The domain lords of the ten major domains are scattered throughout the Golden Blood Dragon Secret Realm, all looking for the top inheritance magic weapon.

In an area inside, six domain lords gathered together.

"Why didn't Prince Long show up at all?"

"If I'm not wrong, he knows this place and will definitely come."

"Could Prince Long be killed by Chen Xuan?"

"Impossible. The Golden Blood Dragon Secret Realm is such a sensation. How could it be so easy to meet Chen Xuan by chance? If it is true, this guy is really unlucky?"

Six Territory Lords were waiting anxiously at this place.

However, at this moment, Zhao Zixun returned to the red land instantly.

"What? No way, how is this possible?" Several other warriors looked at Domain Master Zhao Zixun.

"On Golden Blood Dragon Mountain, a top-notch magic weapon appears in this world."

After hearing this, several domain owners became very excited.

Suddenly, he looked at Kong Kong and then Zhao Zixun, the domain master, said very puzzledly: "What is going on? I still think that killing Chen Xuan can be put aside until we get the most powerful top magic weapon on Golden Blood Dragon Mountain. , deal with him."

"The most important thing is that he may have heard some news, and there is a very high chance that he may go to Golden Blood Dragon Mountain."

"Yes, that's right. The most powerful magic weapon is important."

As a practicing warrior, the most important thing is to improve your cultivation. In the hearts of the seven domain masters, cultivation is the most important. Killing Chen Xuan also requires careful discussion.

"Let's go, let's not waste any more time and head to Golden Blood Dragon Mountain."

The center of the Golden Blood Dragon Secret Realm is on the Golden Blood Dragon Mountain.

Chen Xuan checked gently and said, "Is there nothing wrong? How is it?"

"There is no need to worry at all. I have already spread the news about the appearance of the top magic weapon in this place." The Golden Fox Spirit Demon said: "I have just received the news from a bastard. A warrior said it from his mouth. I understand. The condition of this place.”

Chen Xuan said with satisfaction: "Yes, that's correct. If this trip can be successful, I will definitely give you a lot of magic weapons."

The golden fox spirit demon smiled with a ferocious expression: "As long as I can enter the divine time space to practice in seclusion with Master Immortal Beast."

After the Golden Fox Spirit Demon was completely defeated by Chen Xuan, he marveled at the miraculous secrets of cultivation in the divine time space, as well as the nine-legged golden insect, the true nine-clawed golden dragon, the golden dragon monster and many other powerful fairy beasts.

After spending a lot of energy and waiting for seven hours, a warrior finally came to Golden Blood Dragon Mountain.

"Wang Longqiang Territory Lord?"

The warrior who came over was the Domain Master Wang Longqiang. He was nothing if not continued. Chen Xuan directly killed them in the area.

"The strongest domain lord."

Domain Master Wang Longqiang said with a very helpless expression.

"Are you also here for the most powerful top magic weapon in Golden Blood Dragon Mountain?"

Chen Xuan showed a very cruel smile and said: "There is no supreme magic weapon in Golden Blood Dragon Mountain at all. This news was actually spread by me."

"Wait, what's going on?"

Domain Master Wang Longqiang was a little confused.

"Among the domain lords of the ten major domains, a warrior attacked the Qingyun Sword Sect. This time the Golden Blood Dragon Secret Realm was opened. In fact, the purpose was obviously to kill them." Chen Xuan explained simply and carefully.

After hearing this, Domain Master Wang Longqiang did not believe Chen Xuan's words.

Seeing that Domain Master Wang Longqiang did not leave and Chen Xuan didn't have much effort, he closed his eyes directly.

After a while, Wang Longqiang, the domain master, finally began to look for the most powerful magic weapon.

Another month passed, and several domain lords came to the foot of Golden Blood Dragon Mountain at the same time.

"Golden Blood Dragon Mountain."

They looked at the Golden Blood Dragon Mountain filled with yellow sand and felt very happy in their hearts.

"It shouldn't be that simple. What's going on? There is a warrior above, and there is a high chance that he is Wang Longqiang Domain Master."

"Hahaha, it's really funny, just break his soul."

Just at this time.

Domain Master Zhao Junlong also rushed over.

Domain Master Zhao Junlong stopped to say hello.

"Go to hell."

The six warriors used the Thunder Technique without any hesitation. The Dragon Territory Master Zhao Jun was completely unprepared and was seriously injured.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Zhao Junlong Territory Lord shouted loudly and rushed towards the center of Golden Blood Dragon Mountain.

"There's no way you can escape."

Suddenly, the murderous shouts of six warriors filled the air behind him.


A sharp sword energy combined to knock the six warriors who were chasing Zhao Jun's Dragon Territory Master away dozens of meters.

Let him successfully escape to Golden Blood Dragon Mountain.

"Lord Chen Xuan, Territory Lord."

Zhao Junlong domain master road.

At this moment, Domain Master Wang Longqiang also came over, a little shocked.

"What's going on? What happened?"

The six warriors came together to Golden Blood Dragon Mountain.

"Are you in this place too?"

When the six warriors saw Chen Xuan, they were also a little surprised, but it didn't take long before they laughed.

There was a joking expression in his pupils, and he looked at Chen Xuan mockingly: "Since you appear here by such a coincidence, you really saved us some trouble."

Domain Master Wang Longqiang showed shock in his pupils, and a look of surprise in his eyes.

There was nothing more. Domain Master Wang Longqiang took Domain Master Zhao Jun to a nearby place. He had already realized that what Chen Xuan had told him before was true.

"Do you think he is really Territory Lord Chen Xuan? To us now, you are just a joke."

"Seven warriors from the ten domain lords are attacking Qingyun Sword Sect. It seems that the sect behind you is simply very powerful and terrifying."

Chen Xuan said lightly.

"Hahaha, it's really funny. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

"Don't you ask, where did Prince Long Territory Lord go?"

Chen Xuan's words made the expressions of the six warriors become extremely gloomy.

"Did you kill Prince Long?"

Domain Master Wang Longting looked at Chen Xuan with ferocious murderous intent, and the aura within a mile nearby vibrated crazily.

"Who do you think spread the news about the appearance of the most powerful magic weapon in Golden Blood Dragon Mountain?"

Chen Xuan said with a faint smile on his face.

"Are you deliberately setting a trap to trap us?"

"Finally I know. It's not a brain problem." Chen Xuan suddenly smiled.

The six warriors laughed mockingly: "Don't you know what the consequences of doing this will be?"

Shaking his head helplessly, Chen Xuan said: "The consequence will naturally be that all six of you warriors will be killed in this place."

"Chen Xuan, you are too confident in your own cultivation. I admit that we are not your opponent in a one-on-one fight. But with the six of us warriors joining forces, even if you are the ninth level invincible peak expert in the realm of gods, we will not be able to defeat you." do not worry."

"Yes, that's right. I'll cut you into pieces today to let your son know how powerful we are."

Around the six warriors, a terrifying aura instantly erupted.

Chen Xuan nodded helplessly. It seems that these six warriors have forgotten that he defeated Territory Lord Zhang Junyan?

Indeed, as they had inferred, the golden dragon beast that had not fully recovered its strength would consume a lot of strength at a time.

What follows is a long recovery.

Since what he said, they guessed that the golden dragon monster also needed a lot of recovery time. The most important thing was that in addition to the golden dragon monster, there was also a true nine-clawed golden dragon.

"Go to hell."

Domain Master Wang Longting suddenly said loudly in a deep voice, and six warriors immediately joined forces to form a secret formation of ten thousand demons.

Phew... right now!

Violent power slowly spread out from the Ten Thousand Demons Secret Array.

The strength of the six warriors suddenly increased.

"It's really good. It's really interesting."

Chen Xuan's pupils showed excitement and he said helplessly.

This method of the Mysterious Formation of Ten Thousand Demons can actually directly improve the cultivation level of six warriors in a short period of time.

Originally, the six warriors were only invincible at the ninth level of the divine realm, but now they have reached the peak of invincibility at the ninth level of the divine realm.

This moment...

Chen Xuan clearly noticed that some dangerous aura was approaching, and he instantly opened the divine time space.

Just at this time.

The golden dragon monster beast that had not fully recovered its strength once again surged out with all its strength.

At this moment.

The space on earth trembled crazily, "How is that possible?"

The six warriors saw this situation and shouted loudly.

Right now.

Their more powerful Ten Thousand Demons Secret Formation method was directly hit in front of Lin.

Soon the golden dragon monster returned to the divine time space.

This had consumed all his strength. Although he did not kill the six warriors, it was enough.

The golden dragon demon beast broke the secret formation of ten thousand demons of six warriors, and their cultivation levels also dropped from the ninth level invincibility peak of the divine realm to the ninth level invincibility of the divine realm.

Now it is enough for Chen Xuan, a warrior, to kill them.

The fifteen moves of the Ten Thousand Immortals Sword Art were executed, and the fierce sword energy came out. Suddenly, the body of the Domain Master Zhao Zixun had been scattered.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan attacked several other domain lords.

"Exercise skills together."

Domain Master Wang Longting shouted loudly with an extremely shocked expression.

But Chen Xuan's power is so powerful. If they didn't have the secret formation of ten thousand demons, they wouldn't be able to deal with him so easily...

But this time.

Several warriors had been completely killed by Chen Xuan, and only the Domain Master Wang Longting remained.

"What the hell is going on? It's really damned."

Territory Lord Wang Longting looked very surprised. He never expected that things would evolve to this extent.

His expression was very downcast, and he swung it out with all his strength, and a True Immortal Level Formation Stone in front of him was activated directly.

The aura of terror suddenly spread, covering Domain Master Wang Longting.

"It's not very powerful anymore."

Domain Master Wang Longting's True Immortal Level Formation Stone is not very powerful in Chen Xuan's current opinion.

He instantly saw the weakness of the True Immortal Level Formation Stone. He used the Ten Thousand Immortals Sword Art, and the prairie fire sword crazily passed through the power of thunder and directly hit the body of Domain Master Wang Longting.

Right now.

All seven domain lords died.

"Sir, I will definitely kill you no matter how much power I expend."

In the surrounding space, the roar of Domain Master Wang Longting suddenly filled the air.

Then Chen Xuan looked at Domain Master Wang Longqiang and Domain Master Zhao Junlong.

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