Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5877 Prince and Two Territory Lords

The battle has completely begun.

Chen Xuan's opponent was actually the two domain masters, princes, which surprised all the warriors.

He met the two domain masters, the prince, so quickly. They were both very famous warriors.

There is a high chance that a warrior will be wiped out in this battle, and it is even very likely that one person will die.

"The two domain masters of the prince are veteran strong men. If I guess correctly, they should be able to defeat Chen Xuan."

"That's completely inaccurate. The power represented by the domain lord of the Yunxue area is very terrifying."

"I still think that if the domain lord of the Yunxue area doesn't have another trump card, he might lose to the two domain lords, the prince."

If Chen Xuan wins, there is a high chance that he will occupy one of the last spots.

In the competition area at this moment, the two domain masters, Chen Xuan and Wang Zi, were facing each other.

He showed a very cruel smile, with a mocking look on his face, as if he was mocking Chen Xuan for trying to block the car with his arms.

"If I were you, I would just admit that I am no match."

The warrior he most wanted to kill was to become the Domain Lord, and if he wanted to challenge the Domain Lord, the most important thing was to become one of the most powerful warriors.

"As you said, I actually don't think so either."

Chen Xuandao: "I want to kill you so that I can't admit that I am not my opponent yet."

Chen Xuan wanted to kill the prince and the two domain masters.

When these words came out, there was a big sensation here, and many warriors looked at Chen Xuan in shock.

"Hahaha, it's really funny."

In the viewing area not far away, Wang Jue said.

In the viewing area, the sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect and Li Wanlong were watching this scene.

"Are you sure? It seems that I really gave you face." The two domain masters, the prince and the prince, said very puzzledly.

"You are the strongest of the thirty Territory Lords. Does killing you mean that I am the most powerful Territory Lord among the thirty Territory Lords? Hahaha, this is what I am thinking about now." Chen Xuan grinned.

"Yes, that's correct. If you can kill me, you are indeed the most powerful among the thirty domain lords. The question now is, can you kill me? Your son is not really that serious."

The prince and the two domain masters showed their fangs, and terrifying auras instantly burst out.

The sword in his hand erupted instantly, and thunder flashed.

This moment...

His body exploded instantly, shaking wildly, and the ground and space nearby were constantly shaking.

The two domain masters, Prince and Prince, are actually best at thunder. At this moment, when facing Chen Xuan, he showed no intention of dragging his feet and directly used his strongest weapon.

Chen Xuan threw out the long sword in his hand and took out the prairie fire sword.

The two domain masters, the prince and the prince, could no longer tolerate Chen Xuan. The long sword in his hand exploded instantly, driving the thunder in the air. Finally, all appeared in his hand, the long sword Zheng Xuan.

At this moment.

The long sword in his hand casually hit the sky not far away, and the space suddenly collapsed.

Many thunderbolts rushed over in an instant under the control of the prince and the two domain masters. However, Chen Xuan didn't just stare, and used the secret method of divine time.

The powerful secret method of divine time disappeared in an instant.

It didn't take much effort to dodge his attack.

When he appeared again, the prairie fire sword was finally driven out.

Ten Thousand Immortals Sword Art, Fifteen Blinks


A sharp sword energy penetrated directly into the space and hit not far from him.

Right now.

The aura burst out with surging power, and all of it gradually disappeared.

Many warriors were very surprised.

One blow broke the attribute sword energy of the prince and the two domain masters, and Chen Xuan's cultivation was simply terrifying.

Just when all the warriors present thought that their cultivation levels were not much different, there was another sword energy, but this sword energy was much more powerful than the previous sword energy.

The Ninth Blink of the Ten Thousand Immortals Sword Art

The rage reached the extreme, making him constantly tremble with the sharp sword energy, simply shuttled through the space, and came to the front of the prince and the two domain masters.

The two domain masters, the prince and the two domain masters, obviously found that no matter how he defended himself, there was no way to defend against this sharp sword energy.

It was really terrifying. The two domain masters, the prince and the two domain masters, did not understand how a ninth-level perfect warrior in the divine realm could issue such a powerful fairy sword technique.

Right now.

The sound of an explosion of murderous aura spread throughout.

The sharp sword energy broke the body of the two domain masters of the prince, and his soul was ready to escape, but Chen Xuan's body flew out of the air, his body flickered, and he directly caught his soul.

Just at this time.

The long sword in his hand exerted all his strength, and his soul dissipated.

Thirty of the strongest Domain Lords in the Immortal Domain, including the two Princes and Domain Lords, were killed by Chen Xuan in this way.

The warrior not far away was so shocked that he could hardly speak.

In the viewing area, the sect masters of Qingyun Sword Sect and Li Wanlong were also very excited.

As for many elders of Qingyun Sword Sect, they were even more shocked.

"The Territory Lord of the Cloud Blood Region wins."

The prince and the two domain lords just asked him to kill them.

Many warriors present were still thinking in their hearts as to who else could defend him.

Even Li Weiguo, Long Yin and Wang Jue showed very frightened expressions.

"How could his cultivation be so terrifying?"

Wang Jue thought to himself.

Until the battle was decided, all the warriors were still thinking about the match in which Chen Xuan brought terrifying power to kill the two princes and domain lords.

After this game, there were not many warriors left.

In the end, only Chen Xuan and a few warriors were left.

Looking at the bodies of the three warriors in the center of the square, the sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect felt helpless.

Li Wanlong also smiled bitterly. He originally planned to let Chen Xuan seize this excellent opportunity to kill more domain lords who in turn attacked Qingyun Sword Sect.

Thinking of this, Li Wanlong stood up and said: "Since everyone has withdrawn from the competition, the remaining warriors have suddenly obtained the last five places."

Wang Jue, Li Weiguo, Longyin, the domain lord of Yunxue area!

Several of them warriors finally got the final spot.

Previously, all the warriors thought that the prince and the two domain masters could also get quotas.

But he was killed by Chen Xuan.

The deaths of the prince and the two domain masters caused a sensation here.

Especially the two domain masters, the prince and the domain master, were very frightened and left after the game.

"You warriors will have the opportunity to challenge the domain lords of the ten major domains. If you succeed, you will be able to become the current domain lords. Each warrior only has one chance." Li Wanlong said.

Several warriors nodded together.

The purpose of the previous battle was obviously to wait for this moment.

At this moment, a spiritual aura appeared in the air, and very crazy power came from it.

All the warriors in the viewing area retreated as they felt the power of spiritual pressure.

However, the bodies of the ten warriors came out of the spiritual energy breath one after another.

They stood not far from the competition area, and the power blooming from them was very terrifying.

The domain masters of the ten major domains finally appeared.

"The domain master of the ten major domains."

There is also a warrior who is waiting for the terrifying battle that will follow. At least he can see the domain masters of the ten major domains perform their skills.

"You can choose the Territory Lord inside." Li Wanlong said.

Chen Xuan's eyes fell on the competition area.

Among the domain lords of the ten major domains, he knew very well that the first one was the most powerful domain lord.

"I challenge Territory Lord Wang Jinlong."

Li Weiguo, Dragon Seal flew forward, and was the first to challenge the weakest Territory Lord.

This moment...

Domain Master Wang Jinlong quickly flew over and observed Li Weiguo carefully. Longyin said: "Although you are two young strong men from the Qingyun Sword Sect, I will not show mercy." A battle broke out in the competition area.

Li Weiguo, Longyin used his technique not long ago, and he displayed the strongest technique of Qingyun Sword Sect.

But Domain Master Wang Jinlong’s cultivation level is even more powerful.

He easily defended against all attacks from Li Weiguo and Long Yin.

At this moment.

After a fight with Li Weiguo and Longyin, Domain Master Wang Jinlong used a terrifying sword energy to knock Li Weiguo and Longyin away dozens of meters.

Li Weiguo, Long Yin's body, kept retreating.

Standing in the competition area and trying to stabilize their bodies, Li Weiguo and Long Yin were unconvinced in their pupils.

At this time, a strange red aura appeared around them.

When this strange red aura appeared, all the warriors' swords

This is the first gift of Qingyun Sword Sect, and it is also the true immortal level secret method that Qingyun Sword Sect regards as its trump card.

This true immortal level secret method is based on the Qingyun Sword Sect's first gift, and can mobilize the first gift to a great extent.

Li Weiguo, who was in Longyin's body, was released first. His body slammed onto the ground, and suddenly he broke through the air forcefully and fought with Domain Master Wang Jinlong.

"First, give it a true immortal level secret method."

Chen Xuan said helplessly.

Although the Qingyun Sword Sect's innate talent is not as good as the Immortal Dragon level's innate talent, it can indeed be one of the strongest among these existences.

"This is the power of a large sect."

Chen Xuan lamented that Qingyun Sword Sect was not the top force in these existences, but it was second only to the top forces in these existences.

The power accumulated in such a realm is not comparable to that of ordinary forces.

However, although Li Weiguo and Long Yin used their trump card, the True Immortal Level Secret Technique, they still had no way of breaking through Domain Master Wang Jinlong's defense.

"What the hell is going on? It's really damned."

Territory Master Wang Jinlong was almost released from the competition area, and he was completely unhappy.

A very powerful aura erupted around Domain Master Wang Jinlong. When the power was exerted to a certain extent, a terrifying sword energy was released.

At this moment.

Li Weiguo, Longyin's first-endowed true immortal level secret method was broken, his body flew out, and was caught by the elder of Qingyun Sword Sect.

"Li Weiguo, Longyin, admits that he is no match."

The elder said.

With Li Weiguo and Longyin's current cultivation level, it is impossible for him to become the Territory Lord.

"I also challenge Domain Master Wang Jinlong."

After hearing this, many warriors cursed Wang Jue in their hearts.

The battle between Domain Master Wang Jinlong and Li Weiguo and Dragon Seal also consumed a lot of strength. At this time, he chose to challenge Domain Master Wang Jinlong?

"It's really damn good."

Territory Lord Wang Jinlong was a little angry.

The aura within a mile near Wang Jue exploded instantly, directly exploding with all its power.

At this moment.

The long sword in Wang Jue's hand struck wildly around Domain Master Wang Jinlong, but could not break through the opponent's defense.

"Don't take your life seriously."

Domain Master Wang Jinlong's aura was terrifying, and a terrifying sword energy was released.

At this moment.

Wang Jue's body retreated, and the aura on his body seemed to be weakening.

"It shouldn't be that simple. What's going on?"

Chen Xuan felt a little strange, but it didn't take long to realize that it was not that simple.

Just when many warriors thought Wang Jue was about to be defeated, suddenly the aura on his body had weakened to an unnoticeable level.

"Just die."

Domain Master Wang Jinlong shouted loudly, but still released a terrifying sword energy.

Behind Wang Jue, a huge and terrifying phantom of a soul suddenly appeared.

Just at this time.

The phantom of the soul released a ferocious power and knocked the long sword out of Domain Master Wang Jinlong's hand.

The bloody aura erupted, and Domain Master Wang Jinlong couldn't help but retreat.

At this moment, Wang Jue flew forward, and the phantom of the soul burst out with power that made him tremble continuously, covering Wang Jinlong Domain Master.

Chen Xuan deduced that Wang Jue should have a secret method, but what was really unexpected was that he actually released the phantom of the soul.

This is a kind of divine soul phantom dark method. Among the three levels of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, there is only one warrior who uses divine soul phantom.

At this time, Chen Xuan finally understood why Wang Jue wanted to get his nine-legged golden insect.

"He wants to use the nine-legged golden insect to restore his secret technique of soul phantom." Chen Xuandao.

This allows the warrior to burst out with more powerful power in a short period of time.

"The inheritor of the Phantom Secret Technique."

Many warriors were very confused and all were very surprised.

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