"what is going on?"

Chen Xuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the Immortal Beast Sect would join forces with the Demonic Tiger Sect.

Li Wanlong suddenly said: "They came to the third-level high-level domain for the purpose of the younger generation, and it is difficult for us, Qingyun Sword Sect, to expel them."

"Young disciples are discussing and exchanging ideas?"

After hearing this, Chen Xuan's expression became obviously darker than before.

"Master Wan Longjun of the Immortal Beast Sect personally performed the technique. Many of the younger generation in our third-level advanced domain have already lost." Li Wanlong said.

Chen Xuan looked extremely calm and thought for a while.

Then he said very doubtfully: "If I kill Wanlong Lord, will the Immortal Beast Sect and Wanhu Demon King have the courage to attack each other in the third level high-level domain?"

"Hahaha, it's really funny. Although my Qingyun Sword Sect is not as good as these top forces in existence, it can't be suppressed by just one person. If you can kill Wanlong Lord, even the master of the Immortal Beast Sect can't. What happened?”

After hearing this, Chen Xuan showed a ferocious expression and said: "Go."

He was very anxious and wanted to quickly go to Qingyun Immortal Sect.

But now the Immortal Beast Sect and Ten Thousand Tigers and Dragon Demons are here specifically for this time. If they help me solve this problem, it will be difficult for me to leave now.

The Qingyun Sword Sect Immortal Domain is very large. The Immortal Beast Sect and the Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King are watching from the side. Behind them, there are many warriors.

At this moment, in the competition area, Wan Longjun's face was calm, and his pupils were full of mockery.

At this moment.

He used his skills on others at will, and a terrifying sword energy knocked the opponent away.

Lord Wan Long mocked: "Among the younger generation, there is not even one warrior who can fight for three rounds. If it is not possible, the ninth level invincible and accomplished warriors in the realm of gods can also use their techniques, and I, Lord Wan Long, are not afraid."

Being ridiculed by Wan Longjun in this way, all the warriors of Qingyun Sword Sect felt extremely unhappy, but there was nothing they could do about it.

It is indeed normal for these top forces to compete with each other.

The mysterious Qingyun Sword Sect is a top-level powerhouse with three advanced realms, but now there is no warrior among the younger generation who can rival Wan Longjun.

The most important thing is that every warrior who comes to the competition area to fight has no way to defend even one of Wan Longjun's rounds.

As a top sect, Qingyun Sword Sect is completely unable to tolerate this kind of irony.

"What the hell is going on? It's really damned."

At this moment, many warriors are waiting for Wan Longjun. It is obvious that his pupils are full of murderous intent, and they all want to kill him with their eyes.

In the competition area, Wan Longjun looked towards him with an arrogant expression.

"If there really isn't any warrior from the Qingyun Sword Sect who can use their skills, we, the Immortal Beast Sect, won't do so on purpose." Wan Longjun's words were difficult to say.

The leader of the Demon Sect in the Immortal Beast Sect area also showed a smile and said: "I originally thought that the Qingyun Sword Sect, a top-level powerhouse in the third level of advanced domain, has a deep accumulation of power, but now it seems that it is nothing more than this."

"That's right. The Qingyun Sword Sect is actually just a latecomer. Compared to us, the top forces in existence, it is nothing." Lord Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King said with a mocking laugh: "If it weren't for the Demon Tiger Sect and Qingyun The Jianmen has something to discuss. We, the Ten Thousand Tiger Demon Kings, have already led many ordinary inheritors to occupy the third-level advanced domain."

"Looking at this exchange of ideas among young disciples, Qingyun Sword Sect will definitely lose miserably."

The master of the Demon Sect and the Demon King Ten Thousand Tigers kept sarcastic and mocking the Qingyun Sword Sect.

The sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect, who was sitting in the viewing area, had a gloomy expression.

"Wait, what's going on?"

Lord Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King was about to speak when he suddenly felt the breath within his body.

Immediately afterwards, his expression obviously changed.

Li Wanlong and Chen Xuan walked aside and came to the viewing area.

Seeing Chen Xuan, Lord Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King clenched the long sword in his hand, exuding an explosive killing intent.

Although he has never met Chen Xuan, he can feel that Chen Xuan has a very terrifying Tiger God Stone in his body.

"Even if you have a hundred lives to steal my lost magic weapon, it won't be enough."

Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King Dadang.

Wan Longjun also looked at Chen Xuandao: "There is no way in the Blood Dragon Desert to take your life."

Chen Xuan flew forward and arrived at the competition area.

"Master of the sect, can I represent the Qingyun Sword Sect?"


Seeing Chen Xuan, the sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect showed a very excited smile.

"I thought you wouldn't come out."

Wan Longjun said calmly.

Chen Xuan didn't even look at Lord Wanlong. He glanced at Li Wanlong, and then said a few words next to the sect leader.

The sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect said: "The younger generation is competing against each other. In fact, if one's cultivation level is relatively weak and one dies in the opponent's hands during a battle, one cannot actually blame the other warriors."

Arriving at this place, the sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect looked at the demon sect leader and Wanhu Demon King, and said with great confusion: "If you are afraid that Wanlong Lord will be killed, you can leave now."

"Hahaha, it's really funny. The master of our sect is just a damn stinky garbage when he performs his skills. How can he be defeated?"

"Yes, that's correct. Do you think you can be arrogant by killing Shangguan Ruyun, Zhao Junyan and banishing Wang Yan in the Blood Dragon Desert? I have never heard such a funny joke."

Wan Longjun, one of the top three powerful men in the ranking of the younger generation of Wanxian Continent, has reached a very strong level in terms of overall strength.

In the Blood Dragon Desert, the technique has not been used.

What was different from before was that now he finally had to fight Chen Xuan.

Only by killing Wan Longjun can the Immortal Beast Sect and the Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King retreat, and then have a chance to go to Qingyun Immortal Sect.

"Take out the divine time space honestly, and my Immortal Beast Sect will leave instantly." Wan Longjun said calmly.

Chen Xuan nodded helplessly and said: "If you have the courage, go over and take him away. Are all the Immortal Beast Sects like you?"

Wan Longjun's expression turned completely gloomy.

"It makes sense. Very good. I will let you know that you will die if you provoke my Immortal Beast Sect."

Chen Xuan had no connection with the Immortal Beast Sect, it was just because of the divine time and space.

In the Immortal Beast Sect area, some warriors from the Immortal Beast Sect were discussing in low voices.

"Elder, the technique performed by Chen Xuan is very strange, sir."

"My lord is actually at the top of the ranking list of the younger generation in the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. That warrior is only stronger than Wang Yan."

The cultivation bases of the top few in the ranking list of the third level younger generation in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent are all very different.

Being able to reach the ranking list of the third-level young generation in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent is completely capable of surpassing the third-level young generation in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

The leader of the Demon Sect showed a faint smile on Wan Longjun's face.

Lord Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King's profound eyes flashed, and the breath in his body vibrated.

They didn't know that in the previous period, Chen Xuan only relied on his strength to defeat the domain master Zhang Junyan and became the strongest domain master among the top ten domains in the triple advanced domain.

All the warriors' eyes were focused on Chen Xuan and Wan Longjun.

One is the strongest among the ten domain lords of the triple advanced domain, but he is actually the Master of the Immortal Beast Sect, one of the top three strongest among the younger generation of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

They are all outstanding and strong people of the younger generation.

The battle between the two monks was a fierce collision between the Immortal Beast Sect and the younger generation of the third level advanced domain.

In the competition area, a faint aura burst out from Wan Longjun's pupils.

The sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect and Li Wanlong in the viewing area were not worried at all.

"With Chen Xuan's cultivation level, it should be no problem to deal with Lord Wanlong." The sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect said.

"Yes, the Immortal Beast Sect really doesn't take people seriously. Although it is a top force, it is absolutely impossible to force our Qingyun Sword Sect." Li Wanlong deliberately lowered his voice.

The human warriors had a deep hatred against the Immortal Beast Sect, so the Qingyun Sword Sect naturally did not have a good impression of the Immortal Beast Sect.

In the competition area, their auras have been raised to the extreme.

"It was a mistake to let you come out alive from the Blood Dragon Desert that day."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wan Longjun's body fell gently to the ground, and finally his body disappeared in an instant, heading towards Chen Xuan.

At this time, a shocking demonic power erupted around Wan Longjun.

The power of the demon soul suddenly became confused.

"What exactly is going on?"

Seeing this scene, even the sect leader and Li Wanlong of Qingyun Sword Sect in the viewing area were a little surprised.

"No wonder the Immortal Beast Sect is so confident. It turns out that this guy has already cultivated the body of ten thousand monsters." The sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect said with great surprise.

The power of the body of ten thousand demons is very powerful.

Those who can often cultivate the body of ten thousand monsters will have a high chance of becoming the strongest person in the Immortal Beast Sect in the future.

At the beginning, Wan Longjun displayed his body of ten thousand demons.

All he could see was a faint gray aura emerging from him.

These gray auras emerged, gathered together in front of him, and evolved into a terrifying aura.

"Compared to the cultivation level in the Blood Dragon Desert, my cultivation level has improved a lot."

Chen Xuan looked at the flying Lord Wanlong and said slightly.

"But if you only have the skills of a three-legged cat, you are no match for me."

With a mocking laugh, Chen Xuan took out the prairie fire sword and drove it quickly.


The Ten Thousand Immortals Sword Art is at the fifteenth level and flies out.

Phew... right now!

The power completely exploded, and the extremely terrifying sword energy, along with the power of the True Fire Fairy Sword Technique that made him tremble constantly, exploded crazily not far away from the body of ten thousand monsters.

Just at this time.

When the body of ten thousand demons collided with the breath of sharp sword energy, it gradually disappeared, and Chen Xuan was enveloped in it instantly.

"Is this a magical secret?"

In an instant, Chen Xuan understood that this was the magical secret method within the body of all demons.

Immediately afterwards, he shook his head slightly. It was just a magical and mysterious method, but he actually had the courage to be so arrogant in front of him.

When Chen Xuan opened the magical secret method, Wan Longjun had a mocking laugh on his face.

"Hahaha, it's really funny. Even the ninth-level invincible and invincible warriors in the realm of gods and the peak warriors in the ninth-level invincible realm of gods are unlikely to be able to break through the magical secrets contained in the body of ten thousand demons. There is absolutely no way you can escape. ”

Thinking of this place, Wan Longjun gave a low shout, urged all the power to flow out, controlled the power of the body of ten thousand monsters, and charged crazily with the sharp sword energy, trying to beat him to ashes, and then took Chen Xuan life.

Chen Xuan looked near him. The magical and mysterious aura was very terrifying, but in his eyes, there were too many shortcomings exposed.

He waved the long sword in his hand, exerted the power of his divine consciousness, and the violent Suzaku aura slowly filled the air from his body.

The magical and mysterious technique formed by the body of ten thousand monsters had no defensive power in front of him and was directly hit on Lin's face.

Right now.

The sound of an explosion of murderous aura fell near Wan Longjun.

He took a few steps back, then focused his consciousness very much and looked at Chen Xuan.

"What do you mean?"

"You want to suppress me with this magic and mysticism?"

A faint smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face, and the strongest power of the fifteen moves of the Ten Thousand Immortals Sword Technique was completely released, directly destroying the remaining power of the Ten Thousand Demons Body.

Right now.

The body of ten thousand monsters, which was so powerful that it was very confident in its own power, was directly hit in front of Lin at this moment.

Wan Longjun's advancing body also flew backwards.

Stabilizing his body, Wan Longjun's consciousness continued to tremble.

"How can he break my demon body clone?"

In the Immortal Beast Sect area, all the elders of the Immortal Beast Sect were also surprised, and Lord Ten Thousand Tiger Demon King had no idea what he was thinking.

"The clone of the body of ten thousand monsters is very terrifying, but it's a pity that it didn't exert that kind of power." Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly.

Wan Longjun clenched the long sword in his hand, and it was obvious that he was shouting crazily.

"I will definitely kill you. If I don't kill you, I will be a beast..."

At this time, Wan Longjun couldn't even defeat Chen Xuan, his strongest clone of the Ten Thousand Demons body. He roared angrily, and the extremely violent power emitted within a mile nearby.

Just at this time.

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