruel smile.

Inside the mountain, Wang Cuicui walked cautiously.

Just at this time.

Suddenly, a golden colored dragon and ox beast discovered him.

Wang Cuicui saw this situation and ran away quickly.

Just at this time.

In this case, he was not as fast as Jincailongniumon, and he was caught up by Jincailongniumon in an instant.

Just at this time.

Jin Cai Long Niu Beast was mocking Wang Cuicui coldly, but he was calmly waiting for the opportunity.

Unconsciously, Chen Xuan showed a slight smile.

"Yeah, that's right."

Jin Cai Long Niu Beast noticed Wang Cuicui's calmness, and finally couldn't help but use the technique.

He released ferocious power and rushed towards Wang Cuicui. At the same time, the Golden Color Dragon Ox Beast also attacked Wang Cuicui's body.

A golden dagger suddenly appeared in Wang Cuicui's hand.

Just at this time.

Soon the Golden Color Dragon Ox Beast rushed in front of him.

He shifted his body in one direction, and the long sword in Jincailongniumon's hand missed, but it didn't take long before it rushed towards him again.

This time, Wang Cuicui finally found the fatal weakness of the Jincailongniu beast in just a few breaths not long ago.

Seeing the Golden Color Dragon Bull Beast launch a fierce attack, the aura within a mile around him vibrated crazily, and the defense was raised to the strongest.

Just at this time.

The long sword in the hand of the golden dragon ox beast hit his arm, and a bloody aura suddenly burst out.

Wang Cuicui also held the golden dagger in her hand and swung it, seizing the opportunity, and while the Jincailongniu beast was not paying attention, she madly hit the Jincailongniu beast's body directly.

Just at this time.

Jincailongniumon let out a terrifying and extremely painful sword roar

His huge and terrifying body aura quickly weakened.

Wang Cuicui continued to attack the golden dagger several times on the body of the golden dragon ox beast.

At this moment.

After a few minutes passed, the huge and terrifying body of the Jincailongniu beast fell on Lin, without any breath of life.

At this moment...

Wang Cuicui consumed a lot of power and suddenly flew to the ground.

"He knew that he couldn't defeat the Golden Color Dragon Ox Beast with all his strength, but he actually used methods to make him think that he was very weak."

Chen Xuan smiled.

"The most important thing is that being able to discover the fatal weakness of the Golden Color Dragon Bull Beast in such a short period of time can indeed be correct. The most important thing is that this matter is indeed not simple."

Thinking of this place, Chen Xuan's eyes showed a smile.

The moment Wang Cuicui took the golden dagger just now, the aura on his body felt like that of a warrior practicing extraordinary immortal swordsmanship.

Just when Chen Xuan was about to appear, suddenly at this moment, a very painful scream came.

Wang Cuicui, who was sitting on the ground, looked near him and then left quickly.

After a while, Wang Cuicui came to an open area. At this moment, there were several golden dragon and bull beasts, performing exercises on a red-haired monk covered in red blood.

"What the hell is going on? It's really damned."

Seeing this situation, Wang Cuicui's pupils flashed with murderous intent.

Immediately afterwards, he took out his golden dagger and fought head-on with several golden dragon and bull beasts.

But this time.

The golden dagger crazily hit a golden dragon-ox beast inside, killing him.

Seeing this situation, the remaining Jincailongniu beasts finally retreated.

"You weren't hurt in any way, were you?"

Wang Cuicui helped the red-haired monk up, then asked him to take some elixirs to restore his injuries, and said very puzzledly.

The red-haired monk shook his head: "I don't have any problem."

It could be seen that the red-haired monk was seriously injured.

On the golden fire sand, Chen Xuan's expression turned gloomy.

"This red-haired monk is obviously not injured. Isn't he very unusual?"

What level of power is Chen Xuan's soul? It's just a red-haired monk, and it has no effect on Chen Xuan...

"Wang Cuicui is still too kind. As a practicing warrior, they had better not be kind, otherwise he will be the unlucky one in the end." Chen Xuan was very surprised in his heart.

Just when Wang Cuicui was recovering from the injury of the previous red-haired monk.

Suddenly, a golden dagger appeared in the hands of the red-haired monk from before, and it attacked Wang Cuicui's body crazily.

Right now.

A flash of light appeared in Wang Cuicui's pupils, and then Wang Cuicui turned around with a murderous smile on her face.

"What do you mean?"

The red-haired monk was a little confused when he saw this situation.

"To be honest, I almost believed you at the beginning. But when I defeated the Golden Dragon Bull Beast, I realized that everything in front of me was a trap deliberately set by you. I just wanted to follow the path. Looking at you, I want to see what you are going to do?" Wang Cuicui said.

"Hahaha, it's really funny. You're not dead yet, beauty, come on."

The red-haired monk laughed mockingly, and the golden dagger instantly struck Wang Cuicui.

"Silly idiot."

Wang Cuicui sneered and stayed where she was without moving.

At this moment.

The red-haired monk did not approach Wang Cuicui at all, and suddenly his body shook on the ground.

"I have just implicated the fire power of my Yunhuo Dragon Sect on you. As long as you activate the power, your body will definitely be affected." Wang Cuicui said.

On the golden fire sand, Chen Xuan was very impressed.

Thinking of this place, Chen Xuan appeared directly.

"grown ups."

Chen Xuan showed a slight smile, looked at the red-haired monk who fell on the ground and was burned by the flames and said: "It is indeed very extraordinary. Wang Cuicui, you are so outstanding. I am very happy. Let's leave here."

Although Wang Cuicui is a woman, she possesses an IQ, talent and strength that weak warriors cannot match.

When she saw the red-haired monk from before, Wang Cuicui also had a cautious thought.

He wanted to help the red-haired monk at the time, but when he was fighting against the Golden Dragon Bull Beast, he was also looking at the red-haired monk unknowingly.

A few days after returning to the central hall of Yunhuo Dragon Sect, Chen Xuan was smiling in the main hall.

"Wang Cuicui, thank you sir."

All the warriors of Yunhuo Dragon Sect were very happy when they saw this situation.

If a strong man like Chen Xuan can become the backbone of the Yunhuo Dragon Sect, the rise of the Yunhuo Dragon Sect will one day be completed.

"Wang Cuicui, now that you have become the inheritor of Chen Xuan, you must do things according to my rules." Chen Xuan simply told Wang Cuicui his rules.

Wang Cuicui smiled slightly.

"There is no need to worry, adults. I will never forget it."

Chen Xuan helped Wang Cuicui up, and then asked him to take some elixirs to restore his injuries. He used the power of his divine consciousness to take out a golden iron sword from the Wanjianlin formation.

"I give this to you, think about it carefully."

All the warriors of the Yunhuo Dragon Sect were a little confused about me, how could I give me a golden iron sword? What on earth is this?

At this point, only Wang Cuicui was very excited when she took over the golden iron sword. Others didn't know it, but he should be very clear in his heart.

The innate gift of immortal swordsmanship secretly hidden in his body was truly restored at this moment.

Phew... right now!

A very terrifying sound came from his body, and the violent breath of immortal swordsmanship spread throughout the main hall.

All the warriors of the Yunhuo Dragon Sect were very surprised, and then they realized that the golden iron sword was actually a top-notch magic weapon.

There were golden iron swords floating around his body. Wang Cuicui could feel that the perception of the immortal swordsmanship in the golden iron sword and the innate talent of the immortal swordsmanship in his body were instantly united.

"Ah, it seems that's true..."

Wang Cuicui was very excited.

Chen Xuan had already seen the innate talent of immortal swordsmanship in his body long ago.

The information about the immortal sword technique emerged in Wang Cuicui's mind, and he quickly understood it thoroughly.

"Thank you very much, sir."

Wang Cuicui said with a very helpless expression.

Chen Xuan waved his weapon gently, and a breath disappeared from Wang Cuicui.

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